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Blood transfusion in dogs

Year 2007, Issue: 3, 11 - 24, 31.12.2007


to increasing expertise in the field of Veterinary Medicine the demand for
blood and blood components, thus the knowledge in this area has increased. The
purpose of this review is to congregate information about blood groups, blood
components and their preparation, storage, application and adverse reactions in
dogs. Among the described 13 blood groups have been described in dogs, the ones
having antigenic importance are DEA (Dog Erytrocyte Antigen) 1.1 and DEA 1.2
positive. Dogs do not produce natural antibodies thus eliminating adverse
effects risks during the first transfusion, but for pursuing transfusions the
risk could be eliminated by blood typing and crossmatching. Technological
improvements have provided important advantages for preparation of blood
components and their storage. Thus, the veterinarian could choose a treatment
strategy much more beneficially and economically according to the patient’s


  • 1 Killingworth, C.: Use of Blood and Blood Components for Feline and Canine Patients. JAVMA, 1984 ; 185: 1452-1454.
  • 2 Stone, E., Badner, D., Cotter, S.M.: Trends in Canine Transfusion at a Veterinary School Clinic. JAVMA, 1992 ; 200: 1000-1003.
  • 3 Kerl, M.E., Hohenhaus, A.E.: Packed Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Dogs: 131 Cases (1989). JAVMA,1993 ; 202, (9): 1495-1499.
  • 4 Stokol, T., Parry, B.W.: Stability of von Willebrand Factor and Factor VIII in Canine Cryoprecipitate Under Various Conditions of Storage. Research in Veterinary Science, 1995 ; 59, 152-155.
  • 5 Battaglia, A.M.: Small Animal Transfusion Medicine. In: Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care, W.B. Saunders, 2000 ; 57-71.
  • 6 Smith, C.A.: Tranfusion Medicine: The Challenge of Practical Use. JAVMA, 1991 ; 198, (5):747-752. 7 Bell, K.: The Blood Groups of Domestic Animals. In: The Blood Groups of Domestic Animals, Agar AS, Board PG, eds. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1983 ; 133-164.
  • 8 Smith, J.E.: Erythrocytes. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med 1991 ; 36: 9-55.
  • 9 Andrews, G.A., Chavey, P.S., Smith, J.E.: Production, Characterization, and Applications of Murine Monoclonal Antibody to Dog Erythrocyte Antigen 1.1. JAVMA, 1992 ; 20, (10): 1549-1552.
  • 10 Giger, U., Gelens, C.J., Callan, M.B., Oakley, D. A.: An acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction Caused by Dog Erythrocyte Antigen 1.1 Imcompability in a Previously Sensitized Dog. JAVMA,
  • 11 Authement, J.M., Wolfsheimer, K.J., Catchings, S.: Canine Blood Component Therapy: Product Preparation, Storage, and Administration. J An Anim Hosp Assoc , 1987 ; 23: 483-493.
  • 12 Logan, J.C., Callan, M.B., Drew, K., Marryott, K., Oakley, D.A., Jefferies, L., Giger, U.: Clinical Indications for Use of Fresh Frozen Plasma in Dogs: 74 Dogs (October through December 1999). JAVMA, 2001 ; 218, (9): 1449-1455.
  • 13 Howard, A., Callan, B., Sweeney, M., Giger, U.: Transfusion Practices and Costs in Dogs. JAVMA, 1992 ; 201, (11): 1697-1701.
  • 14 Lanevschi, A., Wardrop, K.J.: Principles of Transfusion Medicine in Small Animals. Can Vet J, 2001 ; 42: 447-454.
  • 15 Dudok, de wit C., Coenegracht NACJ, Poll PHA, Linde. J.D.: The Practical Importance of Blood Groups in Dogs. J Small Anim Pract, 1967 ; 8: 285-289.
  • 16 Symons, M ., Bell, K.: Expansion of the canine A blood group system. Anim Genet, 1991 ; 22: 227-235.
  • 17 Young, L.E., Ervin, D.M., Yuile, C.L.: Hemolytic Reactions Produced in Dogs by Transfusion of Incompatible Dog Blood and Plasma. Blood, 1949 ; 4: 1218-1231.
  • 18 Swisher, S.N., Young, L.E.: The Blood Group System of Dogs. Physiol Rev, 1961 ; 41: 495-520.
  • 19 Bistner, S. I., Ford, R.B., Raffe, M R.: Kirk and Bistner’s Handbook of Veterinary Procedures and Emergency Treatment. 7th ed. W. B. Saunders ed.. In: Therapeutic Procedures and Techniques. 2002 ; 571-582.
  • 20 Stone, E., Badner, D., Cotter. S.M.: Trends in Transfusion Medicine in Dogs at a Veterinary School Clinic: 315 Cases (1986-1989). J Am Vet Med Assoc, 1992 ; 200, (7): 1000-1004 .
  • 21 Hale, A.S.: Canine Blood Groups and their Importance in Veterinary Transfusion Medicine. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 1995 ; 25 (6):1323-1332.
  • 22 Kristensen, A.T., Feldman, B.F.: Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine. In: Advances in Veterinary Sciences and Comparative Medicine. 1995 ; 347-360.
  • 23 Gahagan, P.: Practical Blood Banking and Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Animal Practitioner. Blacksburg, Companion Animal Blood Bank, Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, 1992 ; 1, 5-7.
  • 24 BSAVA News: Scientific Information Document, Blood Transfusions. J Small Anim Prac, 2000 ; 201: 431-434.
  • 25 Hohenhaus, A.E.: Management of the Inpatient Canine Blood Donor. In: Hohenhaus A. ed. Problems in Veterinary Medicine. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott. 1992 ; 4: 565-571. 26 Wardrop, K.J., Young, J., Wilson, E.: An in vitro Evaluation of Storage Media for the Preservation of Canine Packed Red Blood Cells. Vet Clin Pathol, 1994 ; 23: 83-87.
  • 27 Hohenhaus, A.E.: Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine. In Ettinger. S.J., Feldman. A.C. eds. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 5th ed. Vol 1 Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. 2000 ; 348-356.
  • 28 Gluck, D., Kubanek, B., Ahnefeld, F.W.: Therapy Using Blood Components. Prerequisites, Indications and Clinical Use. Infusionsther Klin Ernahr. 1986 ; 13, (5): 240-249 .
  • 29 Turnwald, G.H., Pichler, M.E.: Administration, Adverse Effect and Component Therapy. In: Blood Transfusion in Dogs and Cats, Part II. Comp Cotin ed. 1985 ; 7: 115-124.
  • 30 Perry, E.H.: Transfusions. In : Abrams. J.H. and Cerra. F.B.: Essentials of Surgical Critical Care. St. Louis, Quality Medical Publishing Inc, 1993 ; 470-479.
  • 31 Acar, N., Altunay, H., Bayýk, M., Çam, N., Çetinkaya, F., Emekdaþ, G., Karadoðan, I., Kýlýç, B., Masatlý, R., Merdanoðlu, E., Öztürk, G., Uluhan, R.: Türkiye Kýzýlay Derneði, Kan Merkezi ve Transfüzyon Derneði, Kan Bankacillgi ve Transfüzyon Kursu, Kurs Kitabi, 2001.
  • 32 Cotter, S.M.: Clinical Transfusion Medicine. In: Comparative Transfusion Medicine, New York: Academic Press Inc, 1991 ; 187-223.
  • 33 Iazbik, C., Couto, C.G., Gray, T.L., Kociba, G.: Effects of Storage Conditions on Hemostatic Parameters of Canine Plasma Obtained for Transfusion. Am J Vet Res,
  • 34 Kaminski, M.V., Hasse, T.J.: Albumin and Colloid Osmotic Pressure: Implications for Fluid Resuscitation. Crit Care Clin, 1992 ; 8: 311-321.
  • 35 Leese, T., West, K.P., Morton, B., Bell, P.R.: Fresh Frozen Plasma Therapy in Acute Pancreatitis: an Experimental Study. Int J Pancreatol, 1988 ; 3, (6): 437-447.
  • 36 Read, M.S., Reddick, R.L., Bode, A.P., Bellinger, D.A., Nichols, T.C., Taylor, K., Smith, S.V., McMahon, D.K., Giggs, T.R., Brinkhous, K.M. : Preservation of Hemostatic and Structural Properties of Rehydrated Lyophilized Platelets: Protential for Long-Term Storage of Dried Platelets for Transfusion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 1995 ; 92, (2): 397-401.
  • 37 Abrams-Ogg, ACG., Kruth, S.A., Carter, R.F., Valli, V.E., Kamel-Reid, S., Dube, I.D.: Preparation of Canine Platelet Concentrates. J Vet Intern Med, 1991 ; 5: 149. 38 Goldfinger, D., Lowe, C.: Prevention of Adverse Reactions to Blood Transfusion by the Administration of Saline-washed Red Blood Cells. Tranfus, 1981 ; 21, (3): 277-280.
  • 39 O’Shaughnessy, D.: Providing a Safe and Cost-Effective Blood Transfusion Service. Hospital Pharmacist, 2000 ; 7, (5): 118-123.
  • 40 Cotter, S.M.: Clinical Transfusion Medicine. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med, 1991 ; 36: 188.
Year 2007, Issue: 3, 11 - 24, 31.12.2007



  • 1 Killingworth, C.: Use of Blood and Blood Components for Feline and Canine Patients. JAVMA, 1984 ; 185: 1452-1454.
  • 2 Stone, E., Badner, D., Cotter, S.M.: Trends in Canine Transfusion at a Veterinary School Clinic. JAVMA, 1992 ; 200: 1000-1003.
  • 3 Kerl, M.E., Hohenhaus, A.E.: Packed Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Dogs: 131 Cases (1989). JAVMA,1993 ; 202, (9): 1495-1499.
  • 4 Stokol, T., Parry, B.W.: Stability of von Willebrand Factor and Factor VIII in Canine Cryoprecipitate Under Various Conditions of Storage. Research in Veterinary Science, 1995 ; 59, 152-155.
  • 5 Battaglia, A.M.: Small Animal Transfusion Medicine. In: Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care, W.B. Saunders, 2000 ; 57-71.
  • 6 Smith, C.A.: Tranfusion Medicine: The Challenge of Practical Use. JAVMA, 1991 ; 198, (5):747-752. 7 Bell, K.: The Blood Groups of Domestic Animals. In: The Blood Groups of Domestic Animals, Agar AS, Board PG, eds. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1983 ; 133-164.
  • 8 Smith, J.E.: Erythrocytes. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med 1991 ; 36: 9-55.
  • 9 Andrews, G.A., Chavey, P.S., Smith, J.E.: Production, Characterization, and Applications of Murine Monoclonal Antibody to Dog Erythrocyte Antigen 1.1. JAVMA, 1992 ; 20, (10): 1549-1552.
  • 10 Giger, U., Gelens, C.J., Callan, M.B., Oakley, D. A.: An acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction Caused by Dog Erythrocyte Antigen 1.1 Imcompability in a Previously Sensitized Dog. JAVMA,
  • 11 Authement, J.M., Wolfsheimer, K.J., Catchings, S.: Canine Blood Component Therapy: Product Preparation, Storage, and Administration. J An Anim Hosp Assoc , 1987 ; 23: 483-493.
  • 12 Logan, J.C., Callan, M.B., Drew, K., Marryott, K., Oakley, D.A., Jefferies, L., Giger, U.: Clinical Indications for Use of Fresh Frozen Plasma in Dogs: 74 Dogs (October through December 1999). JAVMA, 2001 ; 218, (9): 1449-1455.
  • 13 Howard, A., Callan, B., Sweeney, M., Giger, U.: Transfusion Practices and Costs in Dogs. JAVMA, 1992 ; 201, (11): 1697-1701.
  • 14 Lanevschi, A., Wardrop, K.J.: Principles of Transfusion Medicine in Small Animals. Can Vet J, 2001 ; 42: 447-454.
  • 15 Dudok, de wit C., Coenegracht NACJ, Poll PHA, Linde. J.D.: The Practical Importance of Blood Groups in Dogs. J Small Anim Pract, 1967 ; 8: 285-289.
  • 16 Symons, M ., Bell, K.: Expansion of the canine A blood group system. Anim Genet, 1991 ; 22: 227-235.
  • 17 Young, L.E., Ervin, D.M., Yuile, C.L.: Hemolytic Reactions Produced in Dogs by Transfusion of Incompatible Dog Blood and Plasma. Blood, 1949 ; 4: 1218-1231.
  • 18 Swisher, S.N., Young, L.E.: The Blood Group System of Dogs. Physiol Rev, 1961 ; 41: 495-520.
  • 19 Bistner, S. I., Ford, R.B., Raffe, M R.: Kirk and Bistner’s Handbook of Veterinary Procedures and Emergency Treatment. 7th ed. W. B. Saunders ed.. In: Therapeutic Procedures and Techniques. 2002 ; 571-582.
  • 20 Stone, E., Badner, D., Cotter. S.M.: Trends in Transfusion Medicine in Dogs at a Veterinary School Clinic: 315 Cases (1986-1989). J Am Vet Med Assoc, 1992 ; 200, (7): 1000-1004 .
  • 21 Hale, A.S.: Canine Blood Groups and their Importance in Veterinary Transfusion Medicine. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 1995 ; 25 (6):1323-1332.
  • 22 Kristensen, A.T., Feldman, B.F.: Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine. In: Advances in Veterinary Sciences and Comparative Medicine. 1995 ; 347-360.
  • 23 Gahagan, P.: Practical Blood Banking and Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Animal Practitioner. Blacksburg, Companion Animal Blood Bank, Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, 1992 ; 1, 5-7.
  • 24 BSAVA News: Scientific Information Document, Blood Transfusions. J Small Anim Prac, 2000 ; 201: 431-434.
  • 25 Hohenhaus, A.E.: Management of the Inpatient Canine Blood Donor. In: Hohenhaus A. ed. Problems in Veterinary Medicine. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott. 1992 ; 4: 565-571. 26 Wardrop, K.J., Young, J., Wilson, E.: An in vitro Evaluation of Storage Media for the Preservation of Canine Packed Red Blood Cells. Vet Clin Pathol, 1994 ; 23: 83-87.
  • 27 Hohenhaus, A.E.: Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine. In Ettinger. S.J., Feldman. A.C. eds. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 5th ed. Vol 1 Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. 2000 ; 348-356.
  • 28 Gluck, D., Kubanek, B., Ahnefeld, F.W.: Therapy Using Blood Components. Prerequisites, Indications and Clinical Use. Infusionsther Klin Ernahr. 1986 ; 13, (5): 240-249 .
  • 29 Turnwald, G.H., Pichler, M.E.: Administration, Adverse Effect and Component Therapy. In: Blood Transfusion in Dogs and Cats, Part II. Comp Cotin ed. 1985 ; 7: 115-124.
  • 30 Perry, E.H.: Transfusions. In : Abrams. J.H. and Cerra. F.B.: Essentials of Surgical Critical Care. St. Louis, Quality Medical Publishing Inc, 1993 ; 470-479.
  • 31 Acar, N., Altunay, H., Bayýk, M., Çam, N., Çetinkaya, F., Emekdaþ, G., Karadoðan, I., Kýlýç, B., Masatlý, R., Merdanoðlu, E., Öztürk, G., Uluhan, R.: Türkiye Kýzýlay Derneði, Kan Merkezi ve Transfüzyon Derneði, Kan Bankacillgi ve Transfüzyon Kursu, Kurs Kitabi, 2001.
  • 32 Cotter, S.M.: Clinical Transfusion Medicine. In: Comparative Transfusion Medicine, New York: Academic Press Inc, 1991 ; 187-223.
  • 33 Iazbik, C., Couto, C.G., Gray, T.L., Kociba, G.: Effects of Storage Conditions on Hemostatic Parameters of Canine Plasma Obtained for Transfusion. Am J Vet Res,
  • 34 Kaminski, M.V., Hasse, T.J.: Albumin and Colloid Osmotic Pressure: Implications for Fluid Resuscitation. Crit Care Clin, 1992 ; 8: 311-321.
  • 35 Leese, T., West, K.P., Morton, B., Bell, P.R.: Fresh Frozen Plasma Therapy in Acute Pancreatitis: an Experimental Study. Int J Pancreatol, 1988 ; 3, (6): 437-447.
  • 36 Read, M.S., Reddick, R.L., Bode, A.P., Bellinger, D.A., Nichols, T.C., Taylor, K., Smith, S.V., McMahon, D.K., Giggs, T.R., Brinkhous, K.M. : Preservation of Hemostatic and Structural Properties of Rehydrated Lyophilized Platelets: Protential for Long-Term Storage of Dried Platelets for Transfusion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 1995 ; 92, (2): 397-401.
  • 37 Abrams-Ogg, ACG., Kruth, S.A., Carter, R.F., Valli, V.E., Kamel-Reid, S., Dube, I.D.: Preparation of Canine Platelet Concentrates. J Vet Intern Med, 1991 ; 5: 149. 38 Goldfinger, D., Lowe, C.: Prevention of Adverse Reactions to Blood Transfusion by the Administration of Saline-washed Red Blood Cells. Tranfus, 1981 ; 21, (3): 277-280.
  • 39 O’Shaughnessy, D.: Providing a Safe and Cost-Effective Blood Transfusion Service. Hospital Pharmacist, 2000 ; 7, (5): 118-123.
  • 40 Cotter, S.M.: Clinical Transfusion Medicine. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med, 1991 ; 36: 188.
There are 37 citations in total.


Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Review Articles

Murat Arslan

Güldal İnal Gültekin This is me

Abdullah Kayar

Publication Date December 31, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Issue: 3


APA Arslan, M., İnal Gültekin, G., & Kayar, A. (2007). Blood transfusion in dogs. Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences(3), 11-24.

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