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Evaluation of Psychomotor Skill Training at the Nursing Professional Skill Laboratory by Students and Instructors

Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 28 - 38, 01.08.2010


Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the opinions of students and instructors about the psychomotor skill training applied by using skill lists, reasons of skill steps, videos, and scenarios. Method: A total of 82 second-grade students, who studied at an University in a province in Aegean Region, School of Nursing in the 2007-2008 academic year, and 15 instructors, who attended the studies of professional skill laboratory of this class, were included in the study. The skill training was applied by using laboratory scenarios, skill lists and videos, in which four different subjects were discussed. The data were collected with “Professional Skills Feedback Form” which was prepared by the instructors. This form consists of total 12 items including planning, application, and learning subtitles. Each item is evaluated between 0=Very poor and 4=Very good scores. The evaluations were performed by calculating the mean scores of each item. Results: The mean scores of the students and instructors were as follows, respectively: 3.75, 3.40 for the order receive and oral local drug application; 3.85, 3.22 for applying the protective position; 3.86, 3.72 for the application of intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injection; 3.89, 3.52 for the application of intravenous fluid therapy. Students noted that the laboratory studies were amusing, maintaining permanent learning and increasing the problem solving skills. The feedbacks of instructors also supported the positive feedbacks of students. Conclusion: It was determined that different methods used in laboratory studies facilitated learning of the students and provided interest and motivation. Studying on methods that provide students to attend the laboratory with theoretical preparation was suggested.


  • Ahsen NF, Batul SA, Ahmed AN, Imam SZ, Iq- bal H, Shamshair K, Ali M (2010) Developing coun- seling skills through pre-recorded videos and role play: A pre- and post-intervention study in a Pakistani medical school. BMC Medical Education 10(7), 1-8.
  • Baxter P, Akhtar-Danesh N, Valaitis R, Stanyon W, Sproul S (2009) Simulated experiences: Nursing students share their perspectives Nurse Education To- day doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2009.05.003.
  • Bloomfield J, Roberts J, While A(2010) The ef- fect of computer-assisted learning versus conventional teaching methods on the acquisition and retention of handwashing theory and skills in pre-qualification nursing students: A randomised controlled trial. Inter- national Journal of Nursing Studies 47, 287–294.
  • Bradley P, Postlethwaite K (2003) Setting up a clinical skills learning facility. Medical Education 37, Suppl 1, 6-13.
  • Bremner MN, Aduddell K, Bennett DN, VanGe- est JB (2006) The use of human patient simulators: Best practices with novice nursing students. Nurse Educator 31, 170-174.
  • Childs JC, Sepples S(2006) Clinical teaching by si- mulation: Lessons learned from a complex patient care scenario. Nursing Education Perspectives 27, 154–158.
  • Colleen JK(2006) Linking competency-based as- sessment to successful clinical practice. Journal of Nursing Education 45(9), 379-383..
  • Du Boulay C, Medway C(1999) The clinical skills resource: A review of current practice. Medical Education 33, 185-191.
  • Dikici MF, Yarış F(2007) Standardized and simu- lated patient program in Ondokuz Mayıs University School of Medicine: Medical education. Turkiye Kli- nikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 27(5), 738-743.
  • Freeth D, Fry H(2005) Nursing students’ and tu- tors’ perceptions of learning and teaching in a clinical skills centre. Nurse Education Today 25, 272-282.
  • Graham A., Scollon D(2002) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training for undergraduate medical stu- dents: A five-year study. Medical Education 36, 296–298.
  • Himes D, Ravert P, Tingey C(2009) Engaging nursing students in the fundamental skill lab: Scenario based simulations. Clinical Simulation in Nursing 5(3), Supplement 1, 140.
  • Jeffries P, Rew S, Cramer J(2002) A comparison of student centered versus traditional methods of teac- hing basic nursing skill in a learning laboratory. Nur- sing Education Perpectives 23, 14-19.
  • McAdams C, Rankin EJ, Love B, Patton D (1989) Psychomotor skills laboratories as self-directed learning: A study of nursing students’ perceptions. Jo- urnal of Advanced Nursing 14, 788-796.
  • Morgan R(2006) Using clinical skills laboratori- es to promote theory-practice integration during first practice placement: An Irish perspective. Journal of Clinical Nursing 15, 155-161.
  • Schoening AM, Sittner BJ, Todd MJ(2006) Si- mulated clinical experience nursing students’ percepti- ons and the educators’ role. Nurse Educator 31(6), 253-58.
  • Synder MD, Fitzloff MB, Fiedler R, Lambke MR(2000) Preparing nursing students for contempo- rary practice: Restructuring the psychomotor skills la- boratory. Journal of Nursing Education 39(5), 229- 230.
  • Yücesoy M, Taşkıran HC, Çelebi İ, Ulusel B, Mavioğlu Ö, Özboyacı C, Kılınç T, Ersoy G, Uçan ES, Alıcı E (2001) Tıp eğitiminde mesleksel becerile- rin yeri: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi deneyimi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi Aktif Eğitim Özel Sayısı 67-73.


Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 28 - 38, 01.08.2010


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, beceri listeleri, beceri adımlarının gerekçeleri,video ve senaryolar kullanılarak uygulanan psikomotor beceri eğitimine ilişkin öğrenci ve öğretim elemanlarının görüşlerini belirlemektir.Yöntem: Araştırmaya, Ege Bölgesi’ndeki bir ilde bulunan bir üniversiteninhemşirelik yüksekokulunda 2007-2008 öğretim yılında ikinci sınıfta okuyantoplam 82 öğrenci ve bu sınıfın mesleksel beceri laboratuvar MBL çalışmalarına katılan 15 öğretim elemanı dahil edilmiştir. Çalışmada dört farklı konunun işlendiği laboratuar senaryoları, beceri listeleri ve videolar kullanılarak beceri eğitimi yapılmıştır.Veriler, araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanmış olan “Mesleksel Beceri Geribildirim Formu” ile toplanmıştır. Bu form; planlama, uygulama ve öğrenmealt başlıklarını içeren toplam 12 maddeden oluşmaktadır. Her bir madde 0=Çok yetersiz ve 4= Çok iyi puanları arasında değerlendirilmektedir. Değerlendirmeler her bir maddenin puan ortalamaları alınarak yapılmıştır.Bulgular: Laboratuar çalışmalarının geribildirim puan ortalamaları öğrenci-öğretim elemanı sırasına göre, istem alma ve oral lokal ilaç uygulama3.75, 3.40; koruyucu pozisyon verme 3.85, 3.22; intravenöz, intramuskülerve subkütan enjeksiyon uygulama 3.86, 3.72; intravenöz sıvı tedavisi uygulama 3.89, 3.52’dir. Öğrenciler; laboratuvar çalışmalarının zevkli, öğrenmeyikalıcı kılan ve problem çözme becerisini artırır özellikte olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Öğretim elemanlarının geribildirimleri de öğrencilerin olumlu geribildirimlerini destekler niteliktedir. Sonuç: Laboratuar çalışmalarında kullanılan farklı yöntemlerin öğrencininöğrenmesini kolaylaştırdığı, merak ve motivasyon sağladığı belirlenmiştir.Öğrencinin laboratuara teorik hazırlık yaparak gelmesini sağlayacak yöntemler üzerine çalışılması önerilmektedir


  • Ahsen NF, Batul SA, Ahmed AN, Imam SZ, Iq- bal H, Shamshair K, Ali M (2010) Developing coun- seling skills through pre-recorded videos and role play: A pre- and post-intervention study in a Pakistani medical school. BMC Medical Education 10(7), 1-8.
  • Baxter P, Akhtar-Danesh N, Valaitis R, Stanyon W, Sproul S (2009) Simulated experiences: Nursing students share their perspectives Nurse Education To- day doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2009.05.003.
  • Bloomfield J, Roberts J, While A(2010) The ef- fect of computer-assisted learning versus conventional teaching methods on the acquisition and retention of handwashing theory and skills in pre-qualification nursing students: A randomised controlled trial. Inter- national Journal of Nursing Studies 47, 287–294.
  • Bradley P, Postlethwaite K (2003) Setting up a clinical skills learning facility. Medical Education 37, Suppl 1, 6-13.
  • Bremner MN, Aduddell K, Bennett DN, VanGe- est JB (2006) The use of human patient simulators: Best practices with novice nursing students. Nurse Educator 31, 170-174.
  • Childs JC, Sepples S(2006) Clinical teaching by si- mulation: Lessons learned from a complex patient care scenario. Nursing Education Perspectives 27, 154–158.
  • Colleen JK(2006) Linking competency-based as- sessment to successful clinical practice. Journal of Nursing Education 45(9), 379-383..
  • Du Boulay C, Medway C(1999) The clinical skills resource: A review of current practice. Medical Education 33, 185-191.
  • Dikici MF, Yarış F(2007) Standardized and simu- lated patient program in Ondokuz Mayıs University School of Medicine: Medical education. Turkiye Kli- nikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 27(5), 738-743.
  • Freeth D, Fry H(2005) Nursing students’ and tu- tors’ perceptions of learning and teaching in a clinical skills centre. Nurse Education Today 25, 272-282.
  • Graham A., Scollon D(2002) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training for undergraduate medical stu- dents: A five-year study. Medical Education 36, 296–298.
  • Himes D, Ravert P, Tingey C(2009) Engaging nursing students in the fundamental skill lab: Scenario based simulations. Clinical Simulation in Nursing 5(3), Supplement 1, 140.
  • Jeffries P, Rew S, Cramer J(2002) A comparison of student centered versus traditional methods of teac- hing basic nursing skill in a learning laboratory. Nur- sing Education Perpectives 23, 14-19.
  • McAdams C, Rankin EJ, Love B, Patton D (1989) Psychomotor skills laboratories as self-directed learning: A study of nursing students’ perceptions. Jo- urnal of Advanced Nursing 14, 788-796.
  • Morgan R(2006) Using clinical skills laboratori- es to promote theory-practice integration during first practice placement: An Irish perspective. Journal of Clinical Nursing 15, 155-161.
  • Schoening AM, Sittner BJ, Todd MJ(2006) Si- mulated clinical experience nursing students’ percepti- ons and the educators’ role. Nurse Educator 31(6), 253-58.
  • Synder MD, Fitzloff MB, Fiedler R, Lambke MR(2000) Preparing nursing students for contempo- rary practice: Restructuring the psychomotor skills la- boratory. Journal of Nursing Education 39(5), 229- 230.
  • Yücesoy M, Taşkıran HC, Çelebi İ, Ulusel B, Mavioğlu Ö, Özboyacı C, Kılınç T, Ersoy G, Uçan ES, Alıcı E (2001) Tıp eğitiminde mesleksel becerile- rin yeri: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi deneyimi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi Aktif Eğitim Özel Sayısı 67-73.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Samiye Mete This is me

Nurcan Uysal This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 12 Issue: 2
