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Year 2006, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 35 - 45, 01.06.2006


Purpose: This descriptive study was conducted for the purpose of determining the risk of pressure ulcer development in bedridden individuals who have cerebrovascular disease and the preventive measures used by nurses in these patients.Tool and Method: This study was conducted from February 2001 to February 2002 in a Neurology Intensive Care Unit and a Neurosurgery-Anesthesia Intensive Care Unit at a university hospital. The research sample was composed of 46 individuals from all patients admitted with a diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease between the stated dates 320 who were 18 years and older, who did not have a pressure ulcer on admission to the hospital, and who were followed at least 14 days in the hospital unit. The patients were evaluated within the Ş rst 24 hours after admission to the hospital and every patient was followed for 14 days. A descriptive characteristics form, Braden Scale for Risk Evaluation and nursing observation notes were used for data collection. The data obtained were evaluated using percentage distribution, and Chi square test.Findings and Results: Sixty three percent 29/46 of the patients were determined to be in the high risk group for pressure ulcer development and 41.0% 19/46 had pressure ulcer development. A signiŞ cant correlation was found between age and pressure ulcer development p0.05 . The majority of the determined pressure ulcers 71.0%, 17/24 were on the lower half of the body, 63.0% 15/24 became evident between the 2nd and 5th days of hospitalization. In spite of the fact that patients had a high risk for pressure ulcer development, it was determined that the percentage of regularly performed nursing measures for prevention of pressure ulcer development was low, that the most regularly performed measure was to request physician orders for hydration and nutritional support, and that the percentage of independent nursing actions regularly performed was low


  • Anonymus (1999) Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk: A Best Practice for Older Adults. Ort- hopedic Nursing,18;6:81.
  • Ayello, EA., Braden, B. (2002) How and Why To Do Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment. Adwances in Skin & Wound Care, 15:125- 131.(A-B1)
  • Bergquist, S., Franz., R.(2001) Braden Scale: Validity İn Community-Based Older Adults Receiving Home Health Care. Applied Nur- sing Research,14;1:36-43.
  • Bergstrom, N., Braden, B., Kemp, M., Chem- page, M., Ruby, E.(1998) Predicting Pres- sure Ulcer Risk. A Multisite Study of The Predictive Validity Of Braden Scale. Nursing Research, 47(5):261-269.
  • Braden, B., Bergstrom, N., Baggerly, J., Phipps, M. (2000) A Conceptual Schema for The Study of The Etiology of Pressure Sores. Rehabilitation Nursing, 25(3):105-110.
  • Braden, B., Bergstrom, N. (1989) Clinical utility of the Braden Scale for predicting pressure sore risk. Decubitus, 2(3):44-51.
  • Brichall, L. (1993) Making Sense of Pressure Sore Prediction Calculators. Nursing Times, 89(18):34-37.
  • Carlson, E.V., Kemp, M., Shott, S. (1999) Predicting The Risk of Pressure Ulcers in Criticall İll Patients. American Journal Of Critical Care, 8(4):262-269.
  • Collins, F. (2001) Sitting: pressure ulcer develop- ment. Nursing Standard, 15(22):54-58.
  • Davies, K.(1994) Pressure Sore; Aetiology, Risk Factors and Assessment Scale British Journal of Nursing, 3(6):256-262.
  • Dowsett, C. (2001) Clinical Governance and Pressure Ulcer Management. Nursing Stan- dard, 15;22:48-52.
  • Gunningberg, L., Lindholm, C., Carlsson, M., Sjödén, P.O. (2001) Risk, Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers-Nursing Staff Knowledge and Documentation. Scandi- navian Journal of Caring Science, 15(3): 257-263.
  • Halfens, R.J.G., Achterberg, T.V., Bal, R.M. (2000) Validity and Reliability Of The Braden Scale and The İnfluence of Other Risk Factors: A Multi- Centre Prospective Study. Internatinal Journal of Nursing Stu- dies, 37:313-319.
  • Horn, S.D., Bender, S.A., Ferguson, M.L., Smout, R.J., Bergstrom, N., Taler, G., Cook, A.S., Sharkey, S.S., Voss, A.C. (2004) The National Pressure Ulcer Long-Term Care Study:Pressure Ulcer Development in Long- Term Residents. Journal of The American Geriatrics Society, 52(3):359-363.
  • Jackson, S., Mcmahon, A., Cage, R. (1993) Pre- vention and Management of Pressure Sores. Britisjh Journal of Nursing, 2(13):672-678.
  • Koizer, B., Erb, G., Berman, A., Snyder, S. (2004) Fundamentals of Nursing. Seventh Edition, Pearson Education Inc. New Jersey, P:856-880.
  • Kurtuluș, Z., Pınar, R. (2003) Braden Skalası İle Belirlenen Yüksek Riskli Hasta Grubunda Albasınç yarasımin Düzeyleri İle Bası Yarası Arasındaki İlișki. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemșirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 7(2):1-10.
  • Moore, S.M., Wise, L.(1997) Reducing Nasoco- mial Pressure Ulcers. JONA, 27(10):28-34.
  • Oğuz, S., Olgun, N. (1997) Braden Ölçeği İle Hastaların Risklerinin Belirlenmesi ve Planlı Hemșirelik Bakımının Bası Yarala- rının Önlenmesindeki Etkisinin Saptanması, Hemșirelik Forum Dergisi, 1(3):131-135.
  • Parnham, B., Williams, B. (1997) Make Prog- ress. Nursing Times, 99(40):23-25.
  • Pınar, R., Oğuz, S. (1998) Norton ve Braden Bası Yarası Değerlendirme Ölçeklerinin Yatağa Bağımlı Aynı Hasta Grubunda Güve- nirlik ve Geçerliğinin Sınanması, VI. Ulusal Hemșirelik Kongresi-Uluslar Arası Katılımlı- Kongre Kitabı Damla Matbaacılık Ltd. Ști., S:172-175.
  • Pınar, R. (1998) Bası Yaraları ve Önlenmesi. Merve Matbaası, İstanbul, P:29-83.
  • Potter, P.A., Perry, A.G. (1993) Fundamentals of Nursing. Third Edition Mosby Year Book Inc. St Louis, P: 1524-1548.
  • Potter, P.A., Perry, A.G. (1995) Basic Nursing. Third Edition Mosby Year Book Inc. St Louis, P: 582-605.
  • Predue, C.,(1995) A Healing Regime. Nursing Times, 91(5):65-68.
  • Reid, J., Morison, M.,(1994) Classification of Pressure Sore Severity. Nursing Times, 90(20):46-50.
  • Russell, L. (2000) Malnutrition of Pressure Ulcers;Nutritional Assessment Tools. British Journal of Nursing, 9(4):194-204.
  • Schoonhoven, L., Haalboorn, J.R.E., Bousema, M.T., Algra, A., Grabbee, D.E, Grypdonck, M.H., Buskens, E. (2002) Prospective Cohort Study of Routine Use of Risk Assessment Scale For Prediction of Pressure Ulcers. Bri- tish Medical Journal, 325:797-800.
  • Stordeur, S., Lavrent, S., D’Hoore, W. (1998) The İmportance of Repeated Risk Assess- ment For Pressure Sores in Cardiovascular Surgery. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 39:343-349.
  • Theaker, C.(2002) Pressure Sore Prevention in The Critically İll: What You Don’t Know, What You Should Know and Why İt’s İmportance. Current Anaesthesia&Critical Care, 2002;13;4:201-205.
  • Thomas, D.R. (2001) Issues and Dilemmas in The Prevention and Treatment Of Pressure Ulcers: A Review. The Journals of Geronto- logy 56A,6; Health Module P:M328-M340.
  • Tingle, J. (1997) Pressure Sore: Counting The Legal Cost of Nursing Neglect. British Jour- nal of Nursing, 6(13):757-758.
  • Tolmie, E.P., Smith, L.N. (2002) A Study of The Prevention and Management of Pressure Sores. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing, 6(3- 4):111-120.
  • Wai-Han, C., Kit-Wai, C., French, P., Yim- Sheung, L., Lai-Kwan, T. (1997) Which Pressure Sore Risk Calculator? A Study of The Effectivness of The Norton Scale İn Hong-Kong. İnternational Journal of Nursing Studies, 34(2):165-169.
  • Wardman, C. (1991) Norton, Waterlow. Nursing Times/Nursing Mirror 87(13):74-78.
  • Waterlow, J.(1987) Calculating the Risk. Nur- sing Times, 83(39):58-60.
  • Waterlow, J.(1988) Prevention İs Cheaper Than Cure. Nursing Times, 22(84):69-70.


Year 2006, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 35 - 45, 01.06.2006


Amaç: Bu çalıșma serebrovasküler hastalığı olan, yatağa bağımlı bireylerde basınç yarası gelișme riskinin ve hemșirelerin bu hastalarda uyguladıkları önleyici bakımın belirlenmesi amacıyla tanımlayıcı olarak yapılmıștır. Gereç-Yöntem: Çalıșma Șubat 2001-Șubat 2002 tarihleri arasında, bir üniversite hastanesinin Nöroloji Yoğun Bakım Kliniği ve Nöroșürirji - Anestezi Yoğun bakım ünitelerinde yapıldı. Belirtilen tarihler arasında SVH tanısı ile yatan hastalardan 320 18 yaș ve üzerinde olan, hastaneye yatıșında basınç yarası gelișmemiș olan ve klinikte en az 14 gün süreyle izlenmiș olan 46 birey araștırmanın örneklemini olușturdu. Hastalar hastaneye yattıkları ilk 24 saat içinde değerlendirildiler ve her hasta 14 gün süreyle izlendi. Verilerin toplanmasında tanımlayıcı özellikler formu, Braden risk değerlendirme ölçeği ve hemșire gözlem formlarındaki kayıtlar kullanıldı. Elde edilen veriler yüzdelik dağılım, ki kare ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular ve Sonuçlar: Hastaların %63.0’ünün 29/46 basınç yarası gelișmesi açısından yüksek risk grubunda olduğu, %41.0’inde 19/46 basınç yarası geliștiği saptandı. Yaș ile basınç yarası gelișimi arasında anlamlı ilișki olduğu belirlenirken p 0.05 saptandı. Basınç ülserlerinin %71.0’inin 17/24 vücudun alt yarısında geliștiği, %63.0’ünün 15/24 hastaneye yatıșın 2-5. günlerinde ortaya çıktığı saptandı. Hastalarda basınç yarası gelișme riski yüksek olmasına karșın hemșirelerin basınç yarasını önleyici girișimleri düzenli olarak uygulama oranlarının düșük olduğu, hemșirelerin en fazla düzenli olarak yaptıkları uygulamaların hekim isteminde yazılan hidrasyon ve besin desteği sağlama uygulamaları olduğu, bağımsız hemșirelik uygulamalarının düzenli yapılma oranın düșük olduğu saptandı


  • Anonymus (1999) Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk: A Best Practice for Older Adults. Ort- hopedic Nursing,18;6:81.
  • Ayello, EA., Braden, B. (2002) How and Why To Do Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment. Adwances in Skin & Wound Care, 15:125- 131.(A-B1)
  • Bergquist, S., Franz., R.(2001) Braden Scale: Validity İn Community-Based Older Adults Receiving Home Health Care. Applied Nur- sing Research,14;1:36-43.
  • Bergstrom, N., Braden, B., Kemp, M., Chem- page, M., Ruby, E.(1998) Predicting Pres- sure Ulcer Risk. A Multisite Study of The Predictive Validity Of Braden Scale. Nursing Research, 47(5):261-269.
  • Braden, B., Bergstrom, N., Baggerly, J., Phipps, M. (2000) A Conceptual Schema for The Study of The Etiology of Pressure Sores. Rehabilitation Nursing, 25(3):105-110.
  • Braden, B., Bergstrom, N. (1989) Clinical utility of the Braden Scale for predicting pressure sore risk. Decubitus, 2(3):44-51.
  • Brichall, L. (1993) Making Sense of Pressure Sore Prediction Calculators. Nursing Times, 89(18):34-37.
  • Carlson, E.V., Kemp, M., Shott, S. (1999) Predicting The Risk of Pressure Ulcers in Criticall İll Patients. American Journal Of Critical Care, 8(4):262-269.
  • Collins, F. (2001) Sitting: pressure ulcer develop- ment. Nursing Standard, 15(22):54-58.
  • Davies, K.(1994) Pressure Sore; Aetiology, Risk Factors and Assessment Scale British Journal of Nursing, 3(6):256-262.
  • Dowsett, C. (2001) Clinical Governance and Pressure Ulcer Management. Nursing Stan- dard, 15;22:48-52.
  • Gunningberg, L., Lindholm, C., Carlsson, M., Sjödén, P.O. (2001) Risk, Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers-Nursing Staff Knowledge and Documentation. Scandi- navian Journal of Caring Science, 15(3): 257-263.
  • Halfens, R.J.G., Achterberg, T.V., Bal, R.M. (2000) Validity and Reliability Of The Braden Scale and The İnfluence of Other Risk Factors: A Multi- Centre Prospective Study. Internatinal Journal of Nursing Stu- dies, 37:313-319.
  • Horn, S.D., Bender, S.A., Ferguson, M.L., Smout, R.J., Bergstrom, N., Taler, G., Cook, A.S., Sharkey, S.S., Voss, A.C. (2004) The National Pressure Ulcer Long-Term Care Study:Pressure Ulcer Development in Long- Term Residents. Journal of The American Geriatrics Society, 52(3):359-363.
  • Jackson, S., Mcmahon, A., Cage, R. (1993) Pre- vention and Management of Pressure Sores. Britisjh Journal of Nursing, 2(13):672-678.
  • Koizer, B., Erb, G., Berman, A., Snyder, S. (2004) Fundamentals of Nursing. Seventh Edition, Pearson Education Inc. New Jersey, P:856-880.
  • Kurtuluș, Z., Pınar, R. (2003) Braden Skalası İle Belirlenen Yüksek Riskli Hasta Grubunda Albasınç yarasımin Düzeyleri İle Bası Yarası Arasındaki İlișki. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemșirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 7(2):1-10.
  • Moore, S.M., Wise, L.(1997) Reducing Nasoco- mial Pressure Ulcers. JONA, 27(10):28-34.
  • Oğuz, S., Olgun, N. (1997) Braden Ölçeği İle Hastaların Risklerinin Belirlenmesi ve Planlı Hemșirelik Bakımının Bası Yarala- rının Önlenmesindeki Etkisinin Saptanması, Hemșirelik Forum Dergisi, 1(3):131-135.
  • Parnham, B., Williams, B. (1997) Make Prog- ress. Nursing Times, 99(40):23-25.
  • Pınar, R., Oğuz, S. (1998) Norton ve Braden Bası Yarası Değerlendirme Ölçeklerinin Yatağa Bağımlı Aynı Hasta Grubunda Güve- nirlik ve Geçerliğinin Sınanması, VI. Ulusal Hemșirelik Kongresi-Uluslar Arası Katılımlı- Kongre Kitabı Damla Matbaacılık Ltd. Ști., S:172-175.
  • Pınar, R. (1998) Bası Yaraları ve Önlenmesi. Merve Matbaası, İstanbul, P:29-83.
  • Potter, P.A., Perry, A.G. (1993) Fundamentals of Nursing. Third Edition Mosby Year Book Inc. St Louis, P: 1524-1548.
  • Potter, P.A., Perry, A.G. (1995) Basic Nursing. Third Edition Mosby Year Book Inc. St Louis, P: 582-605.
  • Predue, C.,(1995) A Healing Regime. Nursing Times, 91(5):65-68.
  • Reid, J., Morison, M.,(1994) Classification of Pressure Sore Severity. Nursing Times, 90(20):46-50.
  • Russell, L. (2000) Malnutrition of Pressure Ulcers;Nutritional Assessment Tools. British Journal of Nursing, 9(4):194-204.
  • Schoonhoven, L., Haalboorn, J.R.E., Bousema, M.T., Algra, A., Grabbee, D.E, Grypdonck, M.H., Buskens, E. (2002) Prospective Cohort Study of Routine Use of Risk Assessment Scale For Prediction of Pressure Ulcers. Bri- tish Medical Journal, 325:797-800.
  • Stordeur, S., Lavrent, S., D’Hoore, W. (1998) The İmportance of Repeated Risk Assess- ment For Pressure Sores in Cardiovascular Surgery. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 39:343-349.
  • Theaker, C.(2002) Pressure Sore Prevention in The Critically İll: What You Don’t Know, What You Should Know and Why İt’s İmportance. Current Anaesthesia&Critical Care, 2002;13;4:201-205.
  • Thomas, D.R. (2001) Issues and Dilemmas in The Prevention and Treatment Of Pressure Ulcers: A Review. The Journals of Geronto- logy 56A,6; Health Module P:M328-M340.
  • Tingle, J. (1997) Pressure Sore: Counting The Legal Cost of Nursing Neglect. British Jour- nal of Nursing, 6(13):757-758.
  • Tolmie, E.P., Smith, L.N. (2002) A Study of The Prevention and Management of Pressure Sores. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing, 6(3- 4):111-120.
  • Wai-Han, C., Kit-Wai, C., French, P., Yim- Sheung, L., Lai-Kwan, T. (1997) Which Pressure Sore Risk Calculator? A Study of The Effectivness of The Norton Scale İn Hong-Kong. İnternational Journal of Nursing Studies, 34(2):165-169.
  • Wardman, C. (1991) Norton, Waterlow. Nursing Times/Nursing Mirror 87(13):74-78.
  • Waterlow, J.(1987) Calculating the Risk. Nur- sing Times, 83(39):58-60.
  • Waterlow, J.(1988) Prevention İs Cheaper Than Cure. Nursing Times, 22(84):69-70.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hatice Tel This is me

Dilek Özden This is me

Perihan Güneş Çetin This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 8 Issue: 1
