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Year 2003, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 61 - 69, 01.12.2003


Kanıta dayalı uygulama, kanıta dayalı tıp, kanıta dayalı hemşirelik konuları son on yıldır, sağlık ve hemşirelik literatüründe hızla artmakta, konu ile ilgili kitaplar yayımlanmakta, kongreler yapılmakta ve kanıta dayalı hemşirelik merkezleri açılmaktadır. Ülkemizde 2003 yılında yapılan hemşirelik kongrelerinde konu giderek artan bir ilgi ile tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Araştırmalar, kanıt değeri taşıyan sonuçlar sağlıyor mu? Uygulamalar kanıta dayalı mı? Bu sorular soruluyor, uygulamaların kanıta dayalı olmasından söz ediliyor; ancak yapılan tartışmalardan kullanıcıların bu terimlere farklı anlamlar yükledikleri anlaşılıyor. Konunun dünyadaki gelişimi incelendiğinde, benzer sorunların yaşandığı görülmektedir. Kitson 1997 hemşirelerin konu ile ilgili kavramları tam olarak bilmeden bu hareketin içine girdiğini; Ingersoll 2000 kanıta dayalı uygulamaların hemşirelik açısından anlaşılır hale getirilmesi gerektiğini vurgulamıştır. Ülkemizde de Kanıta Dayalı Hemşirelik KDH konusunda anlayış birliğine gereksinim olduğu gözleminden yola çıkılarak oluşturulan bu makalede temel tanımlar, kanıt kaynakları üzerinde durulmuş ve konu ile ilgili ileri bilgilere ulaşılabilecek kaynaklar sunulmuştur.


  • Bjorn, A. (1999) Editorial, Evidence-Based Care. Scand J Caring Sci, 13: 145–146.
  • Caramanica, L. Maljanian, R. McDonald, D. et al. (2002) Evidence-based Nursing Practice, Part 1: A Hospital and University Collabora- tive. JONA, 32(1): 27-30.
  • Ciliska, D.K. et al. (2001) Resources to Enhance Evidence-based Nursing Practice. AACN, 12 (4): 520-528.
  • Closs, S.J. Cheater, F.M. (1999) Evidence for Nursing Practice: A Clarification of the Issues. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30(1): 10-17
  • Colyer, H. Kamath, P. (1999) Evidence-based practice. A philosophical and political analy- sis: some matters for consideration by pro- fessional practitioners. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29:188-193.
  • Cullum, N. (1997) Identifcation and Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials in Nursing: a Preliminary Study. Quality in Health Care, 6:2-6.
  • DiCenso, A. Cullum, N. Ciliska, D. (1998) Imp- lementing Evidence-Based Nursing: Some Misconceptions. Evidence-based Nursing, 1 (2):38-40.
  • Estabrooks, C.A. (1999)Will Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Make Practice Perfect? Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 30(4): 273-294.
  • Gennaro, S. Hodnet, E. Kearney, M. (2001) Making Evidence-Based Practice a Reality in Your Institution. MCN, 26(5):236-244.
  • Greenhalgh, T. (2001) How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence Based Medicine. 2nd ed. BMJ Books. London.
  • Ingersoll, G.L. (2000) Evidence-Based Nursing: What It Is And What It Isn’t? Nursing Out- look, 48 (4): 151-152.
  • Jennings, B.M. (2000) Evidence-Based Practice: The Road Best Traveled? Research in Nur- sing&Health, 23:343-345.
  • Jennings, B.M. Loan, L.A. (2001) Misconcep- tions Among Nurses About Evidence-based Practice. J Nurs Scholarship, 33 (2): 121- 127.
  • Joanna Briggs Institue (2003)
  • Kara, M. Babadağ, K. Kanıta Dayalı Hemşirelik. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 6 (3) :96-104.
  • Kitson, A. (1997). Using Evidence to Demons- trate the Value of Nursing. Nursing Standard, 11(28): 34-39.
  • Krugman, M. Evidence-Based Practice: The Role of Staff Development. J for Nurses in Staff Development, 19 (6): 279–285.
  • McPheeters, M. Lohr, K.N. (1999) Evidence- Based Practice and Nursing: Commentary Outcomes Management for Nursing Practice, 3(3): 99-101.
  • Melynk, B.M. Fineout-Overholt, E. Ackerman, M. (2000) Evidence-Based Practice: the Past, the present, and recommendations for the mil- lenium. Pediatric Nursing, 26: I 1, 77-80.
  • Morris, M. Scott-Findlay, S. Estabrooks, C.A. (2001) Evidence-based Nursing Web Sites: Finding the Best Resources. AACN, 12 (4): 578-587.
  • Muir Gray, J.A. (1997) Evidence-Based Healthcare. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
  • Mullhal, A. (1998) EBN notebook. Nursing, Research and the Evidence. Evidence Based Nursing, 1 (1): 4-6.
  • Pape, T.M. (2003) Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: to Infinity and Beyond. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 34-4: 154-161.
  • Platin, N. (2001) Kanıta Dayalı Hemşirelik Ülkemizde Uygulanamaz: Neden? I. Ulus- lararası&VIII. Ulusal Hemşirelik Kongresi, Kongre Kitabı, 23-26.
  • Romny, D.M. Allen, M.N. Boschma, G. et al. (2003) The Notion of Evidence-Based Practice bythe Nursing Philosophy Working Group. J of Professional Nursing, 19(4): 184-188.
  • Sackett, D.L. Rosenberg, W.M.C. Gray, J. Haynes, R.B. Richardson, W.S. (1996) Evi- dence Based Medicine: what it is and what it isn’t. BMJ. 312: 71-72.
  • Stetler, C.B. Brunell, M. Giuliano, K.K. et al. (1998a) Evidence-Based Practice and the Role of Nursing Leadership. JONA, 28(7/ 8): 45-53.
  • Stetler, C.B. Morsi, D. Rucki, S. et al. (1998b) Utilization-Focused Integrative Reviews in a Nursing Service. Applied Nursing Research, 11 (4): 195-206.
  • Stetler, C.B. (2001). Updating the Stetler Model of Research Utilization to Facilitate Evidence-Based Practice. Nursing Outlook, 49: 272–279.
  • Stevens, K.R. (2001) Systematic Reviews: The Heart of Evidence-based Practice. AACN, 12(4): 529-538.
  • WHA (2003) (Çev: G. Telatar) Hemşirelik ve Ebeliğin Güçlendirilmesi Sekretarya Raporu 56. Dünya Sağlık Asamblesi, Geçici Gündem Maddesi. 14.11, A56/19, 2 Nisan 2003. (http: //
  • Youngblut, J.M. Brooten, D. (2001) Evidence- Based Nursing Practice: Why is it Important. AACN, 12 (4): 468-476.
Year 2003, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 61 - 69, 01.12.2003



  • Bjorn, A. (1999) Editorial, Evidence-Based Care. Scand J Caring Sci, 13: 145–146.
  • Caramanica, L. Maljanian, R. McDonald, D. et al. (2002) Evidence-based Nursing Practice, Part 1: A Hospital and University Collabora- tive. JONA, 32(1): 27-30.
  • Ciliska, D.K. et al. (2001) Resources to Enhance Evidence-based Nursing Practice. AACN, 12 (4): 520-528.
  • Closs, S.J. Cheater, F.M. (1999) Evidence for Nursing Practice: A Clarification of the Issues. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30(1): 10-17
  • Colyer, H. Kamath, P. (1999) Evidence-based practice. A philosophical and political analy- sis: some matters for consideration by pro- fessional practitioners. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29:188-193.
  • Cullum, N. (1997) Identifcation and Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials in Nursing: a Preliminary Study. Quality in Health Care, 6:2-6.
  • DiCenso, A. Cullum, N. Ciliska, D. (1998) Imp- lementing Evidence-Based Nursing: Some Misconceptions. Evidence-based Nursing, 1 (2):38-40.
  • Estabrooks, C.A. (1999)Will Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Make Practice Perfect? Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 30(4): 273-294.
  • Gennaro, S. Hodnet, E. Kearney, M. (2001) Making Evidence-Based Practice a Reality in Your Institution. MCN, 26(5):236-244.
  • Greenhalgh, T. (2001) How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence Based Medicine. 2nd ed. BMJ Books. London.
  • Ingersoll, G.L. (2000) Evidence-Based Nursing: What It Is And What It Isn’t? Nursing Out- look, 48 (4): 151-152.
  • Jennings, B.M. (2000) Evidence-Based Practice: The Road Best Traveled? Research in Nur- sing&Health, 23:343-345.
  • Jennings, B.M. Loan, L.A. (2001) Misconcep- tions Among Nurses About Evidence-based Practice. J Nurs Scholarship, 33 (2): 121- 127.
  • Joanna Briggs Institue (2003)
  • Kara, M. Babadağ, K. Kanıta Dayalı Hemşirelik. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 6 (3) :96-104.
  • Kitson, A. (1997). Using Evidence to Demons- trate the Value of Nursing. Nursing Standard, 11(28): 34-39.
  • Krugman, M. Evidence-Based Practice: The Role of Staff Development. J for Nurses in Staff Development, 19 (6): 279–285.
  • McPheeters, M. Lohr, K.N. (1999) Evidence- Based Practice and Nursing: Commentary Outcomes Management for Nursing Practice, 3(3): 99-101.
  • Melynk, B.M. Fineout-Overholt, E. Ackerman, M. (2000) Evidence-Based Practice: the Past, the present, and recommendations for the mil- lenium. Pediatric Nursing, 26: I 1, 77-80.
  • Morris, M. Scott-Findlay, S. Estabrooks, C.A. (2001) Evidence-based Nursing Web Sites: Finding the Best Resources. AACN, 12 (4): 578-587.
  • Muir Gray, J.A. (1997) Evidence-Based Healthcare. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
  • Mullhal, A. (1998) EBN notebook. Nursing, Research and the Evidence. Evidence Based Nursing, 1 (1): 4-6.
  • Pape, T.M. (2003) Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: to Infinity and Beyond. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 34-4: 154-161.
  • Platin, N. (2001) Kanıta Dayalı Hemşirelik Ülkemizde Uygulanamaz: Neden? I. Ulus- lararası&VIII. Ulusal Hemşirelik Kongresi, Kongre Kitabı, 23-26.
  • Romny, D.M. Allen, M.N. Boschma, G. et al. (2003) The Notion of Evidence-Based Practice bythe Nursing Philosophy Working Group. J of Professional Nursing, 19(4): 184-188.
  • Sackett, D.L. Rosenberg, W.M.C. Gray, J. Haynes, R.B. Richardson, W.S. (1996) Evi- dence Based Medicine: what it is and what it isn’t. BMJ. 312: 71-72.
  • Stetler, C.B. Brunell, M. Giuliano, K.K. et al. (1998a) Evidence-Based Practice and the Role of Nursing Leadership. JONA, 28(7/ 8): 45-53.
  • Stetler, C.B. Morsi, D. Rucki, S. et al. (1998b) Utilization-Focused Integrative Reviews in a Nursing Service. Applied Nursing Research, 11 (4): 195-206.
  • Stetler, C.B. (2001). Updating the Stetler Model of Research Utilization to Facilitate Evidence-Based Practice. Nursing Outlook, 49: 272–279.
  • Stevens, K.R. (2001) Systematic Reviews: The Heart of Evidence-based Practice. AACN, 12(4): 529-538.
  • WHA (2003) (Çev: G. Telatar) Hemşirelik ve Ebeliğin Güçlendirilmesi Sekretarya Raporu 56. Dünya Sağlık Asamblesi, Geçici Gündem Maddesi. 14.11, A56/19, 2 Nisan 2003. (http: //
  • Youngblut, J.M. Brooten, D. (2001) Evidence- Based Nursing Practice: Why is it Important. AACN, 12 (4): 468-476.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Gülseren Kocaman This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Kocaman, G. (2003). HEMŞİRELİKTE KANITA DAYALI UYGULAMA. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 5(2), 61-69.