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Year 2005, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 64 - 86, 01.06.2005


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to describe nurses’ views on their research activities and their views towards research and nurses’ needs of knowledge. TYPE OF STUDY: This study was conducted as a descriptive research type.DATA COLLECTION METHODS AND DATE: Data were collected between the dates of 24 March-25 May of the year 2000. This study was conducted on the 344 nurses who were working in the hospitals that include in the border of the city of Ankara Municipality and the data were collected using questionnarie that were prepared by the researchers. FINDINGS: %19.1 of the nurses are reading scientiŞ c publication, %46.5 are participating in scientiŞ c meetings, %67.4 have an interest to participate in research activities in their work area, %75.1 are participating in the reseacrhes and %40.9 of them only participate in data collection process.It was learned that % 67.4 of the nurses couldn’t involve effectively in the research and %32 of them gave lack of kowledge and %17.9 gave lack of time as the reason for this. It was learned that %62.8 of the nurses are willing to do reseacrh and learn research methods and it was learned that reading scientiŞ c publications and participating in scientiŞ c meetings effects willingness to conduct research and need education in a positive way.RESULTS: This study has showed that nurses are not in a sufŞ cient level to conduct and participate in researches and there is a need for increasing the support in the workplace and also there is a need for the research training


  • Adamsen,L; Larsen,K; Bjerregaard,L; Madsen JK (2003) Danish research -active clinical nurses overcome barriers in research utilization. Scand J Caring Sci.17:57-65.
  • Akinsaya,JA (1994) Making rsearch useful to the practising nurse. J Adv Nurs.19:174-179.
  • Aksayan,S; Emiroğlu,ON(1999) Hemșirelik araștırma raporlarının yöntem sunumu açısından değerlendirilmesi. Hemșirelik Araștırma Dergisi,1(1):41-46.
  • Aksayan,S; Emiroğlu,ON (2002) Araștırma tasarımı(Ed:Erefe,İ) Hemșirelikte Araștırma, İlke, Süreç ve Yöntemleri. Hemar-G Yayını- ,Odak Ofset, Ankara..
  • Ax,S; Kincade,E (2001) Nursing students’ perceptions of research: usefulness, implementation and trainig. J Adv Nurs, 35:161-170.
  • Bayık,A(2002) Hemșirelik disiplini ve araștırma (Ed: Erefe,İ) Hemșirelikte Araștırma, İlke, Süreç ve Yöntemleri. Hemar- G Yayını, Odak Ofset, Ankara.
  • Berggren,A (1996) Swedish midwives’s awarwnwss of attitudes to and use of selected research findings. J Adv Nurs. 23:462-470.
  • Björkström,M E; Hamrin, E K F (2001) Swedish nuses’ attitudes towards research and development within nursing. J Adv Nurs. 34(5): 706-714.
  • Björnsdottır,K(2001) Language, researh and nursing practice. J Adv Nurs, 32(2):159-166. Burrows,D; McLeish,K (1995) A model for research-based Practice. J Clin Nurs,4: 243- 247.
  • Camiah,S(1997) Utilization of nursing research in practice and application strategies to raise research awareness amongst nurse practitioners: a model for success. J Adv Nurs.26: 1193-1202.
  • Closs,JS; Cheater,FM(1994) Utilization of nursing research: culture,interest and support. J Adv Nurs. 19(4):762-773.
  • Cooke,A; Green,B (2000) Developing the research capacity of depertmenets of nursing and midwifery based in higher education: a review of the literature. J Adv Nurs, 32(1); 57-65.
  • Davies,J; Heyman,B; Bryar,R; Graffy,J; Gunnell,C; Lamb,B; Morris,L (2002) The research potential of practice nurses. Health and Social Care in the Community.10(59.370-381.
  • Deans,C; Lea,D; Geyer,R(1997) Nursing research down under. Journal of Psyhosocial Nursing,35.25-31. Aktaran RoxburghM(2006) An exploration of factors which constrain nurses from research participation. J Clin Nurs.15: 535-545.
  • Dunn,V; Crichton,N; Roe,B; Seers,B; Williams, K (1998) Using research for practice: a UK experience of the Barriers Scale. J Adv Nurs.27: 1203-1210.
  • Emiroğlu,ON (2004) Türkiye’de hemșirelik araștırmalarının tarihsel gelișimi,II.Ulusal Hemșirelik Araștırma Sempozyumu,8-10 Nisan2004,Ankara,Sempozyum Kitabı,s.83.
  • French,B (2005) The process of research use in nursing. J Adv Nurs.49(29):125-134.
  • Funk,SG; Champagne,MA, Wiese,RA; Tornquist,EM(1991) Barriers: the barriers to research utilization scale. App Nurs Res,4:39-45.
  • Funk,SG; Tornquıst,EM; Champagne,MT(1995) Barriers and facilitators of research utilization: an integrative review. Nurs Clin of North Amer,30;395-407.
  • Funk,SG; Champagne,MT; Tornquist,EM; Wicse,R (1998) Administrators’ views on barriers to research utilization. App Nurs Res. 8. 44-49.
  • Gardner,G; Gardner,A; Proctor,M (2004) Nurse practitioner education: a research -based curriculum structure. J Adv Nurs. 47(2): 143-152.
  • Gillibrand,W P; Burton,C; Watkins,GG (2002) Clinical networks for nursing research. Int Nurs Review. 49.188- 193.
  • Glacken,M; Chaney,D (2004) Perceived barriers and facilitators to implementing research findings in the Irish practice setting. J Clin Nurs. 13:731-740.
  • Green,S; Houston,S (1993) Promoting research activities: institutional strategies. App. Nurs. Res,6:97-98.
  • Hicks,C (1993) A survey of midwives’ attitudes to, and involvement in research:the first stage in identifying needs for a staff development programme. Midwifery, 9:51-67. Aktaran: Kuuppelomakı,M& Tuomı,J(2003) Finnish nurses’ views on their research activities. J Clin Nurs, 12: 589-600.
  • Hicks,C (1995) The shortfall in published research: a study of nurses’ research and publication activities. J Adv Nurs.21;594-604.
  • Hicks,C (1996) A study of nurses’ attitudes towards research: a factor analytic approach. J Adv Nurs.23; 373-379.
  • Hinds,PS; Gattuso,J; Morrell,A (2000) Creating a hospital-based nursing research fellowship program for staff nurses. J Nurs Adm.30(6): 317-324.
  • Howarth,ML; Kneafsey R (2005) The impact of research governance in healthcare and higher education organizations. J Adv Nurs.49(&): 675-683.
  • Hundley,V; Milne,J; Leighton-Beck,L; Graham,W; Fitzmaurice,A (2000) Raising research awarenesss among midwives and nurses: does ıt work?. J Adv Nurs. 31(19.78-88.
  • Kajermo,KN; Nordström, G; Kruebrant,A; Björvel,H (2000) Perceptions of research utilization: comparisons between health care proffessionals, nursing students and a reference group of nurse clinicians. J Adv Nurs.31(1): 99-109.
  • Kirby,S(2004) A historical perspective on the contrasting experinences of nurses as a research subjects and research activists. Int J Nurs Prac.10:272-279.
  • Kuuppelomaki,M; Tuomi,J (2003) Finnish nurses’ views on their research activities. J Clin Nurs.12:589-600.
  • Kuuppelomaki, M; Tuomi, J (2005) Finnish nurses’ attitudes towards nursing research and related factors. Int J Nurs Stud.42(2): 187-196.
  • Lacey,E.A (19949 Research utilization in nursing practice- a pilot study. J Adv Nurs,19: 987-995.
  • Lee,M B, Tinevez,L; Saeed,I(2002) Linking research and practice: participation of nurses in research to influence policy. Int Nurs Rewiev.49.20-26.
  • Lengacher,C A; Wabe,P R (1992) A collaborative process and framework for nursing research. Nursing Connection. 584):59-66.
  • Marsh,GW; Brown TL(1992) The masurement of nurses’ attitudes towards nursing research and the research environment in clinical settings. J Clin Nurs.1:15-22.
  • McCaughan,D; Thompson,C; Cullum,N; Sheldon,T; Trevor,A; Thompson,D (2002) Acute care nurses’ perceptions of barriers to using research information in clinical decisionmaking. J Adv Nurs,39(1):46-60.
  • McCleary,L; Brown,G T(2003) Barriers to paediatric nurses’ research utilization. J Adv Nurs.42(4): 364-372.
  • McKiel,E; Dawe,U(1991) Hospital-based nursing research programs:a requirement for progress. Can.J Nurs Adm.4(3):26- 27.
  • McSherry,R (19979 What do registered nurses and midwives feel and know about research? J Adv Nurs,25: 985-998.
  • Medoff-Cooper,B; Lamb,A H (1989) The clinical specialist-staff nurse research team: a model for clinical research. Clin Nurse Spec.3819.16-19.
  • Michel,Y; Sneed,NV(1995) Dissemination and use of research findings in nursing practice. Journal of Professional Nursing.11: 306-311.
  • Aktaran.Roxbugh,M(2006) An exploration of factors which constrain nurses from research participation. J Clin Nurs.15:535-545.
  • Nilsson Kajermo,K; Nordström,G; Kruscbrant,A; Björvall,H (1998) Barriers to and facilitators of research utilisation, as perceived by a group of registered nurses in Sweden. J Adv Nurs,27:798-807.
  • Ogissio,T (1994) Nursing research training and career development araund the world. (Aktaran) Freshwater, D (2003) Understanding and implementing clinical nursing research. Erișim Adres: www.ı
  • Oranta,O; Routasalo,P; Hupli,M (2002) Barriers to and facilitators of research utilization among Finnish registered nurses. J Clin Nurs.11:205-213.
  • Parahoo,K (1999) A comparison of pre-project 2000 and project 2000 nurses’ perceptions of their research. J Adv Nurs. 29(1):237-245.
  • Parahoo,K(2000) Barriers to and facilitators of research utilization among nurses in northern Ireland. J Adv Nurs.31(1):89-98.
  • Parahoo,K; McCaughan,EM(2001) Research utilization among and surgical nurses: a comparison of their self reports and perceptions of barriers and facilitators. J Nurs Manag, 9: 21-30.
  • Pearey,PA(1995) Achieving research-based nursing. J Adv Nurs.2: 33-39.
  • Pettingill,M.M; Gillies,D.A; Clark CC(1994) Factors encouraging and discouraging the use of nursing research findings. Image.26;143- 147.
  • Polit,D ve Hungler,B (1997) Nursing research,principles and methods. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. Raudonis,BM; Acton GJ (1997) Theory-based nursing practice.J Adv Nurs,26:138-145.
  • Renner,C(1989) Researching research:a method for promoting positive attitudes. Appl Nurs Res.2 (1):2-5.
  • Retsas;A (2000) Barriers to using research evidence in nursing practice. J Adv Nurs,31: 599-606.
  • Rodgers, S E (1994) An exploratory study of research utilization by nurses in general medical and surgical wards. J Adv Nurs.20: 901-911.
  • Rodgers, S E (2000 a) A study of the utilization of research in practice and influence of education. Nurs Educ Today. 20: 279- 287.
  • Rodgers, S E (2000 b) The extent of nursing research utilization in general medical and surgical wards. J Adv Nurs.32(1):182-193.
  • Rolfe,G (1996) Going to extremes: action research,grounded practice and the theorypractice gap in nursing. J Adv Nurs,24: 1316-1320.
  • Rosswurm,MA Larrabee,JH (1999) A model for change to evidence-based practice. J Nurs Scholar,31(4): 317-322.
  • Smith,JP (1996) The role of nursing journals in the advancement of professional nursing. J Adv Nurs. 23:12.
  • Sheil,E P; Crain,H (1992) Report of an innovative research program for baccalaureate nursing students. J Nurs Edu.31(8):381-393.
  • Sitzia,J (2001) Barriers to research utilization: the clinical setting and nurses themselves. European J Oncol Nurs,5(3):154-164.
  • Stetler,CB; Di Maggio,G (1991) Research utilization among clinical nurse specialist. Clin Nurs Specialist,5;151-155.
  • Tsai, S-L (2000) Nurses’ participation and utilization of research in the Republic of China. Int J Nurs Stud,37;435-444.
  • Traynor,M; Rafferty,A M (1999) Nursing and the research asssessment exercise:past,present and future. J Adv Nurs.30(1):186-192.
  • Veeramah,V (1995) A study to identify the attitudes and needs of qualified staff concerning the use of research findings in clinical practice with mental care settings. J Adv Nurs,22;855-861.
  • Wells,N; Baggs,JG (1994) A survey of practicing nurses’ research interests and activities. Clin Nurs Specialist,8;145-151.
  • Upton,D (1999) How can we achieve evidencebased practice if we have a theory- practice gap in nursing today? J Adv Nurs,29:549-555.


Year 2005, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 64 - 86, 01.06.2005


AMAÇ: Bu çalıșma, hemșirelerin araștırmaya ilișkin görüșleri,araștırmaya katılma durumları ve araștırmaya ilișkin bilgi gereksinimlerini saptamak amacıyla yapılmıștır. ARAȘTIRMANIN TÜRÜ: Tanımlayıcı araștırma türünde yapılmıștır.VERİ TOPLAMA TARİHİ VE YÖNTEMİ: Ankara İli Belediye sınırları içinde yer alan hastanelerde çalıșan 344 hemșireyi kapsayan bu çalıșmada araștırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan soru kağıdı kullanılmıș ve araștırmanın verileri 24 Mart- 25 Mayıs 2000 tarihleri arasında toplanmıștır. BULGULAR: Hemșirelerin%19.1 inin bilimsel yayın izlediği, %46.5 inin bilimsel toplantılara katıldığı %67.4 ünün çalıștığı alanda araștırma yapma isteği duyduğu belirlenmiștir. Hemșirelerin %75.1inin araștırmalara katıldıkları ve araștırmalara katılan hemșirelerin%40.9 unun ise sadece veri toplama așamasında yer aldıkları görülmüștür. Hemșirelerin %67.4 ünün bir araștırmayı tümüyle yürütemedikleri ve bu hemșirelerin %32 sinin bilgi yetersizliğini,%17.9 unun ise zaman yetersizliğini neden olarak ileri sürdükleri saptanmıștır. Hemșirelerin %62.8 inin araștırma yapmaya ve araștırma eğitimi alamaya istekli olduğu belirlenirken bilimsel yayın takibi ve bilimsel toplantılara katılmanın araștırma yapma ve eğitim isteme üzerinde olumlu etkisi saptanmıștır. SONUÇ: Bu çalıșma,hemșirelerin araștırmalara katılma ve araștırma yapma konusunda yeterli düzeyde olmadıklarını, çalıșma ortamının destekleyici hale getirilmesi yanında araștırma eğitimine gereksinim duyulduğunu ortaya koymaktadır


  • Adamsen,L; Larsen,K; Bjerregaard,L; Madsen JK (2003) Danish research -active clinical nurses overcome barriers in research utilization. Scand J Caring Sci.17:57-65.
  • Akinsaya,JA (1994) Making rsearch useful to the practising nurse. J Adv Nurs.19:174-179.
  • Aksayan,S; Emiroğlu,ON(1999) Hemșirelik araștırma raporlarının yöntem sunumu açısından değerlendirilmesi. Hemșirelik Araștırma Dergisi,1(1):41-46.
  • Aksayan,S; Emiroğlu,ON (2002) Araștırma tasarımı(Ed:Erefe,İ) Hemșirelikte Araștırma, İlke, Süreç ve Yöntemleri. Hemar-G Yayını- ,Odak Ofset, Ankara..
  • Ax,S; Kincade,E (2001) Nursing students’ perceptions of research: usefulness, implementation and trainig. J Adv Nurs, 35:161-170.
  • Bayık,A(2002) Hemșirelik disiplini ve araștırma (Ed: Erefe,İ) Hemșirelikte Araștırma, İlke, Süreç ve Yöntemleri. Hemar- G Yayını, Odak Ofset, Ankara.
  • Berggren,A (1996) Swedish midwives’s awarwnwss of attitudes to and use of selected research findings. J Adv Nurs. 23:462-470.
  • Björkström,M E; Hamrin, E K F (2001) Swedish nuses’ attitudes towards research and development within nursing. J Adv Nurs. 34(5): 706-714.
  • Björnsdottır,K(2001) Language, researh and nursing practice. J Adv Nurs, 32(2):159-166. Burrows,D; McLeish,K (1995) A model for research-based Practice. J Clin Nurs,4: 243- 247.
  • Camiah,S(1997) Utilization of nursing research in practice and application strategies to raise research awareness amongst nurse practitioners: a model for success. J Adv Nurs.26: 1193-1202.
  • Closs,JS; Cheater,FM(1994) Utilization of nursing research: culture,interest and support. J Adv Nurs. 19(4):762-773.
  • Cooke,A; Green,B (2000) Developing the research capacity of depertmenets of nursing and midwifery based in higher education: a review of the literature. J Adv Nurs, 32(1); 57-65.
  • Davies,J; Heyman,B; Bryar,R; Graffy,J; Gunnell,C; Lamb,B; Morris,L (2002) The research potential of practice nurses. Health and Social Care in the Community.10(59.370-381.
  • Deans,C; Lea,D; Geyer,R(1997) Nursing research down under. Journal of Psyhosocial Nursing,35.25-31. Aktaran RoxburghM(2006) An exploration of factors which constrain nurses from research participation. J Clin Nurs.15: 535-545.
  • Dunn,V; Crichton,N; Roe,B; Seers,B; Williams, K (1998) Using research for practice: a UK experience of the Barriers Scale. J Adv Nurs.27: 1203-1210.
  • Emiroğlu,ON (2004) Türkiye’de hemșirelik araștırmalarının tarihsel gelișimi,II.Ulusal Hemșirelik Araștırma Sempozyumu,8-10 Nisan2004,Ankara,Sempozyum Kitabı,s.83.
  • French,B (2005) The process of research use in nursing. J Adv Nurs.49(29):125-134.
  • Funk,SG; Champagne,MA, Wiese,RA; Tornquist,EM(1991) Barriers: the barriers to research utilization scale. App Nurs Res,4:39-45.
  • Funk,SG; Tornquıst,EM; Champagne,MT(1995) Barriers and facilitators of research utilization: an integrative review. Nurs Clin of North Amer,30;395-407.
  • Funk,SG; Champagne,MT; Tornquist,EM; Wicse,R (1998) Administrators’ views on barriers to research utilization. App Nurs Res. 8. 44-49.
  • Gardner,G; Gardner,A; Proctor,M (2004) Nurse practitioner education: a research -based curriculum structure. J Adv Nurs. 47(2): 143-152.
  • Gillibrand,W P; Burton,C; Watkins,GG (2002) Clinical networks for nursing research. Int Nurs Review. 49.188- 193.
  • Glacken,M; Chaney,D (2004) Perceived barriers and facilitators to implementing research findings in the Irish practice setting. J Clin Nurs. 13:731-740.
  • Green,S; Houston,S (1993) Promoting research activities: institutional strategies. App. Nurs. Res,6:97-98.
  • Hicks,C (1993) A survey of midwives’ attitudes to, and involvement in research:the first stage in identifying needs for a staff development programme. Midwifery, 9:51-67. Aktaran: Kuuppelomakı,M& Tuomı,J(2003) Finnish nurses’ views on their research activities. J Clin Nurs, 12: 589-600.
  • Hicks,C (1995) The shortfall in published research: a study of nurses’ research and publication activities. J Adv Nurs.21;594-604.
  • Hicks,C (1996) A study of nurses’ attitudes towards research: a factor analytic approach. J Adv Nurs.23; 373-379.
  • Hinds,PS; Gattuso,J; Morrell,A (2000) Creating a hospital-based nursing research fellowship program for staff nurses. J Nurs Adm.30(6): 317-324.
  • Howarth,ML; Kneafsey R (2005) The impact of research governance in healthcare and higher education organizations. J Adv Nurs.49(&): 675-683.
  • Hundley,V; Milne,J; Leighton-Beck,L; Graham,W; Fitzmaurice,A (2000) Raising research awarenesss among midwives and nurses: does ıt work?. J Adv Nurs. 31(19.78-88.
  • Kajermo,KN; Nordström, G; Kruebrant,A; Björvel,H (2000) Perceptions of research utilization: comparisons between health care proffessionals, nursing students and a reference group of nurse clinicians. J Adv Nurs.31(1): 99-109.
  • Kirby,S(2004) A historical perspective on the contrasting experinences of nurses as a research subjects and research activists. Int J Nurs Prac.10:272-279.
  • Kuuppelomaki,M; Tuomi,J (2003) Finnish nurses’ views on their research activities. J Clin Nurs.12:589-600.
  • Kuuppelomaki, M; Tuomi, J (2005) Finnish nurses’ attitudes towards nursing research and related factors. Int J Nurs Stud.42(2): 187-196.
  • Lacey,E.A (19949 Research utilization in nursing practice- a pilot study. J Adv Nurs,19: 987-995.
  • Lee,M B, Tinevez,L; Saeed,I(2002) Linking research and practice: participation of nurses in research to influence policy. Int Nurs Rewiev.49.20-26.
  • Lengacher,C A; Wabe,P R (1992) A collaborative process and framework for nursing research. Nursing Connection. 584):59-66.
  • Marsh,GW; Brown TL(1992) The masurement of nurses’ attitudes towards nursing research and the research environment in clinical settings. J Clin Nurs.1:15-22.
  • McCaughan,D; Thompson,C; Cullum,N; Sheldon,T; Trevor,A; Thompson,D (2002) Acute care nurses’ perceptions of barriers to using research information in clinical decisionmaking. J Adv Nurs,39(1):46-60.
  • McCleary,L; Brown,G T(2003) Barriers to paediatric nurses’ research utilization. J Adv Nurs.42(4): 364-372.
  • McKiel,E; Dawe,U(1991) Hospital-based nursing research programs:a requirement for progress. Can.J Nurs Adm.4(3):26- 27.
  • McSherry,R (19979 What do registered nurses and midwives feel and know about research? J Adv Nurs,25: 985-998.
  • Medoff-Cooper,B; Lamb,A H (1989) The clinical specialist-staff nurse research team: a model for clinical research. Clin Nurse Spec.3819.16-19.
  • Michel,Y; Sneed,NV(1995) Dissemination and use of research findings in nursing practice. Journal of Professional Nursing.11: 306-311.
  • Aktaran.Roxbugh,M(2006) An exploration of factors which constrain nurses from research participation. J Clin Nurs.15:535-545.
  • Nilsson Kajermo,K; Nordström,G; Kruscbrant,A; Björvall,H (1998) Barriers to and facilitators of research utilisation, as perceived by a group of registered nurses in Sweden. J Adv Nurs,27:798-807.
  • Ogissio,T (1994) Nursing research training and career development araund the world. (Aktaran) Freshwater, D (2003) Understanding and implementing clinical nursing research. Erișim Adres: www.ı
  • Oranta,O; Routasalo,P; Hupli,M (2002) Barriers to and facilitators of research utilization among Finnish registered nurses. J Clin Nurs.11:205-213.
  • Parahoo,K (1999) A comparison of pre-project 2000 and project 2000 nurses’ perceptions of their research. J Adv Nurs. 29(1):237-245.
  • Parahoo,K(2000) Barriers to and facilitators of research utilization among nurses in northern Ireland. J Adv Nurs.31(1):89-98.
  • Parahoo,K; McCaughan,EM(2001) Research utilization among and surgical nurses: a comparison of their self reports and perceptions of barriers and facilitators. J Nurs Manag, 9: 21-30.
  • Pearey,PA(1995) Achieving research-based nursing. J Adv Nurs.2: 33-39.
  • Pettingill,M.M; Gillies,D.A; Clark CC(1994) Factors encouraging and discouraging the use of nursing research findings. Image.26;143- 147.
  • Polit,D ve Hungler,B (1997) Nursing research,principles and methods. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. Raudonis,BM; Acton GJ (1997) Theory-based nursing practice.J Adv Nurs,26:138-145.
  • Renner,C(1989) Researching research:a method for promoting positive attitudes. Appl Nurs Res.2 (1):2-5.
  • Retsas;A (2000) Barriers to using research evidence in nursing practice. J Adv Nurs,31: 599-606.
  • Rodgers, S E (1994) An exploratory study of research utilization by nurses in general medical and surgical wards. J Adv Nurs.20: 901-911.
  • Rodgers, S E (2000 a) A study of the utilization of research in practice and influence of education. Nurs Educ Today. 20: 279- 287.
  • Rodgers, S E (2000 b) The extent of nursing research utilization in general medical and surgical wards. J Adv Nurs.32(1):182-193.
  • Rolfe,G (1996) Going to extremes: action research,grounded practice and the theorypractice gap in nursing. J Adv Nurs,24: 1316-1320.
  • Rosswurm,MA Larrabee,JH (1999) A model for change to evidence-based practice. J Nurs Scholar,31(4): 317-322.
  • Smith,JP (1996) The role of nursing journals in the advancement of professional nursing. J Adv Nurs. 23:12.
  • Sheil,E P; Crain,H (1992) Report of an innovative research program for baccalaureate nursing students. J Nurs Edu.31(8):381-393.
  • Sitzia,J (2001) Barriers to research utilization: the clinical setting and nurses themselves. European J Oncol Nurs,5(3):154-164.
  • Stetler,CB; Di Maggio,G (1991) Research utilization among clinical nurse specialist. Clin Nurs Specialist,5;151-155.
  • Tsai, S-L (2000) Nurses’ participation and utilization of research in the Republic of China. Int J Nurs Stud,37;435-444.
  • Traynor,M; Rafferty,A M (1999) Nursing and the research asssessment exercise:past,present and future. J Adv Nurs.30(1):186-192.
  • Veeramah,V (1995) A study to identify the attitudes and needs of qualified staff concerning the use of research findings in clinical practice with mental care settings. J Adv Nurs,22;855-861.
  • Wells,N; Baggs,JG (1994) A survey of practicing nurses’ research interests and activities. Clin Nurs Specialist,8;145-151.
  • Upton,D (1999) How can we achieve evidencebased practice if we have a theory- practice gap in nursing today? J Adv Nurs,29:549-555.
There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Oya Nuran Emiroğlu This is me

Hayriye Ünlü This is me

Füsun Terzioğlu This is me

Hülya Bulut This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Emiroğlu, O. N., Ünlü, H., Terzioğlu, F., Bulut, H. (2005). HEMŞİRELERİN ARAŞTIRMALARA KATILMA DURUMLARI, ARAŞTIRMAYA İLİŞKİN GÖRÜŞLER VE BİLGİ GEREKSİNİMLERİ. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 7(1), 64-86.