Aim & Scope

Harran University Journal of Social Sciences aims to contribute to the knowledge of social sciences by publishing scientific studies in the field of social sciences at national and international levels. Harran University Journal of Social Sciences is a nationally refereed journal published twice a year (June-December) that includes academic studies in the field of Social Sciences.

It should be prepared using appropriate research, methods and models in its field, should meet the original study conditions based on research that will fill a gap in its field and should not have been published anywhere before. It should be a research or review that evaluates and criticizes a previously published article and presents new and remarkable views on this subject. The journal also includes research, unpublished reports, biographies and compilation articles in which a concept or theory is discussed, criticized or explained, translations and book reviews that contribute to the scientific field. The journal publishes in two separate scopes: research and compilation. Quality articles written in foreign languages ​​sent to the journal are at the forefront. The journal accepts publications in Turkish and English.

Period Months
June December
Last Update Time: 3/10/25, 12:54:32 PM