Research Article
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Oyun Tabanlı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Bağlılığı ve Motivasyonu Üzerindeki Etkisinin Kontrol Odağına Göre İncelenmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 420 - 427, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Kahoot! uygulamasının eğitimde oyunlaştırma yöntemi olarak kullanılmasının farklı akademik kontrol odağına
sahip öğrencilerin motivasyon ve derse bağlılıkları üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya yaş ortalamaları 20.90±3.65 olan
51 fizyoterapi öğrencisi dahil edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin kontrol odağı algısı Akademik Kontrol Odağı Ölçeği ile, derse katılımı Öğrenci
Katılımı Ölçeği (ÖKÖ) ile, motivasyon düzeyleri Öğrenci Motivasyonu Ölçeği (ÖMÖ) ile ölçülmüştür. Ölçekler Kahoot! uygulamasına
başlanmadan (ön test) ve altı hafta uygulama sonrasında (son test) olarak uygulanmaştır. Akademik Kontrol Odağı Ölçeği’ne göre, öğrenci
ÖKÖ ve ÖMÖ puanları, içsel kontrol odağı yüksek ve dışsal kontrol odağı düşük olan öğrenci gruplarında anlamlı olarak daha yüksek
bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Eğitimle birlikte gerçekleştirilen Kahoot! uygulaması sonrasında içsel ve dışsal akademik kontrol odağı yüksek
ve düşük olan tüm öğrenci gruplarında anlamlı artış görülmüştür (p<0,05). Katılımı ve motivasyonu artırarak öğrenmeyi kolaylaştıran
eğitsel oyunların eğitim sürecine dâhil edilmesi, iç ve/veya dış kontrol odağına sahip öğrenci grupları için uygun ve faydalı görülmektedir

Ethical Statement

Etik kurul izni kapsamında Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Kurulu’undan 27/02/2023 tarih ve E-93803232-622.02-339716 sayılı belge alınmıştır.


  • Akın, A. (2007). Akademik Kontrol Odağı Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(3), 9-17.
  • Alsawaier, R. S. (2018). The effect of gamification on motivation and engagement. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
  • Ansar, M., & George, G. (2023). Gamification in education and ıts impact on student motivation—a critical review. Emerging IT/ICT and AI Technologies Affecting Society, 161-170.
  • Azzouz Boudadi, N., & Gutiérrez-Colón, M. (2020). Effect of Gamification on students’ motivation and learning achievement in Second Language Acquisition within higher education: A literature review 2011-2019. The EuroCALL Review, 28(1), 40.
  • Baydas, O., & Cicek, M. (2019). The examination of the gamification process in undergraduate education: A scale development study. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 28(3), 269-285.
  • Bergdahl, N., Fors, U., Hernwall, P., & Knutsson, O. (2018). The use of learning technologies and student engagement in learning activities. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 13(2), 113-130.
  • Bevins, K. and Howard, C. (2018) ”Game Mechanics and Why They Are Employed: What We know About Gamification So Far”, Issues and Trends in Educational, Vol 6, No. 1, 1-21.
  • Boekaerts, M. (2016). Engagement as an inherent aspect of the learning process. Learning and Instruction, 43, 76–83.
  • Büyükgöze, H. (2017). Öğretmen adaylarının akademik sahtekarlıkeğilimlerinde özyeterlik ve akademik kontrolodağının rolü. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15 (1) , 801-823 . DOI: 10.18026/cbayarsos.300038
  • Byrne, R. (2013). Free technology for teachers: Kahoot!-create quizzes and surveys your students can answer on any device. Available at
  • Chen, W. et al (Eds).(2017, December).“Go Kahoot.
  • Chans, G. M., & Portuguez Castro, M. (2021). Gamification as a strategy to increase motivation and engagement in higher education chemistry students. Computers, 10(10), 132.
  • Chinedu, O. R., & Nwizuzu, C. B. (2021). Relationship between Locus of Control and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Abia State. Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation, 11(02), 15–22. Collie, R. J., & Martin, A. J. (2019). Motivation and Engagement in Learning. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press.
  • Dellos, R. (2015). Kahoot! A digital game resource for learning. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 12(4), 49–52
  • García-López, I. M., Acosta-Gonzaga, E., & Ruiz-Ledesma, E. F. (2023). Investigating the Impact of Gamification on Student Motivation, Engagement, and Performance. Education Sciences, 13(8).
  • Gokbulut, B. (2020). The effect of Mentimeter and Kahoot applications on university students’e-learning. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 12(2), 107-116.
  • Hopkins, C., Ferrell, O. C., Ferrell, L., Hopkins, K., & Merkle, A. C. (2020). Self-efficacy, locus of control and engagement as determinants of grades in a principles of marketing class. Marketing Education Review, 30(4), 236-251.
  • Jayalath, J., & Esichaikul, V. (2020). Gamification to enhance motivation and engagement in blended eLearning for technical and vocational education and training. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 1-28.
  • Kara, F., Güzel, A., & Uçan, S. (2016). Sağlık Yüksekokulu Öğrencilerinin Kontrol Odağı Algısı ve İişkili Bazı Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 3(3), 148-159.
  • Kingsley, T.L. and Grabner-Hagen, M.M. (2015). Gamification: questing to integrate content, knowledge, literacy, and 21st-century learning. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Vol. 59 No. 1, pp. 51-61
  • Kovach, M. (2018). A review of classical motivation theories: A study understanding the value of locus of control in Higher Education. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 7(1), 34-53.
  • Leaning, M. (2015). A study of the use of games and gamification to enhance student engagement, experience, and achievement on a theory-based course of an undergraduate media degree. Journal of Media Practice, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp. 155-170
  • Lefcourt, H. M. (1976). Locus of Control: Current Trends in Theory and Research. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Licorish, S. A., Owen, H. E., Daniel, B., & George, J. L. (2018). Students’ perception of Kahoot!’s influence on teaching and learning. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 13(1), 1-23.
  • Mazer, J. P. (2012). Development and validation of the student interest and engagement scales. Communication Methods and Measures, 6(2), 99-125, DOI: 10.1080/19312458.2012.679244.
  • Naik, A. R. (2015). A study on locus of control among college students of Gulbarga City. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 2(4), 48–54.
  • Özerbaş, M. A. (2003). Bilgisayar destekli bağlaşık öğretimin öğrenci başarısı, motivasyon ve transfer becerilerine etkisi (Doktora tezi). Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Peng C. (2021). The Academic Motivation and Engagement of Students in English as a Foreign Language Classes: Does Teacher Praise Matter? Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 778174.
  • Rizvi D. S. (2022). Health education and global health: Practices, applications, and future research. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 11, 262.
  • Rotter, J. B. (1966). Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement. Psychological Monographs, 80, 1–28.
  • Saeed, S., & Zyngier, D. (2012). How motivation influences student engagement: A qualitative case study. Journal of Education and Learning, 1(2), 252-267.
  • Saraçoğlu, G. (2019). Lise öğrenci ve öğretmenlerinin kahoot kullanımına ilişkin görüşleri. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(29).
  • Subagja, U., Saputra, A. S., Dwipada, Y. E., Maulana, Y. A., Wang, G., & Kaburuan, E. R. (2021). Gamification as an effective learning tool to increase learner motivation and engagement. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(5).
  • Taştan, R., Özer, C., & Okcu, A. (2019). “Why is the ‘One Health’ Approach Important in terms of Skilled Health Manpower and Associate-degree Health Professions Education?,” 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium (UMYOS-2019), vol.3, Sinop, Turkey, pp.182-193.
  • Tella, A., Tella, A., & Adeniyi, O. (2009). Locus of control, interest in schooling, self-efficacy and academic achievement. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(3), 168-182.
  • Uzun, K., & Karatas, Z. (2020). Predictors of Academic Self Efficacy: Intolerance of Uncertainty, Positive Beliefs about Worry and Academic Locus of Control. International Education Studies, 13(6), 104-116.
  • Van Gaalen, A. E. J., Brouwer, J., Schönrock-Adema, J., Bouwkamp- Timmer, T., Jaarsma, A. D. C., & Georgiadis, J. R. (2021). Gamification of health professions education: A systematic review. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 26(2), 683-711.
  • Wang, A. I., & Tahir, R. (2020). The effect of using Kahoot! for learning–A literature review. Computers & Education, 149, 103818.
  • Wardani, A. D., Gunawan, I., Kusumaningrum, D. E., Benty, D. D. N., Sumarsono, R. B., Nurabadi, A., & Handayani, L. (2020, November). Student learning motivation: a conceptual paper. In 2nd Early Childhood and Primary Childhood Education (ECPE 2020) (pp. 275-278). Atlantis Press.
  • Webber, K. L., Krylow, R. B., & Zhang, Q. (2013). Does involvement really matter? Indicators of college student success and satisfaction. Journal of College Student Development, 54, 591–611.
  • Yıldırım, G., Sökmen, Y., Taş, Y., & Dilekmen, M. (2017). Öğrenci Katılım Ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 68-79.
  • Yurt, E. (2022). Türkiye’de akademik motivasyon konusunda yapılan araştırmaların incelenmesi. Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(1), 95-112.
  • Zainuddin, Z., Chu, S. K. W., Shujahat, M., & Perera, C. J. (2020). The impact of gamification on learning and instruction: A systematic review of empirical evidence. Educational Research Review, 30, 100326.

Investigation of the Effect of Game-Based Learning on Student Engagement and Motivation According to Locus of Control

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 420 - 427, 31.12.2024


The aim of this study is to examine the effect of using Kahoot! application as a gamification method in education on the motivation and
course engagement of students with different academic locus of control. The group of the quasi-experimental study consisting of pre-test
and post-test consisted of 51 physiotherapy students with a mean age of 20.90±3.65. The experimental effect in the study was realized with
exams made with Kahoot! application at the end of each lesson in a 6-week course program. The students’ locus of control perception was dışmeasured
with the Academic Locus of Control Scale, class participation was measured with the Student Participation Scale (SPS), and
motivation levels were measured with the Student Motivation Scale (SMS). According to the Academic Locus of Control Scale, student
SCS and SCS scores were found to be significantly higher in the student groups with high internal locus of control and low external locus
of control (p<0.05). A significant increase was observed in all student groups with high and low intrinsic and extrinsic academic locus of
control after the Kahoot! application (p<0.05). The inclusion of educational games, which facilitate learning by increasing participation
and motivation, in the educational process is considered appropriate and beneficial for student groups with internal and/or external locus
of control.


  • Akın, A. (2007). Akademik Kontrol Odağı Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(3), 9-17.
  • Alsawaier, R. S. (2018). The effect of gamification on motivation and engagement. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
  • Ansar, M., & George, G. (2023). Gamification in education and ıts impact on student motivation—a critical review. Emerging IT/ICT and AI Technologies Affecting Society, 161-170.
  • Azzouz Boudadi, N., & Gutiérrez-Colón, M. (2020). Effect of Gamification on students’ motivation and learning achievement in Second Language Acquisition within higher education: A literature review 2011-2019. The EuroCALL Review, 28(1), 40.
  • Baydas, O., & Cicek, M. (2019). The examination of the gamification process in undergraduate education: A scale development study. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 28(3), 269-285.
  • Bergdahl, N., Fors, U., Hernwall, P., & Knutsson, O. (2018). The use of learning technologies and student engagement in learning activities. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 13(2), 113-130.
  • Bevins, K. and Howard, C. (2018) ”Game Mechanics and Why They Are Employed: What We know About Gamification So Far”, Issues and Trends in Educational, Vol 6, No. 1, 1-21.
  • Boekaerts, M. (2016). Engagement as an inherent aspect of the learning process. Learning and Instruction, 43, 76–83.
  • Büyükgöze, H. (2017). Öğretmen adaylarının akademik sahtekarlıkeğilimlerinde özyeterlik ve akademik kontrolodağının rolü. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15 (1) , 801-823 . DOI: 10.18026/cbayarsos.300038
  • Byrne, R. (2013). Free technology for teachers: Kahoot!-create quizzes and surveys your students can answer on any device. Available at
  • Chen, W. et al (Eds).(2017, December).“Go Kahoot.
  • Chans, G. M., & Portuguez Castro, M. (2021). Gamification as a strategy to increase motivation and engagement in higher education chemistry students. Computers, 10(10), 132.
  • Chinedu, O. R., & Nwizuzu, C. B. (2021). Relationship between Locus of Control and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Abia State. Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation, 11(02), 15–22. Collie, R. J., & Martin, A. J. (2019). Motivation and Engagement in Learning. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press.
  • Dellos, R. (2015). Kahoot! A digital game resource for learning. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 12(4), 49–52
  • García-López, I. M., Acosta-Gonzaga, E., & Ruiz-Ledesma, E. F. (2023). Investigating the Impact of Gamification on Student Motivation, Engagement, and Performance. Education Sciences, 13(8).
  • Gokbulut, B. (2020). The effect of Mentimeter and Kahoot applications on university students’e-learning. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 12(2), 107-116.
  • Hopkins, C., Ferrell, O. C., Ferrell, L., Hopkins, K., & Merkle, A. C. (2020). Self-efficacy, locus of control and engagement as determinants of grades in a principles of marketing class. Marketing Education Review, 30(4), 236-251.
  • Jayalath, J., & Esichaikul, V. (2020). Gamification to enhance motivation and engagement in blended eLearning for technical and vocational education and training. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 1-28.
  • Kara, F., Güzel, A., & Uçan, S. (2016). Sağlık Yüksekokulu Öğrencilerinin Kontrol Odağı Algısı ve İişkili Bazı Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 3(3), 148-159.
  • Kingsley, T.L. and Grabner-Hagen, M.M. (2015). Gamification: questing to integrate content, knowledge, literacy, and 21st-century learning. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Vol. 59 No. 1, pp. 51-61
  • Kovach, M. (2018). A review of classical motivation theories: A study understanding the value of locus of control in Higher Education. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 7(1), 34-53.
  • Leaning, M. (2015). A study of the use of games and gamification to enhance student engagement, experience, and achievement on a theory-based course of an undergraduate media degree. Journal of Media Practice, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp. 155-170
  • Lefcourt, H. M. (1976). Locus of Control: Current Trends in Theory and Research. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Licorish, S. A., Owen, H. E., Daniel, B., & George, J. L. (2018). Students’ perception of Kahoot!’s influence on teaching and learning. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 13(1), 1-23.
  • Mazer, J. P. (2012). Development and validation of the student interest and engagement scales. Communication Methods and Measures, 6(2), 99-125, DOI: 10.1080/19312458.2012.679244.
  • Naik, A. R. (2015). A study on locus of control among college students of Gulbarga City. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 2(4), 48–54.
  • Özerbaş, M. A. (2003). Bilgisayar destekli bağlaşık öğretimin öğrenci başarısı, motivasyon ve transfer becerilerine etkisi (Doktora tezi). Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Peng C. (2021). The Academic Motivation and Engagement of Students in English as a Foreign Language Classes: Does Teacher Praise Matter? Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 778174.
  • Rizvi D. S. (2022). Health education and global health: Practices, applications, and future research. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 11, 262.
  • Rotter, J. B. (1966). Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement. Psychological Monographs, 80, 1–28.
  • Saeed, S., & Zyngier, D. (2012). How motivation influences student engagement: A qualitative case study. Journal of Education and Learning, 1(2), 252-267.
  • Saraçoğlu, G. (2019). Lise öğrenci ve öğretmenlerinin kahoot kullanımına ilişkin görüşleri. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(29).
  • Subagja, U., Saputra, A. S., Dwipada, Y. E., Maulana, Y. A., Wang, G., & Kaburuan, E. R. (2021). Gamification as an effective learning tool to increase learner motivation and engagement. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(5).
  • Taştan, R., Özer, C., & Okcu, A. (2019). “Why is the ‘One Health’ Approach Important in terms of Skilled Health Manpower and Associate-degree Health Professions Education?,” 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium (UMYOS-2019), vol.3, Sinop, Turkey, pp.182-193.
  • Tella, A., Tella, A., & Adeniyi, O. (2009). Locus of control, interest in schooling, self-efficacy and academic achievement. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(3), 168-182.
  • Uzun, K., & Karatas, Z. (2020). Predictors of Academic Self Efficacy: Intolerance of Uncertainty, Positive Beliefs about Worry and Academic Locus of Control. International Education Studies, 13(6), 104-116.
  • Van Gaalen, A. E. J., Brouwer, J., Schönrock-Adema, J., Bouwkamp- Timmer, T., Jaarsma, A. D. C., & Georgiadis, J. R. (2021). Gamification of health professions education: A systematic review. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 26(2), 683-711.
  • Wang, A. I., & Tahir, R. (2020). The effect of using Kahoot! for learning–A literature review. Computers & Education, 149, 103818.
  • Wardani, A. D., Gunawan, I., Kusumaningrum, D. E., Benty, D. D. N., Sumarsono, R. B., Nurabadi, A., & Handayani, L. (2020, November). Student learning motivation: a conceptual paper. In 2nd Early Childhood and Primary Childhood Education (ECPE 2020) (pp. 275-278). Atlantis Press.
  • Webber, K. L., Krylow, R. B., & Zhang, Q. (2013). Does involvement really matter? Indicators of college student success and satisfaction. Journal of College Student Development, 54, 591–611.
  • Yıldırım, G., Sökmen, Y., Taş, Y., & Dilekmen, M. (2017). Öğrenci Katılım Ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 68-79.
  • Yurt, E. (2022). Türkiye’de akademik motivasyon konusunda yapılan araştırmaların incelenmesi. Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(1), 95-112.
  • Zainuddin, Z., Chu, S. K. W., Shujahat, M., & Perera, C. J. (2020). The impact of gamification on learning and instruction: A systematic review of empirical evidence. Educational Research Review, 30, 100326.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Higher Education Studies (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Müge İçelli Güneş 0000-0001-7122-5344

Berna Çağla Balkışlı 0000-0002-2559-9756

Hüseyin Özçınar 0000-0001-8715-2653

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date February 29, 2024
Acceptance Date September 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


APA İçelli Güneş, M., Balkışlı, B. Ç., & Özçınar, H. (2024). Oyun Tabanlı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Bağlılığı ve Motivasyonu Üzerindeki Etkisinin Kontrol Odağına Göre İncelenmesi. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi, 14(3), 420-427.
AMA İçelli Güneş M, Balkışlı BÇ, Özçınar H. Oyun Tabanlı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Bağlılığı ve Motivasyonu Üzerindeki Etkisinin Kontrol Odağına Göre İncelenmesi. J Higher Edu Sci. December 2024;14(3):420-427. doi:10.5961/higheredusci.1445089
Chicago İçelli Güneş, Müge, Berna Çağla Balkışlı, and Hüseyin Özçınar. “Oyun Tabanlı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Bağlılığı Ve Motivasyonu Üzerindeki Etkisinin Kontrol Odağına Göre İncelenmesi”. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi 14, no. 3 (December 2024): 420-27.
EndNote İçelli Güneş M, Balkışlı BÇ, Özçınar H (December 1, 2024) Oyun Tabanlı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Bağlılığı ve Motivasyonu Üzerindeki Etkisinin Kontrol Odağına Göre İncelenmesi. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi 14 3 420–427.
IEEE M. İçelli Güneş, B. Ç. Balkışlı, and H. Özçınar, “Oyun Tabanlı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Bağlılığı ve Motivasyonu Üzerindeki Etkisinin Kontrol Odağına Göre İncelenmesi”, J Higher Edu Sci, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 420–427, 2024, doi: 10.5961/higheredusci.1445089.
ISNAD İçelli Güneş, Müge et al. “Oyun Tabanlı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Bağlılığı Ve Motivasyonu Üzerindeki Etkisinin Kontrol Odağına Göre İncelenmesi”. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi 14/3 (December 2024), 420-427.
JAMA İçelli Güneş M, Balkışlı BÇ, Özçınar H. Oyun Tabanlı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Bağlılığı ve Motivasyonu Üzerindeki Etkisinin Kontrol Odağına Göre İncelenmesi. J Higher Edu Sci. 2024;14:420–427.
MLA İçelli Güneş, Müge et al. “Oyun Tabanlı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Bağlılığı Ve Motivasyonu Üzerindeki Etkisinin Kontrol Odağına Göre İncelenmesi”. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 3, 2024, pp. 420-7, doi:10.5961/higheredusci.1445089.
Vancouver İçelli Güneş M, Balkışlı BÇ, Özçınar H. Oyun Tabanlı Öğrenmenin Öğrenci Bağlılığı ve Motivasyonu Üzerindeki Etkisinin Kontrol Odağına Göre İncelenmesi. J Higher Edu Sci. 2024;14(3):420-7.