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Yıl 2004, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 86 - 97, 01.06.2004


This study purpose has been evaluated new methods of contraceptive methods at nowadays. The perfect method of contraception is been 100% effective, safety, not side effects, to be control by user, reversible, effective long term and to protect aganist HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases. This new methods can list; I Hormonal contraception: Transdermal contraception, vaginal ring, II Barrier contraception: Vaginal sponge, Lea’s Shield, III Surgical contraception: Irreversible sterilizasyon, IV Contraceptive immunization: Immunocontraception


  • Ayontte N, Colin P. (2002) Spermicidal Activity Of A New Contraceptive Sponge, Adv Ther., Sep-Oct:19(5):219-28.
  • Barber MR, Favrer-Hosken RA. (2000) Possible mechanisms of mammalian immunocontraception, Journal of Reproductive Immunogy, 46:103-124.
  • Bjarnadottir RI, Tuppurainenm, Killick Sr. (2002) Comparison Of Cyle Control With Combined Contraceptive Vaginal Ring And Oral Levonorgestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol, Am J Obstet Gynecol,186:3, 389-95.
  • Bounds W, Guillebaud J. (1999) Lea’s Shield Contraceptive Device: Pilot Study Of İts Short-Term Patient Acceptability And Aspects Of Use. Br J Fam Plann. Jan;24(4): 117-20.
  • “Contraceptive Technology Update” http: // 6issues/&jtn/v5/tn0203ctu.htm ring
  • Contraceptive Reports, (1997) Future Barrier methods, 8(1), March.
  • Contraceptive Reports, (2003) Contraceptive Sponge vs The Diaphragm: Efficacay and Discontinuation Rates, 14(3), December.
  • Creatsas G, Elsheikh A, Colin P. (2002) Safety And Tolerability Of The New Contracetive Sponge Proctectaid, Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care, Jun:7(2):91-5.
  • Edelman DA. (1984) The Vaginal Contraseptive Sponge”, IPPF Med Bull., 18(3), Jun,1-2.
  • FDA Approves First Hormonal Contraceptive Skin pathc, answers/2001/anso119.html
  • Ferro VA, Mordini E. (2004) Peptide Vaccines İn İmmunocontraception, Curr Opin Mol Ther. Feb;6(1): 83-9.
  • Fishel J. (1997) Contraceptive Technologies: How Much Choice Do We Really Have?, ZPG Report. Mar-Apr; 29(2): 4-6.
  • Frayne J, Hall L. (1999) The Potential Use Of Sperm Antigens As Targets For İmmunokontraception; Past, Present And Future, J.Reprod.Immunol., 43,1.
  • Geoffrey H, Smallwood MD, Mary L. Et Al (2001) Efficacy And Safety Of A Transdermal Contraceptive System, Obstetrics& Gynecology, 98:5, 799-805.
  • Greydanus DE, Patel DR, Rimsza ME. (2001) Contraception in the Adolescent: An Update, Pediatrics, 107(3), March, 562-573.
  • Hardy CM, ten Have JF, Pekin J, Beaton S, Jackson RJ, Clydesdale G. (2003) Contraceptive Responses Of Mice İmmunized With Purified Recombinant Mouse Zona Pellucida Subunit 3 (Mzp3) Proteins. Reproduction. Jul;126(1): 49-59.
  • Johansson ED, Sitruk-Ware R. (2004) New Delivery Systems İn Contraception: Vaginal Rings. Am J Obstet Gynecol. Apr; 190 (4 Suppl): S54-9.
  • Kerin JF, Carignan CS, Cher D. (2001) The Safety And Effectiveness Of A New Hysteroscopic Method For Permanent Birth Control: Results Of The First Essure Pbc Clinical Study Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 41(4), Nov,364-70.
  • Khole V. (2003) Epididymis As A Target For Contraception. Indian J Exp Biol. Jul;41(7): 764-72.
  • Kubalı,Z, Dervișoğlu, AA, Alpay E, Postpartum Family Planning http://family
  • Kuyoh MA, Toroitich-Ruto C, Grimes DA et all. (2003) Sponge Versus diaphragm for contraception: a Cochrane Review, Contraception, Vol:67, Issue 1, 15-18.
  • Lea’s ShieldR, Vaginal Barrier Contraceptive Device. (2002) pdf/PO10043a.pdf
  • Mauck C, Glover LH, Miller E, Allen S, Archer DF, Blumenthal P, Rosenzweig A, Dominik R, Sturgen K, Cooper J, Fingerhut F, Peacock L, Gabelnick HL. (1996) Lea’s Shield: A Study of The Safety And Efficacy of A New Vaginal Barrier Contraceptive Used With And Without Spermicide, Contraception, Jun;53(6):329-35.
  • Mauck C, Lai JJ, Schwartz J, Weiner DH. (2004) Diaphragms İn Clinical Trials: İs Clinician Fitting Necessary?, Contraception. Apr; 69(4): 263-6.
  • Rajesh K, Naz (1996) Application Of Sperm Antigens İn Immunocontraception, Frontiers İn Bioscience1, September, 87-95.
  • Ringleb J, Rohleder M, Jewgenow K. (2004) Impact Of Feline Zona Pellucida Glycoprotein B-Derived Synthetic Peptides On İn Vitro Fertilization Of Cat Oocytes. Reproduction, Feb;127(2):179-86.
  • Rosenberg MS, Waugh S. (1995) Unintended Pregnancies and use, misuse and Discontinuation of Oral Contraceptives, J Reprod Med., 40, 335-360.
  • Roumen FJ, Apter D, Mulders TM, Dieben TO. (2001) Effiacy, Tolerability And Acceptiability of A Novel Contraceptive Vaginal Ring Releasing Etonogestrel And Ethinyl Oestradiol”, Hum Reprod, 16: 3469-75.
  • Soğukpınar N, Saydam BK, Türkistanlı E. (2002) Doğum kontrolü Uygulamalarında Yeni Yönelimler: İmmunokontrasepsiyon, Klinik Bilimler &Doktor, 8(4): 538-541.
  • Suri A. (2004) Sperm Specific Proteins-Potential Candidate Molecules For Fertility Control. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. Mar 10; 2(1): 10.
  • Teol M, Meagher S, Kovacs G. (2003) Ultrasound Detection of The Essure Permanent Birth Control Device: A Case Series, Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 43(5), Oct,378-80.
  • Titia MT, Mulders, Thom OM, Dieben. (2001) “Use Of Novel Kombined Contraceptive Vaginal Ring For Ovulation İnhibition”, Fertility And Sterility 75:5, 865-870.
  • Today Sponge An Overview,http: / / w w w . t o d a y s p o n g e . c o m / clinicalsummary.html
  • Turnbull W. (1996) FDA Panels Probe Efficacy of Barrier Contraceptives. Wash Memo Alan Guttmacher Inst. Dec 20;(10):3-4.
  • Ubeda A, Labastida R, Dexeus S. (2004) Essurer: A New Device For Hysteroscopic Tubal Sterilization İn An Outpatient Setting, Fertility And Sterility, Vol:82(1), July, 196- 199.
  • Urman B. (2003) Kontraseptif Teknolojide Yeni Gelișmeler, (Ed:Akın A), Doğum kontrolünda Temel Bilgiler, İnsan Kaynağını Geliștirme Vakfı, Damla Matbaacılık, s:192.
  • Vaginal Ring. vaginal-ring.htm
  • Vural B, Erk A, Aytekin F. (1996) Yeni Bir Kontrasepsiyon Yöntemi, İmmunokontrasepsiyon, İlaç Ve Tedavi Dergisi, 9:8, 9-13.
  • Weston GC, Schlipalius ML, Vollenhoven BJ. (2002) Migrant Fathers And Their Attitudes to Potential Male Hormonal Contraceptives, Contraception, 66(5),351-.
  • What is Essure?, consumer/


Yıl 2004, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 86 - 97, 01.06.2004


Bu derlemede amaç, günümüzde kullanılan doğum kontrol yöntemlerine ek olarak son yıllarda üzerinde çalıșılan kontraseptif yöntemleri tanıtmaktır.İdeal bir kontraseptif yöntemde bulunması gereken özellikler; %100 etkili ve güvenli olması, yan etkisinin olmaması, kullanıcının kontrolü altında olması, istendiği zaman doğurganlığın geriye dönebilmesi, uzun etkili olması, HIV ve diğer cinsel yolla bulașan hastalıklardan koruyucu olması, kișiler tarafından kabul edilebilir olmasıdır. Yıllardır yapılan çalıșmalarla, ideal doğum kontrol yöntemleri geliștirilmeye çalıșılmaktadır; Doğum Kontrolünde yeni yöntemler; I-Hormonal Yöntemler: Vajinal halkalar ring , Kontraseptif bant tarnsdermal kontraseptif , II- Bariyer Yöntemler: Vajinal sünger sponge , Lea kalkanı shield , III- Cerrahi Yöntemler: İrreversbl sterilizasyon, IV- Kontraseptif așılar immünokontrasepsiyon olarak saptanmıștır.Çalıșmada halen varolan kontraseptif yöntemlere eklenen yeni yöntemler geniș bir șekilde açıklanmaktadır


  • Ayontte N, Colin P. (2002) Spermicidal Activity Of A New Contraceptive Sponge, Adv Ther., Sep-Oct:19(5):219-28.
  • Barber MR, Favrer-Hosken RA. (2000) Possible mechanisms of mammalian immunocontraception, Journal of Reproductive Immunogy, 46:103-124.
  • Bjarnadottir RI, Tuppurainenm, Killick Sr. (2002) Comparison Of Cyle Control With Combined Contraceptive Vaginal Ring And Oral Levonorgestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol, Am J Obstet Gynecol,186:3, 389-95.
  • Bounds W, Guillebaud J. (1999) Lea’s Shield Contraceptive Device: Pilot Study Of İts Short-Term Patient Acceptability And Aspects Of Use. Br J Fam Plann. Jan;24(4): 117-20.
  • “Contraceptive Technology Update” http: // 6issues/&jtn/v5/tn0203ctu.htm ring
  • Contraceptive Reports, (1997) Future Barrier methods, 8(1), March.
  • Contraceptive Reports, (2003) Contraceptive Sponge vs The Diaphragm: Efficacay and Discontinuation Rates, 14(3), December.
  • Creatsas G, Elsheikh A, Colin P. (2002) Safety And Tolerability Of The New Contracetive Sponge Proctectaid, Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care, Jun:7(2):91-5.
  • Edelman DA. (1984) The Vaginal Contraseptive Sponge”, IPPF Med Bull., 18(3), Jun,1-2.
  • FDA Approves First Hormonal Contraceptive Skin pathc, answers/2001/anso119.html
  • Ferro VA, Mordini E. (2004) Peptide Vaccines İn İmmunocontraception, Curr Opin Mol Ther. Feb;6(1): 83-9.
  • Fishel J. (1997) Contraceptive Technologies: How Much Choice Do We Really Have?, ZPG Report. Mar-Apr; 29(2): 4-6.
  • Frayne J, Hall L. (1999) The Potential Use Of Sperm Antigens As Targets For İmmunokontraception; Past, Present And Future, J.Reprod.Immunol., 43,1.
  • Geoffrey H, Smallwood MD, Mary L. Et Al (2001) Efficacy And Safety Of A Transdermal Contraceptive System, Obstetrics& Gynecology, 98:5, 799-805.
  • Greydanus DE, Patel DR, Rimsza ME. (2001) Contraception in the Adolescent: An Update, Pediatrics, 107(3), March, 562-573.
  • Hardy CM, ten Have JF, Pekin J, Beaton S, Jackson RJ, Clydesdale G. (2003) Contraceptive Responses Of Mice İmmunized With Purified Recombinant Mouse Zona Pellucida Subunit 3 (Mzp3) Proteins. Reproduction. Jul;126(1): 49-59.
  • Johansson ED, Sitruk-Ware R. (2004) New Delivery Systems İn Contraception: Vaginal Rings. Am J Obstet Gynecol. Apr; 190 (4 Suppl): S54-9.
  • Kerin JF, Carignan CS, Cher D. (2001) The Safety And Effectiveness Of A New Hysteroscopic Method For Permanent Birth Control: Results Of The First Essure Pbc Clinical Study Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 41(4), Nov,364-70.
  • Khole V. (2003) Epididymis As A Target For Contraception. Indian J Exp Biol. Jul;41(7): 764-72.
  • Kubalı,Z, Dervișoğlu, AA, Alpay E, Postpartum Family Planning http://family
  • Kuyoh MA, Toroitich-Ruto C, Grimes DA et all. (2003) Sponge Versus diaphragm for contraception: a Cochrane Review, Contraception, Vol:67, Issue 1, 15-18.
  • Lea’s ShieldR, Vaginal Barrier Contraceptive Device. (2002) pdf/PO10043a.pdf
  • Mauck C, Glover LH, Miller E, Allen S, Archer DF, Blumenthal P, Rosenzweig A, Dominik R, Sturgen K, Cooper J, Fingerhut F, Peacock L, Gabelnick HL. (1996) Lea’s Shield: A Study of The Safety And Efficacy of A New Vaginal Barrier Contraceptive Used With And Without Spermicide, Contraception, Jun;53(6):329-35.
  • Mauck C, Lai JJ, Schwartz J, Weiner DH. (2004) Diaphragms İn Clinical Trials: İs Clinician Fitting Necessary?, Contraception. Apr; 69(4): 263-6.
  • Rajesh K, Naz (1996) Application Of Sperm Antigens İn Immunocontraception, Frontiers İn Bioscience1, September, 87-95.
  • Ringleb J, Rohleder M, Jewgenow K. (2004) Impact Of Feline Zona Pellucida Glycoprotein B-Derived Synthetic Peptides On İn Vitro Fertilization Of Cat Oocytes. Reproduction, Feb;127(2):179-86.
  • Rosenberg MS, Waugh S. (1995) Unintended Pregnancies and use, misuse and Discontinuation of Oral Contraceptives, J Reprod Med., 40, 335-360.
  • Roumen FJ, Apter D, Mulders TM, Dieben TO. (2001) Effiacy, Tolerability And Acceptiability of A Novel Contraceptive Vaginal Ring Releasing Etonogestrel And Ethinyl Oestradiol”, Hum Reprod, 16: 3469-75.
  • Soğukpınar N, Saydam BK, Türkistanlı E. (2002) Doğum kontrolü Uygulamalarında Yeni Yönelimler: İmmunokontrasepsiyon, Klinik Bilimler &Doktor, 8(4): 538-541.
  • Suri A. (2004) Sperm Specific Proteins-Potential Candidate Molecules For Fertility Control. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. Mar 10; 2(1): 10.
  • Teol M, Meagher S, Kovacs G. (2003) Ultrasound Detection of The Essure Permanent Birth Control Device: A Case Series, Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 43(5), Oct,378-80.
  • Titia MT, Mulders, Thom OM, Dieben. (2001) “Use Of Novel Kombined Contraceptive Vaginal Ring For Ovulation İnhibition”, Fertility And Sterility 75:5, 865-870.
  • Today Sponge An Overview,http: / / w w w . t o d a y s p o n g e . c o m / clinicalsummary.html
  • Turnbull W. (1996) FDA Panels Probe Efficacy of Barrier Contraceptives. Wash Memo Alan Guttmacher Inst. Dec 20;(10):3-4.
  • Ubeda A, Labastida R, Dexeus S. (2004) Essurer: A New Device For Hysteroscopic Tubal Sterilization İn An Outpatient Setting, Fertility And Sterility, Vol:82(1), July, 196- 199.
  • Urman B. (2003) Kontraseptif Teknolojide Yeni Gelișmeler, (Ed:Akın A), Doğum kontrolünda Temel Bilgiler, İnsan Kaynağını Geliștirme Vakfı, Damla Matbaacılık, s:192.
  • Vaginal Ring. vaginal-ring.htm
  • Vural B, Erk A, Aytekin F. (1996) Yeni Bir Kontrasepsiyon Yöntemi, İmmunokontrasepsiyon, İlaç Ve Tedavi Dergisi, 9:8, 9-13.
  • Weston GC, Schlipalius ML, Vollenhoven BJ. (2002) Migrant Fathers And Their Attitudes to Potential Male Hormonal Contraceptives, Contraception, 66(5),351-.
  • What is Essure?, consumer/
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Hafize Öztürk

Esin Çeber Bu kişi benim

Birsen Karaca Saydam Bu kişi benim

Neriman Soğukpınar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2004
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, H., Çeber, E., Karaca Saydam, B., Soğukpınar, N. (2004). DOĞUM KONTROL YÖNTEMLERİ VE YENİLİKLER. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 6(1), 86-97.