How Do Rectors of Foundation Universities in Istanbul Position Their Institutions? A Discourse Analysis of Rector Messages Regarding Mission and Vision
Year 2024,
, 72 - 94, 31.12.2024
Ilgaz Tokay
Soner Polat
The main purpose of this research is to determine how the Rectors of Foundation Universities in Istanbul position their universities and to determine which positioning strategies are used by analysing the Rector messages. Rectors' messages on the websites of Foundation Universities were analysed using discourse analysis. The data of this study were analysed using descriptive analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative analysis methods. The study group of the research consists of Rector messages selected from Istanbul Foundation Universities. The positioning strategies of the Foundation Universities were analysed through descriptive analysis. The findings of the study show that Foundation Universities in Istanbul mostly position themselves according to the attribute as a result of clearly defining their goals. For this purpose, universities that clearly express their goals both influence the students who are their target group and distinguish themselves from other competitors. The least used positioning strategy is positioning by product user. In this case, when universities position themselves according to the product user, it can be thought that universities that have difficulty in determining the specific needs of the target group do not want to take risks in this regard.
- Aaker, D.A. & G. Shansby (1982). Positioning Your Product. Business Horizons, 25, 56-62.
- Aaker, D. A. (1996). Resisting temptations to change a brand position/execution: The power of consistency over time. Journal of Brand Management, 3, 251-258.
- Arambewela, R., Hall, J., & Zuhair, S. (2006). Postgraduate international students from Asia: Factors influencing satisfaction. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 15(2), 105-127.
- Arlı, E. (2012). Konumlandırma Stratejilerinin İşletme Performansı ile İlişkisi: Liman İşletmeciliğinde Bir Uygulama. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 19(2), 99-121.
- Arnott, D. C. (1992). Bases of financial services positioning in the personal pension, life assurance, and personal equity plan sectors. The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).
- Avraham, E., & Ketter, E. (2012). Media strategies for marketing places in crisis. Routledge.
- Baltacı, A. (2019). Nitel Araştırma Süreci: Nitel Bir Araştırma Nasıl Yapılır? Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2), 368-388.
- Baker, M., Creedy, J. & Johnson, D. (1996). Financing and effects of internationalisation in higher education: An Australian country study. Accessed: (5 April, 2024):
- Bingham, F. G., & Raffield, B. T. (1990). Business to business marketing management. (No Title).
- Bondarouk, T., & Ruel, H. (2004). Discourse analysis: making complex methodology simple. ECIS 2004 Proceedings, 1.
- Büyükkeklik, A. (2004). Ürün Konumlandırma ve Algılama Haritaları, Niğde’de Bireysel Bankacılık Hizmetleri Üzerine Bir Uygulama [Product Positioning and Perception Maps, An Application on Retail Banking Services in Niğde]. (Unpublished master dissertation) 21-26.
- Blankson, C., & Kalafatis, S. P. (2004). The development and validation of a scale measuring consumer/customer-derived generic typology of positioning strategies. Journal of marketing management, 20(1-2), 5-43.
- CoHE (2023). Accessed (April 7, 2024): YÖK Yükseköğretimde Yeni İstatistikler (
- Çatı, K., Kethüda, Ö., & Bilgin, Y. (2016). Üniversitelerin konumlandırma stratejileri: İstanbul’daki üniversiteler üzerine bir inceleme [Positioning strategies of universities: A study on universities in Istanbul]. Eğitim ve Bilim, 41(185).
- Chapman, A., & Pyvis, D. (2006). Dilemmas in the formation of student identity in offshore higher education: a case study in Hong Kong. Educational Review, 58(3), 291-302.
- Diwan, S. P., & Bodla, B. S. (2011). Development of empirically based customer-derived positioning typology in the automobile industry. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 19(6), 531-550.
- Duarte, P., Alves, H. B. & Raposo, M. B. (2010). Understanding university image: A structural equation model approach. International Review on Public and Non-Profit Marketing, 7, 21-36. doi:10.1007/s12208-009-0042-9.
- Easingwood, C. J., & Mahajan, V. (1989). Positioning of financial services for competitive advantage. Journal of Product Innovation Management: An international publication of the product development & management association, 6(3), 207-219.
- Enz, C. A. (2011). The Cornell School of Hotel Administration on Hospitality: Cutting Edge Thinking and Practice. John Wiley & Sons.
- Florek, M., & Janiszewska, K. (2007). Aplication of brand positioning concept to place branding. Destination Branding and Marketing. New Advances and Challenges for Practice, 100-116.
- Goss, R. (2002). Effective Communication Strategies for Institutions of Higher Education. University Press.
- Grönroos, C. (2007). Service Management and Marketing: Customer Management in Service Competition (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
- Harrison-Walker, L. (2001). The Impact of Communication on University Reputation: A Comparative Study. Journal of College Student Development, 42(5), 522-530.
- Harrison-Walker, L. J., (2009). “Strategic Positioning in Higher Education”, Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 13:1, 103-111.
- Hemsley-Brown, J., & Oplatka, I. (2006). Universities in a Competitive Global Marketplace: A Systematic Review of the Literature on Higher Education Marketing. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 19(4), 316-338.
- Houser, J. (2016). Nursing research: Reading, using and creating evidence: Reading, using and creating evidence. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
- Ivy, J. (2001). Higher Education Institution Image: A Correspondence Analysis Approach. International Journal of Educational Management, 15(6), 276-282.
- Judson, K. M., Gorchels, L. ve Aurand, T. W. (2006). Building a university brand from within: A comparison of coaches' perspectives of internal branding. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 16(1), 97-114. doi:10.1300/J050v16n0105.
- Kalafatis, S. P., Tsogas, M. H., & Blankson, C. (2000). Positioning strategies in business markets. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 15(6), 416-437.
- Kalra, A., & Goodstein, R. C. (1998). The impact of advertising positioning strategies on consumer price sensitivity. Journal of marketing research, 35(2), 210-224.
- Karaçor, S. (2009). Pazarlama İletişiminde Marka Yaratma Odaklı Konumlandırma Stratejileri [Brand Building Focused Positioning Strategies in Marketing Communications] asodosya, Ankara Sanayi Odası, 27-39.
- Kemp, S., Madden, G., & Simpson, M. (1998). Emerging Australian education markets: A discrete choice model of Taiwanese and Indonesian student intended study destination. Education Economics, 6(2), 159-169.
- Kethüda, Ö. (2021). Positioning strategies and rankings in the HE: congruence and contradictions, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/08841241.2021.1892899.
- Kinser, K. (2006). From Main Street to Wall Street: The Transformation of For-Profit Higher Education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 31(5). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Kotter, P., & Keller, K. L. (2009). Marketing Management (13. pressing.). NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
- Lincoln, Y.S. & Guba, E.G. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. California: SAGE
- Litten, L. H. (1980). "Marketing Higher Education: An Overview." Journal of Higher Education, 51(5), 485-502.
- Lowry, J. R., Owens, B. D., (2001). “Developing a Positioning Strategy for a University”, Services Marketing Quarterly, 22:4, 27-41.
- Maggard, J. P. (1976). Positioning Revisited: Is positioning something old, new, or borrowed? Journal of Marketing, 40(1), 63-66.
- Maringe, F., & Gibbs, P. (2008). Marketing higher education: Theory and practice. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
- Mazzarol, T., & Soutar, G. N. (2002). “Push‐pull” factors influencing international student destination choice. International journal of educational management, 16(2), 82-90.
- Mazzarol, T., & Soutar, G. N. (2008). The Global Market for Higher Education: Sustainable Competitive Strategies for the New Millennium. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Megan, K. M., Rachel, G., & Musa, P. (2011). Utilizing brand audit to develop university brand: A case study. Proceedings of ASBBS, 18, 964-975.
- Morgan, R. E., Strong, C. A., & McGuinness, T. (2003). Product‐market positioning and prospector strategy: An analysis of strategic patterns from the resource‐based perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 37(10), 1409-1439.
- Morris, M., & Baddoo, N. (2007). Communicating Institutional Value: The Role of Leadership Messages. Journal of Higher Education Marketing, 18(3), 45-59.
- Polat, S. (2011). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Örgütsel İmaj Algıları ile Akademik Başarıları Arasındaki İlişki Düzeyi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 11(1), 249-262.
- Romaniuk, J. (2001). Brand positioning in financial services: A longitudinal test to find the best brand position. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 6, 111-121.
- Sevier, R.A., (2002). “University Branding: 4 Keys to Success”, University Business, 27-28.
- Sutherland, M. (2020). Advertising and the mind of the consumer: what works, what doesn't and why. Routledge.
- Shah, S., & Harsha, P. P. (2011). Importance of human resource management in achieving customer relations. Annals Management Research, 1(2), 7-13.
- Smith, L. (2010). Strategic Timing in Institutional Communications: Implications for Stakeholder Engagement. Higher Education Review, 32(4), 76-89.
- Stephens, V. L. (2023). Mediating the World Class Imperative: US Automotive Journalism, the Big Three, and the Globalized Automotive Industry of the 1980s. Automotive History, 76.
- Van Dijk, T. A. (Ed.). (1997). Discourse as structure and process (Vol. 1). Sage.
- Worthy, J. C. (1992). The more Things Change, the more they Stay the Same: The Original Sears, Roebuck and Co. Studies. Journal of Management Inquiry, 1(1), 14-38.
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Genişletilmiş 9. Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık.
Year 2024,
, 72 - 94, 31.12.2024
Ilgaz Tokay
Soner Polat
- Aaker, D.A. & G. Shansby (1982). Positioning Your Product. Business Horizons, 25, 56-62.
- Aaker, D. A. (1996). Resisting temptations to change a brand position/execution: The power of consistency over time. Journal of Brand Management, 3, 251-258.
- Arambewela, R., Hall, J., & Zuhair, S. (2006). Postgraduate international students from Asia: Factors influencing satisfaction. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 15(2), 105-127.
- Arlı, E. (2012). Konumlandırma Stratejilerinin İşletme Performansı ile İlişkisi: Liman İşletmeciliğinde Bir Uygulama. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 19(2), 99-121.
- Arnott, D. C. (1992). Bases of financial services positioning in the personal pension, life assurance, and personal equity plan sectors. The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).
- Avraham, E., & Ketter, E. (2012). Media strategies for marketing places in crisis. Routledge.
- Baltacı, A. (2019). Nitel Araştırma Süreci: Nitel Bir Araştırma Nasıl Yapılır? Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2), 368-388.
- Baker, M., Creedy, J. & Johnson, D. (1996). Financing and effects of internationalisation in higher education: An Australian country study. Accessed: (5 April, 2024):
- Bingham, F. G., & Raffield, B. T. (1990). Business to business marketing management. (No Title).
- Bondarouk, T., & Ruel, H. (2004). Discourse analysis: making complex methodology simple. ECIS 2004 Proceedings, 1.
- Büyükkeklik, A. (2004). Ürün Konumlandırma ve Algılama Haritaları, Niğde’de Bireysel Bankacılık Hizmetleri Üzerine Bir Uygulama [Product Positioning and Perception Maps, An Application on Retail Banking Services in Niğde]. (Unpublished master dissertation) 21-26.
- Blankson, C., & Kalafatis, S. P. (2004). The development and validation of a scale measuring consumer/customer-derived generic typology of positioning strategies. Journal of marketing management, 20(1-2), 5-43.
- CoHE (2023). Accessed (April 7, 2024): YÖK Yükseköğretimde Yeni İstatistikler (
- Çatı, K., Kethüda, Ö., & Bilgin, Y. (2016). Üniversitelerin konumlandırma stratejileri: İstanbul’daki üniversiteler üzerine bir inceleme [Positioning strategies of universities: A study on universities in Istanbul]. Eğitim ve Bilim, 41(185).
- Chapman, A., & Pyvis, D. (2006). Dilemmas in the formation of student identity in offshore higher education: a case study in Hong Kong. Educational Review, 58(3), 291-302.
- Diwan, S. P., & Bodla, B. S. (2011). Development of empirically based customer-derived positioning typology in the automobile industry. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 19(6), 531-550.
- Duarte, P., Alves, H. B. & Raposo, M. B. (2010). Understanding university image: A structural equation model approach. International Review on Public and Non-Profit Marketing, 7, 21-36. doi:10.1007/s12208-009-0042-9.
- Easingwood, C. J., & Mahajan, V. (1989). Positioning of financial services for competitive advantage. Journal of Product Innovation Management: An international publication of the product development & management association, 6(3), 207-219.
- Enz, C. A. (2011). The Cornell School of Hotel Administration on Hospitality: Cutting Edge Thinking and Practice. John Wiley & Sons.
- Florek, M., & Janiszewska, K. (2007). Aplication of brand positioning concept to place branding. Destination Branding and Marketing. New Advances and Challenges for Practice, 100-116.
- Goss, R. (2002). Effective Communication Strategies for Institutions of Higher Education. University Press.
- Grönroos, C. (2007). Service Management and Marketing: Customer Management in Service Competition (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
- Harrison-Walker, L. (2001). The Impact of Communication on University Reputation: A Comparative Study. Journal of College Student Development, 42(5), 522-530.
- Harrison-Walker, L. J., (2009). “Strategic Positioning in Higher Education”, Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 13:1, 103-111.
- Hemsley-Brown, J., & Oplatka, I. (2006). Universities in a Competitive Global Marketplace: A Systematic Review of the Literature on Higher Education Marketing. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 19(4), 316-338.
- Houser, J. (2016). Nursing research: Reading, using and creating evidence: Reading, using and creating evidence. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
- Ivy, J. (2001). Higher Education Institution Image: A Correspondence Analysis Approach. International Journal of Educational Management, 15(6), 276-282.
- Judson, K. M., Gorchels, L. ve Aurand, T. W. (2006). Building a university brand from within: A comparison of coaches' perspectives of internal branding. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 16(1), 97-114. doi:10.1300/J050v16n0105.
- Kalafatis, S. P., Tsogas, M. H., & Blankson, C. (2000). Positioning strategies in business markets. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 15(6), 416-437.
- Kalra, A., & Goodstein, R. C. (1998). The impact of advertising positioning strategies on consumer price sensitivity. Journal of marketing research, 35(2), 210-224.
- Karaçor, S. (2009). Pazarlama İletişiminde Marka Yaratma Odaklı Konumlandırma Stratejileri [Brand Building Focused Positioning Strategies in Marketing Communications] asodosya, Ankara Sanayi Odası, 27-39.
- Kemp, S., Madden, G., & Simpson, M. (1998). Emerging Australian education markets: A discrete choice model of Taiwanese and Indonesian student intended study destination. Education Economics, 6(2), 159-169.
- Kethüda, Ö. (2021). Positioning strategies and rankings in the HE: congruence and contradictions, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/08841241.2021.1892899.
- Kinser, K. (2006). From Main Street to Wall Street: The Transformation of For-Profit Higher Education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 31(5). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Kotter, P., & Keller, K. L. (2009). Marketing Management (13. pressing.). NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
- Lincoln, Y.S. & Guba, E.G. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. California: SAGE
- Litten, L. H. (1980). "Marketing Higher Education: An Overview." Journal of Higher Education, 51(5), 485-502.
- Lowry, J. R., Owens, B. D., (2001). “Developing a Positioning Strategy for a University”, Services Marketing Quarterly, 22:4, 27-41.
- Maggard, J. P. (1976). Positioning Revisited: Is positioning something old, new, or borrowed? Journal of Marketing, 40(1), 63-66.
- Maringe, F., & Gibbs, P. (2008). Marketing higher education: Theory and practice. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
- Mazzarol, T., & Soutar, G. N. (2002). “Push‐pull” factors influencing international student destination choice. International journal of educational management, 16(2), 82-90.
- Mazzarol, T., & Soutar, G. N. (2008). The Global Market for Higher Education: Sustainable Competitive Strategies for the New Millennium. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Megan, K. M., Rachel, G., & Musa, P. (2011). Utilizing brand audit to develop university brand: A case study. Proceedings of ASBBS, 18, 964-975.
- Morgan, R. E., Strong, C. A., & McGuinness, T. (2003). Product‐market positioning and prospector strategy: An analysis of strategic patterns from the resource‐based perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 37(10), 1409-1439.
- Morris, M., & Baddoo, N. (2007). Communicating Institutional Value: The Role of Leadership Messages. Journal of Higher Education Marketing, 18(3), 45-59.
- Polat, S. (2011). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Örgütsel İmaj Algıları ile Akademik Başarıları Arasındaki İlişki Düzeyi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 11(1), 249-262.
- Romaniuk, J. (2001). Brand positioning in financial services: A longitudinal test to find the best brand position. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 6, 111-121.
- Sevier, R.A., (2002). “University Branding: 4 Keys to Success”, University Business, 27-28.
- Sutherland, M. (2020). Advertising and the mind of the consumer: what works, what doesn't and why. Routledge.
- Shah, S., & Harsha, P. P. (2011). Importance of human resource management in achieving customer relations. Annals Management Research, 1(2), 7-13.
- Smith, L. (2010). Strategic Timing in Institutional Communications: Implications for Stakeholder Engagement. Higher Education Review, 32(4), 76-89.
- Stephens, V. L. (2023). Mediating the World Class Imperative: US Automotive Journalism, the Big Three, and the Globalized Automotive Industry of the 1980s. Automotive History, 76.
- Van Dijk, T. A. (Ed.). (1997). Discourse as structure and process (Vol. 1). Sage.
- Worthy, J. C. (1992). The more Things Change, the more they Stay the Same: The Original Sears, Roebuck and Co. Studies. Journal of Management Inquiry, 1(1), 14-38.
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Genişletilmiş 9. Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık.