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An Evaluation on Physical Engonomic Factors of Intensive Care Units

Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 53 - 63, 01.04.2010


Objective: The research was carried out to evaluate physical ergonomic factors of intensive care units. Method: This descriptive study was carried out between 01.01.2007- 20.04.2007 in 12 ICU of two university hospitals in the West Anatolia. Interviews were made with 201 nurses who volunteered to participate in the research, 23 anthropometrical measurements were taken from each nurse by an anthropometry. Results: There was no sufficient wide space around the beds for the materials which will be used in advanced life support and other interventions in intensive care units. There was one washbasin for 7.7 ICU beds, and the number of washbasins was not enough by means of infection control and ergonomic rules. We found that only manual beds have been used at 58% of ICUs, electronic and partially manuel beds have been used at 25% of ICUs and 17% of ICUs, respectively. Thus, the percentage of the beds the height adjustment of which could be made electronically peculiarity ensuring that each health care personnel adjusts the beds according to his / her height was 42%. There was no equipment which could assist in carrying and positioning the patient such as patient lift or lever in intensive care units. Conclusion: This research was determined that physical conditions and equipment of intensive care units were not consistent to principles of ergonomic science. It was suggested that ergonomically arrangements should made in intensive care units in order to ensure that the workers are healthy, their efficiency is high and to ensure the patients’ safety, as well.


  • Akyol E(2004) Ergonomi. Sanayide Yeni Ufuk Dergisi 26, 21- 24.
  • Alan S (2008) Hastane enfeksiyonlarından korun- mada birimlerin yapılanma, havalandırma, temizleme ve dezenfeksiyon esasları. Hastane Enfeksiyonları: Korunma ve Kontrol Sempozyum Dizisi 60, 221- 37.
  • Bos EH, Krol BA, Star VD, Groothoff JW (2006) The effects of occupational interventions on re- duction of musculoskeletal symptoms in the nursing profession. Ergonomics 49, 706–23.
  • Caboor DE, Verlinden MO, Zizen EP, Van Roy MP, Riel V, Clarys JP(2000) Implications of an ad- justable bed height during standard nursing tasks on spinal motion: Perceived exertion and muscular acti- vity. Ergonomics 43, 1771-80.
  • Erkan N(2003) Verimlilik, sağlık ve güvenlik için insan faktörü mühendisliği: Ergonomi. (8. Basım) No:373, Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Griffiths H(2006) Manual handling risk manage- ment: Critical care beds and support systems. Nursing Standard 32, 45-53.
  • Goumain P(1989) High techonology workplaces: Integrating techonology, management, and design for productive work environments. Van Nostrand Rein- hold International Company Limited, England.
  • Güler Ç(2001) Ergonomiye giriş. (1. Basım), Anakara Tabip Odası, Ankara.
  • Health Care Health ve Safety Association of On- tario(HCHSA) (2003) The ergonomic resource guide for organizations in health and community care. (2nd ed.) Ontario- Canada.
  • Hedge A(2004) Effects of an electric height-ad- justable worksurface on self-assessed musculoskeletal discomfort and productivity in computer workers. Cor- nell University Human Factors and Ergonomics Rese- arch Laboratory.
  • Hignett S (2003} Intervention strategies to reduce muscoskeletal injuries associated with handling pati- ents: A systematic review. Occupational and Environ- mental Medicine 60, e6 (electronic paper).
  • International Ergonomics Association (IEA) (2000) What is ergonomics. www.iea.cc
  • Janowitz IL, Gille M, Ryan G, Rempel D, Tru- pin L, Swig L, Mullen K, Regulies R, Blane PD (2006) Measuring the physical demands of work in hospital setting: Design and implementation of an er- gonomics assessment. Applied evaluation of biomec- haniccal task demans, work environment and perce- ived risk of injury by nurses: A field study. Ergono- mics 5, 641-58.
  • Jones J, Cockcroft A, Ricliardsori B (1999) The ability of non-ergonomists in the health care setting to make manual handling risk assessments and imple- ment changes. Applied Ergonomic 30,159-166.
  • Karwowski W, Jang RL, Rodrick D, Peter MQ (2005) Self-evaluation of biomechaniccal task de- mans, work environment and perceived risk of injury by nurses: A field study Occupational Ergonomics 5, 13- 27.
  • Kinney MR, Packa DR, Dunbar SB(1993) Cli- nical referance for critical care nursing. (3rd ed.) Mosby Company, Philedelpia.
  • Lagerstrom M, Wenemark M, Hagberg H, Hjelm H(1995) Occupational and individual factors related to musculoskeletal symptoms in five body re- gions among swedish nursing personnel. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 68, 27–35.
  • Malkin J(1991) Hospital interior architecture: Critical care. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
  • Munro N(2002) Sleep deprivation in critically ill patients. Advance for Nurses 3, 13-16.
  • Özdemir T(2005) Tasarımda renk seçimini etkile- yen kriterler. Çukuova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 2, 391-402.
  • Smith DR, Wei N, Kang L, Wang RS(2004) Muskuluskeletal disorders among professional nurses in mainland China. Journal of Professional Nursing 6, 390-395.
  • Şimşek M(1994) Mühendislikte ergonomik fak- törler. Marmara Üniversitesi Teknik Eğitim Fakültesi Döner Sermaye İşletme Matbaası, İstanbul.
  • Trinkoff AM, Lipscomb JA, Geiger-Brown, J. And Brady, B(2001) Musculoskeletal disorders of the neck, shoulder and back and functional consequen- ces in nurses. American Journal of Industrial Medici- ne 41, 170–78.


Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 53 - 63, 01.04.2010


Amaç: Araştırma, yoğun bakım ünitelerini fiziksel ergonomik faktörler açısından değerlendirmek amacı ile yapıldı.Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipte olan bu araştırma 01.01.2007- 20.04.2007 tarihleri arasında Batı Anadoludaki iki üniversite hastanesinin 12 yoğun bakımünitesinde gerçekleştirildi. Bu üniteler fiziksel ergonomik faktörler açısındandeğerlendirildi. Araştırmaya katılamaya istekli 201 hemşire ile görüşüldü,antropometre ile her hemşireden 23 adet antropometrik ölçü alındı.Bulgular: Yoğun bakım ünitelerindeki yatakların etrafında ileri yaşam desteği ve diğer girişimlerde kullanılabilecek malzemeler için geniş bir alan olmadığı görüldü. Yoğun bakım ünitelerinde 7.7 hasta yatağına bir lavabo düştüğü, enfeksiyon kontrolü ve ergonomik açısından lavabo sayısının yetersizolduğu belirlendi.Yoğun bakım ünitelerinin %58’inde tümüyle elle ayarlanabilen, %25’inde tümüyle elektronik, %17’sinde ise yarı ayarlanabilir hasta yatağı kullanıldığısaptandı. Sağlık çalışanlarının yatak yüksekliğini kendi boyuna göre kolaycaayarlayabildiği, elektronik özellik taşıyan yatak kullanım oranı %42 olarakbelirlendi.Yoğun bakım ünitelerinin hiçbirinde kaldırma asansörü ya da kaldıraç gibihastaya pozisyon vermeye ve taşınmasına yardımcı araç- gereç bulunmadığıbelirlendi.Sonuç: Bu çalışma ile yoğun bakım ünitelerinin fiziksel yapı ve donanım açısından ergonomi biliminin ilkelerine uygun olarak yapılandırılmadığı saptandı. Çalışanların veriminin yüksek ve sağlıklı olması ayni zamanda hastagüvenliğinin sağlanması açısından yoğun bakım ünitelerinde ergonomik düzenleme yapılması önerilir


  • Akyol E(2004) Ergonomi. Sanayide Yeni Ufuk Dergisi 26, 21- 24.
  • Alan S (2008) Hastane enfeksiyonlarından korun- mada birimlerin yapılanma, havalandırma, temizleme ve dezenfeksiyon esasları. Hastane Enfeksiyonları: Korunma ve Kontrol Sempozyum Dizisi 60, 221- 37.
  • Bos EH, Krol BA, Star VD, Groothoff JW (2006) The effects of occupational interventions on re- duction of musculoskeletal symptoms in the nursing profession. Ergonomics 49, 706–23.
  • Caboor DE, Verlinden MO, Zizen EP, Van Roy MP, Riel V, Clarys JP(2000) Implications of an ad- justable bed height during standard nursing tasks on spinal motion: Perceived exertion and muscular acti- vity. Ergonomics 43, 1771-80.
  • Erkan N(2003) Verimlilik, sağlık ve güvenlik için insan faktörü mühendisliği: Ergonomi. (8. Basım) No:373, Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Griffiths H(2006) Manual handling risk manage- ment: Critical care beds and support systems. Nursing Standard 32, 45-53.
  • Goumain P(1989) High techonology workplaces: Integrating techonology, management, and design for productive work environments. Van Nostrand Rein- hold International Company Limited, England.
  • Güler Ç(2001) Ergonomiye giriş. (1. Basım), Anakara Tabip Odası, Ankara.
  • Health Care Health ve Safety Association of On- tario(HCHSA) (2003) The ergonomic resource guide for organizations in health and community care. (2nd ed.) Ontario- Canada.
  • Hedge A(2004) Effects of an electric height-ad- justable worksurface on self-assessed musculoskeletal discomfort and productivity in computer workers. Cor- nell University Human Factors and Ergonomics Rese- arch Laboratory.
  • Hignett S (2003} Intervention strategies to reduce muscoskeletal injuries associated with handling pati- ents: A systematic review. Occupational and Environ- mental Medicine 60, e6 (electronic paper).
  • International Ergonomics Association (IEA) (2000) What is ergonomics. www.iea.cc
  • Janowitz IL, Gille M, Ryan G, Rempel D, Tru- pin L, Swig L, Mullen K, Regulies R, Blane PD (2006) Measuring the physical demands of work in hospital setting: Design and implementation of an er- gonomics assessment. Applied evaluation of biomec- haniccal task demans, work environment and perce- ived risk of injury by nurses: A field study. Ergono- mics 5, 641-58.
  • Jones J, Cockcroft A, Ricliardsori B (1999) The ability of non-ergonomists in the health care setting to make manual handling risk assessments and imple- ment changes. Applied Ergonomic 30,159-166.
  • Karwowski W, Jang RL, Rodrick D, Peter MQ (2005) Self-evaluation of biomechaniccal task de- mans, work environment and perceived risk of injury by nurses: A field study Occupational Ergonomics 5, 13- 27.
  • Kinney MR, Packa DR, Dunbar SB(1993) Cli- nical referance for critical care nursing. (3rd ed.) Mosby Company, Philedelpia.
  • Lagerstrom M, Wenemark M, Hagberg H, Hjelm H(1995) Occupational and individual factors related to musculoskeletal symptoms in five body re- gions among swedish nursing personnel. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 68, 27–35.
  • Malkin J(1991) Hospital interior architecture: Critical care. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
  • Munro N(2002) Sleep deprivation in critically ill patients. Advance for Nurses 3, 13-16.
  • Özdemir T(2005) Tasarımda renk seçimini etkile- yen kriterler. Çukuova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 2, 391-402.
  • Smith DR, Wei N, Kang L, Wang RS(2004) Muskuluskeletal disorders among professional nurses in mainland China. Journal of Professional Nursing 6, 390-395.
  • Şimşek M(1994) Mühendislikte ergonomik fak- törler. Marmara Üniversitesi Teknik Eğitim Fakültesi Döner Sermaye İşletme Matbaası, İstanbul.
  • Trinkoff AM, Lipscomb JA, Geiger-Brown, J. And Brady, B(2001) Musculoskeletal disorders of the neck, shoulder and back and functional consequen- ces in nurses. American Journal of Industrial Medici- ne 41, 170–78.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Arzu İlçe This is me

Alev Dramalı This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA İlçe, A., & Dramalı, A. (2010). YOĞUN BAKIM ÜNİTELERİNİN FİZİKSEL ERGONOMİK FAKTÖRLER AÇISINDAN İNCELENMESİ. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 12(1), 53-63. https://doi.org/10.69487/hemarge.695099