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Yıl 2010, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 13 - 28, 01.04.2010


Aim: Cancer is an important death cause in the world as well as in Turkey. The growth in the incidence of cancer has also affected the development of oncology nursing. This descriptive research was done to determine roles and functions related to teaching, research and care which carried by oncology nurses. Methods: The research includes the nurses working in the oncology clinics of 93 hospitals. Questionnaires were sent by mail, of which 458 have returned from 38 hospitals. Results: Nurses’ mean clinical working duration was 4.95 years, while the mean weekly working duration was 44.38 hours. The mean number of chemotherapy preparation was 8.10 and the mean number of chemotherapy application was 7.55 in a day. It was found that hospitals didn’t expect nurses to have training regarding early diagnosis and treatment 78.4 % , and to do any research 76.2% . The percentage of nurses who involved in a research was low 91.5% , additionally, hospitals didn’t give any support when nurses conducted research 67.5% . The most common interventions related to care by carried out by nurses were taking vital signs 44.4% , activities towards the prevention of infection 43.3% , psychological support 41% , helping patient mobilization 30.9% , helping urinary and bowel elimination with physician order 30.4% , and oxygen administration 29.9% . Nurses were less interested in to give patients’ information on their sexual life continuity. Nurses said there were a number of factors that prevented them from carrying out their roles and functions: an excessive number of patients, inconvenience of the physical environment, lack of equipment, time, knowledge, experience, team work and organizational expectations. Conclusion: For the improvement of oncology nursing, in Turkey, it is essential that certificate programmes be initiated which can satisfy the national requirements and are in accordance with the international standards and by the same token, occupations definitions of oncology nurses’ be made.


  • Chang Y, Lin YP, Chang HJ, Lin CC(2005) Cancer patient and staff ratings of caring behaviors. Cancer Nursing 28(5), 331-339.
  • Chen RC, Clark JA, Talcott J(2009) An indivi- dualizing quality-of-life outcomes reporting: How lo- calized prostate cancer treatments affect patients with different levels of baseline urinary, bowel, and sexual function. Journal of Clinical Oncology 27(24), 3916- 3922.
  • Cunnigham R, Bell R(2000) Nutrition in cancer: An overview. Seminars in Oncology Nursing 16(2), 90-98.
  • Dodd MJ(1992) The role of the oncology clinical nurse specialist in research. Oncology Nursing Forum 19(1 suppl), 25-27.
  • Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Ens- tütüsü, Onkoloji Hemşireliği Yüksek Lisans Progra- mı, , ulaşılan adres: UWeb/Icerik/Icerik.php?KOD=8783 , ulaşılma tarihi: 09/04/2010.
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (2006) Cancer Control Knowledge into Action WHO Guide for Effective Programmes, Introduction to the cancer control series, ulaşma adresi: les/Planning%20Module.pdf, 11.03.2010. ulaşma tarihi
  • Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü On- koloji Hemşireliği Yüksek Lisans Programı, ulaşım adresi: ID=311&cat=details, ulaşım tarihi:09/04/2010.
  • Ellerhorst Ryan(2005) Protective mechanisms: Infection. In JK Itano, NK Taoka (Eds.) Core Curricu- lum for Oncology Nursing. (4rd ed) Elsevier Saunders Company, 259-271.
  • Emiroğlu ON, Ünlü H, Terzioğlu F, Bulut H (2005) Hemşirelerin araştırmalara katılma durumları, araştırmaya ilişkin görüşleri ve bilgi gereksinimleri. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi 7(1-2), 64- 86.
  • Finlay E, Hien LLB, Henderson H, O’Dwyer PJ, Casarett D(2009) Do phase 1 patients have gre- ater needs for palliative care compared with other can- cer patients? Cancer 15, 446-453.
  • Haberman M(2000) Advancing cancer nursing through nursing research. In CH Yarbro, MH Fraqqe, M Goodman (Eds.) Cancer Nursing. (5th ed), Sud- bury: Jones and Barlett, 1728-1740.
  • Henoch I, Bergman B, Gustafsson M, Gaston- Johansson F, Danielson E (2008) Dyspnea experien- ce in patients with lung cancer in palliative care. Euro- pean Journal of Oncology Nursing 12, 86–96.
  • Houston D(1997) Supportive therapies for cancer chemotherapy patients and the role of the oncology nurse, Cancer Nursing 20(6), 409-413.
  • Hughes MK(2008) Alterations of sexual function in women with cancer. Seminars in Oncology Nursing 24(2), 91-101.
  • Iranmanesh S, Axelsson K, Savenstedt S, Haggström T(2009) A caring relationship with peop- le who have cancer. Journal of Advenced Nursing 65(6), 1300-1308.
  • Irvine DM, Vincent L, Graydon JE, Bubela N (1998) Fatigue in women with breast cancer receiving radiation therapy. Cancer Nursing 21(2), 127-135.
  • Karadağ A, Hisar F, Özhan-Elbaş N(2007) The level of professionalism among nurses in Turkey. Jo- urnal of Nursing Scholarship 39(4), 1-3.
  • Kav S, Johnson J, Ritttenberg C, Ortega PF, Suominen T, Olsen PR, Patiraki E, Porock D, Dah- ler A, Toliusiene J, Tadic D, Pittayapan P, Roy V, Wang, Colak M, Ami SB, Anderson E, Snow RC (2008) Role of the nurse in patient education and fol- low-up of people receiving oral chemotherapy treat- ment: An International survey. Support Care Cancer 16, 1075-1083.
  • Kinney AY, Hawkins R, Hudmon KS(1997) A descriptive study of the role of the oncology nurse practioner. Oncology Nursing Forum 24(5), 811-820. Kontronoulos
  • Kontronoulas G, Papadopoulou C, Patiraki E (2009) Nurses knowledge, attitudes, and practices re- garding provision of sexual helath care in patients with cancer: Critical review of the evidence. Support Care Cancer 17, 479-501.
  • Larson PJ, Miaskowski C, MacPhail L, Dodd MJ(1998) Approach for reducing chemotherapy indu- ced mucositis. Cancer Nursing 21(4), 263-8.
  • Loescher LJ, Reid EM( 2000) Dynamics of can- cer prevention. In CH Yarbro, MH Fraqqe, M Good- man (Eds.) Cancer Nursing. (5th ed) Sudbury: Jones and Barlett, 135-149.
  • Mcilfatrick S, McCance T, Henderson L(2004) Developing a strategic framework for cancer nursing research. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 8, 262-265.
  • McMillan SC(1996) Pain and pain relief experi- enced by hospice patients with cancer. Cancer Nur- sing 1(4), 298-307.
  • McMillan SC, Heusinkveld KB, Spray J(1995) Advanced practice in oncology nursing: A role deline- ation study . Oncology Nursing Forum 22(1), 41-50.
  • Middelton L, Dimond E, Calzone K, Davis J, Jenkins J (2002) The role of the nurse in cancer ge- netics. Cancer Nursing 25(3), 196-206.
  • Miller M, Kearney N(2001) Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards cancer-related fatigue. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 5(4), 203-276.
  • Mooney KH(2001) Advocating for quality cancer care: Making evidence-based practice a reality. Onco- logy Nursing Forum 28(2), 17-21.
  • Moore S(2005) Oncology Advenced Practice Nurse. In CH Yarbo, MH Frogge, M Goodman ( Eds), Cancer Nursing. Sudbury: Jones and Barlett, 1760- 1771.
  • Nieweg N (1990) The impact of haematopoietic growth factors in oncology nursing. International Cancer Nursing 2(4), 7-8.
  • Onkoloji Hemşireleri Derneği(2004) İlaçların Güvenli Kullanım Standartları Rehberi ulaşım adresi: 02.04.2009.pdf, ulaşım tarihi: 09.04.2010.
  • Pearce JD(1998) Alterations in mobility, skin in- tegrity and neurologic status. In JK Itano, KN Taoka. (Eds.) Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing. (3rd ed) WB Saunders Company, 197-206.
  • Potting CMJ, Mank A, Blijlevens NMA, Do- nelly JP, Achterberg TV(2008) Providing oral care in haematological oncology patients: Nurses’ know- ledge and skills. European Journal of Oncology Nur- sing 12, 291-298.
  • Ramirez TR, Mondragon D(2002) Computer- based education for patients with cancer at Latino Bor- der Hospital. Cancer Nursing 25(3), 245-250.
  • Rust D, Gill C(1997) Nutritional support. In RA Gates, RM Fink (Eds) Oncology Nursing Secrets. Henley and Belfus, 262-276.
  • Rusteon T, Achjolberg TK(2000) Cancer nursing research priorities: A Norwegian perspective. Cancer Nursing 23(5), 375-380.
  • Smith CM, Holcombe JK, Stullenbarger EA (1994), Meta-analysis of intervention effectiveness for symtom management in oncology nursing research. Oncology Nursing Forum 21(7), 1201-1208.
  • TC Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı (2008) Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı, Kalkan Matba- acılık Ltd. Şti., Ankara.
  • TC. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllı- ğı(2000) Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı, Kalkan Mat- baacılık Ltd. Şti., Ankara.
  • Türk Onkoloji Grubu Merkez Üyeler Rehberi (1999) Alp Press, 106-110, Ankara.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu(2010), Nüfus ve kal- kınma göstergeleri ulaşma adresi: http://nkg.tu- i k . g o v . t r / s o n 1 0 . a s p ? g o s t e r g e = 1 & S u b - mit=G%F6r%FCnt%FCle, ulaşılma tarihi: 09. 04. 2010.
  • Wilson B(2008) Can patient lifestyle influence the management of pain? Journal of Clinical Nursing 18, 399-408.
  • Yates P, Baker D, Barret L, Christie L, Dewar MA, Middleton R, Moore D, Stallan G, Bennetto G (2002) Cancer nursing research in Queensland, Aust- ralia: Barriers, priorities and strategies for progress. Cancer Nursing 25(3), 167-180.


Yıl 2010, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 13 - 28, 01.04.2010


Amaç: Kanser tüm dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de önemli bir ölüm nedenidir. Kanser insidansının artması onkoloji hemşireliğinin gelişimini de etkilemiştir. Bu araştırma onkoloji alanında çalışan hemşirelerin eğitim, araştırma ve bakıma ilişkin yerine getirdikleri rol ve işlevleri belirlemek amacıyla tanımlayıcı olarak yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırma kapsamına 93 hastanenin onkoloji kliniklerinde çalışanhemşireler alınmıştır. Anket formları posta ile gönderilmiş 38 hastaneden458 anket formu doldurulmuş olarak geri dönmüştür. Bulgular: Araştırma kapsamına alınan hemşirelerin onkolojide çalışma yılıortalaması 4.95, haftalık çalışma saati ortalaması ise 44.38’dir. Hemşirelerin günlük kemoterapi hazırlama ortalaması 8.10, günlük kemoterapi uygulama ortalaması 7.55’dir. Çalışmada kurumların hemşirelerden erken tanı vetedaviye ilişkin eğitim beklentisi %78.4 , araştırma beklentisi olmadığı %76.2 , hemşirelerin araştırmada yer alma oranlarının düşük olduğu %91.5 , yapılan araştırmaların çoğunlukla desteklenmediği 67.5 saptanmıştır. Hemşirelerin bakıma ilişkin en çok yaptıkları uygulamalar; vital bulguların takibi %44.4 , enfeksiyonun önlenmesine yönelik aktiviteler %43.3 , psikolojik destek verme %41 , mobilize etme %30.9 , boşaltımın sağlanmasında hekim istemi ile yapılan müdahaleler %30.4 ve oksijen vermedir %29.9 . Hemşirelerin en az yerine getirdikleri işlev ise cinsel yaşamınınsürdürülmesine ilişkin hastanın bilgilendirilmesidir. Hemşireler, rol ve işlevlerini yerine getirmelerini engelleyen durumları sırası ile hasta sayısının fazlalığı, fiziksel ortamın uygun olmaması, araç- gereç yetersizliği, zaman yetersizliği, bilgi, deneyim eksikliği, ekip çalışmasının olmaması ve kurumun beklentisinin olmaması olarak ifade etmişlerdir. Sonuç: Türkiye’de, onkoloji hemşireliğinin geliştirilmesi için öncelikli olarak ulusal gereksinimleri karşılayan ve uluslararası standartlara uygun sertifika programlarının başlatılması ve bu doğrultuda kanser hemşireliğiningörev tanımlarının yapılmasıdır


  • Chang Y, Lin YP, Chang HJ, Lin CC(2005) Cancer patient and staff ratings of caring behaviors. Cancer Nursing 28(5), 331-339.
  • Chen RC, Clark JA, Talcott J(2009) An indivi- dualizing quality-of-life outcomes reporting: How lo- calized prostate cancer treatments affect patients with different levels of baseline urinary, bowel, and sexual function. Journal of Clinical Oncology 27(24), 3916- 3922.
  • Cunnigham R, Bell R(2000) Nutrition in cancer: An overview. Seminars in Oncology Nursing 16(2), 90-98.
  • Dodd MJ(1992) The role of the oncology clinical nurse specialist in research. Oncology Nursing Forum 19(1 suppl), 25-27.
  • Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Ens- tütüsü, Onkoloji Hemşireliği Yüksek Lisans Progra- mı, , ulaşılan adres: UWeb/Icerik/Icerik.php?KOD=8783 , ulaşılma tarihi: 09/04/2010.
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (2006) Cancer Control Knowledge into Action WHO Guide for Effective Programmes, Introduction to the cancer control series, ulaşma adresi: les/Planning%20Module.pdf, 11.03.2010. ulaşma tarihi
  • Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü On- koloji Hemşireliği Yüksek Lisans Programı, ulaşım adresi: ID=311&cat=details, ulaşım tarihi:09/04/2010.
  • Ellerhorst Ryan(2005) Protective mechanisms: Infection. In JK Itano, NK Taoka (Eds.) Core Curricu- lum for Oncology Nursing. (4rd ed) Elsevier Saunders Company, 259-271.
  • Emiroğlu ON, Ünlü H, Terzioğlu F, Bulut H (2005) Hemşirelerin araştırmalara katılma durumları, araştırmaya ilişkin görüşleri ve bilgi gereksinimleri. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi 7(1-2), 64- 86.
  • Finlay E, Hien LLB, Henderson H, O’Dwyer PJ, Casarett D(2009) Do phase 1 patients have gre- ater needs for palliative care compared with other can- cer patients? Cancer 15, 446-453.
  • Haberman M(2000) Advancing cancer nursing through nursing research. In CH Yarbro, MH Fraqqe, M Goodman (Eds.) Cancer Nursing. (5th ed), Sud- bury: Jones and Barlett, 1728-1740.
  • Henoch I, Bergman B, Gustafsson M, Gaston- Johansson F, Danielson E (2008) Dyspnea experien- ce in patients with lung cancer in palliative care. Euro- pean Journal of Oncology Nursing 12, 86–96.
  • Houston D(1997) Supportive therapies for cancer chemotherapy patients and the role of the oncology nurse, Cancer Nursing 20(6), 409-413.
  • Hughes MK(2008) Alterations of sexual function in women with cancer. Seminars in Oncology Nursing 24(2), 91-101.
  • Iranmanesh S, Axelsson K, Savenstedt S, Haggström T(2009) A caring relationship with peop- le who have cancer. Journal of Advenced Nursing 65(6), 1300-1308.
  • Irvine DM, Vincent L, Graydon JE, Bubela N (1998) Fatigue in women with breast cancer receiving radiation therapy. Cancer Nursing 21(2), 127-135.
  • Karadağ A, Hisar F, Özhan-Elbaş N(2007) The level of professionalism among nurses in Turkey. Jo- urnal of Nursing Scholarship 39(4), 1-3.
  • Kav S, Johnson J, Ritttenberg C, Ortega PF, Suominen T, Olsen PR, Patiraki E, Porock D, Dah- ler A, Toliusiene J, Tadic D, Pittayapan P, Roy V, Wang, Colak M, Ami SB, Anderson E, Snow RC (2008) Role of the nurse in patient education and fol- low-up of people receiving oral chemotherapy treat- ment: An International survey. Support Care Cancer 16, 1075-1083.
  • Kinney AY, Hawkins R, Hudmon KS(1997) A descriptive study of the role of the oncology nurse practioner. Oncology Nursing Forum 24(5), 811-820. Kontronoulos
  • Kontronoulas G, Papadopoulou C, Patiraki E (2009) Nurses knowledge, attitudes, and practices re- garding provision of sexual helath care in patients with cancer: Critical review of the evidence. Support Care Cancer 17, 479-501.
  • Larson PJ, Miaskowski C, MacPhail L, Dodd MJ(1998) Approach for reducing chemotherapy indu- ced mucositis. Cancer Nursing 21(4), 263-8.
  • Loescher LJ, Reid EM( 2000) Dynamics of can- cer prevention. In CH Yarbro, MH Fraqqe, M Good- man (Eds.) Cancer Nursing. (5th ed) Sudbury: Jones and Barlett, 135-149.
  • Mcilfatrick S, McCance T, Henderson L(2004) Developing a strategic framework for cancer nursing research. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 8, 262-265.
  • McMillan SC(1996) Pain and pain relief experi- enced by hospice patients with cancer. Cancer Nur- sing 1(4), 298-307.
  • McMillan SC, Heusinkveld KB, Spray J(1995) Advanced practice in oncology nursing: A role deline- ation study . Oncology Nursing Forum 22(1), 41-50.
  • Middelton L, Dimond E, Calzone K, Davis J, Jenkins J (2002) The role of the nurse in cancer ge- netics. Cancer Nursing 25(3), 196-206.
  • Miller M, Kearney N(2001) Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards cancer-related fatigue. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 5(4), 203-276.
  • Mooney KH(2001) Advocating for quality cancer care: Making evidence-based practice a reality. Onco- logy Nursing Forum 28(2), 17-21.
  • Moore S(2005) Oncology Advenced Practice Nurse. In CH Yarbo, MH Frogge, M Goodman ( Eds), Cancer Nursing. Sudbury: Jones and Barlett, 1760- 1771.
  • Nieweg N (1990) The impact of haematopoietic growth factors in oncology nursing. International Cancer Nursing 2(4), 7-8.
  • Onkoloji Hemşireleri Derneği(2004) İlaçların Güvenli Kullanım Standartları Rehberi ulaşım adresi: 02.04.2009.pdf, ulaşım tarihi: 09.04.2010.
  • Pearce JD(1998) Alterations in mobility, skin in- tegrity and neurologic status. In JK Itano, KN Taoka. (Eds.) Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing. (3rd ed) WB Saunders Company, 197-206.
  • Potting CMJ, Mank A, Blijlevens NMA, Do- nelly JP, Achterberg TV(2008) Providing oral care in haematological oncology patients: Nurses’ know- ledge and skills. European Journal of Oncology Nur- sing 12, 291-298.
  • Ramirez TR, Mondragon D(2002) Computer- based education for patients with cancer at Latino Bor- der Hospital. Cancer Nursing 25(3), 245-250.
  • Rust D, Gill C(1997) Nutritional support. In RA Gates, RM Fink (Eds) Oncology Nursing Secrets. Henley and Belfus, 262-276.
  • Rusteon T, Achjolberg TK(2000) Cancer nursing research priorities: A Norwegian perspective. Cancer Nursing 23(5), 375-380.
  • Smith CM, Holcombe JK, Stullenbarger EA (1994), Meta-analysis of intervention effectiveness for symtom management in oncology nursing research. Oncology Nursing Forum 21(7), 1201-1208.
  • TC Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı (2008) Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı, Kalkan Matba- acılık Ltd. Şti., Ankara.
  • TC. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllı- ğı(2000) Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı, Kalkan Mat- baacılık Ltd. Şti., Ankara.
  • Türk Onkoloji Grubu Merkez Üyeler Rehberi (1999) Alp Press, 106-110, Ankara.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu(2010), Nüfus ve kal- kınma göstergeleri ulaşma adresi: http://nkg.tu- i k . g o v . t r / s o n 1 0 . a s p ? g o s t e r g e = 1 & S u b - mit=G%F6r%FCnt%FCle, ulaşılma tarihi: 09. 04. 2010.
  • Wilson B(2008) Can patient lifestyle influence the management of pain? Journal of Clinical Nursing 18, 399-408.
  • Yates P, Baker D, Barret L, Christie L, Dewar MA, Middleton R, Moore D, Stallan G, Bennetto G (2002) Cancer nursing research in Queensland, Aust- ralia: Barriers, priorities and strategies for progress. Cancer Nursing 25(3), 167-180.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Hayriye Ünlü Bu kişi benim

Ayişe Karadağ Bu kişi benim

Lale Taşkın Bu kişi benim

Füsun Terzioğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünlü, H., Karadağ, A., Taşkın, L., Terzioğlu, F. (2010). ONKOLOJİ ALANINDA ÇALIŞAN HEMŞİRELERİN YERİNE GETİRDİKLERİ ROL VE İŞLEVLER. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 12(1), 13-28.