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Year 2018, , 125 - 135, 29.06.2018



  • Bunkei M, Ming X, Takehiko F. Characterizing the changes in landscape structure in the Lake Kasumigaura Basin, Japan using a high-quality GIS dataset. Landscape Urban Plan. 78 (2006) 241- 250.
  • Chon, H., Vassilev, A., DePamphilis, M.L., Zhao, Y., Zhang, J., Burgers, P.M., Crouch, R.J., and Cerritelli, S.M. Contributions of the two accessory subunits, RNASEH2B and RNASEH2C, to the activity and properties of the human RNase H2 complex. Nucleic Acids Res. 37 (2009) 96-110.
  • Hooke, J.M., Human impacts on fluvial systems in the Mediterranean region. Geomorphology 79(3–4) (2006) 311–335.
  • Ouyang W, Skidmore AK, Hao FH, Toxopeus AG, Abkar A. Accumulated effects on landscape pattern by hydroelectric cascade exploitation in the Yellow River basin 1976 to 2006. Landscape Urban Plan. 93(3-4) (2009) 163-171.
  • Liu S, Zhao Q, Wen M, Deng L, Dong S, Wang C. Assessing the impact of hydroelectric project construction on the ecological integrity of the Nuozhadu Nature Reserve, southwest China. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess. 27 (2013) 1709-1718.
  • Ouyang W, Hao F, Song K, Zhang X. Cascade dam-induced hydrological disturbance and environmental impact in the upper stream of the Yellow River. Water Res Manag. 25 (2011) 913-927.
  • Akkoyunlu A. Water quality assessment of Omerli Dam reservoir (Istanbul, Turkey). Freseneus Environ Bull 11 (2002) 208-217.
  • Kurunc A, Yureklı K, Okman C. Effects of Kilickaya Dam on concentration and load values of water quality constituents in Kelkit Stream in Turkey. J Hydrology 317 (2006) 17-30.
  • Tahmicioglu MS, Anul N, Ekmekci F, Durmus N. Positive and negative impact of dams on the environment, International Congress on River Basin Management, Turkey, Chapter 2, 759-769, 2007.
  • Tanrıverdı C, Alp A, Demırkıran AR, Uçkardes F. Assessment of surface water quality of the Ceyhan River basin, Turkey. Environ Monit Assess. 167 (2010) 175-184.
  • Golge M, Yenilmez F, Aksoy A. Development of pollution indices for the middle section of the Lower Seyhan Basin (Turkey). Ecological Indicator 29 (2013) 6-17.
  • RAMSAR (2012) The Ramsar Sites Database.Database/ Searchforsites/tabid/765/Default.aspx. http://ramsar.wetlands. org/ (Accessed 1 Nov 2016).
  • Zhang Y, Xia J, Liang T, Shao Q. Impact of water projects on river flow regimes and water quality in Huai River basin. Water Res Manag. 24 (2009) 889-908.
  • Fujihara Y, Tanaka K, Watanabe T, Nagano T, Kojiri T. Assessing the impacts of climate change on the water resources of the Seyhan River Basin in Turkey: Use of dynamically downscaled data for hydrologic simulations. J Hydrology 353 (2008) 33-48.
  • Dokay Environmental Engineering Co. Yedigoze Dam, HEPP and Quarries Project Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2007.
  • Cınar Engineering Co. Yamanli III HEPP EIA Report, Ankara, 2008.
  • Prd Construction Co. Feke II Dam and HEPP, EIA Report, Ankara, 2008.
  • Cınar Engineering Co. Feke I Weir and HEPP Project Information Report, Ankara, 2009.
  • Dokay Environmental Engineering Co. Kavsakbendi Dam and HEPP Capacity Increase Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2009a.
  • Dokay Environmental Engineering Co. Yamanli II Weir, HEPP and Quarries Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2009b.
  • Dokay Environmental Engineering Co. Kopru Dam and HEPP Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2009c.
  • Dokay Environmental Engineering Co. Menge Dam and HEPP Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2009d.
  • Selin Const. Co. Dogancay Weir and HEPP, Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2009.
  • Selin Const. Co. Saimbeyli Weir and HEPP, EIA Introduction Report, Ankara, 2010.
  • Ferrier RC, Edwards AC, Hirst D, Littlewood IG, Watts CD, Morris R. Water Quality of Scottish Rivers: Spatial and Temporal Trends. Sci Total Environ. 265(1-3) (2001) 327-342.
  • Neal C, Jarvie HP, Love A, Neal M, Wickham H, Harman S. Water quality along a river continuum subject to point and diffuse sources. J Hydrology 350(3-4) (2008) 154-165.
  • Royer TV, David MB, Gentry LE. Timing of riverine export of nitrate and phosphorus from agricultural watersheds in ILLINOIS: Implications for reducing nutrient loading to the Mississippi River. Environ Sci Tech. 40(13) (2006) 4126-4131.
  • Withers PJA, Lord EI. Agricultural nutrient inputs to rivers and groundwaters in the UK: Policy, Environmental management and research needs. Sci Total Environ. 282(1) (2002) 9-24.
  • Jarvie HP, Neal C, Withers PJA. Sewage-Effluent phosphorus: A greater risk to river eutrophication than agricultural phosphorus? Sci Total Environ. 360(1-3) (2006) 246-253.
  • Whitehead PG, Johnes PJ, Butterfield D. Steady state and dynamic modelling of nitrogen in the River Kennet: Impacts of land use change since the 1930s, Sci Total Environ. 282(2002) 417-434.
  • Jin L, Whitehead P, Hadjikakou M. A study of the Yesilirmak River catchment in Northern Turkey: Spatial patterns and temporal trends in water quality. J Environ Protec 4(2013) 104-120.
  • Kibaroglu A. Analysis of the integrated water resources management approach: Turkey-EU water relations as a case study, Paper presented in BALWOIS 2008 (Balkan Water Observation and Information Systems for Balkan Countries), Ohrid, 27-31 May 2008.
  • Gurluk S. Turkey’s challenges of river basin management and ımplementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive, Paper presented in BALWOIS 2008 (Balkan Water Observation and Information Systems for Balkan countries). Ohrid, 27-31 May 2008.
  • Filoso S, Martinelli LA, Howarth RW, Boyer EW, Dentener F. Human activities changing the nitrogen cycle in Brazil. Biogeochem 79(1-2) (2006) 61-89.
  • Xia J, Cheng S, Hao X, Xia R, Liu X. Potential impacts and challenges of climate change on water quality and ecosystem: case studies in representative rivers in China. J Resour Ecology 1(1) (2010) 31-35.
  • Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation, Official Gazette No. 25687 dated December 31, 2004 and revised in Official Gazette No. 28257 dated October 30, 2012.
  • General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration (EIE) Water Discharges, Ankara, 305 pp. 2010.
  • Devlet Su Isleri Genel Müdürlügü, Seyhan Havzası Master Plan Raporu, DSI 6 Bölge Müdürlügü, Adana, 2014.
  • Devlet Su Işleri Genel Müdürlügü, Adana DSI 6 Bölge Müdürlüğü ve Kayseri DSI 12 Bölge Müdürlügü Takdim Raporları, 2015.
  • TÜBİTAK (The Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey) MAM ÇEVRE ENSTİTÜSÜ, Havza koruma eylem planları
  • Seyhan Havzası. 459 pp.
  • Guncelbelgeler/HAVZA_FiNAL/Seyhan/Seyhan_Havzasi.pdf
  • Kinge CW, Mbewe M. Bacterial contamination levels in river catchments of the North West Province, South Africa: Public health implications. Afr J Microbiol Res. 6(7) (2012) 1370 - 1375.
  • Niewolak S, Opieka A. Potentially pathogenic microorganisms in water and bottom sediments in the Czarna Hańcza River. Pol J Environ Stud. 9 (2000) 183-194.
  • Orozco LN, Felix EA, Ciapara IH, Flores RJ, Cano R. Pathogenic and non-pathogenic Vibrio species in aquaculture shrimp ponds. Rev Microbiol. 49(3-4) (2007) 60-67.
  • Obi CL, Bessong PO, Momba MNB, Potgieter N, Samie A, Igumbor IE. Profiles of antibiotic susceptibilities of bacterial isolates and physico-chemical quality of water supply in rural venda communities, South Africa. Water SA 30(4) (2004) 515-520.
  • Bai J, Xiao R, Cui B, Zhang K, Wang Q, Liu X, Gao H, Huang L. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in wetland soils from the young and old reclaimed regions in the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Environ Poll. 159 (2011) 824-917.
  • Wang QG, Du YH, Su Y, Chen KQ. Environmental impact post- assessment of dam and reservoir projects: A review. Procedia Environ Sci. 13 (2012) 1439-1443.

Impact of the cascade hydropower construction HPC on water quality of the Seyhan River, Turkey

Year 2018, , 125 - 135, 29.06.2018


Cascade hydropower construction is a series of hydroelectric power stations located on different sections of river. Hydropower constructions HPC in the environment have both positive and negative effect. HPCs are works that have brought enormous benefits to providing electric energy, water storage, controlling floods, irrigation, transportation, human communities, and areas of recreation, etc. These engineering works can be providing large economic development in the regions where they are located. But, dam construction converts the natural stream flow to human control. This paper summarizes the impacts of cascade HPC on water quality in the Seyhan River. Water quality data were collected and data were divided into two stage: before HPC 1995-2008 and during HPC construction 2009-2014 . Dam construction negatively affects water quality based on water quality data. The analysis results were compared with maximum permissible limit values recommended by Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation TWPCR standards. The contents of all chemical and physical parameters are higher before construction, and water pollution was observed at HPC construction site. Also, biological oxygen demand, chloride, nitrite nitrogen, total dissolved solids and total coliform bacteria were found to be above TWPCR.


  • Bunkei M, Ming X, Takehiko F. Characterizing the changes in landscape structure in the Lake Kasumigaura Basin, Japan using a high-quality GIS dataset. Landscape Urban Plan. 78 (2006) 241- 250.
  • Chon, H., Vassilev, A., DePamphilis, M.L., Zhao, Y., Zhang, J., Burgers, P.M., Crouch, R.J., and Cerritelli, S.M. Contributions of the two accessory subunits, RNASEH2B and RNASEH2C, to the activity and properties of the human RNase H2 complex. Nucleic Acids Res. 37 (2009) 96-110.
  • Hooke, J.M., Human impacts on fluvial systems in the Mediterranean region. Geomorphology 79(3–4) (2006) 311–335.
  • Ouyang W, Skidmore AK, Hao FH, Toxopeus AG, Abkar A. Accumulated effects on landscape pattern by hydroelectric cascade exploitation in the Yellow River basin 1976 to 2006. Landscape Urban Plan. 93(3-4) (2009) 163-171.
  • Liu S, Zhao Q, Wen M, Deng L, Dong S, Wang C. Assessing the impact of hydroelectric project construction on the ecological integrity of the Nuozhadu Nature Reserve, southwest China. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess. 27 (2013) 1709-1718.
  • Ouyang W, Hao F, Song K, Zhang X. Cascade dam-induced hydrological disturbance and environmental impact in the upper stream of the Yellow River. Water Res Manag. 25 (2011) 913-927.
  • Akkoyunlu A. Water quality assessment of Omerli Dam reservoir (Istanbul, Turkey). Freseneus Environ Bull 11 (2002) 208-217.
  • Kurunc A, Yureklı K, Okman C. Effects of Kilickaya Dam on concentration and load values of water quality constituents in Kelkit Stream in Turkey. J Hydrology 317 (2006) 17-30.
  • Tahmicioglu MS, Anul N, Ekmekci F, Durmus N. Positive and negative impact of dams on the environment, International Congress on River Basin Management, Turkey, Chapter 2, 759-769, 2007.
  • Tanrıverdı C, Alp A, Demırkıran AR, Uçkardes F. Assessment of surface water quality of the Ceyhan River basin, Turkey. Environ Monit Assess. 167 (2010) 175-184.
  • Golge M, Yenilmez F, Aksoy A. Development of pollution indices for the middle section of the Lower Seyhan Basin (Turkey). Ecological Indicator 29 (2013) 6-17.
  • RAMSAR (2012) The Ramsar Sites Database.Database/ Searchforsites/tabid/765/Default.aspx. http://ramsar.wetlands. org/ (Accessed 1 Nov 2016).
  • Zhang Y, Xia J, Liang T, Shao Q. Impact of water projects on river flow regimes and water quality in Huai River basin. Water Res Manag. 24 (2009) 889-908.
  • Fujihara Y, Tanaka K, Watanabe T, Nagano T, Kojiri T. Assessing the impacts of climate change on the water resources of the Seyhan River Basin in Turkey: Use of dynamically downscaled data for hydrologic simulations. J Hydrology 353 (2008) 33-48.
  • Dokay Environmental Engineering Co. Yedigoze Dam, HEPP and Quarries Project Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2007.
  • Cınar Engineering Co. Yamanli III HEPP EIA Report, Ankara, 2008.
  • Prd Construction Co. Feke II Dam and HEPP, EIA Report, Ankara, 2008.
  • Cınar Engineering Co. Feke I Weir and HEPP Project Information Report, Ankara, 2009.
  • Dokay Environmental Engineering Co. Kavsakbendi Dam and HEPP Capacity Increase Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2009a.
  • Dokay Environmental Engineering Co. Yamanli II Weir, HEPP and Quarries Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2009b.
  • Dokay Environmental Engineering Co. Kopru Dam and HEPP Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2009c.
  • Dokay Environmental Engineering Co. Menge Dam and HEPP Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2009d.
  • Selin Const. Co. Dogancay Weir and HEPP, Final EIA Report, Ankara, 2009.
  • Selin Const. Co. Saimbeyli Weir and HEPP, EIA Introduction Report, Ankara, 2010.
  • Ferrier RC, Edwards AC, Hirst D, Littlewood IG, Watts CD, Morris R. Water Quality of Scottish Rivers: Spatial and Temporal Trends. Sci Total Environ. 265(1-3) (2001) 327-342.
  • Neal C, Jarvie HP, Love A, Neal M, Wickham H, Harman S. Water quality along a river continuum subject to point and diffuse sources. J Hydrology 350(3-4) (2008) 154-165.
  • Royer TV, David MB, Gentry LE. Timing of riverine export of nitrate and phosphorus from agricultural watersheds in ILLINOIS: Implications for reducing nutrient loading to the Mississippi River. Environ Sci Tech. 40(13) (2006) 4126-4131.
  • Withers PJA, Lord EI. Agricultural nutrient inputs to rivers and groundwaters in the UK: Policy, Environmental management and research needs. Sci Total Environ. 282(1) (2002) 9-24.
  • Jarvie HP, Neal C, Withers PJA. Sewage-Effluent phosphorus: A greater risk to river eutrophication than agricultural phosphorus? Sci Total Environ. 360(1-3) (2006) 246-253.
  • Whitehead PG, Johnes PJ, Butterfield D. Steady state and dynamic modelling of nitrogen in the River Kennet: Impacts of land use change since the 1930s, Sci Total Environ. 282(2002) 417-434.
  • Jin L, Whitehead P, Hadjikakou M. A study of the Yesilirmak River catchment in Northern Turkey: Spatial patterns and temporal trends in water quality. J Environ Protec 4(2013) 104-120.
  • Kibaroglu A. Analysis of the integrated water resources management approach: Turkey-EU water relations as a case study, Paper presented in BALWOIS 2008 (Balkan Water Observation and Information Systems for Balkan Countries), Ohrid, 27-31 May 2008.
  • Gurluk S. Turkey’s challenges of river basin management and ımplementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive, Paper presented in BALWOIS 2008 (Balkan Water Observation and Information Systems for Balkan countries). Ohrid, 27-31 May 2008.
  • Filoso S, Martinelli LA, Howarth RW, Boyer EW, Dentener F. Human activities changing the nitrogen cycle in Brazil. Biogeochem 79(1-2) (2006) 61-89.
  • Xia J, Cheng S, Hao X, Xia R, Liu X. Potential impacts and challenges of climate change on water quality and ecosystem: case studies in representative rivers in China. J Resour Ecology 1(1) (2010) 31-35.
  • Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation, Official Gazette No. 25687 dated December 31, 2004 and revised in Official Gazette No. 28257 dated October 30, 2012.
  • General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration (EIE) Water Discharges, Ankara, 305 pp. 2010.
  • Devlet Su Isleri Genel Müdürlügü, Seyhan Havzası Master Plan Raporu, DSI 6 Bölge Müdürlügü, Adana, 2014.
  • Devlet Su Işleri Genel Müdürlügü, Adana DSI 6 Bölge Müdürlüğü ve Kayseri DSI 12 Bölge Müdürlügü Takdim Raporları, 2015.
  • TÜBİTAK (The Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey) MAM ÇEVRE ENSTİTÜSÜ, Havza koruma eylem planları
  • Seyhan Havzası. 459 pp.
  • Guncelbelgeler/HAVZA_FiNAL/Seyhan/Seyhan_Havzasi.pdf
  • Kinge CW, Mbewe M. Bacterial contamination levels in river catchments of the North West Province, South Africa: Public health implications. Afr J Microbiol Res. 6(7) (2012) 1370 - 1375.
  • Niewolak S, Opieka A. Potentially pathogenic microorganisms in water and bottom sediments in the Czarna Hańcza River. Pol J Environ Stud. 9 (2000) 183-194.
  • Orozco LN, Felix EA, Ciapara IH, Flores RJ, Cano R. Pathogenic and non-pathogenic Vibrio species in aquaculture shrimp ponds. Rev Microbiol. 49(3-4) (2007) 60-67.
  • Obi CL, Bessong PO, Momba MNB, Potgieter N, Samie A, Igumbor IE. Profiles of antibiotic susceptibilities of bacterial isolates and physico-chemical quality of water supply in rural venda communities, South Africa. Water SA 30(4) (2004) 515-520.
  • Bai J, Xiao R, Cui B, Zhang K, Wang Q, Liu X, Gao H, Huang L. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in wetland soils from the young and old reclaimed regions in the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Environ Poll. 159 (2011) 824-917.
  • Wang QG, Du YH, Su Y, Chen KQ. Environmental impact post- assessment of dam and reservoir projects: A review. Procedia Environ Sci. 13 (2012) 1439-1443.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Ozcelik This is me

Publication Date June 29, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


Vancouver Ozcelik M. Impact of the cascade hydropower construction HPC on water quality of the Seyhan River, Turkey. Hittite J Sci Eng. 2018;5(2):125-3.

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