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Yaşlılarda Çoklu Hemşirelik Girişimlerinin Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlığı Geliştirmeye Etkisi: Randomize Kontrollü Çalışma Protokolü

Year 2022, Volume: 24 Issue: 1,2,3, 31 - 42, 17.10.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışma yaşlılara yönelik ev ziyareti yoluyla eğitim, mobil uygulama (Google Fit) kullanımı, grup yürüyüşü ve telefonla hatırlatma girişimlerinin fiziksel aktivite ve sağlığı geliştirme üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılacaktır.
Yöntem: Bu araştırma ön test-son test paralel gruplu randomize kontrollü deneysel bir çalışma olarak planlanmıştır. Bu randomize kontrollü çalışmanın protokolü SPIRIT 2013’e göre hazırlanmıştır. Çalışma grubunu, 60- 70 yaş arası günlük yaşam aktivitelerinde bağımlılığı, hatırlama sorunu ve yürüme engeli olmayan, akıllı telefon kullanabilen 33 deney ve 33 kontrol grubunda olmak üzere random atanan 66 yaşlı oluşturacaktır. Çalışmada Tanımlayıcı Özellikler Formu, Yaşlı Sağlığı Geliştirme Ölçeği ve Yaşlı Bireylerin Fiziksel Fitnes ve Egzersiz Aktivite Ölçeği kullanılacaktır. Araştırma Konya ili Meram bölgesinde yer alan bir yaşlı sosyal tesisinde yürütülecektir. Deney grubundaki yaşlılara yönelik Pender’ in Sağlığı Geliştirme Modelin’ den yararlanılarak oluşturulan çoklu hemşirelik girişimleri planlanmıştır. Ev ziyareti yoluyla eğitim, mobil uygulama (Google Fit) kullanımı, fiziksel aktiviteyi teşvik etmek için grup yürüyüşü, telefonla hatırlatıcı mesajların 6 aylık takibi sonrası fiziksel aktivite ve sağlığı geliştirmeye yönelik çoklu girişimler araştırmacı tarafından uygulanacaktır. Kontrol grubuna herhangi bir girişim yapılmayacaktır. Ön testler araştırmacı tarafından yaşlılardan yüzyüze görüşme ile toplanacaktır. Ara ve son test ölçümleri bir anketör tarafından girişimlerden 1 ay sonra ve 6. Ayın sonunda elde edilecektir. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, parametrik ve/veya non parametrik testler, tekrarlı ölçümlerde varyans analizi, Intention to Treat analizleri kullanılacaktır.
Sonuç: Yaşlılarda sağlıklı yaşam tarzı davranışlarına ilişkin farkındalık oluşması ve fiziksel aktivitede davranış değişikliği göstermesi beklenmektedir.

Supporting Institution

Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü

Project Number





  • Kaynaklar Abbaspur-Behbahani, S., Monaghesh, E., Hajizadeh, A., ve Fehresti, S. (2022). Application of mobile health to support the elderly during the COVID-19 outbreak: A systematic review. Health Policy and Technology, 100595.
  • Akın, B., & Koçoğlu-Tanyer, D. (2021). SPIRIT 2013 Bildirisi: Klinik deneyler için standart protokol maddelerinin tanımlanması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 117-127.
  • Aslan, D., & Ertem, M. (2012). Yaşlı sağlığı: sorunlar ve çözümler. Palme Yayıncılık, 1-66.
  • Blackburn, N. E., Skjodt, M., Tully, M. A., Mc Mullan, I., Giné-Garriga, M., Caserotti, P., Weinmayr, G. (2021). Older adults’ experiences of a physical activity and sedentary behaviour intervention: a nested qualitative study in the SITLESS multi-country randomised clinical trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 4730.
  • Boutron I, Altman DG, Moher D, Schulz KF, Ravaud P. CONSORT Statement for Randomized Trials of Nonpharmacologic Treatments: A 2017 Update and a CONSORT Extension for Nonpharmacologic Trial Abstracts. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2017 Jul 4;167(1):40–7. Kaynak: http://www.consort-statement.org/extensions?ContentWidgetId=558
  • Bull, F. C., Al-Ansari, S. S., Biddle, S., Borodulin, K., Buman, M. P., Cardon, G., Chou, R. (2020). World Health Organization 2020 guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(24), 1451-1462.
  • CDC. (2022). About Chronic Diseases. National CCand Health Promotion. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/about/index.htm.
  • Chan, A.-W., Tetzlaff, J. M., Gøtzsche, P. C., Altman, D. G., Mann, H., Berlin, J. A., Parulekar, W. R. (2013). SPIRIT 2013 explanation and elaboration: guidance for protocols of clinical trials. BMJ, 346.
  • Chen, M.-C., Yang, L.-Y., Chen, K.-M., & Hsu, H.-F. (2020). Systematic review and meta-analysis on using acupressure to promote the health of older adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(10), 1144-1152.
  • Cleland, C. L., Tully, M. A., Kee, F., & Cupples, M. E. (2012). The effectiveness of physical activity interventions in socio-economically disadvantaged communities: a systematic review. Preventive Medicine, 54(6), 371-380.
  • Folstein, M. F., Folstein, S. E., & McHugh, P. R. (1975). “Mini-mental state”: a practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 12(3), 189-198.
  • Golinowska, S., Groot, W., Baji, P., & Pavlova, M. (2016). Health promotion targeting older people. BMC Health Services Research. 16(Suppl 5):345
  • Guthold, R., Stevens, G. A., Riley, L. M., & Bull, F. C. (2018). Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1· 9 million participants. The lancet Global Health, 6(10), e1077-e1086.
  • Güngen, C., Ertan, T., Eker, E., Yaşar, R., & Engin, F. (2002). Standardize mini mental test’in Türk toplumunda hafif demans tanısında geçerlik ve güvenilirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 13(4), 273-281.
  • Helbostad, J. L., Vereijken, B., Becker, C., Todd, C., Taraldsen, K., Pijnappels, M., Mellone, S. (2017). Mobile health applications to promote active and healthy ageing. Sensors, 17(3), 622.
  • Herghelegiu, A., Wenzel, K., Moser, A., Prada, G., Nuta, C., & Stuck, A. E. (2020). Effects of Health Risk Assessment and Counselling on Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Older People: A Pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trial. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 24(6), 591-597.
  • Heydari, A., & Khorashadizadeh, F. (2014). Pender’s health promotion model in medical research. J Pak Med Assoc, 64(9), 1067-1074.
  • Hoffmann, T. C., Glasziou, P. P., Boutron, I., Milne, R., Perera, R., Moher, D., Johnston, M. (2014). Better reporting of interventions: template for intervention description and replication (TIDieR) checklist and guide. BMJ, 348.
  • Jin, K., Simpkins, J. W., Ji, X., Leis, M., & Stambler, I. (2015). The critical need to promote research of aging and aging-related diseases to improve health and longevity of the elderly population. Aging and Disease, 6(1), 1.
  • Karlsson, S., Ridbäck, A., Brobeck, E., & Norell Pejner, M. (2020). Health promotion practices in nursing for elderly persons in municipal home care: an integrative literature review. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 32(1), 53-61.
  • Kartal, A., Korkmaz Aslan, G., Koştu, N., & Tümer, A. (2020). Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of Geriatric Health Promotion scale. International Journal of Nursing Practice, e12832.
  • Kıssal, A., & Tezel, A. (2019). Yaşlılık ve Sağlığı Geliştirme. Turkiye Klinikleri Public Health Nursing-Special Topics,, 5(1), 44-49.
  • Kono, A., Kanaya, Y., Fujita, T., Tsumura, C., Kondo, T., Kushiyama, K., & Rubenstein, L. Z. (2012). Effects of a preventive home visit program in ambulatory frail older people: a randomized controlled trial. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences, 67(3), 302-309.
  • Korkmaz Aslan, G. (2017). Yaşlı sağlığının teşviki. In S. Ayaz Alkaya (Ed.), Sağlık promosyonu (pp. 28-35). Ankara Hedef CS Press.
  • Kubben, P. (2019). Mobile apps. Fundamentals of Clinical Data Science, 171-179.
  • Küçükdeveci, A. A., Yavuzer, G., Tennant, A., Süldür, N., Sonel, B., & Arasil, T. (2000). Adaptation of the modified Barthel Index for use in physical medicine and rehabilitation in Turkey. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 32(2), 87-92.
  • Lalun, A. (2022). Community health promotion model for aged society at Muang District in Chaiyaphum Province. Thai Journal of Nursing, 71(4), 39-46.
  • Lee, M. K., & Oh, J. (2020). Health-related quality of life in older adults: Its association with health literacy, self-efficacy, social support, and health-promoting behavior. Paper Presented at the Healthcare. 8, 407.
  • Mahoney, F. I., & Barthel, D. W. (1965). Functional evaluation: the Barthel Index: a simple index of independence useful in scoring improvement in the rehabilitation of the chronically ill. Maryland State Medical Journal. 14(2).61-65.
  • Makkonen, M., Kari, T., & Frank, L. (2022). Survival of the Fittest? Examining Lapsing Behaviour in the Context of Elderly People and the Use of Physical Activity Tracker Applications. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1448-1457.
  • Melillo, K. D., Williamson, E., Futrell, M., & Chamberlain, C. (1997). A self‐assessment tool to measure older adults’ Perceptions regarding physical fitness and exercise activity. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 25(6), 1220-1226.
  • O'brien, T., Troutman-Jordan, M., Hathaway, D., Armstrong, S., & Moore, M. (2015). Acceptability of wristband activity trackers among community dwelling older adults. Geriatric Nursing, 36(2), S21-S25.
  • Özdemirkan, T., Şenlik, Z. B., & Şimşek, A. Ç. (2020). Sağlıklı Aktif Başarılı Yaşlanma. Turkey Health Literacy Journal, 1(1), 61-67.
  • Reis, G. M., Sousa, L. M. M., Silva, P., Pereira, P., & Sim-Sim, M. (2022). Frailty in the elderly and interventions supported by information and communication technologies: a systematic review. Research Anthology on Supporting Healthy Aging in a Digital Society, 1750-1764.
  • Sansano-Nadal, O., Giné-Garriga, M., Brach, J. S., Wert, D. M., Jerez-Roig, J., Guerra-Balic, M., Soto-Bagaria, L. (2019). Exercise-based interventions to enhance long-term sustainability of physical activity in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(14), 2527.
  • Schmidt, H. (2016). Chronic disease prevention and health promotion. Public health ethics: Cases spanning the globe, 137-176.
  • Seçginli, S. (2019). Toplum Sağlığını Geliştirmede Kullanılan Modeller. Turkiye Klinikleri Public Health Nursing-Special Topics, 5(1), 50-58.
  • Silva, L. H., Campos, L. W., Chicon, P. M. M., Garces, S. B. B., de Rosso Krug, M., Xavier, A. J., & de Rosso Krug, R. (2022). Effects of a group using digital technologies and physical activity on cognition and health of the elderly. PAJAR-Pan-American Journal of Aging Research, 10(1), e43154-e43154.
  • Solmaz, T., & Altay, B. (2019). Yaşlılara yönelik evde bakım hizmetleri. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 6(2), 150-157.
  • Sourtzi, P., Roka, V., Velonaki, V.-S., & Kalokerinou, A. (2010). Health promotion programs for the elderly in Greece, the “Health Pro Elderly” Project. Hygiea Internationalis, 9(1), 385-395.
  • Taraldsen, K., Mikolaizak, A. S., Maier, A. B., Mellone, S., Boulton, E., Aminian, K., Gannon, B. (2020). Digital technology to deliver a lifestyle-integrated exercise intervention in young seniors—the preventIT feasibility randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Digital Health, 2(10). 1-10.
  • TÜİK. (2019). Ölüm ve Ölüm Nedeni İstatistikleri, 2019. https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Olum-ve-Olum-Nedeni-Istatistikleri-2019-33710#:~:text=T%C3%9C%C4%B0K%20Kurumsalve arktext=%C3%96l%C3%BCm%20say%C4%B1s%C4%B1%202018%20y%C4%B1l%C4%B1nda%20426,%2C4'%C3%BCn%C3%BC%20kad%C4%B1nlar%20olu%C5%9Fturdu.&text=Bin%20ki%C5%9Fi%20ba%C5%9F%C4%B1na%20d%C3%BC%C5%9Fen%20%C3%B6l%C3%BCm,y%C4%B1l%C4%B1nda%20binde%205%2C3%20oldu. Erişim tarihi :01 Ağustos 2022.
  • TÜİK. (2021). Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Sonuçları, 2021. https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Adrese-Dayali-Nufus-Kayit-Sistemi-Sonuclari-2021-45500. Erişim tarihi: 1 Ağustos 2022. .
  • Van Der Vaart, R., & Drossaert, C. (2017). Development of the digital health literacy instrument: measuring a broad spectrum of health 1.0 and health 2.0 skills. Journal of Medical İnternet Research, 19(1), e6709.
  • Walker, A., & Maltby, T. (2012). Active ageing: A strategic policy solution to demographic ageing in the European Union. International Journal of Social Welfare, 21, S117-S130.
  • Wang, J., Chen, C.-Y., Lai, L.-J., Chen, M.-L., & Chen, M.-Y. (2014). The effectiveness of a community-based health promotion program for rural elders: A quasi-experimental design. Applied Nursing Research, 27(3), 181-185.
  • Wang, J., Lee, C.-M., Chang, C.-F., Jane, S.-W., & Chen, M.-Y. (2015). The development and psychometric testing of the geriatric health promotion scale. Journal of Nursing Research, 23(1), 56-64.
  • WHO. (2020). The top 10 causes of death. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death. Erişim tarihi:01 Ağustos 2022.
  • WHO. (2021). Decade of healthy ageing: baseline report. 20. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/casper/Downloads/9789240017900-eng%20(2).pdf.
  • Yakut, Y., Özalp, Ö., Habibzadeh, A., Gürşen, C., & Yağcı, G. (2020). Müdahalenin daha iyi sunumu: Müdahale Tanımlama ve Tekrarlama Şablonu (Template for Intervention Description and Replication, TIDieR) kontrol listesi ve rehberi. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation, 7(3), 302-320.
  • Yılmaz, M., Temel, A., Yelten, G., Böckün, E., & Karahuseyin, A. (2017). Reliability and validity of Turkish version of “physical fitness and exercise activity levels of older adults” scale. Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 65, 254-262.
Year 2022, Volume: 24 Issue: 1,2,3, 31 - 42, 17.10.2023


Project Number



  • Kaynaklar Abbaspur-Behbahani, S., Monaghesh, E., Hajizadeh, A., ve Fehresti, S. (2022). Application of mobile health to support the elderly during the COVID-19 outbreak: A systematic review. Health Policy and Technology, 100595.
  • Akın, B., & Koçoğlu-Tanyer, D. (2021). SPIRIT 2013 Bildirisi: Klinik deneyler için standart protokol maddelerinin tanımlanması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 117-127.
  • Aslan, D., & Ertem, M. (2012). Yaşlı sağlığı: sorunlar ve çözümler. Palme Yayıncılık, 1-66.
  • Blackburn, N. E., Skjodt, M., Tully, M. A., Mc Mullan, I., Giné-Garriga, M., Caserotti, P., Weinmayr, G. (2021). Older adults’ experiences of a physical activity and sedentary behaviour intervention: a nested qualitative study in the SITLESS multi-country randomised clinical trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 4730.
  • Boutron I, Altman DG, Moher D, Schulz KF, Ravaud P. CONSORT Statement for Randomized Trials of Nonpharmacologic Treatments: A 2017 Update and a CONSORT Extension for Nonpharmacologic Trial Abstracts. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2017 Jul 4;167(1):40–7. Kaynak: http://www.consort-statement.org/extensions?ContentWidgetId=558
  • Bull, F. C., Al-Ansari, S. S., Biddle, S., Borodulin, K., Buman, M. P., Cardon, G., Chou, R. (2020). World Health Organization 2020 guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(24), 1451-1462.
  • CDC. (2022). About Chronic Diseases. National CCand Health Promotion. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/about/index.htm.
  • Chan, A.-W., Tetzlaff, J. M., Gøtzsche, P. C., Altman, D. G., Mann, H., Berlin, J. A., Parulekar, W. R. (2013). SPIRIT 2013 explanation and elaboration: guidance for protocols of clinical trials. BMJ, 346.
  • Chen, M.-C., Yang, L.-Y., Chen, K.-M., & Hsu, H.-F. (2020). Systematic review and meta-analysis on using acupressure to promote the health of older adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(10), 1144-1152.
  • Cleland, C. L., Tully, M. A., Kee, F., & Cupples, M. E. (2012). The effectiveness of physical activity interventions in socio-economically disadvantaged communities: a systematic review. Preventive Medicine, 54(6), 371-380.
  • Folstein, M. F., Folstein, S. E., & McHugh, P. R. (1975). “Mini-mental state”: a practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 12(3), 189-198.
  • Golinowska, S., Groot, W., Baji, P., & Pavlova, M. (2016). Health promotion targeting older people. BMC Health Services Research. 16(Suppl 5):345
  • Guthold, R., Stevens, G. A., Riley, L. M., & Bull, F. C. (2018). Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1· 9 million participants. The lancet Global Health, 6(10), e1077-e1086.
  • Güngen, C., Ertan, T., Eker, E., Yaşar, R., & Engin, F. (2002). Standardize mini mental test’in Türk toplumunda hafif demans tanısında geçerlik ve güvenilirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 13(4), 273-281.
  • Helbostad, J. L., Vereijken, B., Becker, C., Todd, C., Taraldsen, K., Pijnappels, M., Mellone, S. (2017). Mobile health applications to promote active and healthy ageing. Sensors, 17(3), 622.
  • Herghelegiu, A., Wenzel, K., Moser, A., Prada, G., Nuta, C., & Stuck, A. E. (2020). Effects of Health Risk Assessment and Counselling on Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Older People: A Pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trial. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 24(6), 591-597.
  • Heydari, A., & Khorashadizadeh, F. (2014). Pender’s health promotion model in medical research. J Pak Med Assoc, 64(9), 1067-1074.
  • Hoffmann, T. C., Glasziou, P. P., Boutron, I., Milne, R., Perera, R., Moher, D., Johnston, M. (2014). Better reporting of interventions: template for intervention description and replication (TIDieR) checklist and guide. BMJ, 348.
  • Jin, K., Simpkins, J. W., Ji, X., Leis, M., & Stambler, I. (2015). The critical need to promote research of aging and aging-related diseases to improve health and longevity of the elderly population. Aging and Disease, 6(1), 1.
  • Karlsson, S., Ridbäck, A., Brobeck, E., & Norell Pejner, M. (2020). Health promotion practices in nursing for elderly persons in municipal home care: an integrative literature review. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 32(1), 53-61.
  • Kartal, A., Korkmaz Aslan, G., Koştu, N., & Tümer, A. (2020). Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of Geriatric Health Promotion scale. International Journal of Nursing Practice, e12832.
  • Kıssal, A., & Tezel, A. (2019). Yaşlılık ve Sağlığı Geliştirme. Turkiye Klinikleri Public Health Nursing-Special Topics,, 5(1), 44-49.
  • Kono, A., Kanaya, Y., Fujita, T., Tsumura, C., Kondo, T., Kushiyama, K., & Rubenstein, L. Z. (2012). Effects of a preventive home visit program in ambulatory frail older people: a randomized controlled trial. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences, 67(3), 302-309.
  • Korkmaz Aslan, G. (2017). Yaşlı sağlığının teşviki. In S. Ayaz Alkaya (Ed.), Sağlık promosyonu (pp. 28-35). Ankara Hedef CS Press.
  • Kubben, P. (2019). Mobile apps. Fundamentals of Clinical Data Science, 171-179.
  • Küçükdeveci, A. A., Yavuzer, G., Tennant, A., Süldür, N., Sonel, B., & Arasil, T. (2000). Adaptation of the modified Barthel Index for use in physical medicine and rehabilitation in Turkey. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 32(2), 87-92.
  • Lalun, A. (2022). Community health promotion model for aged society at Muang District in Chaiyaphum Province. Thai Journal of Nursing, 71(4), 39-46.
  • Lee, M. K., & Oh, J. (2020). Health-related quality of life in older adults: Its association with health literacy, self-efficacy, social support, and health-promoting behavior. Paper Presented at the Healthcare. 8, 407.
  • Mahoney, F. I., & Barthel, D. W. (1965). Functional evaluation: the Barthel Index: a simple index of independence useful in scoring improvement in the rehabilitation of the chronically ill. Maryland State Medical Journal. 14(2).61-65.
  • Makkonen, M., Kari, T., & Frank, L. (2022). Survival of the Fittest? Examining Lapsing Behaviour in the Context of Elderly People and the Use of Physical Activity Tracker Applications. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1448-1457.
  • Melillo, K. D., Williamson, E., Futrell, M., & Chamberlain, C. (1997). A self‐assessment tool to measure older adults’ Perceptions regarding physical fitness and exercise activity. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 25(6), 1220-1226.
  • O'brien, T., Troutman-Jordan, M., Hathaway, D., Armstrong, S., & Moore, M. (2015). Acceptability of wristband activity trackers among community dwelling older adults. Geriatric Nursing, 36(2), S21-S25.
  • Özdemirkan, T., Şenlik, Z. B., & Şimşek, A. Ç. (2020). Sağlıklı Aktif Başarılı Yaşlanma. Turkey Health Literacy Journal, 1(1), 61-67.
  • Reis, G. M., Sousa, L. M. M., Silva, P., Pereira, P., & Sim-Sim, M. (2022). Frailty in the elderly and interventions supported by information and communication technologies: a systematic review. Research Anthology on Supporting Healthy Aging in a Digital Society, 1750-1764.
  • Sansano-Nadal, O., Giné-Garriga, M., Brach, J. S., Wert, D. M., Jerez-Roig, J., Guerra-Balic, M., Soto-Bagaria, L. (2019). Exercise-based interventions to enhance long-term sustainability of physical activity in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(14), 2527.
  • Schmidt, H. (2016). Chronic disease prevention and health promotion. Public health ethics: Cases spanning the globe, 137-176.
  • Seçginli, S. (2019). Toplum Sağlığını Geliştirmede Kullanılan Modeller. Turkiye Klinikleri Public Health Nursing-Special Topics, 5(1), 50-58.
  • Silva, L. H., Campos, L. W., Chicon, P. M. M., Garces, S. B. B., de Rosso Krug, M., Xavier, A. J., & de Rosso Krug, R. (2022). Effects of a group using digital technologies and physical activity on cognition and health of the elderly. PAJAR-Pan-American Journal of Aging Research, 10(1), e43154-e43154.
  • Solmaz, T., & Altay, B. (2019). Yaşlılara yönelik evde bakım hizmetleri. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 6(2), 150-157.
  • Sourtzi, P., Roka, V., Velonaki, V.-S., & Kalokerinou, A. (2010). Health promotion programs for the elderly in Greece, the “Health Pro Elderly” Project. Hygiea Internationalis, 9(1), 385-395.
  • Taraldsen, K., Mikolaizak, A. S., Maier, A. B., Mellone, S., Boulton, E., Aminian, K., Gannon, B. (2020). Digital technology to deliver a lifestyle-integrated exercise intervention in young seniors—the preventIT feasibility randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Digital Health, 2(10). 1-10.
  • TÜİK. (2019). Ölüm ve Ölüm Nedeni İstatistikleri, 2019. https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Olum-ve-Olum-Nedeni-Istatistikleri-2019-33710#:~:text=T%C3%9C%C4%B0K%20Kurumsalve arktext=%C3%96l%C3%BCm%20say%C4%B1s%C4%B1%202018%20y%C4%B1l%C4%B1nda%20426,%2C4'%C3%BCn%C3%BC%20kad%C4%B1nlar%20olu%C5%9Fturdu.&text=Bin%20ki%C5%9Fi%20ba%C5%9F%C4%B1na%20d%C3%BC%C5%9Fen%20%C3%B6l%C3%BCm,y%C4%B1l%C4%B1nda%20binde%205%2C3%20oldu. Erişim tarihi :01 Ağustos 2022.
  • TÜİK. (2021). Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Sonuçları, 2021. https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Adrese-Dayali-Nufus-Kayit-Sistemi-Sonuclari-2021-45500. Erişim tarihi: 1 Ağustos 2022. .
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There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Public Health Nursing
Journal Section Araştırma Protokolü

Zeynep Saçıkara

Dilek Cingil

Project Number 22149001
Publication Date October 17, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 24 Issue: 1,2,3


APA Saçıkara, Z., & Cingil, D. (2023). Yaşlılarda Çoklu Hemşirelik Girişimlerinin Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlığı Geliştirmeye Etkisi: Randomize Kontrollü Çalışma Protokolü. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 24(1,2,3), 31-42. https://doi.org/10.69487/hemarge.1311441