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The Relationship Between Cognitive Level and Nutritional Status of Elderly Stroke

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3, 30 - 37, 01.12.2010


Objective: This study, the elderly cerebro vascular disease was carried out to examine the relationship between cognitive status and nutrition. Methods: This research was designed as a descriptive cross-sectional study. The study was done with 123 elderly stroke hospitalized in neurology clinic of University’s Hospital. The data were obtained by the Elderly Identifiable Information Form, Standardized MiniMental State Examination and Mini Nutritional Assessment. Percentage calculation, independent samples t-test, One Way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis and Simple Correlation Analysis by Pearson Correlation Coefficient tests were used in the evaluation of data. Results: According to Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination 83% of the elderly, has been deterioration in cognitive level. According to Mini Nutritional Assessment 22.8% malnourished, 50.4% were at high risk for malnutrition in reputation. The study examined the relationship between the elderly Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination scores and the Mini Nutritional Assessment. When examining the relationship between Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination scores and the Mini Nutritional Assessment to the study of the elderly determined that a positive correlation a significant association between cognitive status and nutritional status. Conclusion: In the elderly was a significant correlation between cognitive status and nutrition status. It should be assessment at high risk for malnutrition in elderly people deteriorating cognitive status of individuals of health workers.


  • Aliabadi M, Kimiagar M, Mobarhan MG, Sha- keri TM, Nematy M, Ilaty AA, Moosavi AR, Lan- ham-New S(2008) Prevelance of nutrition in free li- ving elderly people in Iran. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 17(2), 285-289.
  • Appelros P(2005) Characteristics of Mini-Mental State Examination 1 year after stroke. Acta Neurologi- ca Scandinavica 112(2), 88-92.
  • Appelros P, Andersson A(2006) Changes in Mi- ni Mental State Examination score after stroke: Lacu- nar infarction predicts cognitive decline. European Jo- urnal Of Neurology: The Official Journal Of The Eu- ropean Federation Of Neurological Societies 13(5), 491-495.
  • Aslan D, Şengelen M, Bilir N(2008) Yaşlılık dö- neminde beslenme sorunları ve yaklaşımlar. Geriatri Derneği Eğitim Serisi, Yayın No:1, Öncü Basımevi, Ankara
  • Baath C, Hall-Lord M, Idvall E, Wiberg-Hed- man K, Wilde Larsson B(2008) Interrater reliability using Modified Norton Scale, Pressure Ulcer Card, Short Form-Mini Nutritional Assessment by registered and enrolled nurses in clinical practice. Journal of Cli- nical Nursing 17(5), 618-626.
  • Barone L, Milosavljevic M, Gazibarich B (2003) Assessing the older person: Is the MBD more approp- riate nutritional assessment tool than the SGA? The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 7, 433-437.
  • Berner YN(2006) Yaşlılık ve beslenme. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 9(2), 97-107.
  • Dennis M, Lewis S, Warlow C(2005) Routine oral nutritional supplementation for stroke patients in hospital (FOOD): A multicentre randomised control- led trial. Lancet 365, 755-763.
  • Dion N, Cotart JL, Rabilloud M(2007) Correc- tion of the nutrition test errors of more accurate quan- titification of the link between dental health and mal- nutrition. Nutrition 23(4), 301-307.
  • Elhan A, Kutlay S, Küçükdeveci A, Cotuk C, Oztürk G, Tesio L, Tennant A(2005) Psychometric properties of the Mini-Mental State Examination in patients with acquired brain injury in Turkey. Journal Of Rehabilitation Medicine: Official Journal Of The UEMS European Board Of Physical And Rehabilitati- on Medicine 37(5), 306-311.
  • Folstein M, Folstein SE, McHugh PR(1975) Mi- ni-Mental State: A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal Psychiatr Reserch 12, 189-198.
  • Ghisla MK, Cossi S, Timpini A, Baroni F, Facc- hi E, Marengoni A(2007) Predictors of succesful re- habilitation in geriatric patients: Sub-gruop analysis of patient with cognictive impairment. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 19(5), 417-423.
  • Güngen C, Ertan T, Eker E (2002)Standardize Mini Mental Test’in Türk toplumunda hafif demans ta- nısında geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergi- si 13(4), 273-251.
  • Hengstermann S, Nieczaj R, Steinhagen-Thies- sen E, Schulz RJJ(2008) Which are the most effici- ent items of mini nutritional assessment in multimor- bid patients? The Journal Nutrition, Health & Aging 12(2), 117-22.
  • Inoue K, Kato M(2007) Usefulness of the mini- nutrirional assessment (MBD) to evaluate the nutriti- onal status of japannese frail elderly under home care. Geriatry Gerentology International 7, 238-244.
  • Mimi 0, Looi PS, Lee FS (2006)Cognitive func- tion of elderly Haj Pilgrims in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry 15(2), 23-34.
  • Olofsson B, Stenvall M Lundström M, Gustaf- son Y, Svensson O(2007) Nutrition and older people malnutrition in hip fracture patients: An intervention study. Orthopaedic Nursing 28(6), 305-13.
  • Ortega RM, Requejo AM, Andres P, Navia B, Perea JM, Robles F(1997) Dietary intake and cogni- tive function in a group of elderly people. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 66, 803-809.
  • Perry L, McLaren S(2004) An exploration of nutrition and eating disabilities in relation to quality of life at 6 months post-stroke. Health & Social Care in the Community 12(4), 288-297.
  • Poels BJJ, Brinkman-Zijlker H, Dijkstra PU, Postema K(2006) Malnutrition, eating difficulties and feeding dependence in a stroke rehabilitation cent- re. Disability & Rehabilitation 28(10), 637-643.
  • Porteous L, Markus H(2004) Malnutrition in stroke and its management. Current Medical Literatu- re: Stroke Review 8(1), 6-11.
  • Saka B, Özkulluk H(2008) İç hastalıkları polikli- niğine başvuran yaşlı hastalarda nutrisyel durumun değerlendirilmesi ve malnutrisyonun diğer geriatrik sendromlarla ilişkisi. Gülhane Tıp Dergisi 50, 151- 157.
  • Souminen MH, Sandeli E, Soini H, Pitkala KH (2007) How well do nurses recognize malnutrition in eldery patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutriti- on 13(4), 218-223.
  • Tsai AC, Ho CS, Chang MC(2008) Assessing the pravelence of malnutrition with the mini nutritionel assesment (MBD) in a nationally representative samp- le of eldery Taiwanese. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 12(4), 239-242.
  • Tsai AC, Chi-Ling S(2009) A population-specific Mini-Nutritional Assessment can effectively grade the nutritional status of stroke rehabilitation patients in Ta- iwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing 18(1), 82-88.
  • Tsai AC, Ku PY(2007 ) population specific mini nutritional assessment effectively predicts the nutriti- onal state and follow-up mortality of institutionalized eldery Taiwanese of cognictive status. British Journal of Nutrition 6, 1-7.
  • Unosson M, Ek AC, Bjurulf P, VonSchenck H, Larsson J(1994) Feeding dependence and nutritional status after acute stroke. Stroke 25, 366–71.
  • Vellas B, Guigoz Y, Garry PJ, Nourashemi F, Bennahum D, Lauque S, Albarede JL(1999) The mini nutritional assessment (MBD) and its use in gra- ding the nutritional state of elderly patients. Nutrition 15, 116-122.
  • Westergren A, Ohlsson O, Hallberg I(2001) Ea- ting difficulties, complications and nursing interventi- ons during a period of three months after a stroke. Jo- urnal of Advanced Nursing 35(3), 416-426.
  • Winkel-Witlox A, Post M, Visser-Meily J, Lin- deman E (2008) Efficient screening of cognitive dysfunction in stroke patients: Comparison between the CAMCOG and the R-CAMCOG, Mini Mental State Examination and Functional Independence Me- asure-cognition score. Disability And Rehabilitation 30(18), 1386-1391.


Yıl 2010, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3, 30 - 37, 01.12.2010


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, inmeli yaşlı bireylerin bilişsel düzeyi ve beslenme durumu arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir.Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı-kesitsel nitelikte olan bu çalışma, İç Anadolu Bölgesi’ndeki bir ilimizde bulunan Devlet Üniversitesi Hastanesi Nöroloji Kliniği’ne inme tanısıyla yatan 123 hasta üzerinde yapılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında, Tanıtıcı Bilgi Formu, Standardize Mini Mental Test ve Mini Beslenme Değerlendirmesi kullanılmıştır. Veriler, yüzdelik hesabı, Bağımsız Gruplarda İki Ortalama Arasındaki Farkın Önemlilik Testi, Tek Yönlü VaryansAnalizi, Kruskal-Wallis ve Basit Korelasyon Analizi Pearson KorelasyonKatsayısı testleri kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir.Bulgular: Standardize Mini Mental Test’e göre; inmeli yaşlıların %83’ündebilişsel düzeyde bozulma olduğu, Mini Beslenme Değerlendirmesi’ne göre,%22.8’inde malnütrisyon geliştiği, %50.4’ünde ise malnütrisyon riski olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada Standardize Mini Mental Test ve Mini Beslenme Değerlendirme puanları arasındaki ilişki incelendiğinde; yaşlı hastalarınbilişsel durumu ile beslenme durumu arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir.Sonuç: İnmeli yaşlıların bilişsel düzeyi ile beslenme durumu arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sağlık çalışanlarının bilişseldurumu bozulan yaşlıları malnütrisyon açısından riskli bireyler olarak değerlendirmesi ve malnutrisyonun önlenmesine yönelik planlamalar yapmasıönemlidir


  • Aliabadi M, Kimiagar M, Mobarhan MG, Sha- keri TM, Nematy M, Ilaty AA, Moosavi AR, Lan- ham-New S(2008) Prevelance of nutrition in free li- ving elderly people in Iran. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 17(2), 285-289.
  • Appelros P(2005) Characteristics of Mini-Mental State Examination 1 year after stroke. Acta Neurologi- ca Scandinavica 112(2), 88-92.
  • Appelros P, Andersson A(2006) Changes in Mi- ni Mental State Examination score after stroke: Lacu- nar infarction predicts cognitive decline. European Jo- urnal Of Neurology: The Official Journal Of The Eu- ropean Federation Of Neurological Societies 13(5), 491-495.
  • Aslan D, Şengelen M, Bilir N(2008) Yaşlılık dö- neminde beslenme sorunları ve yaklaşımlar. Geriatri Derneği Eğitim Serisi, Yayın No:1, Öncü Basımevi, Ankara
  • Baath C, Hall-Lord M, Idvall E, Wiberg-Hed- man K, Wilde Larsson B(2008) Interrater reliability using Modified Norton Scale, Pressure Ulcer Card, Short Form-Mini Nutritional Assessment by registered and enrolled nurses in clinical practice. Journal of Cli- nical Nursing 17(5), 618-626.
  • Barone L, Milosavljevic M, Gazibarich B (2003) Assessing the older person: Is the MBD more approp- riate nutritional assessment tool than the SGA? The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 7, 433-437.
  • Berner YN(2006) Yaşlılık ve beslenme. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 9(2), 97-107.
  • Dennis M, Lewis S, Warlow C(2005) Routine oral nutritional supplementation for stroke patients in hospital (FOOD): A multicentre randomised control- led trial. Lancet 365, 755-763.
  • Dion N, Cotart JL, Rabilloud M(2007) Correc- tion of the nutrition test errors of more accurate quan- titification of the link between dental health and mal- nutrition. Nutrition 23(4), 301-307.
  • Elhan A, Kutlay S, Küçükdeveci A, Cotuk C, Oztürk G, Tesio L, Tennant A(2005) Psychometric properties of the Mini-Mental State Examination in patients with acquired brain injury in Turkey. Journal Of Rehabilitation Medicine: Official Journal Of The UEMS European Board Of Physical And Rehabilitati- on Medicine 37(5), 306-311.
  • Folstein M, Folstein SE, McHugh PR(1975) Mi- ni-Mental State: A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal Psychiatr Reserch 12, 189-198.
  • Ghisla MK, Cossi S, Timpini A, Baroni F, Facc- hi E, Marengoni A(2007) Predictors of succesful re- habilitation in geriatric patients: Sub-gruop analysis of patient with cognictive impairment. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 19(5), 417-423.
  • Güngen C, Ertan T, Eker E (2002)Standardize Mini Mental Test’in Türk toplumunda hafif demans ta- nısında geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergi- si 13(4), 273-251.
  • Hengstermann S, Nieczaj R, Steinhagen-Thies- sen E, Schulz RJJ(2008) Which are the most effici- ent items of mini nutritional assessment in multimor- bid patients? The Journal Nutrition, Health & Aging 12(2), 117-22.
  • Inoue K, Kato M(2007) Usefulness of the mini- nutrirional assessment (MBD) to evaluate the nutriti- onal status of japannese frail elderly under home care. Geriatry Gerentology International 7, 238-244.
  • Mimi 0, Looi PS, Lee FS (2006)Cognitive func- tion of elderly Haj Pilgrims in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry 15(2), 23-34.
  • Olofsson B, Stenvall M Lundström M, Gustaf- son Y, Svensson O(2007) Nutrition and older people malnutrition in hip fracture patients: An intervention study. Orthopaedic Nursing 28(6), 305-13.
  • Ortega RM, Requejo AM, Andres P, Navia B, Perea JM, Robles F(1997) Dietary intake and cogni- tive function in a group of elderly people. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 66, 803-809.
  • Perry L, McLaren S(2004) An exploration of nutrition and eating disabilities in relation to quality of life at 6 months post-stroke. Health & Social Care in the Community 12(4), 288-297.
  • Poels BJJ, Brinkman-Zijlker H, Dijkstra PU, Postema K(2006) Malnutrition, eating difficulties and feeding dependence in a stroke rehabilitation cent- re. Disability & Rehabilitation 28(10), 637-643.
  • Porteous L, Markus H(2004) Malnutrition in stroke and its management. Current Medical Literatu- re: Stroke Review 8(1), 6-11.
  • Saka B, Özkulluk H(2008) İç hastalıkları polikli- niğine başvuran yaşlı hastalarda nutrisyel durumun değerlendirilmesi ve malnutrisyonun diğer geriatrik sendromlarla ilişkisi. Gülhane Tıp Dergisi 50, 151- 157.
  • Souminen MH, Sandeli E, Soini H, Pitkala KH (2007) How well do nurses recognize malnutrition in eldery patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutriti- on 13(4), 218-223.
  • Tsai AC, Ho CS, Chang MC(2008) Assessing the pravelence of malnutrition with the mini nutritionel assesment (MBD) in a nationally representative samp- le of eldery Taiwanese. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 12(4), 239-242.
  • Tsai AC, Chi-Ling S(2009) A population-specific Mini-Nutritional Assessment can effectively grade the nutritional status of stroke rehabilitation patients in Ta- iwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing 18(1), 82-88.
  • Tsai AC, Ku PY(2007 ) population specific mini nutritional assessment effectively predicts the nutriti- onal state and follow-up mortality of institutionalized eldery Taiwanese of cognictive status. British Journal of Nutrition 6, 1-7.
  • Unosson M, Ek AC, Bjurulf P, VonSchenck H, Larsson J(1994) Feeding dependence and nutritional status after acute stroke. Stroke 25, 366–71.
  • Vellas B, Guigoz Y, Garry PJ, Nourashemi F, Bennahum D, Lauque S, Albarede JL(1999) The mini nutritional assessment (MBD) and its use in gra- ding the nutritional state of elderly patients. Nutrition 15, 116-122.
  • Westergren A, Ohlsson O, Hallberg I(2001) Ea- ting difficulties, complications and nursing interventi- ons during a period of three months after a stroke. Jo- urnal of Advanced Nursing 35(3), 416-426.
  • Winkel-Witlox A, Post M, Visser-Meily J, Lin- deman E (2008) Efficient screening of cognitive dysfunction in stroke patients: Comparison between the CAMCOG and the R-CAMCOG, Mini Mental State Examination and Functional Independence Me- asure-cognition score. Disability And Rehabilitation 30(18), 1386-1391.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Mukadder Mollaoğlu Bu kişi benim

Tülay Kars-fertelli Bu kişi benim

Fatma Özkan-tuncay Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Mollaoğlu, M., Kars-fertelli, T., & Özkan-tuncay, F. (2010). İNMELİ YAŞLI BİREYLERİN BİLİŞSEL DÜZEYLERİ VE BESLENME DURUMLARI ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİ. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 12(3), 30-37.