Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 37 - 51, 30.06.2020


The best known population theory is Malthus’ population theory. The rapidly
growing population of England was encouraged by a misguided Poor Law, which
made Malthus very deeply disturbed. In 1798, Malthus examined the relationship
between population growth and food production in “An Essay on Population
Policy”. Malthus’ population theory was supported by many people, but the 19th
century sociologist Karl Marx claimed that poverty and hunger were not the
result of population growth, but a result of the capitalist economy. He also argued
that with a fair distribution of wealth, food resources would keep pace with
population growth.


  • Abdullah, T. Shah, vd., 2015, ‘‘The Effect of Increase in Population on the Economic Growth of Bangladesh’’, Developing Country Studies, Cilt:5, Sayı:17, ss.87-95.
  • Aktan, Coşkun Can (Ed.), 2002, ‘‘Yoksulluk Sorununun Nedenleri ve Yoksullukla Mücadele Stratejileri’’, Yoksullukla Mücadele Stratejileri, Ankara: Hak-İş Konfederasyonu Yayını.
  • Aktan, Coşkun Can, Yay, Tuba Elif ve Yay, Serdar, (2019), Biyoloji ve İktisat:Evrimsel Biyolojiden Evrimsel İktisada, içinde: Evrimsel İktisat, (Editörler: Coşkun Can Aktan ve Serdar Yay), İzmir: Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Derneği, ss. 8-49.
  • Ashrafy, Quamrul, Oded Galorz, 2008, ‘‘Malthusian Population Dynamics: Theory and Evidence’’, Working Papers, Brown University, Department of Economics.
  • Berlin, Isaiah, 2013, ‘‘Karl Marx’’, Princeton University Press Princeton and Oxford.
  • Brackett, James W., 1968, ‘‘The Evolution of Marxist Theories of Population: Marxism Recognizes the Population Problem’’, Demography, Cilt:5, Sayı:1, ss.158-173.
  • Brezis, Elise S., Warren Young, 2003, ‘‘The New Views on Demographic Transition: A Reassessment of Malthus and Marx s views on Population’’, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Taylor & Francis Journals, Cilt:10, Sayı:1, ss.25-45.
  • Course Hero, (Y.B.D), 2018, ‘‘An Essay on the Principle of Population’’, Study Guide Inc.
  • Crafts, Nicholas, C. K. Harley, 2002 ‘‘Precocious British Industrialization: A General Equilibrium Perspective’’, Department of Economic History London School of Economics, Working Paper.
  • Demirtürk, Rabia Burcu, Nebahat Bozkuş, vd., 2011, ‘‘Yoksulluk Düzeyinin Modellenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma’’, Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt:14, Sayı:1, ss.30-67.
  • Dunn, Peter. M., 1998, ‘‘Thomas Malthus (1766-1834): Population Growth And Birth Control’’, Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed., Cilt:78, Sayı:1, ss.76- 77.
  • Engels, Frederick, 1885, ‘‘England in 1845 and in 1885’’, Commonweal, ss.12- 14.
  • Faccarello, Gilbert, vd., 2016, ‘‘Karl Heinrich Marx (1818–1883)’’, Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis.
  • Geoffrey M. Hodgson, 2004, ‘‘Thomas Robert Malthus, (1766-1834)’’, Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, ss.1-6.
  • Gövdere, Bekir, M, Türkoğlu, 2016, ‘‘Malthus’un Nüfus Teorisine Şarkılı İtiraz: Dickens Yaklaşımı’’, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt:21, Sayı:2, ss.427-439.
  • Hammond, J. Daniel, 2013, ‘‘Malthus, Utopians, and Economists’’, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Sayı:33, ss.179-207.
  • Henderson, John P., 1992, ‘‘Introduction to Thomas Robert Malthus, ‘An Essay on the Principle of Population’, 1798’’, Essays in the History of Mainstream Political Economy, ss.140-150.
  • Hodgson, Dennis, 2009, ‘‘Malthus’ Essay on Population and the American Debate over Slavery’’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Cilt:51, Sayı:4, ss.742-770.
  • Irwin, Douglas A., 1989, ‘‘Political Economy And Peel’s Repeal Of The Corn Laws’’, Economics And Politics, Cilt:1, Sayı:1, ss.41-59.
  • Jermain, David Orval, 1975, "Marx on population: a critical review including a comparison to Malthus and a new perspective on Marx" Dissertations and Theses. Paper 823. Portland State University.
  • Keller, David R., 2010, ‘‘Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions’’, Wiley- Blackwell; 1. Edition.
  • Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 1918, ‘‘Karl Marx, A Brief Biographical Sketch With an Exposition of Marxism’’, Priobi Publishers.
  • MacDonald, J. Marc, 2017, ‘‘Malthus and the Philanthropists, 1764–1859: The Cultural Circulation of Political Economy, Botany, and Natural Knowledge’’, Social Science, Cilt:6, Sayı:4, ss.1-33.
  • Mallick, Seeme, Naghmana Ghani, 2005, ‘‘A Review of the Relationship between Poverty, Population Growth, and Environment’’, The Pakistan Development Review, Cilt:44, Sayı:4, ss.597-614.
  • Manjoro, Alfandega Estevao, 2017, ‘‘Theories Of Poverty Reduction As They Apply To The Gorongosa - Case Study İn Alleviating Poverty Through Local Resources And İnitiatives’’, Conference: Outubro 2016, At Mozmabique-Quelimane.
  • Marshall, Gordon, 1999, ‘‘Sosyoloji Sözlüğü’’, Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları, (çev. Osman Akmhay, Derya Kömürcü).
  • Marx, Karl ve Frederick, Engels, 2010, ‘‘Marx and Engels 1849-51’’, Lawrence & Wishart, Electric Book.
  • Mason, Andrew, Sang-Hyop Lee, 2014, ‘‘The Demographic Dividend And Poverty Reduction’’, Seminar On The Relevance Of Population Aspects For The Achievement Of The Millennium Development Goal.
  • Meek, Ronald L., 1954, ‘‘Malthus-Yesterday and Today’’, Science & Society, Cilt:18, Sayı:1, ss.21-51.
  • Merlassino, Victoria Correa, 2011, ‘‘Analysis Of Three Different Spanish Translations of Karl Marx’s Das Kapital (1867): Juan. B. Justo (1898), Wenceslao Roces (1946), Pedro Scaron (1975)’’, Department of History of Economic Thought – University of Barcelona Barcelona / Spain.
  • Mood, Carina, Jan O. Jonsson, 2016, ‘‘The Social Consequences of Poverty: An Empirical Test on Longitudinal Data’’, Soc. Indic. Res., Cilt:127, ss.633- 652.
  • Musto, Marcello, 2018, ‘‘The Writing of Capital: Genesis and Structure of Marx’s Critique of Political Economy’’, Critique Journal of Socialist Theory, Cilt:46, Sayı:1, ss.11-26.
  • Odlyzko, Andrew, 2012, ‘‘Crushing National Debts, Economic Revolutions, And Extraordinary Popular Delusions’’, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.
  • Pavlík, Zdeněk, 2016, ‘‘Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834)’’, Demografie, Cilt:58, Sayı:4, ss.338–348.
  • Perelman, Michael, 1979, ‘‘Marx, Malthus, And The Concept of Natural Resource Scarcity’’, Antipode, Cilt:11, Sayı:2, ss.80-91.
  • Pose, Nicolás, 2017, ‘‘The Repeal of the Corn Laws and Brexit in Comparative Perspective: The Enduring Role of Interest Representation, the Renewed Role of Ideas’’, Journal of Public and International Affairs, Sayı:1, ss.121- 138.
  • Rosen, Michael, 1998, ‘‘Karl Marx’’, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  • Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl, 2006, ‘‘From the Corn Laws to Free Trade, İnterest, İdeas, and İnstitutions İn Historical Perspective’’, The MIT Press.
  • Sinding, Steven W., 2008, ‘‘Population, Poverty and Economic Development’’, Bixby Forum, The World in 2050, Berkeley, California.
  • Topakkaya, Arslan, 2008, ‘‘Tarihsel Materyalizm Bağlamında Marx’ı Yeniden Okumak’’, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt:1, Sayı:3, ss.378- 396.
  • Ward, T., 2004, ‘‘The Corn Laws and English Wheat Prices 1815-1846’’, Atlantic Economic Journal, Springer;International Atlantic Economic Society, Cilt:32, Sayı:3, ss.245-255.


Year 2020, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 37 - 51, 30.06.2020


En iyi bilinen nüfus teorisi, Malthus’un nüfus teorisidir. İngiltere’nin hızla artan
nüfusu, yanlış yönlendirilmiş bir Yoksul Yasası ile teşvik edilmiş ve bu Malthus’u
çok derinden rahatsız etmiştir. 1798 yılında Malthus, “Nüfus İlkesi Üzerine Bir
Deneme” adlı çalışmasında nüfus artışı ve gıda üretimi arasındaki ilişkiyi
incelemiştir. Malthus’un nüfus teorisi birçok insan tarafından desteklenmiştir
ancak 19. yüzyıl sosyoloğu Karl Marx yoksulluk ve açlığın nüfus artışının değil
kapitalist ekonominin bir sonucu olduğunu iddia etmiştir. Ayrıca zenginliğin adil
bir şekilde dağıtılmasıyla, gıda kaynaklarının nüfus artışına ayak uyduracağını


  • Abdullah, T. Shah, vd., 2015, ‘‘The Effect of Increase in Population on the Economic Growth of Bangladesh’’, Developing Country Studies, Cilt:5, Sayı:17, ss.87-95.
  • Aktan, Coşkun Can (Ed.), 2002, ‘‘Yoksulluk Sorununun Nedenleri ve Yoksullukla Mücadele Stratejileri’’, Yoksullukla Mücadele Stratejileri, Ankara: Hak-İş Konfederasyonu Yayını.
  • Aktan, Coşkun Can, Yay, Tuba Elif ve Yay, Serdar, (2019), Biyoloji ve İktisat:Evrimsel Biyolojiden Evrimsel İktisada, içinde: Evrimsel İktisat, (Editörler: Coşkun Can Aktan ve Serdar Yay), İzmir: Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Derneği, ss. 8-49.
  • Ashrafy, Quamrul, Oded Galorz, 2008, ‘‘Malthusian Population Dynamics: Theory and Evidence’’, Working Papers, Brown University, Department of Economics.
  • Berlin, Isaiah, 2013, ‘‘Karl Marx’’, Princeton University Press Princeton and Oxford.
  • Brackett, James W., 1968, ‘‘The Evolution of Marxist Theories of Population: Marxism Recognizes the Population Problem’’, Demography, Cilt:5, Sayı:1, ss.158-173.
  • Brezis, Elise S., Warren Young, 2003, ‘‘The New Views on Demographic Transition: A Reassessment of Malthus and Marx s views on Population’’, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Taylor & Francis Journals, Cilt:10, Sayı:1, ss.25-45.
  • Course Hero, (Y.B.D), 2018, ‘‘An Essay on the Principle of Population’’, Study Guide Inc.
  • Crafts, Nicholas, C. K. Harley, 2002 ‘‘Precocious British Industrialization: A General Equilibrium Perspective’’, Department of Economic History London School of Economics, Working Paper.
  • Demirtürk, Rabia Burcu, Nebahat Bozkuş, vd., 2011, ‘‘Yoksulluk Düzeyinin Modellenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma’’, Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt:14, Sayı:1, ss.30-67.
  • Dunn, Peter. M., 1998, ‘‘Thomas Malthus (1766-1834): Population Growth And Birth Control’’, Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed., Cilt:78, Sayı:1, ss.76- 77.
  • Engels, Frederick, 1885, ‘‘England in 1845 and in 1885’’, Commonweal, ss.12- 14.
  • Faccarello, Gilbert, vd., 2016, ‘‘Karl Heinrich Marx (1818–1883)’’, Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis.
  • Geoffrey M. Hodgson, 2004, ‘‘Thomas Robert Malthus, (1766-1834)’’, Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, ss.1-6.
  • Gövdere, Bekir, M, Türkoğlu, 2016, ‘‘Malthus’un Nüfus Teorisine Şarkılı İtiraz: Dickens Yaklaşımı’’, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt:21, Sayı:2, ss.427-439.
  • Hammond, J. Daniel, 2013, ‘‘Malthus, Utopians, and Economists’’, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Sayı:33, ss.179-207.
  • Henderson, John P., 1992, ‘‘Introduction to Thomas Robert Malthus, ‘An Essay on the Principle of Population’, 1798’’, Essays in the History of Mainstream Political Economy, ss.140-150.
  • Hodgson, Dennis, 2009, ‘‘Malthus’ Essay on Population and the American Debate over Slavery’’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Cilt:51, Sayı:4, ss.742-770.
  • Irwin, Douglas A., 1989, ‘‘Political Economy And Peel’s Repeal Of The Corn Laws’’, Economics And Politics, Cilt:1, Sayı:1, ss.41-59.
  • Jermain, David Orval, 1975, "Marx on population: a critical review including a comparison to Malthus and a new perspective on Marx" Dissertations and Theses. Paper 823. Portland State University.
  • Keller, David R., 2010, ‘‘Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions’’, Wiley- Blackwell; 1. Edition.
  • Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 1918, ‘‘Karl Marx, A Brief Biographical Sketch With an Exposition of Marxism’’, Priobi Publishers.
  • MacDonald, J. Marc, 2017, ‘‘Malthus and the Philanthropists, 1764–1859: The Cultural Circulation of Political Economy, Botany, and Natural Knowledge’’, Social Science, Cilt:6, Sayı:4, ss.1-33.
  • Mallick, Seeme, Naghmana Ghani, 2005, ‘‘A Review of the Relationship between Poverty, Population Growth, and Environment’’, The Pakistan Development Review, Cilt:44, Sayı:4, ss.597-614.
  • Manjoro, Alfandega Estevao, 2017, ‘‘Theories Of Poverty Reduction As They Apply To The Gorongosa - Case Study İn Alleviating Poverty Through Local Resources And İnitiatives’’, Conference: Outubro 2016, At Mozmabique-Quelimane.
  • Marshall, Gordon, 1999, ‘‘Sosyoloji Sözlüğü’’, Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları, (çev. Osman Akmhay, Derya Kömürcü).
  • Marx, Karl ve Frederick, Engels, 2010, ‘‘Marx and Engels 1849-51’’, Lawrence & Wishart, Electric Book.
  • Mason, Andrew, Sang-Hyop Lee, 2014, ‘‘The Demographic Dividend And Poverty Reduction’’, Seminar On The Relevance Of Population Aspects For The Achievement Of The Millennium Development Goal.
  • Meek, Ronald L., 1954, ‘‘Malthus-Yesterday and Today’’, Science & Society, Cilt:18, Sayı:1, ss.21-51.
  • Merlassino, Victoria Correa, 2011, ‘‘Analysis Of Three Different Spanish Translations of Karl Marx’s Das Kapital (1867): Juan. B. Justo (1898), Wenceslao Roces (1946), Pedro Scaron (1975)’’, Department of History of Economic Thought – University of Barcelona Barcelona / Spain.
  • Mood, Carina, Jan O. Jonsson, 2016, ‘‘The Social Consequences of Poverty: An Empirical Test on Longitudinal Data’’, Soc. Indic. Res., Cilt:127, ss.633- 652.
  • Musto, Marcello, 2018, ‘‘The Writing of Capital: Genesis and Structure of Marx’s Critique of Political Economy’’, Critique Journal of Socialist Theory, Cilt:46, Sayı:1, ss.11-26.
  • Odlyzko, Andrew, 2012, ‘‘Crushing National Debts, Economic Revolutions, And Extraordinary Popular Delusions’’, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.
  • Pavlík, Zdeněk, 2016, ‘‘Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834)’’, Demografie, Cilt:58, Sayı:4, ss.338–348.
  • Perelman, Michael, 1979, ‘‘Marx, Malthus, And The Concept of Natural Resource Scarcity’’, Antipode, Cilt:11, Sayı:2, ss.80-91.
  • Pose, Nicolás, 2017, ‘‘The Repeal of the Corn Laws and Brexit in Comparative Perspective: The Enduring Role of Interest Representation, the Renewed Role of Ideas’’, Journal of Public and International Affairs, Sayı:1, ss.121- 138.
  • Rosen, Michael, 1998, ‘‘Karl Marx’’, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  • Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl, 2006, ‘‘From the Corn Laws to Free Trade, İnterest, İdeas, and İnstitutions İn Historical Perspective’’, The MIT Press.
  • Sinding, Steven W., 2008, ‘‘Population, Poverty and Economic Development’’, Bixby Forum, The World in 2050, Berkeley, California.
  • Topakkaya, Arslan, 2008, ‘‘Tarihsel Materyalizm Bağlamında Marx’ı Yeniden Okumak’’, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt:1, Sayı:3, ss.378- 396.
  • Ward, T., 2004, ‘‘The Corn Laws and English Wheat Prices 1815-1846’’, Atlantic Economic Journal, Springer;International Atlantic Economic Society, Cilt:32, Sayı:3, ss.245-255.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Jale Sabbağ This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA Sabbağ, J. (2020). THOMAS R. MALTHUS’UN VE KARL MARX’IN YOKSULLUK VE NÜFUS KAVRAMLAŞTIRMASI. Hukuk Ve İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(1), 37-51.
AMA Sabbağ J. THOMAS R. MALTHUS’UN VE KARL MARX’IN YOKSULLUK VE NÜFUS KAVRAMLAŞTIRMASI. Hukuk ve İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi. June 2020;12(1):37-51.
Chicago Sabbağ, Jale. “THOMAS R. MALTHUS’UN VE KARL MARX’IN YOKSULLUK VE NÜFUS KAVRAMLAŞTIRMASI”. Hukuk Ve İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi 12, no. 1 (June 2020): 37-51.
EndNote Sabbağ J (June 1, 2020) THOMAS R. MALTHUS’UN VE KARL MARX’IN YOKSULLUK VE NÜFUS KAVRAMLAŞTIRMASI. Hukuk ve İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi 12 1 37–51.
IEEE J. Sabbağ, “THOMAS R. MALTHUS’UN VE KARL MARX’IN YOKSULLUK VE NÜFUS KAVRAMLAŞTIRMASI”, Hukuk ve İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 37–51, 2020.
ISNAD Sabbağ, Jale. “THOMAS R. MALTHUS’UN VE KARL MARX’IN YOKSULLUK VE NÜFUS KAVRAMLAŞTIRMASI”. Hukuk ve İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi 12/1 (June 2020), 37-51.
JAMA Sabbağ J. THOMAS R. MALTHUS’UN VE KARL MARX’IN YOKSULLUK VE NÜFUS KAVRAMLAŞTIRMASI. Hukuk ve İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2020;12:37–51.
MLA Sabbağ, Jale. “THOMAS R. MALTHUS’UN VE KARL MARX’IN YOKSULLUK VE NÜFUS KAVRAMLAŞTIRMASI”. Hukuk Ve İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, 2020, pp. 37-51.
Vancouver Sabbağ J. THOMAS R. MALTHUS’UN VE KARL MARX’IN YOKSULLUK VE NÜFUS KAVRAMLAŞTIRMASI. Hukuk ve İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2020;12(1):37-51.