Research Article
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Nursing Academicians’ Perceptions of Spirituality and Spiritual Care and Their Competence in Spiritual Care

Year 2019, , 380 - 389, 01.06.2019



The aim of this study was to
describe nursing educators’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care and
their spiritual care competence, and to determine the relationship between

and Methods:
This descriptive
and cross-sectional study was conducted between Jun and September 2017. The
sample was composed of 202 academicians from four universities. For data
collection, the nursing academician information form,
and Spiritual Care
Scale, and the Spiritual Care Competency
were used. For data analysis, the
descriptive statistics, the test of significant difference between two means,
Pearson Correlation Analysis, the Mann Whitney U Test, and Kruskall Wallis
Analysis were used.

The mean age of the academicians was
± 8.91
years, and 96%
were female. All stated that it was necessary to give spiritual care to patient
individual and to provide education in spiritual care in nursing training.
According to their statements, 68.8% of the academicians included the topic of
spiritual care in their course content and 56.4% included nursing diagnoses
relating to spiritual care in their lessons, but 44.6% did not use the related
diagnoses when preparing students’ nursing care plans. A medium level positive
correlation was found between item scores on two scales (r=0.404, p<0.001).

The mean
two scales item scores of those with the academic status of assistant professor
those who advised students on giving spiritual care to patients during clinical
practice, and those who included spiritual care and nursing diagnoses regarding
spiritual care in their course content were found to be statistically
significantly higher (p<0,05).

It was concluded that nurse
academicians who had active responsibilities for preparing and presenting
educational content on spiritual care, which is a part of holistic care, had a
broad view of spiritual care. A need was felt for developing both perceptions
of competence in providing this care and perceptions of spirituality and
spiritual care.


  • 1. Ross L, McSherry W, Giske T, van Leeuwen R, Schep-Akkerman A, Koslander T, et al. Nursing and midwifery students' perceptions of spirituality, spiritual care, and spiritual care competency: A prospective, longitudinal, correlational European study. Nurse Education Today 2018;67:64–71.
  • 2. Meyer CL. How effectively are nurse educators preparing students to provide spiritual care? Nurse Educator. 2003;28:185–90.
  • 3. Nardi D, Rooda L. Spirituality-based nursing practice by nursing students: an exploratory study. Journal of Professional Nursing 2011; 27(4):255-263.
  • 4. Cooper KI, Chang E, Sheehan A, Johnson A. The impact of spiritual care education upon preparing undergraduate nursing students to provide spiritual care. Nurse Education Today 2013;33:1057-1061.
  • 5. ICN (2012) Code of Ethics. International Council of Nurses. Available at: about/icncode_english.pdf Accessed July 16, 2018.
  • 6. ANA. 2016. Nurses’ Roles and Responsibilities in Providing Care and Support at the End of Life. Accessed July 16, 2018.
  • 7. Position on the Role of Nurses in the Practice of Complementary & Integrative Health Approaches (CIHA). 2016. Accessed July 16, 2018.
  • 8. Erdemir F. Hemşirelik el tanıları kitabı. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, İstanbul, 2012: sy: 447-455.
  • 9. Yönetmelik. 2011. Erişim tarihi: 16.07.2018.
  • 10. Hemşirelik Ulusal Çekirdek Eğitim Programı (HUÇEP) 2014, Erişim tarihi: 16.07.2018.
  • 11. Johnson PT, Cheshire M, Wood F.G, Dunn LL, Ewell PJ. Daily spiritual experiences of nurse educators and relationship to depression and health. Journal of Christian Nursing 2016;33(3):179-183.
  • 12. Ergül Ş, Bayık A. Hemşirelik ve manevi bakim. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2004;8(1);37- 45.
  • 13. Riklikiene O, Vozgirdiene I, Karosas LM, Lazenby M. Spiritual care as perceived by Lithuanian student nurses and nurse educators: A national survey. Nurse Education Today 2016;36:207-213.
  • 14. Dağhan S. Nursing students’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care; an example of Turkey. Journal of Religion and Health 2018; 57(1): 420-430.
  • 15. Sağkal Midilli T, Kalkım A, Dağhan Ş. Spiritual care related opinions and practices of nursing students. International Journal of Human Sciences 2017;14(1):666-677.
  • 16. Kalkim A, Sağkal Midilli T, Baysal E. An investigation of the perceptions and practices of nursing students regarding spirituality and spiritual care. Religions 2016;7(101):1-13.
  • 17. Kalkim A, Sagkal Midilli T, Daghan S. Nursing students’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care and their spiritual care competencies. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing 2018;20(3):286-295.
  • 18. Connors J, Good P, Gollery T. Using innovative teaching strategies to improve nursing student competence and confidence in providing spiritual care. Nurse Educator 2017;42(2):62-64.
  • 19. Kroning BM, Yoon D. Student perspective improves spiritual care curriculum. JCN, 2017 DOI:10.1097/CNJ.0000000000000435
  • 20. Caldeira S, Figueiredo AS, da Conceição AP, Ermel C, Mendes J, Chaves E, et al. Spirituality in the undergraduate curricula of nursing schools in Portugal and SãoPaulo-Brazil. Religions 2016;7(134): 1-9.
  • 21. Cone PH, Giske T. Teaching spiritual care – a grounded theory study among undergraduate nursing educators. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2012; 22:1951–1960.
  • 22. Taylor EJ, Testerman N, Hart D. Teaching spiritual care to nursing students: An integrated model. Journal of Christian Nursing 2014;31(2):94–99.
  • 23. Bennett V, Thompson M. Teaching spirituality to student nurses. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2015;5(2):26–33.
  • 24. Ku Y. What are the professional skills for spiritual nursing?. JOJ Nurse Health Care 2017;1(2):001-002.
  • 25. Azarsa T, Davoodi A, Khorami Markani A, Gahramanian A, Vargaeei A. Spiritual wellbeing, attitude toward spiritual care and its relationship with spiritual care competence among critical care nurses. Journal of Caring Sciences 2015;4(4):309-320.
  • 26. Ergül Ş, Temel AB. Maneviyat ve manevi bakim dereceleme ölçeği’nin Türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2007:23(1); 75-87.
  • 27. Daghan S, Kalkim A, Sağkal Midilli T. Psychometric evaluation of the Turkish form of the spiritual care competence scale. Journal of Religion and Health 2018
  • 28. Yilmaz M, Gurler H. The efficacy of integrating spirituality into undergraduate nursing curricula. Nursing Ethics 2014;21(8):929-945.
  • 29. Wallace M, Campbell S, Grossman SC, Shea JM, Lange JW, Quell TT. Integrating spirituality into undergraduate nursing curricula. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 2008, 5, Art. 10.
  • 30. Burkhart L, Schmidt W. Measuring effectiveness of a spiritual care pedagogy in nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing 2012;28(5):315–321.
  • 31. Timmins F, Murphy M, Neill F, Begley T, Sheaf G. An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality and spiritual care concepts in core nursing textbooks. Nurse Education Today 2015;35(1):277-282.
  • 32. Wong KF, Yau SY. Nurses’ experiences in spirituality and spiritual care in Hong Kong. Applied Nursing Research 2010;23:242–44.
  • 33. McSherry W. The principal components model: A model for advancing spirituality and spiritual care within nursing and health care practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2006;15:905–17.
  • 34. Murray R, Dunn KS. Assessing nurses' knowledge of spiritual care practices before and after an educational workshop. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 2017;48(3):115-122.
  • 35. Lemmer CM. Reflections on teaching “spirituality in the healthcare environment”. Journal of Holistic Nursing 2010;28:145–149.
  • 36. Galloway S, Hand MW. Developing and evaluating a simulation exercise to teach spiritual care to undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Educator 2017;42(4):199-203.
  • 37. McSherry W, Jamieson S. An online survey of nurses’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2011;20(11–12):1757–1767.
  • 38. Tiew LH, Creedy DK, Chan MF. Student nurses’ perspectives of spirituality and spiritual care. Nurse Education Today 2013;33:574-579.
  • 39. Yılmaz M., Okyay N. Hemşirelerin maneviyat ve manevi bakima ilişkin görüşleri. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi 2009;3: 41-52.
  • 40. Çetinkaya B, Azak A, Altundağ DS. Nurses’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 2013;31(1): 5-10.
  • 41. Kavak F, Mankan T, Polat H, Sarıtaş SÇ, Sarıtaş S. Hemşirelerin manevi bakima ilişkin görüşleri. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2014;3(1): 21-24.
  • 42. Van Leeuwen R, Tiesinga LJ, Middel B, Post D, Jochemsen H. The validity and reliability of an instrument to assess nursing competencies in spiritual care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2009;18:2857-2869.
  • 43. Emamzadeh Ghasemi HS, Rafii F, Farahani MA, Mohammadi N. Being at peace as an important factor in acquiring teaching competency by Iranian nurse teachers: A Qualitative Study. Global Journal of Health Science 2014; 6(3):109-116.
  • 44. Ross L, Giske T, van Leeuwen R, Baldacchino D, McSherry W, Narayanasamy A, et al. Factors contributing to student nurses’/midwives’ perceived competency in spiritual care. Nurse Education Today 2016;36:445–451.

Hemşire Akademisyenlerin Maneviyat/Manevi Bakım Algıları ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilikleri

Year 2019, , 380 - 389, 01.06.2019



Amaç: Bu
çalışmanın amacı
akademisyenlerin maneviyat / manevi bakım algıları ve manevi bakım
yeterliliklerini saptamak ve arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir.

ve Yöntem:
Tanımlayıcı ve ilişkisel tipteki
araştırma Haziran – Eylül 2017 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirildi.
Araştırmanın örneklemine dört üniversiteden 202
akademisyen alındı.
  Verilerin toplanması
için hemşire akademisyenleri tanıtıcı bilgi formu, Maneviyat Ve Manevi Bakım
Dereceleme Ölçeği ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilik Ölçeği kullanıldı. Verilerin
analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistiksel yöntemler, iki ortalama arasındaki farkın
önemlilik testi, Pearson Korelasyon Analizi, Mann Whitney U Testi ve Kruskall
Wallis analizi kullanıldı.

yaş ortalaması 36,14
±8,91 ve %96’sı kadındır.
Akademisyenlerin tamamı hasta bireye manevi bakım vermenin ve hemşirelik
eğitiminde manevi bakım eğitiminin gerekli olduğunu belirtmiştir.
Akademisyenlerin %68,8’i ders içeriklerinde manevi bakım konusuna yer
verdiklerini, %56,4’ü derslerinde manevi bakımla ilgili hemşirelik tanılarına
yer verdiği ancak %44,6’sı öğrencilerinin hemşirelik bakım planını hazırlarken
ilişkili tanıları kullanmadıklarını belirtmiştir.
Maneviyat ve
Manevi Bakım Dereceleme Ölçeği ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilik Ölçeği
arasında orta derecede pozitif ilişki saptandı (r= 0,404,
p< 0,001).

Doktor öğretim üyesi akademik
ünvanına sahip olanların, klinik uygulamalarda hasta bireye manevi bakım verme
konusunda öğrencileri yönlendirenlerin, ders içeriklerinde manevi bakım
konusuna ve manevi bakıma ilişkin hemşirelik tanılarına yer verenlerin
Maneviyat ve
Manevi Bakım Dereceleme Ölçeği ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilik Ölçeği
madde puan ortalamaları istatistiksel olarak anlamlı
şekilde yüksek bulundu.

Holistik bakımın bir parçası olan manevi bakımın eğitim
içeriğinin hazırlanması ve sunulmasında aktif sorumlulukları olan hemşire
akademisyenlerin manevi bakıma ilişkin geniş bir bakış açısına sahip oldukları
sonucuna varılmıştır. Maneviyat / manevi bakım algılarında olduğu gibi bu
bakımı sunma konusundaki yeterlilik algılarının geliştirilmesine gereksinim


  • 1. Ross L, McSherry W, Giske T, van Leeuwen R, Schep-Akkerman A, Koslander T, et al. Nursing and midwifery students' perceptions of spirituality, spiritual care, and spiritual care competency: A prospective, longitudinal, correlational European study. Nurse Education Today 2018;67:64–71.
  • 2. Meyer CL. How effectively are nurse educators preparing students to provide spiritual care? Nurse Educator. 2003;28:185–90.
  • 3. Nardi D, Rooda L. Spirituality-based nursing practice by nursing students: an exploratory study. Journal of Professional Nursing 2011; 27(4):255-263.
  • 4. Cooper KI, Chang E, Sheehan A, Johnson A. The impact of spiritual care education upon preparing undergraduate nursing students to provide spiritual care. Nurse Education Today 2013;33:1057-1061.
  • 5. ICN (2012) Code of Ethics. International Council of Nurses. Available at: about/icncode_english.pdf Accessed July 16, 2018.
  • 6. ANA. 2016. Nurses’ Roles and Responsibilities in Providing Care and Support at the End of Life. Accessed July 16, 2018.
  • 7. Position on the Role of Nurses in the Practice of Complementary & Integrative Health Approaches (CIHA). 2016. Accessed July 16, 2018.
  • 8. Erdemir F. Hemşirelik el tanıları kitabı. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, İstanbul, 2012: sy: 447-455.
  • 9. Yönetmelik. 2011. Erişim tarihi: 16.07.2018.
  • 10. Hemşirelik Ulusal Çekirdek Eğitim Programı (HUÇEP) 2014, Erişim tarihi: 16.07.2018.
  • 11. Johnson PT, Cheshire M, Wood F.G, Dunn LL, Ewell PJ. Daily spiritual experiences of nurse educators and relationship to depression and health. Journal of Christian Nursing 2016;33(3):179-183.
  • 12. Ergül Ş, Bayık A. Hemşirelik ve manevi bakim. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2004;8(1);37- 45.
  • 13. Riklikiene O, Vozgirdiene I, Karosas LM, Lazenby M. Spiritual care as perceived by Lithuanian student nurses and nurse educators: A national survey. Nurse Education Today 2016;36:207-213.
  • 14. Dağhan S. Nursing students’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care; an example of Turkey. Journal of Religion and Health 2018; 57(1): 420-430.
  • 15. Sağkal Midilli T, Kalkım A, Dağhan Ş. Spiritual care related opinions and practices of nursing students. International Journal of Human Sciences 2017;14(1):666-677.
  • 16. Kalkim A, Sağkal Midilli T, Baysal E. An investigation of the perceptions and practices of nursing students regarding spirituality and spiritual care. Religions 2016;7(101):1-13.
  • 17. Kalkim A, Sagkal Midilli T, Daghan S. Nursing students’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care and their spiritual care competencies. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing 2018;20(3):286-295.
  • 18. Connors J, Good P, Gollery T. Using innovative teaching strategies to improve nursing student competence and confidence in providing spiritual care. Nurse Educator 2017;42(2):62-64.
  • 19. Kroning BM, Yoon D. Student perspective improves spiritual care curriculum. JCN, 2017 DOI:10.1097/CNJ.0000000000000435
  • 20. Caldeira S, Figueiredo AS, da Conceição AP, Ermel C, Mendes J, Chaves E, et al. Spirituality in the undergraduate curricula of nursing schools in Portugal and SãoPaulo-Brazil. Religions 2016;7(134): 1-9.
  • 21. Cone PH, Giske T. Teaching spiritual care – a grounded theory study among undergraduate nursing educators. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2012; 22:1951–1960.
  • 22. Taylor EJ, Testerman N, Hart D. Teaching spiritual care to nursing students: An integrated model. Journal of Christian Nursing 2014;31(2):94–99.
  • 23. Bennett V, Thompson M. Teaching spirituality to student nurses. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2015;5(2):26–33.
  • 24. Ku Y. What are the professional skills for spiritual nursing?. JOJ Nurse Health Care 2017;1(2):001-002.
  • 25. Azarsa T, Davoodi A, Khorami Markani A, Gahramanian A, Vargaeei A. Spiritual wellbeing, attitude toward spiritual care and its relationship with spiritual care competence among critical care nurses. Journal of Caring Sciences 2015;4(4):309-320.
  • 26. Ergül Ş, Temel AB. Maneviyat ve manevi bakim dereceleme ölçeği’nin Türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2007:23(1); 75-87.
  • 27. Daghan S, Kalkim A, Sağkal Midilli T. Psychometric evaluation of the Turkish form of the spiritual care competence scale. Journal of Religion and Health 2018
  • 28. Yilmaz M, Gurler H. The efficacy of integrating spirituality into undergraduate nursing curricula. Nursing Ethics 2014;21(8):929-945.
  • 29. Wallace M, Campbell S, Grossman SC, Shea JM, Lange JW, Quell TT. Integrating spirituality into undergraduate nursing curricula. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 2008, 5, Art. 10.
  • 30. Burkhart L, Schmidt W. Measuring effectiveness of a spiritual care pedagogy in nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing 2012;28(5):315–321.
  • 31. Timmins F, Murphy M, Neill F, Begley T, Sheaf G. An exploration of the extent of inclusion of spirituality and spiritual care concepts in core nursing textbooks. Nurse Education Today 2015;35(1):277-282.
  • 32. Wong KF, Yau SY. Nurses’ experiences in spirituality and spiritual care in Hong Kong. Applied Nursing Research 2010;23:242–44.
  • 33. McSherry W. The principal components model: A model for advancing spirituality and spiritual care within nursing and health care practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2006;15:905–17.
  • 34. Murray R, Dunn KS. Assessing nurses' knowledge of spiritual care practices before and after an educational workshop. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 2017;48(3):115-122.
  • 35. Lemmer CM. Reflections on teaching “spirituality in the healthcare environment”. Journal of Holistic Nursing 2010;28:145–149.
  • 36. Galloway S, Hand MW. Developing and evaluating a simulation exercise to teach spiritual care to undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Educator 2017;42(4):199-203.
  • 37. McSherry W, Jamieson S. An online survey of nurses’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2011;20(11–12):1757–1767.
  • 38. Tiew LH, Creedy DK, Chan MF. Student nurses’ perspectives of spirituality and spiritual care. Nurse Education Today 2013;33:574-579.
  • 39. Yılmaz M., Okyay N. Hemşirelerin maneviyat ve manevi bakima ilişkin görüşleri. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi 2009;3: 41-52.
  • 40. Çetinkaya B, Azak A, Altundağ DS. Nurses’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 2013;31(1): 5-10.
  • 41. Kavak F, Mankan T, Polat H, Sarıtaş SÇ, Sarıtaş S. Hemşirelerin manevi bakima ilişkin görüşleri. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2014;3(1): 21-24.
  • 42. Van Leeuwen R, Tiesinga LJ, Middel B, Post D, Jochemsen H. The validity and reliability of an instrument to assess nursing competencies in spiritual care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2009;18:2857-2869.
  • 43. Emamzadeh Ghasemi HS, Rafii F, Farahani MA, Mohammadi N. Being at peace as an important factor in acquiring teaching competency by Iranian nurse teachers: A Qualitative Study. Global Journal of Health Science 2014; 6(3):109-116.
  • 44. Ross L, Giske T, van Leeuwen R, Baldacchino D, McSherry W, Narayanasamy A, et al. Factors contributing to student nurses’/midwives’ perceived competency in spiritual care. Nurse Education Today 2016;36:445–451.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration

Aslı Kalkım 0000-0002-7878-5640

Şafak Dağhan 0000-0003-3805-6416

Tülay Sağkal Midilli 0000-0001-8303-0237

Publication Date June 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Kalkım, A., Dağhan, Ş., & Sağkal Midilli, T. (2019). Hemşire Akademisyenlerin Maneviyat/Manevi Bakım Algıları ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilikleri. Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 6(2), 380-389.
AMA Kalkım A, Dağhan Ş, Sağkal Midilli T. Hemşire Akademisyenlerin Maneviyat/Manevi Bakım Algıları ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilikleri. HSP. June 2019;6(2):380-389. doi:10.17681/hsp.454678
Chicago Kalkım, Aslı, Şafak Dağhan, and Tülay Sağkal Midilli. “Hemşire Akademisyenlerin Maneviyat/Manevi Bakım Algıları Ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilikleri”. Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Meslekleri Dergisi 6, no. 2 (June 2019): 380-89.
EndNote Kalkım A, Dağhan Ş, Sağkal Midilli T (June 1, 2019) Hemşire Akademisyenlerin Maneviyat/Manevi Bakım Algıları ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilikleri. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi 6 2 380–389.
IEEE A. Kalkım, Ş. Dağhan, and T. Sağkal Midilli, “Hemşire Akademisyenlerin Maneviyat/Manevi Bakım Algıları ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilikleri”, HSP, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 380–389, 2019, doi: 10.17681/hsp.454678.
ISNAD Kalkım, Aslı et al. “Hemşire Akademisyenlerin Maneviyat/Manevi Bakım Algıları Ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilikleri”. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi 6/2 (June 2019), 380-389.
JAMA Kalkım A, Dağhan Ş, Sağkal Midilli T. Hemşire Akademisyenlerin Maneviyat/Manevi Bakım Algıları ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilikleri. HSP. 2019;6:380–389.
MLA Kalkım, Aslı et al. “Hemşire Akademisyenlerin Maneviyat/Manevi Bakım Algıları Ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilikleri”. Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Meslekleri Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 2, 2019, pp. 380-9, doi:10.17681/hsp.454678.
Vancouver Kalkım A, Dağhan Ş, Sağkal Midilli T. Hemşire Akademisyenlerin Maneviyat/Manevi Bakım Algıları ve Manevi Bakım Yeterlilikleri. HSP. 2019;6(2):380-9.