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Effect of vıtamın E and selenium on performance, plasma and tissue GSH-PX Activity in broilers

Year 2007, Issue: 3, 25 - 34, 31.12.2007


The aim of this study was to determine the effects
of Vitamin E and organic or inorganic selenium sources combined with Vitamin E
on growth performance and plasma and tissue glutathione peroxidase activity in
broilers. A total of 168, one-day old female commercial broiler chicks (Hubbard
strain) were randomly allotted to one control and three treatment groups, each
containing 42 birds. All experimental groups were replicated three times with
14 chicks per replicate. Feed and water were supplied ad libitum during the
experimental period. Four experimental diets were provided as follows: a. Basal
diet without Vitamin E and any selenium sources, for the control group
(control). b. Basal diet supplemented with 250 mg/kg Vitamin E for the
treatment group 1 (Vit E). c. Basal diet supplemented with 250 mg/kg Vitamin E
plus 0.2 mg/kg organic selenium for the treatment group 2 (Vit E+Or Se) d.
Basal diet supplemented with 250 mg/kg Vitamin E, plus 0.2 mg/kg inorganic
selenium for the treatment group 3 (Vit E+Inor Se). The experiment lasted 42
days At the end of the study, there was a difference (P<0.05) regarding body
weight gain in the first (Vit E) and the second (Vit E+Or Se) treatment groups
compared to the control group.  Feed
conversion ratio was more efficient (P<0.05) in the treatment group 2 (Vit
E+Or Se) compared to the rest. Glutathione peroxidase activity in plasma
(P<0.01), kidney (P<0.05), leg muscle (p<0.05), heart (P<0.01) and
liver (P<0.01) elevated in all of the treatment groups compared to the
control group. Liver glutathione peroxidase activity in the treatment group 2
(Vit E+Or Se) was higher than the rest. The results of this study indicated
that, utilisation of organic selenium plus vitamin E in broiler diets was
effective for improving the body weight gain, the feed conversion ratio, and
plasma and tissue glutathione peroxidase activity


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  • 11. Swain, B.K., Johri, T.S. and Majumdar S.: Effect of supplementation of Vitamin E, selenium and their different combinations on the performance and immune response of broilers. British Poultry Science, 41:287-292,2000.
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Year 2007, Issue: 3, 25 - 34, 31.12.2007



  • 1. O.A.C.: Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 14th ed., Inc, Arlington, Virginia, 1984.
  • 2. Devore, VR., Colnago G.L., Jensen, LS., Grene, B.E.: Thiobarbiturik asit values and glutathione peroxidase activity in meat from chickens fed a selenium-supplementd diet. Journal of Food Science, volume, 48:300-302,1983.
  • 3. Hassan, S., Hakkarainen, J., Jonnson L. and Tyopponen, J.: Histopatolojikal and bichemical changes associated with selenium and Vitamin E deficiency in Chicks J.Vet.Med., A37,708-720,1990.
  • 4. Halliwell, B. and Gutteridge, J.M.C.: Free radicals in biology and medicine. Third edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999.
  • 5. Marsh, J.A., Dietert, R.R. and combs, G.F.: Influence of dietary selenium and Vitamin E on the humoral immune response of the chick. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 66: 228,1981.
  • 6. Noguchi T., Cantor, A.H., Scott M.L.: Mode of action of selenium and Vitamin E in prevention of exudative diathesis in chicks. J. Nutr., 103:1502-1511,1973.
  • 7. Pesut, O., Jovanovic I., Nollet, L. and Tucker L.: Effect of organic selenium (Sel-Plex) in combination with α tokoferol on GSH-Px activity and TBARS in plasma of broilers. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Symposium (Suppl.1) May 22-25, p.83, Lexington, Kentucky,USA, 2005.
  • 8. Rotruck, J.T., Pope, A.L., Ganther, H.E., Swanson, A.B., Hafeman, D.G., Hoekstra,
  • W.G.:Selenium: biochemical role as a component of glutathione peroxidase. Science 179:588-590.
  • 9. SAS.: SAS statistical software. SAS Compusdrive, Carry, NC 27513 USA, 2007.
  • 10. Surai, P.F.: Organic selenium: benefits to animals and humans, a biochemist's view. In: Biotechnology in the Feed Industry. Proc. of the 16th Annual Symposium,
  • 11. Swain, B.K., Johri, T.S. and Majumdar S.: Effect of supplementation of Vitamin E, selenium and their different combinations on the performance and immune response of broilers. British Poultry Science, 41:287-292,2000.
  • 12. Thompson, J.N. and Scott, M.L.: Đmpaired lipid and Vitamin E absorbtion related to atrophy of the pancreas in selenium - deficient the chicks. J. Nutr., 100:797-809,1970.
  • 13. TSE.: Hayvan Yemleri Metabolik Enerji Tayini. TSE No:9610. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara, 1991
  • 14. Whitracre M.E., Combs GF., Combs, S.B. and Parker R.S.: Influence of dietary Vitamin E on nutritional pancreatic atrophy in selenium-deficient chicks. J.Nutr.
There are 15 citations in total.


Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research Articles

Mustafa Salman

Zehra Selçuk

Ö Hakan Muğlalı This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Issue: 3


APA Salman, M., Selçuk, Z., & Muğlalı, Ö. H. (2007). Effect of vıtamın E and selenium on performance, plasma and tissue GSH-PX Activity in broilers. Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences(3), 25-34.

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