Research Article
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Açık ve Uzaktan İngilizce Öğretim Modellerinin Yapısı: Bir Devam Çalışması 2018-2023

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 84 - 92, 30.04.2024


Son yıllarda, Açık ve Uzaktan Öğrenmenin (AUÖ) yaygın olarak benimsenmesi, eğitimde, özellikle de İngilizce öğretiminde devrim
yaratmıştır. AUÖ, eğitim kaynaklarına erişimi demokratikleştirmiş ve coğrafi sınırların ötesinde öğrenciler ve eğitmenler arasındaki publicaetkileşimi
mümkün kılmıştır. Bu çalışma, 2018-2023 yılları arasında yayınlanan makalelere odaklanarak, İngilizce öğretiminde AUÖ
modellerinin yaygın yapılarını araştırmak için sistematik bir literatür taraması yaklaşımı kullanmaktadır. Çalışmaları yönetim, iletişim,
öğrenme, teknoloji ve değerlendirme olmak üzere beş boyuta göre kategorize eden çalışma, literatürdeki ortak temaları ve örüntüleri
1990-2017 yıllarını kapsayan önceki bir çalışmayla karşılaştırıldığında, bu araştırma, uzaktan eğitimin gelişen manzarasını ortaya
çıkarmakta ve sürekli araştırma ve iyileştirme ihtiyacının altını çizmektedir. Çalışma, ODL aracılığıyla Yabancı Dil Olarak İngilizce (EFL)
eğitimi için makro düzeyde bir yönetim modelinin eksikliğini vurgulamakta ve bu alanda gelecekteki araştırmaları teşvik etmektedir.
Ayrıca bulgular, öğrenci katılımını artırmak için çeşitli iletişim modellerinden yararlanmanın önemini vurgulamaktadır. Otonom
öğrenme modellerine doğru bir kayma gözlenmekte, bu da etkili öz-yönelimli öğrenme deneyimlerini destekleyen stratejilerin daha fazla
araştırılmasını gerektirmektedir.
Teknoloji entegrasyonu, web tabanlı, bilgisayar destekli ve mobil öğrenme sistemlerine odaklanarak baskın bir tema olarak ortaya
çıkmaktadır. Bununla birlikte çalışma, günümüz trendlerine uygun olarak mobil ve oyun tabanlı öğrenme gibi yenilikçi yaklaşımları
da savunmaktadır. Çeşitli değerlendirme yöntemlerinin benimsenmesi, bireysel farklılıkların tanındığını göstermekte ve öğrencinin
ilerlemesine ilişkin kapsamlı bir bakış açısına duyulan ihtiyacın altını çizmektedir.
Sonuç olarak, bu kapsamlı analiz İngilizce dil eğitiminde AUÖ modellerinin ilerletilmesi için bir yol haritası sunmaktadır. Eğitimciler
ve araştırmacılar, yönetimdeki eksiklikleri gidererek, iletişim stratejilerini optimize ederek, otonom öğrenmeyi teşvik ederek, en yeni
teknolojileri keşfederek ve değerlendirme uygulamalarını iyileştirerek AUÖ yoluyla İngilizce öğretiminin kalitesini ve erişilebilirliğini
artırabilirler. Bu çalışma, İngilizce dil eğitimi bağlamında AUÖ modellerine ilişkin anlayış ve uygulamalarını geliştirmek isteyenler için
önemli bir bilgi sağlama özelliğine sahiptir.


  • Abdel Latif, M. M. (2022). Coping with COVID-19-related online English teaching challenges: teacher educators’ suggestions. Elt Journal, 76(1), 20-33.
  • Abdullah, N. A., & Mirza, M. S. (2020). Evaluating pre-service teaching practice for online and distance education students in Pakistan: Evaluation of teaching practice. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 21(2), 81-97.
  • Ajmal, M., & Ahmad, S. (2019). Exploration of Anxiety Factors among Students of Distance Learning: A Case Study of Allama Iqbal Open University. Bulletin of Education and Research, 41(2), 67-78.
  • Alfaro, L., Rivera, C., Castaneda, E., Zuniga-Cueva, J., Rivera-Chavez, M., & Fialho, F. (2020). A review of intelligent tutorial systems in computer and web based education. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(2). Almanar, M. A. (2020). The shifting of face to face learning to distance learning during the pandemic Covid-19. Globish (An English-Indonesian Journal for English, Education and Culture), 9(2).
  • Annamalai, N., & Kumar, J. A. (2020). Understanding smartphone use behavior among distance education students in completing their coursework in English: a mixed-method approach. The Reference Librarian, 61(3-4), 199-215.
  • Aziz, A. A. A., Shaidin, S., Zaini, N., Nordin, N. A., Wahi, N. A., Azhar, S. B. H. J., & Aziz, A. A. (2021, July). Learning about English language lecturers’ resilience: Identification of stress and coping strategies of open and distance learning (ODL). In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2347, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
  • Bae, C. (2020). Investigating Student Satisfaction With Distance Learning and Influencing Factors: A Case of Korean EFL Middle School Students. 21(4), 36-44.
  • Bin, W. Research on the Innovative Method of English Ecological Teaching Based on the Information Technology of Higher Education. Cabangcala, R., Alieto, E., Estigoy, E., De Los Santos, M., & Torres, J. M. (2021). When language learning suddenly becomes online: analyzing English as second language learners’(ELLs) attitude and technological competence. TESOL International Journal, 16(4.3), 115-131.
  • Cheng, C. H., & Chen, C. H. (2022). Investigating the impacts of using a mobile interactive English learning system on the learning achievements and learning perceptions of student with different backgrounds. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(1-2), 88-113.
  • Ennis, M. J. (2020). Motivating Learners by Meeting Their Needs: The Introduction of a Business English Track at the unibz Language Centre. Online Submission.
  • Fansury, A. H., Agreani, A. V., & Lutfin, N. (2018). Web-based learning model using Hot Potatoes applications to increase language student achievement. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), 1546-1553.
  • Febriati, F., Jaya, D., & Nurhikmah, H. (2022). English Teaching Materials with Flipped Learning Model in English Course. Journal of Education Technology, 6(4).
  • Fitria, T. N. (2020). Teaching English through online learning system during Covid-19 pandemic. Pedagogy: Journal of English Language Teaching, 8(2).
  • Golonka, E. M., Bowles, A. R., Frank, V. M., Richardson, D. L., & Freynik, S. (2012). Technologies for foreign language learning: a review of technology types and their effectiveness. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 27(1), 70–105. 10.1080/09588221.2012.700315
  • Goodwin, A. L. (2021). Teaching standards, globalisation, and conceptions of teacher professionalism. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(1), 5-19.
  • Guan, A. (2021). Research on blended teaching model in college English based on mobile learning app. Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 5(1).
  • Kalayci, G., & Ergül, H. (2020). Teachers’ perceptions of the role of parental involvement in teaching English to young learners. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(3), 1167- 1176.
  • Kaddoura, S., Popescu, D. E., & Hemanth, J. D. (2022). A systematic review on machine learning models for online learning and examination systems. PeerJ Computer Science, 8, e986.
  • Kecik, I., Aydin, B., Sakar, N., Dikdere, M., Aydin, S., Yuksel, I., & Caner, M. (2012). Determining the feasibility of an e-portfolio application in a distance education teaching practice course. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 13(2), 160-180.
  • Khoiriyah, K. (2020). CALL and SLA theory: developing A framework to analyze web-based materials for teaching listening skills. IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature, 8(1), 80-92.
  • Lai Wah, L., & Hashim, H. (2021). Determining pre-service teachers’ intention of using technology for teaching english as a second language (Esl). Sustainability, 13(14), 7568.
  • Lee, G., & Wallace, A. (2018). Flipped learning in the English as a foreign language classroom: Outcomes and perceptions. TESOL quarterly, 52(1), 62-84.
  • Liang, L. (2022). Teaching English as a foreign language using the Internet and multimedia environment. Soft Computing, 26(20), 10891-10902.
  • Long, X. (2022). Application of Multimode Learning Environment Based on the Internet in College English Teaching. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2022.
  • Lu, W., Vivekananda, G. N., & Shanthini, A. (2023). Supervision system of English online teaching based on machine learning. Progress in artificial intelligence, 12(2), 187-198.
  • Мележик, К. А., Петренко, А. Д., & Храбскова, Д. М. (2021). Technological innovations in teaching foreign languages–from connectivism to hyperconnectivity. Филология: научные исследования, (1), 11-22.
  • Meixner, E. S. (2020). Keeping Things Going: Reflections on Teaching “Teaching Writing” Online. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, 9(1), 20.
  • Milojković, M. (2018). Teaching English by Skype: Theoretical and practical considerations from the perspective of Serbian English teachers. In Teaching language and teaching literature in virtual environments (pp. 97-119). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  • Monsalve Correa, F. A. (2020). Teaching strategies used to promote EFL autonomous learning in distance education undergraduate students: An initial approach in the framework of the Colombian research context.
  • Moser, K., Chambless, K., & Miller, N. (2020). Creating a virtual space in world language teacher preparation? Considerations for practice-based rehearsals. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(4), 613-638.
  • Natalia, K., & Julia, O. (2018). New use of MOODLE tools for distance English language learning (experience of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University). International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM, 18(5.4), 225-232.
  • Neroni, J., Meijs, C., Gijselaers, H. J., Kirschner, P. A., & de Groot, R. H. (2019). Learning strategies and academic performance in distance education. Learning and Individual Differences, 73, 1-7.
  • Ninsiana, W., Gabidullina, F. I., Widodo, M., Patra, I., Pallathadka, H., Alkhateeb, D. A. A. M., ... & Gheisari, A. (2022). High School Students’ Attitudes towards E-Learning and Impacts of Online Instruction on Their General English Learning: Challenges and Issues. Education Research International, 2022.
  • Octaberlina, L. R., & Muslimin, A. I. (2020). EFL students perspective towards online learning barriers and alternatives using Moodle/Google Classroom during COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Higher Education, 9(6), 1-9.
  • Pleines, C., & Duensing, A. (2003). Developing Speaking Skills in an Open and Distance Learning Programme-An investigation of student perceptions and research findings. In First International Conference: Independent Language Learning: New Research Directions, The Open University, Milton Keynes.
  • Pustika, R. (2020). Future English teachers’ perspective towards the implementation of e-learning in Covid-19 pandemic era. Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics, 5(3), 383-391.
  • Qayyum, A., & Zawacki-Richter, O. (2019). The state of open and distance education. Open and distance education in Asia, Africa and the Middle East: National perspectives in a digital age, 125-140.
  • Ramalingam, S., Yunus, M. M., & Hashim, H. (2021). Exploring ESL Learners’ Blended Learning Experiences and Its Effectiveness through Web-Based Technologies. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 10(4), 1436-1445. Reay, D. (2020, October). English education in the time of Coronavirus. In Forum (Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 311-322). Lawrence and Wishart.
  • Rogerson-Revell, P. M. (2021). Computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT): Current issues and future directions. Relc Journal, 52(1), 189-205.
  • Sarzhanova, G., Otynshiyeva, M., Tleuzhanova, G., Assanova, D., & Sadvakassova, A. (2023). Organizational, Technological, and Pedagogical Conditions for Differentiated Instruction of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 11(1), 74-95.

The Structure of Open and Distance English Language Teaching Models: A Follow Up Study 2018 – 2023

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 84 - 92, 30.04.2024


In recent years, the widespread adoption of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) has revolutionized education, especially English
language teaching. ODL has democratized access to educational resources and enables interaction between students and instructors across
geographical boundaries. Moreover, technology integration has emerged as a dominant theme, with a focus on web-based, computeraided,
and mobile-learning systems. However, the study advocates for innovative approaches, such as mobile and game-based learning,
aligning with contemporary trends. The adoption of various evaluation methods shows the recognition of individual differences and
underscores the need for a comprehensive view of learner progress.
This research employs a systematic approach to review literature and investigate the common structures of ODL models for teaching the
English language, focusing on articles published between 2018 and 2023. This study categorizes studies based on five macro dimensions
of ODL —management, communication, learning, technology, and evaluation—in order to identify common themes and patterns within
the literature.
In contrast to a previous study spanning 1990 to 2017, this investigation uncovers the evolving landscape of distance education,
underscoring the need for continued research and improvement. This research emphasizes the lack of a comprehensive management
model for EFL education delivered through ODL, and suggests the need for further investigation in this domain. Moreover, the findings
emphasize the significance of leveraging diverse communication models to enhance learner engagement. A shift towards autonomous
learning models is observed, demanding further investigation into strategies that support effective self-directed learning experiences.
In conclusion, this comprehensive analysis provides a roadmap for advancing ODL models in English-language education. To enhance the
quality and accessibility of English language instruction in ODL, educators and researchers can concentrate on addressing management
gaps, optimizing communication strategies, promoting autonomous learning, exploring advanced technologies, and refining evaluation
approaches. This research offers a rich repository of knowledge for educators, researchers, and academic institutions that wish to deepen
their comprehension and practical application of ODL approaches in the domain of English language instruction


  • Abdel Latif, M. M. (2022). Coping with COVID-19-related online English teaching challenges: teacher educators’ suggestions. Elt Journal, 76(1), 20-33.
  • Abdullah, N. A., & Mirza, M. S. (2020). Evaluating pre-service teaching practice for online and distance education students in Pakistan: Evaluation of teaching practice. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 21(2), 81-97.
  • Ajmal, M., & Ahmad, S. (2019). Exploration of Anxiety Factors among Students of Distance Learning: A Case Study of Allama Iqbal Open University. Bulletin of Education and Research, 41(2), 67-78.
  • Alfaro, L., Rivera, C., Castaneda, E., Zuniga-Cueva, J., Rivera-Chavez, M., & Fialho, F. (2020). A review of intelligent tutorial systems in computer and web based education. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(2). Almanar, M. A. (2020). The shifting of face to face learning to distance learning during the pandemic Covid-19. Globish (An English-Indonesian Journal for English, Education and Culture), 9(2).
  • Annamalai, N., & Kumar, J. A. (2020). Understanding smartphone use behavior among distance education students in completing their coursework in English: a mixed-method approach. The Reference Librarian, 61(3-4), 199-215.
  • Aziz, A. A. A., Shaidin, S., Zaini, N., Nordin, N. A., Wahi, N. A., Azhar, S. B. H. J., & Aziz, A. A. (2021, July). Learning about English language lecturers’ resilience: Identification of stress and coping strategies of open and distance learning (ODL). In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2347, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
  • Bae, C. (2020). Investigating Student Satisfaction With Distance Learning and Influencing Factors: A Case of Korean EFL Middle School Students. 21(4), 36-44.
  • Bin, W. Research on the Innovative Method of English Ecological Teaching Based on the Information Technology of Higher Education. Cabangcala, R., Alieto, E., Estigoy, E., De Los Santos, M., & Torres, J. M. (2021). When language learning suddenly becomes online: analyzing English as second language learners’(ELLs) attitude and technological competence. TESOL International Journal, 16(4.3), 115-131.
  • Cheng, C. H., & Chen, C. H. (2022). Investigating the impacts of using a mobile interactive English learning system on the learning achievements and learning perceptions of student with different backgrounds. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(1-2), 88-113.
  • Ennis, M. J. (2020). Motivating Learners by Meeting Their Needs: The Introduction of a Business English Track at the unibz Language Centre. Online Submission.
  • Fansury, A. H., Agreani, A. V., & Lutfin, N. (2018). Web-based learning model using Hot Potatoes applications to increase language student achievement. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), 1546-1553.
  • Febriati, F., Jaya, D., & Nurhikmah, H. (2022). English Teaching Materials with Flipped Learning Model in English Course. Journal of Education Technology, 6(4).
  • Fitria, T. N. (2020). Teaching English through online learning system during Covid-19 pandemic. Pedagogy: Journal of English Language Teaching, 8(2).
  • Golonka, E. M., Bowles, A. R., Frank, V. M., Richardson, D. L., & Freynik, S. (2012). Technologies for foreign language learning: a review of technology types and their effectiveness. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 27(1), 70–105. 10.1080/09588221.2012.700315
  • Goodwin, A. L. (2021). Teaching standards, globalisation, and conceptions of teacher professionalism. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(1), 5-19.
  • Guan, A. (2021). Research on blended teaching model in college English based on mobile learning app. Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 5(1).
  • Kalayci, G., & Ergül, H. (2020). Teachers’ perceptions of the role of parental involvement in teaching English to young learners. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(3), 1167- 1176.
  • Kaddoura, S., Popescu, D. E., & Hemanth, J. D. (2022). A systematic review on machine learning models for online learning and examination systems. PeerJ Computer Science, 8, e986.
  • Kecik, I., Aydin, B., Sakar, N., Dikdere, M., Aydin, S., Yuksel, I., & Caner, M. (2012). Determining the feasibility of an e-portfolio application in a distance education teaching practice course. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 13(2), 160-180.
  • Khoiriyah, K. (2020). CALL and SLA theory: developing A framework to analyze web-based materials for teaching listening skills. IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature, 8(1), 80-92.
  • Lai Wah, L., & Hashim, H. (2021). Determining pre-service teachers’ intention of using technology for teaching english as a second language (Esl). Sustainability, 13(14), 7568.
  • Lee, G., & Wallace, A. (2018). Flipped learning in the English as a foreign language classroom: Outcomes and perceptions. TESOL quarterly, 52(1), 62-84.
  • Liang, L. (2022). Teaching English as a foreign language using the Internet and multimedia environment. Soft Computing, 26(20), 10891-10902.
  • Long, X. (2022). Application of Multimode Learning Environment Based on the Internet in College English Teaching. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2022.
  • Lu, W., Vivekananda, G. N., & Shanthini, A. (2023). Supervision system of English online teaching based on machine learning. Progress in artificial intelligence, 12(2), 187-198.
  • Мележик, К. А., Петренко, А. Д., & Храбскова, Д. М. (2021). Technological innovations in teaching foreign languages–from connectivism to hyperconnectivity. Филология: научные исследования, (1), 11-22.
  • Meixner, E. S. (2020). Keeping Things Going: Reflections on Teaching “Teaching Writing” Online. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, 9(1), 20.
  • Milojković, M. (2018). Teaching English by Skype: Theoretical and practical considerations from the perspective of Serbian English teachers. In Teaching language and teaching literature in virtual environments (pp. 97-119). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  • Monsalve Correa, F. A. (2020). Teaching strategies used to promote EFL autonomous learning in distance education undergraduate students: An initial approach in the framework of the Colombian research context.
  • Moser, K., Chambless, K., & Miller, N. (2020). Creating a virtual space in world language teacher preparation? Considerations for practice-based rehearsals. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(4), 613-638.
  • Natalia, K., & Julia, O. (2018). New use of MOODLE tools for distance English language learning (experience of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University). International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM, 18(5.4), 225-232.
  • Neroni, J., Meijs, C., Gijselaers, H. J., Kirschner, P. A., & de Groot, R. H. (2019). Learning strategies and academic performance in distance education. Learning and Individual Differences, 73, 1-7.
  • Ninsiana, W., Gabidullina, F. I., Widodo, M., Patra, I., Pallathadka, H., Alkhateeb, D. A. A. M., ... & Gheisari, A. (2022). High School Students’ Attitudes towards E-Learning and Impacts of Online Instruction on Their General English Learning: Challenges and Issues. Education Research International, 2022.
  • Octaberlina, L. R., & Muslimin, A. I. (2020). EFL students perspective towards online learning barriers and alternatives using Moodle/Google Classroom during COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Higher Education, 9(6), 1-9.
  • Pleines, C., & Duensing, A. (2003). Developing Speaking Skills in an Open and Distance Learning Programme-An investigation of student perceptions and research findings. In First International Conference: Independent Language Learning: New Research Directions, The Open University, Milton Keynes.
  • Pustika, R. (2020). Future English teachers’ perspective towards the implementation of e-learning in Covid-19 pandemic era. Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics, 5(3), 383-391.
  • Qayyum, A., & Zawacki-Richter, O. (2019). The state of open and distance education. Open and distance education in Asia, Africa and the Middle East: National perspectives in a digital age, 125-140.
  • Ramalingam, S., Yunus, M. M., & Hashim, H. (2021). Exploring ESL Learners’ Blended Learning Experiences and Its Effectiveness through Web-Based Technologies. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 10(4), 1436-1445. Reay, D. (2020, October). English education in the time of Coronavirus. In Forum (Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 311-322). Lawrence and Wishart.
  • Rogerson-Revell, P. M. (2021). Computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT): Current issues and future directions. Relc Journal, 52(1), 189-205.
  • Sarzhanova, G., Otynshiyeva, M., Tleuzhanova, G., Assanova, D., & Sadvakassova, A. (2023). Organizational, Technological, and Pedagogical Conditions for Differentiated Instruction of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 11(1), 74-95.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Basic Training (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Soner Sözler 0000-0001-7331-6784

Publication Date April 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


APA Sözler, S. (2024). The Structure of Open and Distance English Language Teaching Models: A Follow Up Study 2018 – 2023. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi, 14(1), 84-92.
AMA Sözler S. The Structure of Open and Distance English Language Teaching Models: A Follow Up Study 2018 – 2023. J Higher Edu Sci. April 2024;14(1):84-92. doi:10.5961/higheredusci.1364045
Chicago Sözler, Soner. “The Structure of Open and Distance English Language Teaching Models: A Follow Up Study 2018 – 2023”. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi 14, no. 1 (April 2024): 84-92.
EndNote Sözler S (April 1, 2024) The Structure of Open and Distance English Language Teaching Models: A Follow Up Study 2018 – 2023. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi 14 1 84–92.
IEEE S. Sözler, “The Structure of Open and Distance English Language Teaching Models: A Follow Up Study 2018 – 2023”, J Higher Edu Sci, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 84–92, 2024, doi: 10.5961/higheredusci.1364045.
ISNAD Sözler, Soner. “The Structure of Open and Distance English Language Teaching Models: A Follow Up Study 2018 – 2023”. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi 14/1 (April 2024), 84-92.
JAMA Sözler S. The Structure of Open and Distance English Language Teaching Models: A Follow Up Study 2018 – 2023. J Higher Edu Sci. 2024;14:84–92.
MLA Sözler, Soner. “The Structure of Open and Distance English Language Teaching Models: A Follow Up Study 2018 – 2023”. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 1, 2024, pp. 84-92, doi:10.5961/higheredusci.1364045.
Vancouver Sözler S. The Structure of Open and Distance English Language Teaching Models: A Follow Up Study 2018 – 2023. J Higher Edu Sci. 2024;14(1):84-92.