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A Model Where Caring and Healing Meets: Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Year 2012, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 61 - 72, 01.08.2012


Nursing models form a framework for systematizing nursing practices. Internationally, nurses have started to view working with nursingmodels as a pre-requisite for distinguishing nursing from medicineand becoming a profession. This article aims to help Turkish nursesunderstand Watson’s “theory of human caring”. It also addresses thetheory, assumptions and the basic concepts underlying Watson’s theory of human caring. It is considered that Watson’s theory of human caring can be used inany area of nursing and for practice, educational, research and administrative purposes. Nurses in Turkey should distinguish nursing practices from the medical model and base it on nursing models. Watson’s theory of human caring can be used as a guide toform the framework for the theoretical aspects ofnursing in Turkey


  • Risjord M. Nursing knowledge: Science, practi- ce, and philosophy. UK: A John Wiley & Sons Ltd Publication, 2010, 98-105.
  • Fawcett J. Watson’s theory of human care. In J. Fawcett (Ed). Contemporary nursing knowledge an analysis and evaluation of nursing models and theories. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 2005, 553-599.
  • Meleis AI. Theoretical nursing: Development and progress. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 4nd ed., 2007, 35-45.
  • Tomey AM, Alligood MR. Nursing theorist and their work. St. Louis: Mosby, Inc., 6nd ed., 2005.
  • Gigliotti E. The value of nursing models in practi- ce. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yükse- kokulu E-dergisi 2008;1(1): 42-50.
  • Watson J, Foster R. The attending nurse caring model: Integrating theory, evidence and advanced caring-healing therapeutics for transforming pro- fessional practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2003; 12: 360-365.
  • Theofanidis D, Fountouki A. Nursing theory: A discussion on an ambiguous concept. Internati- onal Journal of Caring Sciences 2008;1(1): 15-20.
  • Watson J. Caring science as sacred science. Phila- delphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1nd ed., 2005a.
  • Cara C. A pragmatic view of Jean Watson’s Ca- ring Theory. International Association for Human Caring 2003; 7(3): 51-61.
  • Watson J. Nursing: Human science and human ca- re. New York: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 1nd Re- vised edition, 2008.
  • Bash A. Spirituality: The emperor’s new clothes?. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2004;13(1): 11-16.
  • Ross L. Spiritual care in nursing: An overview of the research to date. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2006;15(7): 852-862.
  • van Leeuwen R, Cusveller B. Nursing competen- cies for spiritual care. Journal of Advanced Nur- sing 2004; 48 (3): 234-246.
  • Molzahn AE, Sheilds L. Why is it so hard to talk about spirituality? The Canadian Nurse 2008; 104(1): 25-9.
  • Kostak MA, Çelikkalp Ü, Demir M. Hemşire ve ebelerin maneviyat ve manevi bakıma ilişkin dü- şünceleri. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi (Sempozyum Özel Sayısı), 2010; 218-225.
  • Yılmaz M, Okyay N. Hemşirelerin maneviyat ve manevi bakıma ilişkin düşünceleri. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi 2009; 3: 42-52.
  • Watson J. Postmodern nursing and beyond. Phila- delphia: Churchill Livingstone, 1999.
  • Carvalho NV, Neta DSR, da Silva GRF, de Araşjo TME. The process in Clinical Care Caritas’ Jean Watson in brazilian of nursing: A systematic revi- ew. Cuatrimestre 2011; 29: 82-88.
  • Clarke PN, Watson J, Brewer BB. From theory to practice, caring science according to Watson and Brewer. Nursing Science Quarterly 2009; 22(4): 339-345.
  • Favero L, Meier MJ, Lacerda MR, Mazza VA, Ka- linowski LC. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Ca- ring: A decade of Brazilian publications. Acta Pa- ulista de Enfermagem 2009; 22(2): 213-218.
  • Noel DL. Occupational health nursing practice through the human caring lens. American Associ- ation of Occupational Health Nurses Journal 2010; 58(1): 17-24.
  • Smith M. Review of research related to Watson’s Theory of Caring. Nursing Science Quarterly 2004;17(1): 13-25.
  • Watson J. Caring science and human caring the- ory: Transforming personal and professional prac- tices of nursing and health care. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration 2009; 31(4): 466-482.
  • Jesse E. Watson’s philosophy in nursing practice. In. M.R., Alligood, & A.M., Tomey, (Eds.), Nur- sing theory utilization and application, 3nd ed., St. Louis: Mosby, 2006, 103-129.
  • Rexroth R, Davidhizar R. Caring: Utilizing the Watson theory to transcend culture. Health Care Manager 2003; 22: 295-304.
  • Finfgeld-Connett D. Meta-synthesis of caring in nursing. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2008; 17: 196-204.
  • Caruso EM, Cisar N, Pipe T. Creating a healing environment an innovative educational approach for adopting Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. Nursing Administration Quarterly 2008; 32(2): 126-132.
  • Sitzman K, Eichlberger LW. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human/transpersonal caring. Unders- tanding the work of nurse theorists: A creative beginning. 2nd ed., Canada: Jones & Bartlett Pub- lishers, 2011, 49-57.
  • Watson J. Jean Watson: Theory of human caring. In: Parker, M.E. (Ed), Nursing Theories and Nur- sing Practice. 2nd ed., Philadelphia: FA Davis Company, 2005b, 295-305.
  • Watson J. Transpersonal caring and the caring moment defined. 2006. (Online) Avaible from: personal.asp, (Accessed date: 2011 04 April)
  • Watson J. Watson’s theory of human caring and subjective living experiences: Carative fac- tors/caritas processes as a disciplinary guide to the professional nursing practice. Texto Contexto En- ferm Florianópolis 2007;16(1): 129-35.
  • Matsuoka R. Examining caring theories in nursing from non-nursing viewpoints. Journal of Nursing Studies, National Collage of Nursing Japan, 2007; 6(1): 43-51.
  • Parse RR. Research findings evince benefits of nursing theory-guided practice. Nurs Nursing Science Quarterly 2006; 19(2): 87.
  • Nelson-Marten P, Hecomovich K, Pangle M. Caring theory: A framework for advanced practice nursing. Advanced Practice Nursing Quarterly 1998; 4(1): 70-77.
  • Swanson KM, Wojnar DM. Optimal healing en- vironments in nursing. Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine 2004;10 Suppl 1:S43- 8.
  • Drenkard KN. Integrating human caring science into a professional nursing practice. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America 2008; 20: 403- 414.
  • Nyman CS, Lutzen K. Caring needs of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Nursing Science Quar- terly 1999; 12(2): 164-169.
  • Bernick L. Caring for older adults: Practice guid- ed by Watson’s Caring-Healing Model. Nursing Science Quarterly 2004; 17(2): 128-134.
  • Gallagher-Lepak S, Kubsch S. Transpersonal car- ing a nursing practice guideline. Holistic Nursing Practice 2009; 23(3): 171-182.
  • Lukose A. Developing a practice model for Wat- son’s Theory of Caring. Nursing Science Quar- terly 2011; 24(1): 27-30.
  • Rosenberg S. Utilizing the language of Jean Wat- son’s Caring Theory within a computerized clini- cal documentation system. CIN: Computers, In- formatics, Nursing 2006; 24(1): 53-56.
  • Herbst AM, Swengros DI, Kinney G. How to teach human caring: Nurse educator role in trans- formational learning for a large healthcare system. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development 2010; 26(4): 6-11.
  • Carson EM. Do performance appraisals of regis- tered nurses reflect a relationship between hos- pital size and caring? Nursing Forum 2004; 39(1): 5-13.
  • Pipe TB, Mishark K, Hansen RP, Hentz JG, Hart- sell Z. Rediscovering the art of healing connec- tion by creating the Tree of Life poster. Journal of Gerontology Nursing 2010; 36(6): 47-55. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20100330-04.
  • McCutcheon T, Knepp T, Richards N, Sparks M. Comparison of quality of life of persons who have experienced amputations and persons who have had bowel resections. Gastroenterology Nursing 2005; 28(3): 221-226.
  • Clark JS. An aging population with chronic dis- ease compels new delivery systems focused on new structures and practices. Nursing Administ- ration Quarterly 2004; 28(2): 105-115.
  • Childs A. The complex gastrointestinal patient and Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring in nutrition support. Gastroenterology Nursing 2006; 4: 283- 288.
  • Hemsley MS, Glass N, Watson J. Taking the eag- le’s view using Watson’s conceptual model to in- vestigate the extraordinary and transformative ex- periences of nurse healers. Holistic Nursing Prac- tice 2006; 20(2): 85-94.
  • Erci B, Sayan A, Tortumluoğlu G, Kiliç D, Sahin O, Güngörmüş Z. The effectiveness of Watson’s Caring Model on the quality of life and blood pressure of patients with hypertension. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2003; 41(2): 130-139.
  • Mahler A. The clinical nurse specialist role in developing a geropalliative model of care. Clinical Nurse Specialist 2010; 24(1): 18-23.
  • Lukas LK. Orthopedic outpatients’ perception of perioperative music listening as therapy. Journal of Theory Construction & Testing 2004; 8(1): 7- 12.
  • Perry RN. Role modeling excellence in clinical nursing practice. Nurse Education in Practice 2009; 9(1): 36-44.
  • Hernandez G.The heART of self-C.A.R.I.N.G.: A journey to becoming an optimal healing presence to ourselves and our patients. Creative Nursing 2009; 15(3): 129-33.
  • Vitale A. Nurses’ lived experience of reiki for self- care. Holistic Nursing Practice 2009; 23(3): 129- 145.
  • Sessanna L. Teaching holistic child health promo- tion using Watson’s Theory of Human Science and Human Care. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2003;18(1): 64-68.
  • Wu LM, Chin CC, Chen CH. Evaluation of a car- ing education program for Taiwanese nursing stu- dents: A quasi-experiment with before and after comparison. Nurse Education Today 2009; 29(8): 873-8.
  • Zapp L. Use of multiple teaching strategies in the staff development setting. Journal For Nurses In Staff Development 2001;17(4): 206–212.
  • Minnesota Baccalaureate Psychomotor Skills Faculty Group. Nursing student caring behaviors during blood pressure measurement. Journal of Nursing Education 2008; 47(3): 98-104.
  • Sitzman KL. Teaching-learning professional car- ing based on Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. International Journal for Human Caring 2010;11(4): 8-16.
  • Watson J. Assessing and measuring caring in nur- sing and health science. 2nd. ed., New York: Springer Publish, 2002.


Year 2012, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 61 - 72, 01.08.2012


Hemşirelik modelleri hemşirelik uygulamalarını sistematize etmekiçin bir çerçeve oluşturmaktadır. Uluslararası alanda hemşireler giderek daha fazla hemşirelik modelleri ile çalışmayı, hemşireliği tıptanayırmanın ve meslek olmanın temel koşulu olarak görmeye başlamıştır. Bu makalenin amacı, Watson’ın “insan bakım modeli”nin ülkemizhemşireleri tarafından da anlaşılmasını sağlamaktır. Bu makale, insan bakım modelinin hangi düşünce sisteminden kaynaklandığına vetemel yapısını hangi kavramların oluşturduğuna ilişkin soruların cevaplarını içermektedir. Watson’ın insan bakım modelinin hemşirelikte uygulama, eğitim,araştırma ve yönetim olmak üzere her durumda kullanılabilir olduğugörülmüştür. Ülkemizde de hemşireler hemşirelik uygulamalarını tıbbi modelden ayırarak hemşirelik modellerine dayandırmalıdır. Watson’ın insan bakım modeli, ülkemizde hemşirelik bakımının kuramsalçerçevesinin oluşturulmasında bir rehber olarak kullanılabilir


  • Risjord M. Nursing knowledge: Science, practi- ce, and philosophy. UK: A John Wiley & Sons Ltd Publication, 2010, 98-105.
  • Fawcett J. Watson’s theory of human care. In J. Fawcett (Ed). Contemporary nursing knowledge an analysis and evaluation of nursing models and theories. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 2005, 553-599.
  • Meleis AI. Theoretical nursing: Development and progress. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 4nd ed., 2007, 35-45.
  • Tomey AM, Alligood MR. Nursing theorist and their work. St. Louis: Mosby, Inc., 6nd ed., 2005.
  • Gigliotti E. The value of nursing models in practi- ce. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yükse- kokulu E-dergisi 2008;1(1): 42-50.
  • Watson J, Foster R. The attending nurse caring model: Integrating theory, evidence and advanced caring-healing therapeutics for transforming pro- fessional practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2003; 12: 360-365.
  • Theofanidis D, Fountouki A. Nursing theory: A discussion on an ambiguous concept. Internati- onal Journal of Caring Sciences 2008;1(1): 15-20.
  • Watson J. Caring science as sacred science. Phila- delphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1nd ed., 2005a.
  • Cara C. A pragmatic view of Jean Watson’s Ca- ring Theory. International Association for Human Caring 2003; 7(3): 51-61.
  • Watson J. Nursing: Human science and human ca- re. New York: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 1nd Re- vised edition, 2008.
  • Bash A. Spirituality: The emperor’s new clothes?. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2004;13(1): 11-16.
  • Ross L. Spiritual care in nursing: An overview of the research to date. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2006;15(7): 852-862.
  • van Leeuwen R, Cusveller B. Nursing competen- cies for spiritual care. Journal of Advanced Nur- sing 2004; 48 (3): 234-246.
  • Molzahn AE, Sheilds L. Why is it so hard to talk about spirituality? The Canadian Nurse 2008; 104(1): 25-9.
  • Kostak MA, Çelikkalp Ü, Demir M. Hemşire ve ebelerin maneviyat ve manevi bakıma ilişkin dü- şünceleri. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi (Sempozyum Özel Sayısı), 2010; 218-225.
  • Yılmaz M, Okyay N. Hemşirelerin maneviyat ve manevi bakıma ilişkin düşünceleri. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi 2009; 3: 42-52.
  • Watson J. Postmodern nursing and beyond. Phila- delphia: Churchill Livingstone, 1999.
  • Carvalho NV, Neta DSR, da Silva GRF, de Araşjo TME. The process in Clinical Care Caritas’ Jean Watson in brazilian of nursing: A systematic revi- ew. Cuatrimestre 2011; 29: 82-88.
  • Clarke PN, Watson J, Brewer BB. From theory to practice, caring science according to Watson and Brewer. Nursing Science Quarterly 2009; 22(4): 339-345.
  • Favero L, Meier MJ, Lacerda MR, Mazza VA, Ka- linowski LC. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Ca- ring: A decade of Brazilian publications. Acta Pa- ulista de Enfermagem 2009; 22(2): 213-218.
  • Noel DL. Occupational health nursing practice through the human caring lens. American Associ- ation of Occupational Health Nurses Journal 2010; 58(1): 17-24.
  • Smith M. Review of research related to Watson’s Theory of Caring. Nursing Science Quarterly 2004;17(1): 13-25.
  • Watson J. Caring science and human caring the- ory: Transforming personal and professional prac- tices of nursing and health care. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration 2009; 31(4): 466-482.
  • Jesse E. Watson’s philosophy in nursing practice. In. M.R., Alligood, & A.M., Tomey, (Eds.), Nur- sing theory utilization and application, 3nd ed., St. Louis: Mosby, 2006, 103-129.
  • Rexroth R, Davidhizar R. Caring: Utilizing the Watson theory to transcend culture. Health Care Manager 2003; 22: 295-304.
  • Finfgeld-Connett D. Meta-synthesis of caring in nursing. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2008; 17: 196-204.
  • Caruso EM, Cisar N, Pipe T. Creating a healing environment an innovative educational approach for adopting Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. Nursing Administration Quarterly 2008; 32(2): 126-132.
  • Sitzman K, Eichlberger LW. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human/transpersonal caring. Unders- tanding the work of nurse theorists: A creative beginning. 2nd ed., Canada: Jones & Bartlett Pub- lishers, 2011, 49-57.
  • Watson J. Jean Watson: Theory of human caring. In: Parker, M.E. (Ed), Nursing Theories and Nur- sing Practice. 2nd ed., Philadelphia: FA Davis Company, 2005b, 295-305.
  • Watson J. Transpersonal caring and the caring moment defined. 2006. (Online) Avaible from: personal.asp, (Accessed date: 2011 04 April)
  • Watson J. Watson’s theory of human caring and subjective living experiences: Carative fac- tors/caritas processes as a disciplinary guide to the professional nursing practice. Texto Contexto En- ferm Florianópolis 2007;16(1): 129-35.
  • Matsuoka R. Examining caring theories in nursing from non-nursing viewpoints. Journal of Nursing Studies, National Collage of Nursing Japan, 2007; 6(1): 43-51.
  • Parse RR. Research findings evince benefits of nursing theory-guided practice. Nurs Nursing Science Quarterly 2006; 19(2): 87.
  • Nelson-Marten P, Hecomovich K, Pangle M. Caring theory: A framework for advanced practice nursing. Advanced Practice Nursing Quarterly 1998; 4(1): 70-77.
  • Swanson KM, Wojnar DM. Optimal healing en- vironments in nursing. Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine 2004;10 Suppl 1:S43- 8.
  • Drenkard KN. Integrating human caring science into a professional nursing practice. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America 2008; 20: 403- 414.
  • Nyman CS, Lutzen K. Caring needs of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Nursing Science Quar- terly 1999; 12(2): 164-169.
  • Bernick L. Caring for older adults: Practice guid- ed by Watson’s Caring-Healing Model. Nursing Science Quarterly 2004; 17(2): 128-134.
  • Gallagher-Lepak S, Kubsch S. Transpersonal car- ing a nursing practice guideline. Holistic Nursing Practice 2009; 23(3): 171-182.
  • Lukose A. Developing a practice model for Wat- son’s Theory of Caring. Nursing Science Quar- terly 2011; 24(1): 27-30.
  • Rosenberg S. Utilizing the language of Jean Wat- son’s Caring Theory within a computerized clini- cal documentation system. CIN: Computers, In- formatics, Nursing 2006; 24(1): 53-56.
  • Herbst AM, Swengros DI, Kinney G. How to teach human caring: Nurse educator role in trans- formational learning for a large healthcare system. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development 2010; 26(4): 6-11.
  • Carson EM. Do performance appraisals of regis- tered nurses reflect a relationship between hos- pital size and caring? Nursing Forum 2004; 39(1): 5-13.
  • Pipe TB, Mishark K, Hansen RP, Hentz JG, Hart- sell Z. Rediscovering the art of healing connec- tion by creating the Tree of Life poster. Journal of Gerontology Nursing 2010; 36(6): 47-55. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20100330-04.
  • McCutcheon T, Knepp T, Richards N, Sparks M. Comparison of quality of life of persons who have experienced amputations and persons who have had bowel resections. Gastroenterology Nursing 2005; 28(3): 221-226.
  • Clark JS. An aging population with chronic dis- ease compels new delivery systems focused on new structures and practices. Nursing Administ- ration Quarterly 2004; 28(2): 105-115.
  • Childs A. The complex gastrointestinal patient and Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring in nutrition support. Gastroenterology Nursing 2006; 4: 283- 288.
  • Hemsley MS, Glass N, Watson J. Taking the eag- le’s view using Watson’s conceptual model to in- vestigate the extraordinary and transformative ex- periences of nurse healers. Holistic Nursing Prac- tice 2006; 20(2): 85-94.
  • Erci B, Sayan A, Tortumluoğlu G, Kiliç D, Sahin O, Güngörmüş Z. The effectiveness of Watson’s Caring Model on the quality of life and blood pressure of patients with hypertension. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2003; 41(2): 130-139.
  • Mahler A. The clinical nurse specialist role in developing a geropalliative model of care. Clinical Nurse Specialist 2010; 24(1): 18-23.
  • Lukas LK. Orthopedic outpatients’ perception of perioperative music listening as therapy. Journal of Theory Construction & Testing 2004; 8(1): 7- 12.
  • Perry RN. Role modeling excellence in clinical nursing practice. Nurse Education in Practice 2009; 9(1): 36-44.
  • Hernandez G.The heART of self-C.A.R.I.N.G.: A journey to becoming an optimal healing presence to ourselves and our patients. Creative Nursing 2009; 15(3): 129-33.
  • Vitale A. Nurses’ lived experience of reiki for self- care. Holistic Nursing Practice 2009; 23(3): 129- 145.
  • Sessanna L. Teaching holistic child health promo- tion using Watson’s Theory of Human Science and Human Care. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2003;18(1): 64-68.
  • Wu LM, Chin CC, Chen CH. Evaluation of a car- ing education program for Taiwanese nursing stu- dents: A quasi-experiment with before and after comparison. Nurse Education Today 2009; 29(8): 873-8.
  • Zapp L. Use of multiple teaching strategies in the staff development setting. Journal For Nurses In Staff Development 2001;17(4): 206–212.
  • Minnesota Baccalaureate Psychomotor Skills Faculty Group. Nursing student caring behaviors during blood pressure measurement. Journal of Nursing Education 2008; 47(3): 98-104.
  • Sitzman KL. Teaching-learning professional car- ing based on Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. International Journal for Human Caring 2010;11(4): 8-16.
  • Watson J. Assessing and measuring caring in nur- sing and health science. 2nd. ed., New York: Springer Publish, 2002.
There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

İlkay Arslan-özkan This is me

Hülya Okumuş This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Arslan-özkan, İ., & Okumuş, H. (2012). BAKIM VE İYİLEŞMENİN KESİŞTİĞİ BİR MODEL: WATSON’IN İNSAN BAKIM MODELİ. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 14(2), 61-72.