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Year 2011, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 25 - 34, 01.04.2011


Amaç: Çalışma, bir sağlık ocağı bölgesinde altı ayın altındaki bebeklerin“ani bebek ölümü sendromu” ile ilgili risk faktörlerini belirlemek amacıylayapılmıştır. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı, kesitsel tipteki çalışmanın evrenini; 1 Ocak 2009–31Mayıs 2009 tarihleri arasında doğan bebekler n:73 ve anneleri oluşturmuştur. Anket formları annelerle yüz yüze görüşülerek doldurulmuştur. Elde edilen veriler bilgisayar ortamında Ki-kare, Fisher exact testleri ve yüzdelik tablolar ile değerlendirilmiştir.Bulgular: Bebeklerin %68.5’i pasif sigara içicisi, %56.2’si erkek, %65.8’i0-4 aylık idi ve anneleri ile aynı yatakta %26 , yumuşak yatak yüzeyinde %21.9 , yüzüstü pozisyonda %31.5 , yüzü örtülü olarak %49.3 yatırılıyordu. Anne eğitimi ve aile tipi gibi değişkenlerle bebeğin yatağının özelliğiarasında ilişki belirlendi p


  • Alm B, Lagercrantz H, Wennergren G (2006) Stop SIDS sleeping solitary supine, sucking soother, stopping smoking substitutes. Acta Paediatrica 95, 260-262.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)(2000) Task force on infant sleep position and sudden infant death syndrome. Changing concepts of sudden infant death syndrome: Implications for infant sleeping envi- ronment and sleep position. Pediatrics 105(3), 650- 656.
  • Blair, PS, Fleming PJ, Smith IJ, Ward Platt M, Young J, Nadin P, Berry PJ, Golding J, ve CESDI SUDI research group(1999) Babies sleeping with parents: Case-control study of factors influencing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. British Medical Journal 319, 1457-1462.
  • Blair PS, Ward Platt M, Smith IJ, Fleming PJ, CESDI SUDI Research Group(2006a). Sudden in- fant death syndrome and sleeping position in pre-term and low birth weight infants: An opportunity for targe- ted intervention. Archives of Disease in Childhood 91, 101-106.
  • Blair PS, Sidebotham P, Berry PJ, Evans M, Fleming PJ(2006b) Major epidemiological changes in sudden infant death syndrome: A 20-year populati- on-based study in the UK. Lancet 367(28), 314-319.
  • Blair PS, Sidebotham P, Combe CE, Edmonds M, Heackstal-Smith EMA, Fleming P(2009) Hazar- dous co sleeping environments and risk factors ame- nable to change: Case-control study of SIDS in south west England. British Medical Journal 339, b3666.
  • Bredemeyer SL(2004) Implentation of the SIDS Guidelines in midwifery practice. Australian Midwi- fery 17(4),17-21.
  • Bucley P, Rigda RS, Mundy L, McMillen IC (2002) Interaction between bed sharing and other sle- ep environments during the first six month life. Early Human Development 66,123-132.
  • Çalışır H, Özvurmaz S, Tuğrul E (2007) Aydın il merkezindeki 0-11 aylık bebeklerde ani bebek ölümü sendromu ile ilgili risk faktörlerinin incelenmesi. C.Ü.Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 11(2), 7-17.
  • Gilbert R, Salanti G, Harden M, See S (2005) Infant Sleeping Position and SIDS: Systematic reviwv of observational studies and historical review of re- commendation from 1940 to 2002. Intarnational Jour- nal of Epidemiyology 34, 874-887.
  • Gökçe S, Baysal SU(2004) Ani bebek ölüm send- romu. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 67(1), 56-61.
  • Hauch R, Hunt C (2000) Sudden infant death syndrome in 2000. Current Problems in Pediatrics 30, 41-61.
  • Hunt CE, Lesko SM, Vezina RM, McCoy R, Corwin MJ, Mandell F, Willinger M, Hoffman HJ, Mitchell AA(2003) Infant sleep position and associ- ated health outcomes. Archives of Pediatrics & Ado- lescent Medicine 157, 469-474.
  • Hunter JG, Malloy M(2002) Effect of sleep and play positions on infant development: Reconciling de- velopmental concerns with SIDS prevention. Newborn and Infant Nursing Review 2(19), 9-16.
  • Kahn A, Sawaguchi T, Sawaguchi A, Groswas- serJ, Franco P, Scaillet S, Kelmanson I, Dan B (2002) Sudden infant deaths: From epidemiyology to physi- ology. Forensic Science International 130(5), 8-20.
  • Koturoğlu G, Akşit S, Kurugöl Z (2004) Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Polikliniğinde izle- nen bebeklerin yatış pozisyonunun değerlendirilmesi. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 39, 78-82.
  • Leiter JC, Böhm I (2007) Mechanism of patho- genesis in the sudden infant death syndrome respira- tory. Physiology and Neurobiyology 159, 127-138.
  • McKinney CM, Halt UL, Cunningham ML, Le- roux BG, Starr JR(2008) Maternal and infant cha- racteristics associated with prone and lateral infant sle- ep positioning in Washington State, 1996-2002. Jour- nal of Pediatrics 153(2), 194-198.
  • Mitchell EA(2009) Risk factors for SIDS, We al- ready know enough; the challenge is how to change behavior. British Medical Journal 339, 873-874.
  • Mizzi J, Parscandalo RP, Montalto SA(2008) SIDS and infant saleeping position: Audit on the advi- sory campaing in Malta. Malta Medical Journal 20(4), 21-23.
  • Moon RY, Weese-Mayer MD, Silvestri JM (2003) Night time child care: Inadequate sudden infant death syndrome risk factor knowledge, practice and policies. Pediatrics 111(4), 795-799.
  • Nelson EAS, Taylor BJ(2001) International child care practice study. Infant sleeping envinronmet. Early Human Development 62, 43-55.
  • Polat A, Kavak N, Kavak S, Akalın N(1996) İn- fant uyuma pozisyonu ve bazı sosyodemografik özel- likler. Ege Pediatri Bülteni 3(4), 237- 239.
  • Sahni R, Fifer WP, Myers MM(2007) Ani bebek ölümü sendromu riski olan bebeklerin belirlenmesi. Current Opinion Pediatrics Turkish Edition 2(2), 59-65.
  • Scragg R, Mitchell EA, Taylor BJ, Stewart AW, Ford RP, Thompson JM, Allen EM, Becroft DM (1993) Bed sharing, smoking, and alcohol in the sud- den death syndrome. New Zealand Cot Death Study Group. British Medical Journal 307, 1312-1318.
  • Spitzer AR (2005) Current controversies in the pathophysiology and prevention of sudden infant de- ath syndrome. Neonatology and Perinatology, Current Opinion in Pediatrics 17(2), 181-185.
  • Sulliven FM, Barlow SM(2001) Review of risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 15, 144-200.
  • Tappin D, Ecob R, Brooke H (2005) Bed sharing, room sharing, and sudden infant death syndrome in Scotland: A case control study. Journal of Pediatrics 147, 32-37.
  • Türkiye İşçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu Araş- tırma Merkezi(Aralık 2007) Aralık 2007 Açlık Yok- sulluk Sınırı. http:// www. ( Erişim: Ocak 2008).
  • Wong DL, Hockenberry-Eaten M (2008) Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing. (8th ed.), St. Louis, Mosby Qnc. 404-405.
  • Zotter H, Kerbl R, Schwantzer G, Kurz R, Einspieler C(2004) Sudden infant death syndrome risk questionnaire: A mirror of parental awareness rat- her than prospective diagnostic tool. Acta Paediatrica 93, 255-257.

Determination of Risk Factors Related to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Infants in a Health Centre Region

Year 2011, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 25 - 34, 01.04.2011


Objective: This study was done to determine the risk factors for “sudden infant death syndrome” in infants less than six months in a health care centre. Method: The universe of this descriptive and cross- sectional study consisted of infants 73 and their mothers that were observed in January 2009- May 2009. The survey forms were administered using interview technique to mothers. The survey forms were administered using interview technique to mothers. The data obtained were investigated by Chi-square analysis, fisher exact test and percentage tables.Result: 68.5% of the infants were passive smokers, 56.2% were males , 65.8% were 0-4 months and were being kept in the same bed with their mothers 26% , on a soft mattress 21.9% , prone sleeping position 31.5% , as a veiled face 49.3% while they were sleeping. There was statistically significant relationship between the variables such as mother’s education, family type and the characteristics of the infant’s mattress. Conclusion: Passive smoking, 0-4 months and being male infant, sleeping while the face was covered were determined as risk factors. All mothers should be informed about prevention of the risk factors.


  • Alm B, Lagercrantz H, Wennergren G (2006) Stop SIDS sleeping solitary supine, sucking soother, stopping smoking substitutes. Acta Paediatrica 95, 260-262.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)(2000) Task force on infant sleep position and sudden infant death syndrome. Changing concepts of sudden infant death syndrome: Implications for infant sleeping envi- ronment and sleep position. Pediatrics 105(3), 650- 656.
  • Blair, PS, Fleming PJ, Smith IJ, Ward Platt M, Young J, Nadin P, Berry PJ, Golding J, ve CESDI SUDI research group(1999) Babies sleeping with parents: Case-control study of factors influencing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. British Medical Journal 319, 1457-1462.
  • Blair PS, Ward Platt M, Smith IJ, Fleming PJ, CESDI SUDI Research Group(2006a). Sudden in- fant death syndrome and sleeping position in pre-term and low birth weight infants: An opportunity for targe- ted intervention. Archives of Disease in Childhood 91, 101-106.
  • Blair PS, Sidebotham P, Berry PJ, Evans M, Fleming PJ(2006b) Major epidemiological changes in sudden infant death syndrome: A 20-year populati- on-based study in the UK. Lancet 367(28), 314-319.
  • Blair PS, Sidebotham P, Combe CE, Edmonds M, Heackstal-Smith EMA, Fleming P(2009) Hazar- dous co sleeping environments and risk factors ame- nable to change: Case-control study of SIDS in south west England. British Medical Journal 339, b3666.
  • Bredemeyer SL(2004) Implentation of the SIDS Guidelines in midwifery practice. Australian Midwi- fery 17(4),17-21.
  • Bucley P, Rigda RS, Mundy L, McMillen IC (2002) Interaction between bed sharing and other sle- ep environments during the first six month life. Early Human Development 66,123-132.
  • Çalışır H, Özvurmaz S, Tuğrul E (2007) Aydın il merkezindeki 0-11 aylık bebeklerde ani bebek ölümü sendromu ile ilgili risk faktörlerinin incelenmesi. C.Ü.Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 11(2), 7-17.
  • Gilbert R, Salanti G, Harden M, See S (2005) Infant Sleeping Position and SIDS: Systematic reviwv of observational studies and historical review of re- commendation from 1940 to 2002. Intarnational Jour- nal of Epidemiyology 34, 874-887.
  • Gökçe S, Baysal SU(2004) Ani bebek ölüm send- romu. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 67(1), 56-61.
  • Hauch R, Hunt C (2000) Sudden infant death syndrome in 2000. Current Problems in Pediatrics 30, 41-61.
  • Hunt CE, Lesko SM, Vezina RM, McCoy R, Corwin MJ, Mandell F, Willinger M, Hoffman HJ, Mitchell AA(2003) Infant sleep position and associ- ated health outcomes. Archives of Pediatrics & Ado- lescent Medicine 157, 469-474.
  • Hunter JG, Malloy M(2002) Effect of sleep and play positions on infant development: Reconciling de- velopmental concerns with SIDS prevention. Newborn and Infant Nursing Review 2(19), 9-16.
  • Kahn A, Sawaguchi T, Sawaguchi A, Groswas- serJ, Franco P, Scaillet S, Kelmanson I, Dan B (2002) Sudden infant deaths: From epidemiyology to physi- ology. Forensic Science International 130(5), 8-20.
  • Koturoğlu G, Akşit S, Kurugöl Z (2004) Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Polikliniğinde izle- nen bebeklerin yatış pozisyonunun değerlendirilmesi. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 39, 78-82.
  • Leiter JC, Böhm I (2007) Mechanism of patho- genesis in the sudden infant death syndrome respira- tory. Physiology and Neurobiyology 159, 127-138.
  • McKinney CM, Halt UL, Cunningham ML, Le- roux BG, Starr JR(2008) Maternal and infant cha- racteristics associated with prone and lateral infant sle- ep positioning in Washington State, 1996-2002. Jour- nal of Pediatrics 153(2), 194-198.
  • Mitchell EA(2009) Risk factors for SIDS, We al- ready know enough; the challenge is how to change behavior. British Medical Journal 339, 873-874.
  • Mizzi J, Parscandalo RP, Montalto SA(2008) SIDS and infant saleeping position: Audit on the advi- sory campaing in Malta. Malta Medical Journal 20(4), 21-23.
  • Moon RY, Weese-Mayer MD, Silvestri JM (2003) Night time child care: Inadequate sudden infant death syndrome risk factor knowledge, practice and policies. Pediatrics 111(4), 795-799.
  • Nelson EAS, Taylor BJ(2001) International child care practice study. Infant sleeping envinronmet. Early Human Development 62, 43-55.
  • Polat A, Kavak N, Kavak S, Akalın N(1996) İn- fant uyuma pozisyonu ve bazı sosyodemografik özel- likler. Ege Pediatri Bülteni 3(4), 237- 239.
  • Sahni R, Fifer WP, Myers MM(2007) Ani bebek ölümü sendromu riski olan bebeklerin belirlenmesi. Current Opinion Pediatrics Turkish Edition 2(2), 59-65.
  • Scragg R, Mitchell EA, Taylor BJ, Stewart AW, Ford RP, Thompson JM, Allen EM, Becroft DM (1993) Bed sharing, smoking, and alcohol in the sud- den death syndrome. New Zealand Cot Death Study Group. British Medical Journal 307, 1312-1318.
  • Spitzer AR (2005) Current controversies in the pathophysiology and prevention of sudden infant de- ath syndrome. Neonatology and Perinatology, Current Opinion in Pediatrics 17(2), 181-185.
  • Sulliven FM, Barlow SM(2001) Review of risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 15, 144-200.
  • Tappin D, Ecob R, Brooke H (2005) Bed sharing, room sharing, and sudden infant death syndrome in Scotland: A case control study. Journal of Pediatrics 147, 32-37.
  • Türkiye İşçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu Araş- tırma Merkezi(Aralık 2007) Aralık 2007 Açlık Yok- sulluk Sınırı. http:// www. ( Erişim: Ocak 2008).
  • Wong DL, Hockenberry-Eaten M (2008) Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing. (8th ed.), St. Louis, Mosby Qnc. 404-405.
  • Zotter H, Kerbl R, Schwantzer G, Kurz R, Einspieler C(2004) Sudden infant death syndrome risk questionnaire: A mirror of parental awareness rat- her than prospective diagnostic tool. Acta Paediatrica 93, 255-257.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Özgür Alparslan This is me

Sabriye Uçan This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 13 Issue: 1
