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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 38 - 46, 01.04.2008


Aim:The aim of this study was to investigate effects of episiotomy on sexual function in the postpartum period.Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as a cross-sectional, case-control study, between 01.01.2007 and 01.05.2007. The study included 56 women selected with a non-probability method.Data were collected with a questionnaire, Simple, Descriptive Pain Intensity Scale and Arizona SexualExperiences Scale for women . Results: A large proportion of the women in episiotomy and control groups was worried that theywould feel pain in their first sexual intercourse after delivery episiotomy: 72.7%, control: 69.6% andreally felt pain episiotomy: 54.5%, control: 34.8% . A small proportion of the women in both groupsstill felt pain during sexual intercourse at the end of the study period episiotomy: 9.1%, control:17.1% . Rates of women in both groups episiotomy: 84.8%, control: 87.0% had sexual problems inthe postpartum period. Regard of these variables, rates of the women in both groups is statistically similar.Conclusion: In the present study, a large proportion of the women turned out to experience sexualproblems in the postpartum period and episiotomy was not found to affect sexual function


  • Addis, I.B., Van Den Eden, S.K., Wassel-Fyr, C.L., Vittinghoff, E., Brown, JS., Thom D.H., for the Reproductive Risk Factors for Incontinence Study at Kaiser (RRISK) Study Group (2006). Se- xual activity and function in middle-aged and ol- der women. Obstet Gynecol 107; 755–64.
  • Albers, L.L., Sedler, K.D., Bedrick, E.J., Teaf, D., Peralta, P. (2005). Midwifery care measures in the second stage of labor and reduction of genital tract trauma and birth: A Randomized Trial. Jour- nal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 50; 365–372.
  • Barrett, G., Pendry, E., Peacock, J., Victor, C., Thakar, R., Manyonda, I. (2000). Women’s sexu- al health after childbirth. British Journal of Obs- tetrics and Gynaecology 107(2); 186–195.
  • Blackburn, S.T. (2003). Maternal, Fetal & Ne- onatal Physiology: A Clinical Perspective. (2th ed.), New York: Saunders.
  • Botros, S.M., Abramow, Y., Miller, J.-J. R., Sand, P.K., Gandhi, S., Nickolow, A., Goldberg, R.P. (2006). Effect of parity on sexual function. Obstet Gynecol 107; 765-770.
  • Carroll, D., Bowsher, D. (1993). Pain Mana- gement and Nursing Care. Oxford: Butterwoth Heinemann Ltd.
  • Carroli, G., Belizan, J. (2007). Episiotomy for vaginal birth (Review) This is a reprint of a Coc- hrane review, prepared and maintained by The Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, The Cochrane Colla- boration. Published by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Çalışkan, E., Öztürk, N., Akyan, B., Yalvaç, S., Dilbaz, B., Haberal, A. (2003). Üçüncü basa- mak bir sağlık merkezinde 47145 doğumun anali- zi: Epidemiolojik bakış. MN-Gynecology Obstet- rics & Reproductive Medicine 9(2); 88–91.
  • Erbil, N. (2005). Gebelik ve loğusalıkta cinsel- lik: Bilgi, tutum ve davranışlar. 4. Uluslararası Üreme Sağlığı Kongresi Kitabı. Anakara: Bilkent Otel ve Konferans Merkezi, ss.214.
  • Eryılmaz, H.Y., Abalı, S., Döndar, Ç., Kurnaz, E. (2005).Doğum sonrası dönemde kadınların cinsel fonksiyonları ev etkileyen faktörler. 4. Uluslararası Üreme Sağlığı Kongresi Kitabı. Anakara: Bilkent Otel ve Konferans Merkezi, ss.198.
  • Hayes, R., Dennerstein, L. (2005). The impact of aging on sexual function and sexual dysfuncti- on in women: A review of population-based studi- es. J Sex Med 2; 317–330.
  • Johanson, R. (2000). Perineal massage for pre- vention of perineal trauma in childbirth. The Lan- cet 355; 250–251.
  • Karaçam, Z., Eroğlu, K. (2003). Effects of epi- siotomy on bonding and mother’s healh. Journal of Advanced Nursing 43(4); 384–394.
  • Lee, J.T., Yen, H.-W. (2007). Randomized controlled evaluation of a theory-based postpar- tum sexual health education programme. Journal of advaced Nursing 60; 389-401.
  • Lewis, R.W., Fugl-Meyer, K.S., Bosch, R., Fugl-Meyer, A.R., Laumann, E.O., Lizza, E., Martin-Morales, A. (2004). Epidemiology / risk factors of sexual dysfunction. Journal of sexual Medicine 1; 35–39.
  • Lowdermilk, D. L., Perry, S.E., Bobak, I.M. (2000). Maternity Women’s Health Care. 7th ed., St. Louis: Mosby Inc.
  • McGahuey, C.A., Gelenberg, A.J., Laukes, C.A., Moreno, F.A., Delgado, P,L,, McKanight, K.M., Manber, R. (2000), The Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX): Reliability and vali- dity. J Sex Marital Ther 26; 25–40.
  • Old, S.B., London, M.L., Ladewig, P.W., Da- vidson, M.R. (2004) Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Womwn’s Health Care. (7th ed.), New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.
  • Sartore, A., De Seta, F., Maso, G., Pregazzi, R., Grimaldi, E., Guaschino, S. (2004). The ef- fects of mediolateral episiotomy on pelvic floor function after vaginal delivery. Obstet Gynecol 103; 669 –73.
  • Signorello, L.B., Harlow, B.L., Chekos, A.K., Repke, J.T. (2001). Postpartum sexual functio- ning and its relationship to perineal trauma: a ret- rospective cohort study of primiparous women. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 184; 881–888.
  • Soykan, A. (2004). The reliability and validity of Arizona sexual experience scale in Turkish ESRD patients undergoing hemodialysis. Int J Im- port Res 16(6); 531–534.
  • Thacker, S., Banta, H.D. (1983). Benefits and risks of episiotomy: An interpretative review of the English language literature, 1860–1980. Obs- tet Gynecol Surv 38; 322–338.
  • Thommasen, H.V., Klein, M.C., Mackenzie, T., Lynch, N., Reyes, R., Grzybowski, S. (2005). Obstetric maternal outcomes at Bella Coola Gene- ral Hospital:1940 to 2001. Can J Rural Med 10 (1); 13–21.
  • Tomasso, G., Althabe, F., Cafferata, M.L., Aleman, A., Sosa, C. (2006). The need to avoid the routine use of episiotomy. Current Women’s Health Reviews 2; 99–102.
  • Varney, H., Kriebs, J.M., Gegor, C.L. (2004). Varney’s Midwifery. (4th ed.) London: Jones and Bartlett Publ.
  • Williams, A., Herron-Marx, S., Hicks, C. ( 2007). The prevalence of enduring postnatal peri- neal morbidity and its relationship to perineal trauma. Midwifery 23; 392–403.
  • Von Sydow, K. (1999). Sexuality during preg- nancy and after cildbirth: A metacontent analysıs of 59 studies. Journal Of Psychosomatic Research 47(1); 27–49.
  • World Health Organization, (2004). Sexual health—a new focus for WHO. Progress in Rep- roductive Health Research 2004, issue 67. Retrie- ved December 11, 2007, from h t t p : / / w w w . w h o . i n t / r e p r o d u c t i v e - h e - alth/hrp/progress/67.pdf.
  • World Health Organization (2003) Managing complications in pregnancy and childbirth: A gui- de for midwives and doctors. Retrieved January 01, 2008, from health/impac/Clinical_Principles/Normal_labo- ur_C57_C76.html.


Yıl 2008, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 38 - 46, 01.04.2008


Amaç:Araştırmanın amacı doğum sonrası dönemde epizyotominin cinsel fonksiyona etkisini incelemektir. Gereç-Yöntem: Araştırma 01.01.2007 ve 01.05.2007 tarihleri arasında kesitsel vaka-kontrol çalışması olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya olasılıksız örnekleme yöntemi ile 56 kadın alınmıştır. Araştırmaverileri soru formu, basit tanımlayıcı ağrı yoğunluğu skalası ve Arizona Cinsel Yaşantılar Ölçeği Kadın Formu ile toplanmıştır.Bulgular: Epizyotomi ve kontrol gruplarındaki kadınların önemli bir bölümü doğum sonrası dönemde cinsel ilişkiye yeniden başladıklarında ağrı yaşamaktan korktuklarını epizyotomi: %72.7, kontrol: %69.6 ve ağrı yaşadıklarını epizyotomi: %54.5, kontrol: %34.8 , küçük bir bölümü de bu ağrınınhalen devam ettiğini epizyotomi: %9.1, kontrol: %17.1 bildirmişlerdir. Epizyotomi %84.8 ve kontrol %87.0 gruplarınki kadınların büyük bir bölümünün cinsel alanda sorun yaşadıkları saptanmıştır.Bu değişkenler bakımından her iki grup istatistiksel olarak benzerdi.Sonuç: Bu araştırmada kadınların büyük bir bölümünün doğum sonrası dönemde cinsel alanda sorun yaşadığı, ancak epizyotominin cinsel fonksiyonu etkilemediği sonuçları elde edilmiştir


  • Addis, I.B., Van Den Eden, S.K., Wassel-Fyr, C.L., Vittinghoff, E., Brown, JS., Thom D.H., for the Reproductive Risk Factors for Incontinence Study at Kaiser (RRISK) Study Group (2006). Se- xual activity and function in middle-aged and ol- der women. Obstet Gynecol 107; 755–64.
  • Albers, L.L., Sedler, K.D., Bedrick, E.J., Teaf, D., Peralta, P. (2005). Midwifery care measures in the second stage of labor and reduction of genital tract trauma and birth: A Randomized Trial. Jour- nal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 50; 365–372.
  • Barrett, G., Pendry, E., Peacock, J., Victor, C., Thakar, R., Manyonda, I. (2000). Women’s sexu- al health after childbirth. British Journal of Obs- tetrics and Gynaecology 107(2); 186–195.
  • Blackburn, S.T. (2003). Maternal, Fetal & Ne- onatal Physiology: A Clinical Perspective. (2th ed.), New York: Saunders.
  • Botros, S.M., Abramow, Y., Miller, J.-J. R., Sand, P.K., Gandhi, S., Nickolow, A., Goldberg, R.P. (2006). Effect of parity on sexual function. Obstet Gynecol 107; 765-770.
  • Carroll, D., Bowsher, D. (1993). Pain Mana- gement and Nursing Care. Oxford: Butterwoth Heinemann Ltd.
  • Carroli, G., Belizan, J. (2007). Episiotomy for vaginal birth (Review) This is a reprint of a Coc- hrane review, prepared and maintained by The Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, The Cochrane Colla- boration. Published by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Çalışkan, E., Öztürk, N., Akyan, B., Yalvaç, S., Dilbaz, B., Haberal, A. (2003). Üçüncü basa- mak bir sağlık merkezinde 47145 doğumun anali- zi: Epidemiolojik bakış. MN-Gynecology Obstet- rics & Reproductive Medicine 9(2); 88–91.
  • Erbil, N. (2005). Gebelik ve loğusalıkta cinsel- lik: Bilgi, tutum ve davranışlar. 4. Uluslararası Üreme Sağlığı Kongresi Kitabı. Anakara: Bilkent Otel ve Konferans Merkezi, ss.214.
  • Eryılmaz, H.Y., Abalı, S., Döndar, Ç., Kurnaz, E. (2005).Doğum sonrası dönemde kadınların cinsel fonksiyonları ev etkileyen faktörler. 4. Uluslararası Üreme Sağlığı Kongresi Kitabı. Anakara: Bilkent Otel ve Konferans Merkezi, ss.198.
  • Hayes, R., Dennerstein, L. (2005). The impact of aging on sexual function and sexual dysfuncti- on in women: A review of population-based studi- es. J Sex Med 2; 317–330.
  • Johanson, R. (2000). Perineal massage for pre- vention of perineal trauma in childbirth. The Lan- cet 355; 250–251.
  • Karaçam, Z., Eroğlu, K. (2003). Effects of epi- siotomy on bonding and mother’s healh. Journal of Advanced Nursing 43(4); 384–394.
  • Lee, J.T., Yen, H.-W. (2007). Randomized controlled evaluation of a theory-based postpar- tum sexual health education programme. Journal of advaced Nursing 60; 389-401.
  • Lewis, R.W., Fugl-Meyer, K.S., Bosch, R., Fugl-Meyer, A.R., Laumann, E.O., Lizza, E., Martin-Morales, A. (2004). Epidemiology / risk factors of sexual dysfunction. Journal of sexual Medicine 1; 35–39.
  • Lowdermilk, D. L., Perry, S.E., Bobak, I.M. (2000). Maternity Women’s Health Care. 7th ed., St. Louis: Mosby Inc.
  • McGahuey, C.A., Gelenberg, A.J., Laukes, C.A., Moreno, F.A., Delgado, P,L,, McKanight, K.M., Manber, R. (2000), The Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX): Reliability and vali- dity. J Sex Marital Ther 26; 25–40.
  • Old, S.B., London, M.L., Ladewig, P.W., Da- vidson, M.R. (2004) Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Womwn’s Health Care. (7th ed.), New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.
  • Sartore, A., De Seta, F., Maso, G., Pregazzi, R., Grimaldi, E., Guaschino, S. (2004). The ef- fects of mediolateral episiotomy on pelvic floor function after vaginal delivery. Obstet Gynecol 103; 669 –73.
  • Signorello, L.B., Harlow, B.L., Chekos, A.K., Repke, J.T. (2001). Postpartum sexual functio- ning and its relationship to perineal trauma: a ret- rospective cohort study of primiparous women. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 184; 881–888.
  • Soykan, A. (2004). The reliability and validity of Arizona sexual experience scale in Turkish ESRD patients undergoing hemodialysis. Int J Im- port Res 16(6); 531–534.
  • Thacker, S., Banta, H.D. (1983). Benefits and risks of episiotomy: An interpretative review of the English language literature, 1860–1980. Obs- tet Gynecol Surv 38; 322–338.
  • Thommasen, H.V., Klein, M.C., Mackenzie, T., Lynch, N., Reyes, R., Grzybowski, S. (2005). Obstetric maternal outcomes at Bella Coola Gene- ral Hospital:1940 to 2001. Can J Rural Med 10 (1); 13–21.
  • Tomasso, G., Althabe, F., Cafferata, M.L., Aleman, A., Sosa, C. (2006). The need to avoid the routine use of episiotomy. Current Women’s Health Reviews 2; 99–102.
  • Varney, H., Kriebs, J.M., Gegor, C.L. (2004). Varney’s Midwifery. (4th ed.) London: Jones and Bartlett Publ.
  • Williams, A., Herron-Marx, S., Hicks, C. ( 2007). The prevalence of enduring postnatal peri- neal morbidity and its relationship to perineal trauma. Midwifery 23; 392–403.
  • Von Sydow, K. (1999). Sexuality during preg- nancy and after cildbirth: A metacontent analysıs of 59 studies. Journal Of Psychosomatic Research 47(1); 27–49.
  • World Health Organization, (2004). Sexual health—a new focus for WHO. Progress in Rep- roductive Health Research 2004, issue 67. Retrie- ved December 11, 2007, from h t t p : / / w w w . w h o . i n t / r e p r o d u c t i v e - h e - alth/hrp/progress/67.pdf.
  • World Health Organization (2003) Managing complications in pregnancy and childbirth: A gui- de for midwives and doctors. Retrieved January 01, 2008, from health/impac/Clinical_Principles/Normal_labo- ur_C57_C76.html.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Zekiye Karaçam Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaçam, Z. (2008). EPİZYOTOMİNİN DOĞUM SONRASI DÖNEMDE CİNSEL FONKSİYONA ETKİSİ. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 10(1), 38-46.