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Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Kas İskelet Sistemi Problemleri ile Fiziksel Aktivite ve Stres Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Year 2019, , 247 - 255, 01.06.2019


DOI: 10.17681/hsp.434594

sağlık bilimleri
fakültesinde öğrenim gören öğrencilerde, kas iskelet sistemi problemlerinin
günlük bilgisayar ve cep telefonu kullanım süreleri, algılanan stres ve
fiziksel aktivite düzeyi ile olan ilişkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı.

ve Yöntem:
Bir devlet üniversitesinin sağlık bilimleri fakültesi
öğrencileri, bölüm, sınıf ve cinsiyete göre tabakalı örnekleme yöntemi
kullanılarak gönüllülük esasıyla araştırmaya

Araştırmada, demografik
bilgileri sorgulayan bir anket formu, kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarının
değerlendirilmesinde Cornell Kas İskelet Sistemi Rahatsızlıkları Anketi
(CKİSRA), fiziksel aktivite düzeyinin değerlendirilmesinde Uluslararası
Fiziksel Aktivite Anketi- Kısa Formu (UFAA-KF), stresin değerlendirilmesinde
Algılanan Stres Ölçeğ-14i kullanıldı.
Kas iskelet sistemi
rahatsızlıkları ile değişkenler arasındaki ilişki

Araştırmaya 106 öğrenci katıldı.
 Yaş ortalaması 20,59±1,67 (18-24) yıl idi.  Cep
telefonu kullanım süresi günde 4.01 saat, bilgisayar kullanım süresi 1,79, uyku
süresi 7,37, oturma süresi, 5,28 saat olarak tespit e
dildi. Algılanan stres puanı
18,28/56 idi. Toplam CKİSRA sonucu ile ilişkili tek değişken cep telefonu
kullanma süresi olarak
tespit edildi (r=0,48 p<0,001).

Sonuç: Bu araştırmanın
sonuçları, günlük cep telefonu kullanım süresi ile kas iskelet sistemi
rahatsızlıkları arasında bir ilişki olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Cep telefonu,
bilgisayar, tablet bilgisayar gibi günümüzün vazgeçilmez cihazlarının
kullanımına yönelik riskler, doğru postüral alışkanlıklar ve fiziksel
aktivitenin hayatın içine katılmasına yönelik bilgilendirme ve fiziksel eğitim
programlarına ihtiyaç olduğu düşünülmektedir.


  • Referans1 . Telfer S, Obradovich N. Local weather is associated with rates of online searches for musculoskeletal pain symptoms. PloS one. 2017;12(8): e0181266.
  • Referans2. Uz ST, Yeldan İ. Is physical inactivity associated with musculoskeletal disorders? Agri: Agri (Algoloji) Dernegi'nin Yayin organidir= The journal of the Turkish Society of Algology. 2013;25(4):147-55.
  • Referans3. Marley J, Tully MA, Porter-Armstrong A, Bunting B, O’Hanlon J, Atkins L, et al. The effectiveness of interventions aimed at increasing physical activity in adults with persistent musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2017;18(1):482. DOI 10.1186/s12891-017-1836-2
  • Referans4. Hartvigsen J, Davidsen M, Søgaard K, Roos EM, Hestbaek L. Self-reported musculoskeletal pain predicts long-term increase in general health care use: a population-based cohort study with 20-year follow-up. Scandinavian journal of public health. 2014;42(7):698-704.
  • Referans5. Puroila A, Paananen M, Taimela S, Järvelin MR, Karppinen J. Lifestyle‐Factors in Adolescence as Predictors of Number of Musculoskeletal Pain Sites in Adulthood: A 17‐Year Follow‐Up Study of a Birth Cohort. Pain Medicine. 2015;16(6):1177-85.
  • Referans6. Sperotto F, Brachi S, Vittadello F, Zulian F. Musculoskeletal pain in schoolchildren across puberty: a 3-year follow-up study. Pediatric Rheumatology. 2015;13(1):16. DOI 10.1186/s12969-015-0014-z
  • Referans7. Auvinen J, Eskola PJ, Ohtonen H-R, Paananen M, Jokelainen J, Timonen M, et al. Long-term adolescent multi-site musculoskeletal pain is associated with psychological distress and anxiety. Journal of psychosomatic research. 2017;93:28-32.
  • Referans8. Oliveira CB, Franco MR, Maher CG, Christine Lin CW, Morelhão PK, Araújo AC, et al. Physical activity interventions for increasing objectively measured physical activity levels in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review. Arthritis care & research. 2016;68(12):1832-42.
  • Referans9. Pan F, Laslett L, Blizzard L, Cicuttini F, Winzenberg T, Ding C, et al. Associations Between Fat Mass and Multisite Pain: A Five‐Year Longitudinal Study. Arthritis care & research. 2017;69(4):509-16.
  • Referans10. AlAbdulwahab SS, Kachanathu SJ, AlMotairi MS. Smartphone use addiction can cause neck disability. Musculoskeletal care. 2017;15(1):10-12.
  • Referans11. Abdelhameed AA, Abdel-aziem AA. Exercise training and postural correction improve upper extremity symptoms among touchscreen smartphone users. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal. 2016;35:37-44.
  • Referans12. Xie Y, Szeto G, Dai J. Prevalence and risk factors associated with musculoskeletal complaints among users of mobile handheld devices: A systematic review. Applied ergonomics. 2017;59:132-42.
  • Referans13. Gustafsson E, Johnson PW, Hagberg M. Thumb postures and physical loads during mobile phone use–A comparison of young adults with and without musculoskeletal symptoms. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2010;20(1):127-35.
  • Referans14. Taşpinar F, Taşpinar B, Aksoy Cc. Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon öğrencilerinde kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarının incelenmesi. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation. 2014;1(2):55-60
  • Referans15. Erdinc O, Hot K, Ozkaya M. Turkish version of the Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaire: cross-cultural adaptation and validation. Work. 2011;39(3):251-60.
  • Referans16. Çınar S, Bavli O. Investigation the physical activity level of academics: Çanakkale sample. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise. 2014;16(3):8-12
  • Referans17. Orhan C, Akbayrak T, Serap K, Taylan K, Günel MK. Fiziksel aktivite seviyesi ile konstipasyon şiddeti arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation. 2015;2(2):66-73.
  • Referans18. Eskin M, Harlak H, Demirkıran F, Dereboy Ç, editors. Algılanan stres ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: Güvenirlik ve geçerlik analizi. New/Yeni Symposium Journal; 201;.51(3):132-140.
  • Referans19. Yang S-Y, Chen M-D, Huang Y-C, Lin C-Y, Chang J-H. Association between smartphone use and musculoskeletal discomfort in adolescent students. Journal of community health. 2017;42(3):423-30.
  • Referans20. Areeudomwong P, Oapdunsalam K, Havicha Y, Tantai S, Buttagat V. Effects of Shoulder Taping on Discomfort and Electromyographic Responses of the Neck While Texting on a Touchscreen Smartphone. Safety and Health at Work. 2017.
  • Referans21. Karunanayake AL, Pathmeswaran A, Kasturiratne A, Wijeyaratne LS. Risk factors for chronic low back pain in a sample of suburban Sri Lankan adult males. International journal of rheumatic diseases. 2013;16(2):203-10.
  • Referans22. Korkmaz NC, Cavlak U, Telci EA. Musculoskeletal pain, associated risk factors and coping strategies in school teachers. Scientific Research and Essays. 2011;6(3):649-57.
  • Referans23. Dean E, Söderlund A. What is the role of lifestyle behaviour change associated with non-communicable disease risk in managing musculoskeletal health conditions with special reference to chronic pain? BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2015;16(1):87. DOI 10.1186/s12891-015-0545-y
  • Referans24. Erick P, Smith D. Musculoskeletal disorder risk factors in the teaching profession: a critical review. OA Musculoskelet Med. 2013;1(3):29-39.
  • Referans25. Yıldırım İ, Özşevik K, Sultan Ö, Canyurt E, Tortop Y. Üniversite öğrencilerinde fiziksel aktivite ile depresyon ilişkisi. Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;9:32-40.
  • Referans26. Ölçücü B, Vatansever Ş, Özcan G, Çelik A, Paktaş Y. Üniversite öğrencilerinde fiziksel aktivite düzeyi ile depresyon ve anksiyete ilişkisi. Uluslararası Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;2015(4):294-303.
  • Referans27. Lee J, Seo K. The comparison of cervical repositioning errors according to smartphone addiction grades. Journal of physical therapy science. 2014;26(4):595-8.

Investigation of Relatioship among Musculoskeletal System Problems, Physical Activity and Stress Level in the Students of Faculty of Health Sciences

Year 2019, , 247 - 255, 01.06.2019


DOI: 10.17681/hsp.434594

Purpose: In
this study, it was aimed to investigate the relationship between
musculoskeletal system problems, daily computer and mobile phone use time,
perceived stress and physical activity level
in students of health sciences faculties.

and Methods:

state university health sciences faculty has been voluntarily involved in the
research using stratified sampling by department, class, and

In the study, a questionnaire form was used which demographic information.
The Cornell Musculoskeletal System Discomfort Questionnaire (CMSDQ) was used
for the assessment of musculoskeletal system problems, the International
Physical Activity
Questionnaire-Short Form
(IPAC-SF) was used for physical activity level,
and the
Stress Sscale-14
was used for assessment of stress. The relationship
between musculoskeletal disorders and variables was investigated.

hundred-six students participated in the research. The mean age was 20.59 ±
1.67 (18-24) years.
The duration of mobile phone usage was determined as 4.01
hours per day, 1.79 hours of computer use, 7.37 hours of sleep, time of
sitting, 5.28 hours
. The perceived stress score is 18.28 / 56. The only variable associated with
the total CMSDQ score was found to be the duration of mobile phone
use (r =

Conclusion: The
results of this study emphasize that
there is a relationship between the duration of daily
mobile phone use and musculoskeletal disorders. It is believed that there is a
need for information and physical education programs to integrate the risks of
today's indispensable devices such as mobile phones, computers, iPads, correct
postural habits and physical activity into the lives. 


  • Referans1 . Telfer S, Obradovich N. Local weather is associated with rates of online searches for musculoskeletal pain symptoms. PloS one. 2017;12(8): e0181266.
  • Referans2. Uz ST, Yeldan İ. Is physical inactivity associated with musculoskeletal disorders? Agri: Agri (Algoloji) Dernegi'nin Yayin organidir= The journal of the Turkish Society of Algology. 2013;25(4):147-55.
  • Referans3. Marley J, Tully MA, Porter-Armstrong A, Bunting B, O’Hanlon J, Atkins L, et al. The effectiveness of interventions aimed at increasing physical activity in adults with persistent musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2017;18(1):482. DOI 10.1186/s12891-017-1836-2
  • Referans4. Hartvigsen J, Davidsen M, Søgaard K, Roos EM, Hestbaek L. Self-reported musculoskeletal pain predicts long-term increase in general health care use: a population-based cohort study with 20-year follow-up. Scandinavian journal of public health. 2014;42(7):698-704.
  • Referans5. Puroila A, Paananen M, Taimela S, Järvelin MR, Karppinen J. Lifestyle‐Factors in Adolescence as Predictors of Number of Musculoskeletal Pain Sites in Adulthood: A 17‐Year Follow‐Up Study of a Birth Cohort. Pain Medicine. 2015;16(6):1177-85.
  • Referans6. Sperotto F, Brachi S, Vittadello F, Zulian F. Musculoskeletal pain in schoolchildren across puberty: a 3-year follow-up study. Pediatric Rheumatology. 2015;13(1):16. DOI 10.1186/s12969-015-0014-z
  • Referans7. Auvinen J, Eskola PJ, Ohtonen H-R, Paananen M, Jokelainen J, Timonen M, et al. Long-term adolescent multi-site musculoskeletal pain is associated with psychological distress and anxiety. Journal of psychosomatic research. 2017;93:28-32.
  • Referans8. Oliveira CB, Franco MR, Maher CG, Christine Lin CW, Morelhão PK, Araújo AC, et al. Physical activity interventions for increasing objectively measured physical activity levels in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review. Arthritis care & research. 2016;68(12):1832-42.
  • Referans9. Pan F, Laslett L, Blizzard L, Cicuttini F, Winzenberg T, Ding C, et al. Associations Between Fat Mass and Multisite Pain: A Five‐Year Longitudinal Study. Arthritis care & research. 2017;69(4):509-16.
  • Referans10. AlAbdulwahab SS, Kachanathu SJ, AlMotairi MS. Smartphone use addiction can cause neck disability. Musculoskeletal care. 2017;15(1):10-12.
  • Referans11. Abdelhameed AA, Abdel-aziem AA. Exercise training and postural correction improve upper extremity symptoms among touchscreen smartphone users. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal. 2016;35:37-44.
  • Referans12. Xie Y, Szeto G, Dai J. Prevalence and risk factors associated with musculoskeletal complaints among users of mobile handheld devices: A systematic review. Applied ergonomics. 2017;59:132-42.
  • Referans13. Gustafsson E, Johnson PW, Hagberg M. Thumb postures and physical loads during mobile phone use–A comparison of young adults with and without musculoskeletal symptoms. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2010;20(1):127-35.
  • Referans14. Taşpinar F, Taşpinar B, Aksoy Cc. Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon öğrencilerinde kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarının incelenmesi. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation. 2014;1(2):55-60
  • Referans15. Erdinc O, Hot K, Ozkaya M. Turkish version of the Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaire: cross-cultural adaptation and validation. Work. 2011;39(3):251-60.
  • Referans16. Çınar S, Bavli O. Investigation the physical activity level of academics: Çanakkale sample. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise. 2014;16(3):8-12
  • Referans17. Orhan C, Akbayrak T, Serap K, Taylan K, Günel MK. Fiziksel aktivite seviyesi ile konstipasyon şiddeti arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation. 2015;2(2):66-73.
  • Referans18. Eskin M, Harlak H, Demirkıran F, Dereboy Ç, editors. Algılanan stres ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: Güvenirlik ve geçerlik analizi. New/Yeni Symposium Journal; 201;.51(3):132-140.
  • Referans19. Yang S-Y, Chen M-D, Huang Y-C, Lin C-Y, Chang J-H. Association between smartphone use and musculoskeletal discomfort in adolescent students. Journal of community health. 2017;42(3):423-30.
  • Referans20. Areeudomwong P, Oapdunsalam K, Havicha Y, Tantai S, Buttagat V. Effects of Shoulder Taping on Discomfort and Electromyographic Responses of the Neck While Texting on a Touchscreen Smartphone. Safety and Health at Work. 2017.
  • Referans21. Karunanayake AL, Pathmeswaran A, Kasturiratne A, Wijeyaratne LS. Risk factors for chronic low back pain in a sample of suburban Sri Lankan adult males. International journal of rheumatic diseases. 2013;16(2):203-10.
  • Referans22. Korkmaz NC, Cavlak U, Telci EA. Musculoskeletal pain, associated risk factors and coping strategies in school teachers. Scientific Research and Essays. 2011;6(3):649-57.
  • Referans23. Dean E, Söderlund A. What is the role of lifestyle behaviour change associated with non-communicable disease risk in managing musculoskeletal health conditions with special reference to chronic pain? BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2015;16(1):87. DOI 10.1186/s12891-015-0545-y
  • Referans24. Erick P, Smith D. Musculoskeletal disorder risk factors in the teaching profession: a critical review. OA Musculoskelet Med. 2013;1(3):29-39.
  • Referans25. Yıldırım İ, Özşevik K, Sultan Ö, Canyurt E, Tortop Y. Üniversite öğrencilerinde fiziksel aktivite ile depresyon ilişkisi. Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;9:32-40.
  • Referans26. Ölçücü B, Vatansever Ş, Özcan G, Çelik A, Paktaş Y. Üniversite öğrencilerinde fiziksel aktivite düzeyi ile depresyon ve anksiyete ilişkisi. Uluslararası Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;2015(4):294-303.
  • Referans27. Lee J, Seo K. The comparison of cervical repositioning errors according to smartphone addiction grades. Journal of physical therapy science. 2014;26(4):595-8.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration

Sevgi Özdinç 0000-0003-2655-4338

Fatma Nesrin Turan This is me 0000-0002-1794-2585

Publication Date June 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Özdinç, S., & Turan, F. N. (2019). Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Kas İskelet Sistemi Problemleri ile Fiziksel Aktivite ve Stres Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 6(2), 247-255.
AMA Özdinç S, Turan FN. Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Kas İskelet Sistemi Problemleri ile Fiziksel Aktivite ve Stres Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. HSP. June 2019;6(2):247-255. doi:10.17681/hsp.434594
Chicago Özdinç, Sevgi, and Fatma Nesrin Turan. “Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Kas İskelet Sistemi Problemleri Ile Fiziksel Aktivite Ve Stres Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi”. Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Meslekleri Dergisi 6, no. 2 (June 2019): 247-55.
EndNote Özdinç S, Turan FN (June 1, 2019) Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Kas İskelet Sistemi Problemleri ile Fiziksel Aktivite ve Stres Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi 6 2 247–255.
IEEE S. Özdinç and F. N. Turan, “Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Kas İskelet Sistemi Problemleri ile Fiziksel Aktivite ve Stres Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi”, HSP, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 247–255, 2019, doi: 10.17681/hsp.434594.
ISNAD Özdinç, Sevgi - Turan, Fatma Nesrin. “Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Kas İskelet Sistemi Problemleri Ile Fiziksel Aktivite Ve Stres Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi”. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi 6/2 (June 2019), 247-255.
JAMA Özdinç S, Turan FN. Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Kas İskelet Sistemi Problemleri ile Fiziksel Aktivite ve Stres Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. HSP. 2019;6:247–255.
MLA Özdinç, Sevgi and Fatma Nesrin Turan. “Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Kas İskelet Sistemi Problemleri Ile Fiziksel Aktivite Ve Stres Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi”. Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Meslekleri Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 2, 2019, pp. 247-55, doi:10.17681/hsp.434594.
Vancouver Özdinç S, Turan FN. Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Kas İskelet Sistemi Problemleri ile Fiziksel Aktivite ve Stres Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. HSP. 2019;6(2):247-55.