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Effect of Multiple Sclerosis on Sexual Functions of Women

Year 2013, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 01.04.2013


Objective: The study was planned to determinethe effect of multiple sclerosis MS on sexualfunctions of women.Method: In the study. which was designed as case-control. the case group composed of sexuallyactive 59 patients with cognitive functions convenient for completing data collecting tools. whowere diagnosed for MS without any psychiatricdisease. who admitted to the Neurology Demyelinating Diseases MS Polyclinic of BakirkoyPsychiatric Training and Research Hospital between 29 January and 29 July 2010. Eighty-ninehealthy women relative of patients who admittedto different departments of the same hospital were included as the control group. The interviewform developed by the researchers was administered to collect the data related to the personalcharacteristics of the women. Expanded Disability Status Scale EDSS to evaluate the loss ofability. and Female Sexual Function Index FSFI to evaluate the sexual function of the women. Thedata were analyzed using SPSS version 13.0.Results: Mean age of the women with MS was36.06±6.64 and mean age of the control groupwas 34.87±6.23 p>0.05 . Mean disease durationof the case group was determined as 6.79±0.68years. and mean treatment duration as 6.30±0.68 years. Mean FSFI scores of MS group and the control group were found as 20.21±6.07 and 27.94±4.20. respectively p


  • Tülek Z. Multiple sklerozlu hastanın hemşirelik bakımı. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2007;11(2):25-32.
  • Sandra M, Nettina A. (ed.) The Lipponcott Ma- nual of Nursing Practice. Seventh Edition. Lip- pincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001, pp.473-476.
  • Hopman W, Coo H, Brunet DG, Edgar CM, Singer MA. Longitudinal assessment of health relates quality of life patients with multiple sclerosis. Internal Journal of MS Care 2000; 2(4):15-26.
  • Costello K, Haris C. Differential diagnosis and management of fatigue in multiple sclerosis: Considerations for the nurse. Journal of Neu- rosci Nurs 2003;35(3):139–148.
  • Costello K, Halper J, Harris C. Nursing Practi- ce in Multiple Sclerosis. A Core Curriculum. New York: Demos Medical Publishing, 2003.
  • Lundberg PO, Ertekin C, Ghezzi A, Swash M, Vodusek D. Neurosexology guidelines for ne- urologists. European federation of neurological societies task force on neurosexology. Eur J Neurol 2001;8(suppl.3):2-24.
  • Kurtzke, J. Rating neurologic impairment in multiple sclerosis: An expanded disability sta- tus scale (EDSS). Neurology 1983; 33(11): 1444–1452.
  • Rosen R, Brown C, Heiman J, Leiblum S, Mes- ton C, Shabsigh R, Ferguson D, D’Agostino R Jr. The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI): A multidimensional self-report instrument for the assessment of female function. J Sex Mar Ther 2000;26(2):191–208.
  • Aygin D, Aslan FE. Kadın cinsel işlev ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması. Türkiye Klinikleri 2005; 25(3): 393–399.
  • Wiegel M, Meston C, Rosen R. The female se- xual function index (FSFI): Cross – validation and development of clinical cutoff scores. J Sex Mar Ther 2005;31(1):1–20.
  • Akkoç Y, Kirazlı Y, Yatırık H, Yüceyar N, Özka- ya A. Multiple sklerozlu kadın hastalarda cinsel fonksiyon. Ege Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 2001; 7(1–2): 35–38.
  • Berman JR, Goldstein I. Female sexual dysfunction. Urol Clin North Am 2001; 28(2): 404–416.
  • Zivadinov R, Zorzon M, Locatelli L, Stival B, Monti F, Nasuelli D, Tommasi MA, Bratina A, Cazzato G. Sexual dysfunction in multiple sclero- sis: A MRI, neurophysiological and urodynamic study. J Neurol Sci 2003;15;210(1–2): 73-76.
  • Martin C, Salinas J, Fernandez-Duran A, Fer- nandez-Gomez J, Jimenez N, Gangoiti L. Geni- tourinary changes in multiple sclerosis: The ne- ed for a urodynamic study. Article in Spanish 2000;30(7):643–8.
  • Tihan AK. Multipl skleroz ve tedavisindeki ge- lişmelerin psikiyatrik yönü. Nöropsikiyatri Ar- şivi Dergisi 2008;45(özel):37-43.
  • Zorzon M, Zivadinov R, Monti Bragadin L, Moretti R, De Masi R, Nasuelli D, Cazzato G. Sexual dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: A 2- year follow-up study. J Neurol Sci 2001; 187(1–2): 1-5.
  • Janardhan V, Bakshi R. Quality of life in pati- ents with multiple sclerosis: The impact of fati- gue and depression. J Neurol Sci 2002; 205(1): 51– 58.
  • DasGupta R, Fowler C J. Sexual and urological dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: Beter unders- tanding and improved therapies. Curr Opin Neurol 2002;15(3):271–278.
  • Hutler BM, Lundberg PO. Sexual function in women with advanced multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995; 59(1): 83–86.
  • Terzi M, Kocamanoğlu B, Güz H, Onar M, Şa- hin AF. Multiple sklerozlu hastalarda cinsel fonksiyon bozukluğu. Deneysel ve Klinik Tıp Dergisi 2009;26(2):81–85.
  • Borello-France D, Leng W, O’Leary M, Xavier M, Erickson J, Chancellor MB, Cannon TW. Bladder and sexual function among women with multiple sclerosis. Mult. Scler 2004;10 (4):455- 461.
  • Brown GR, Haaser RC. Sexual Disorders: Text- book of Psychosomatic Medicine. 1. ed, Leven- son JL eds. Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2005; pp. 359–386.
  • Marita P. Relationship functioning and sexua- lity among people with multiple sclerosis. The Journal of Sex Research 2002; 39(4): 302–309.
  • Szas G, Paty D, Lawton SS, Eisen K. Sexual functioning scale in multiple sclerosis. Acta Ne- urologia Scandinavica 1984;101(Suppl):37–43. 10

Multiple Sklerozun Kadının Cinsel Yaşamı Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2013, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 01.04.2013


Amaç: Bu çalışma multiple sklerozun MS kadının cinsel yaşamı üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla planlandı.Yöntem: Olgu-kontrol olarak planlanan çalışmada olgu grubunu;Bakırköy Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Nöroloji Demyelinizan Hastalıklar MS Polikliniğine 29 Ocak-29 Temmuz 2010 tarihleri arasında başvuran MS tanısı konmuş. psikiyatrikhastalığı olmayan. bilişsel fonksiyonları veri toplama araçlarını doldurmaya uygun. cinsel yönden aktif 59 kadın oluşturdu. Kontrol grubuna ise; aynı hastanenin farklı bölümlerine başvurmuş hasta yakını89 sağlıklı kadın alındı. Çalışmada katılımcıların kişisel özelliklerineilişkin verileri toplamak için araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilengörüşme formu. yeti yitimini değerlendirmek için Genişletilmiş Özürlülük Durum Skalası EDSS . kadının cinsel işlevini değerlendirmekiçin Kadın Cinsel Fonksiyon Endeksi FSFI uygulandı. Veriler SPSS13.0 paket programı kullanılarak analiz edildi.Bulgular: MS’li kadınların yaş ortalaması 36.06±6.64. kontrol grubunun ise 34.87±6.23 p>0.05 idi. Olgu grubunun ortalama hastalıksüresi 6.79±0.68 yıl. ortalama tedavi süresi 6.30±0.68 yıl olarak saptandı. MS’li kadınların %83.1’inde FSFI ölçeği kesme puanına göre


  • Tülek Z. Multiple sklerozlu hastanın hemşirelik bakımı. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2007;11(2):25-32.
  • Sandra M, Nettina A. (ed.) The Lipponcott Ma- nual of Nursing Practice. Seventh Edition. Lip- pincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001, pp.473-476.
  • Hopman W, Coo H, Brunet DG, Edgar CM, Singer MA. Longitudinal assessment of health relates quality of life patients with multiple sclerosis. Internal Journal of MS Care 2000; 2(4):15-26.
  • Costello K, Haris C. Differential diagnosis and management of fatigue in multiple sclerosis: Considerations for the nurse. Journal of Neu- rosci Nurs 2003;35(3):139–148.
  • Costello K, Halper J, Harris C. Nursing Practi- ce in Multiple Sclerosis. A Core Curriculum. New York: Demos Medical Publishing, 2003.
  • Lundberg PO, Ertekin C, Ghezzi A, Swash M, Vodusek D. Neurosexology guidelines for ne- urologists. European federation of neurological societies task force on neurosexology. Eur J Neurol 2001;8(suppl.3):2-24.
  • Kurtzke, J. Rating neurologic impairment in multiple sclerosis: An expanded disability sta- tus scale (EDSS). Neurology 1983; 33(11): 1444–1452.
  • Rosen R, Brown C, Heiman J, Leiblum S, Mes- ton C, Shabsigh R, Ferguson D, D’Agostino R Jr. The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI): A multidimensional self-report instrument for the assessment of female function. J Sex Mar Ther 2000;26(2):191–208.
  • Aygin D, Aslan FE. Kadın cinsel işlev ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması. Türkiye Klinikleri 2005; 25(3): 393–399.
  • Wiegel M, Meston C, Rosen R. The female se- xual function index (FSFI): Cross – validation and development of clinical cutoff scores. J Sex Mar Ther 2005;31(1):1–20.
  • Akkoç Y, Kirazlı Y, Yatırık H, Yüceyar N, Özka- ya A. Multiple sklerozlu kadın hastalarda cinsel fonksiyon. Ege Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 2001; 7(1–2): 35–38.
  • Berman JR, Goldstein I. Female sexual dysfunction. Urol Clin North Am 2001; 28(2): 404–416.
  • Zivadinov R, Zorzon M, Locatelli L, Stival B, Monti F, Nasuelli D, Tommasi MA, Bratina A, Cazzato G. Sexual dysfunction in multiple sclero- sis: A MRI, neurophysiological and urodynamic study. J Neurol Sci 2003;15;210(1–2): 73-76.
  • Martin C, Salinas J, Fernandez-Duran A, Fer- nandez-Gomez J, Jimenez N, Gangoiti L. Geni- tourinary changes in multiple sclerosis: The ne- ed for a urodynamic study. Article in Spanish 2000;30(7):643–8.
  • Tihan AK. Multipl skleroz ve tedavisindeki ge- lişmelerin psikiyatrik yönü. Nöropsikiyatri Ar- şivi Dergisi 2008;45(özel):37-43.
  • Zorzon M, Zivadinov R, Monti Bragadin L, Moretti R, De Masi R, Nasuelli D, Cazzato G. Sexual dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: A 2- year follow-up study. J Neurol Sci 2001; 187(1–2): 1-5.
  • Janardhan V, Bakshi R. Quality of life in pati- ents with multiple sclerosis: The impact of fati- gue and depression. J Neurol Sci 2002; 205(1): 51– 58.
  • DasGupta R, Fowler C J. Sexual and urological dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: Beter unders- tanding and improved therapies. Curr Opin Neurol 2002;15(3):271–278.
  • Hutler BM, Lundberg PO. Sexual function in women with advanced multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995; 59(1): 83–86.
  • Terzi M, Kocamanoğlu B, Güz H, Onar M, Şa- hin AF. Multiple sklerozlu hastalarda cinsel fonksiyon bozukluğu. Deneysel ve Klinik Tıp Dergisi 2009;26(2):81–85.
  • Borello-France D, Leng W, O’Leary M, Xavier M, Erickson J, Chancellor MB, Cannon TW. Bladder and sexual function among women with multiple sclerosis. Mult. Scler 2004;10 (4):455- 461.
  • Brown GR, Haaser RC. Sexual Disorders: Text- book of Psychosomatic Medicine. 1. ed, Leven- son JL eds. Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2005; pp. 359–386.
  • Marita P. Relationship functioning and sexua- lity among people with multiple sclerosis. The Journal of Sex Research 2002; 39(4): 302–309.
  • Szas G, Paty D, Lawton SS, Eisen K. Sexual functioning scale in multiple sclerosis. Acta Ne- urologia Scandinavica 1984;101(Suppl):37–43. 10
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Melike Dişsiz This is me

Nezihe Kızılkaya-beji This is me

Ümran Yeşiltepe-oskay This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


APA Dişsiz, M., Kızılkaya-beji, N., & Yeşiltepe-oskay, Ü. (2013). Multiple Sklerozun Kadının Cinsel Yaşamı Üzerine Etkisi. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 15(1), 1-10.