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Alzheimer Hastalığının Gelişimsel Sürecinde ve Tedavisinde Potansiyel Öneme Sahip Tıbbi Bitkiler ve Fitokimyasallar

Year 2022, , 121 - 133, 01.06.2022


Alzheimer hastalığı (AH), hafızada kayıplar ve bilişsel bozulma ile kendini gösteren, demansa neden olan nörodejeneratif bir hastalıktır. AH’nda gözlenen demansın şiddeti ve dolayısıyla başlangıcı, genetik ve çevresel faktörlere bağlı olarak bireyler ve toplumlar arasında farklılık göstermektedir. AH ve diğer nörodejeneratif hastalıklarla mücadelede çok yönlü terapötik stratejiler uygulanmasına rağmen, başarı sadece semptomatik tedavi ile sınırlıdır. AH’nın başlangıcını veya ilerlemesini erteleyebilecek terapötik müdahaleler, hastalığın prevalansının azaltılmasına önemli ölçüde katkı sağlayacaktır. Bu bağlamda, tarihsel süreçlerden bu yana hafızanın güçlendirilmesi ve demans gelişiminin engellenmesi ile ilgili diğer komplikasyonlar için tıbbi bitkilerden yararlanılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar, günümüzde de tıbbi bitkiler ve bunlardan elde edilen fitokimyasalların, AH’nın tedavisinde potansiyel öneme sahip olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Etki mekanizmaları tam olarak aydınlatılamamış olmasına rağmen; anti-enflamatuvar, anti-amiloidojenik, anti-kolinesteraz, hipolipidemik ve antioksidan etkiler dahil olmak üzere geniş farmakolojik aktivite yelpazesi ile, bitkilerin farklı kısımları içerdikleri polifenoller (flavonoitler, tanenler), lignanlar, triterpenler, steroller ve alkaloitler gibi birçok değerli fitokimyasal bileşikler sayesinde ilaç geliştirme çalışmaları için güçlü bir rezervuardır. Sunulan makalede, AH’nın seyrinin yavaşlatılmasında ve etkili tedavi stratejilerinin geliştirilmesinde farmakolojik alanda umut vaat eden çeşitli bitkiler ve bunlardan izole edilen fitokimyasallar, etki mekanizmaları ile birlikte derlenmiştir.


  • 1. Breijyeh Z, Karaman R: Comprehensive review on Alzheimer’s disease: Causes and treatment. Molecules. 2020, 25(24): 5789.
  • 2. Penney J, Ralvenius WT, Tsai LH: Modeling Alzheimer’s disease with iPSC-derived brain cells. Mol. Psychiatry. 2020, 25(1): 148-167.
  • 3. Akram M, Nawaz A: Effects of medicinal plants on Alzheimer's disease and memory deficits. Neural. Regen. Res. 2017, 12(4): 660.
  • 4. Khanam S, Vayaravel CA: Medicinal plants effective against Alzheimer’s disease: An update. Int. J. Comp. Adv. Pharmacol. 2021, 6(1): 22-27.
  • 5. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TUİK). Cinsiyete göre Alzheimer hastalığından ölen yaşlıların sayısı ve oranı. 2020.
  • 6. Rao RV, Descamps O, John V, Bredesen DE: Ayurvedic medicinal plants for Alzheimer's disease: a review. Alzheimer's Res. Ther. 2012, 4(3): 1-9.
  • 7. Kamran M, Kousar R, Ullah S, Khan S, Umer MF, Rashid HU, Rehman MU: Taxonomic distribution of medicinal plants for Alzheimer’s Disease: a cue to novel drugs. Int. J. Alzheimer’s Dis. 2020, 1-15.
  • 8. Calderón AI, Simithy-Williams J, Sanchez R, Espinosa A, Valdespino I, Gupta MP: Lycopodiaceae from Panama: a new source of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Nat. Prod. Res. 2013, 27(4-5): 500-505.
  • 9. Velmurugan BK, Rathinasamy B, Lohanathan BP, Thiyagarajan V, Weng CF: Neuroprotective role of phytochemicals. Molecules. 2018, 23(10): 2485.
  • 10. Santos-Neto LLD, De Vilhena Toledo MA, Medeiros-Souza P, De Souza GA: The use of herbal medicine in Alzheimer's disease—a systematic review. Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med. 2006, 3(4): 441-445.
  • 11. Gezici S, Sekeroglu N: Neuroprotective potential and phytochemical composition of acorn fruits. Ind. Crops Prod. 2019, 128: 13-17.
  • 12. Hussain G, Huang J, Rasul A, Anwar H, Imran A, Maqbool J, Sun T: Putative roles of plant-derived tannins in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatry disorders: An updated review. Molecules. 2019, 24(12): 2213.
  • 13. Gregory J, Vengalasetti YV, Bredesen DE, Rao RV: Neuroprotective herbs for the management of Alzheimer’s disease. Biomolecules. 2021, 11(4): 543.
  • 14. Williamson J, Goldman J, Marder KS: Genetic aspects of Alzheimer disease. The Neurologist. 2009, 15(2): 80.
  • 15. Konrath EL, Passos CDS, Klein-Júnior LC, Henriques AT: Alkaloids as a source of potential anticholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 2013, 65(12): 1701-1725.
  • 16. Cooper EL, Ma MJ: Alzheimer Disease: Clues from traditional and complementary medicine. J Tradit Complement. Med. 2017, 7(4): 380-385.
  • 17. Calfio C, Gonzalez A, Singh SK, Rojo LE, Maccioni RB: The emerging role of nutraceuticals and phytochemicals in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. J. Alzheimer's Dis. 2020, 77: 33-51
  • 18. Dall'Acqua S: Plant-derived acetylcholinesterase inhibitory alkaloids for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Botanics: Target. Ther. 2013, 3: 19-28.
  • 19. Gezici S: Cancer preventive and neuroprotective potentials of red hulls, kernels and oleo-gum resins from Pistachio. Int. J. Agric. Envir. Food. Sci. 2019, 3(3): 137-143.
  • 20. Khan A, Jahan S, Imtiyaz Z, Alshahrani S, Antar Makeen H, Mohammed Alshehri B, Rehman MU: Neuroprotection: Targeting multiple pathways by naturally occurring phytochemicals. Biomed. 2020a, 8(8): 284.
  • 21. Amat-ur-Rasool H, Ahmed M, Hasnain S, Carter WG: Anti-Cholinesterase Combination Drug Therapy as a Potential Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease. Brain Sci. 2021, 11(2): 184.
  • 22. Alves DR, Maia de Morais S, Tomiotto-Pellissier F, Miranda-Sapla MM, Vasconcelos FR, Silva INGD, Freire FDOC: Flavonoid composition and biological activities of ethanol extracts of Caryocar coriaceum Wittm., a native plant from Caatinga biome. Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med. 2017.
  • 23. Khan H, Ullah H, Aschner M, Cheang WS, Akkol EK: Neuroprotective effects of quercetin in Alzheimer’s disease. Biomolecules. 2020b, 10(1): 59.
  • 24. Ullah A, Munir S, Badshah SL, Khan N, Ghani L, Poulson BG, Jaremko M: Important flavonoids and their role as a therapeutic agent. Molecules. 2020, 25(22): 5243.
  • 25. Dey P, Kundu A, Kumar A, Gupta M, Lee BM, Bhakta T, Kim, HS: Analysis of alkaloids (indole alkaloids, isoquinoline alkaloids, tropane alkaloids). In Recent advances in natural products analysis. Elsevier. 2020, 505-567.
  • 26. Giacoppo S, Soundara Rajan T, Bramanti P, Mazzon E: Natural phytochemicals in the treatment and prevention of dementia: An overview. Molecules. 2016, 21(4): 518.
  • 27. Yoo KY, Park SY: Terpenoids as potential anti-Alzheimer’s disease therapeutics. Molecules. 2012, 17(3): 3524-3538.
  • 28. Rajabian A, Rameshrad M, Hosseinzadeh H: Therapeutic potential of Panax ginseng and its constituents, ginsenosides and gintonin, in neurological and neurodegenerative disorders: a patent review. Expert Opin. Ther. Pat. 2019, 29(1): 55-72.
  • 29. Perry EK, Pickering AT, Wang WW, Houghton PJ, Perry NS: Medicinal plants and Alzheimer's disease: from ethnobotany to phytotherapy. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 1999, 51(5): 527-534.
  • 30. Castellani RJ, Rolston RK, Smith MA: Alzheimer disease. Disease-a-month: DM. 2010, 56(9), 484.
  • 31. Panche AN, Chandra S, Diwan AD: Multi-target β-protease inhibitors from Andrographis paniculata: in silico and in vitro studies. Plants. 2019, 8(7): 231.
  • 32. De Falco A, Cukierman DS, Hauser-Davis RA, Rey NA: Alzheimer's disease: etiological hypotheses and treatment perspectives. Quimica Nova. 2016, 39(1): 63-80.
  • 33. Cioanca O, Hritcu L, Mihasan M, Trifan A, Hancianu M: Inhalation of coriander volatile oil increased anxiolytic–antidepressant-like behaviors and decreased oxidative status in beta-amyloid (1–42) rat model of Alzheimer's disease. Physiol. Behav. 2014, 131, 68-74.
  • 34. Choi BW, Lee HS, Shin HC, Lee B.H: Multifunctional activity of polyphenolic compounds associated with a potential for Alzheimer's disease therapy from Ecklonia cava. Phytother. Res. 2015, 29(4): 549-553.
  • 35. Załuski D, Kuźniewski R: In vitro anti-AChE, anti-BuChE, and antioxidant activity of 12 extracts of Eleutherococcus species. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2016, 1-7.
  • 36. Khojah H, Edrada-Ebel R: P43 the isolation and purification of bioactive metabolites from Ficus carica and their neuroprotective effects in Alzheimer’s disease. Biochem. Pharmacol. 2017, 139: 140.
  • 37. Oskouie AA, Yekta RF, Tavirani MR, Kashani MS, Goshadrou F: Lavandula angustifolia effects on rat models of Alzheimer’s disease through the investigation of serum metabolic features using NMR metabolomics. Avicenna J. Med. Biotech. 2018, 10(2): 83.
  • 38. Mir NT, Saleem U, Anwar F, Ahmad B, Ullah I, Hira S, Ayaz M: Lawsonia inermis markedly improves cognitive functions in animal models and modulate oxidative stress markers in the brain. Medicina. 2019, 55(5): 192.
  • 39. Vladimir-Knežević S, Blažeković B, Kindl M, Vladić J, Lower-Nedza AD, Brantner AH: Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory, antioxidant and phytochemical properties of selected medicinal plants of the Lamiaceae family. Molecules. 2014, 19(1): 767-782.
  • 40. Cascella M, Bimonte S, Barbieri A, Del Vecchio V, Muzio MR, Vitale A, Cuomo A: Dissecting the Potential Roles of Nigella sativa and its Constituent Thymoquinone on the Prevention and on the Progression of Alzheimer's Disease. Front. Aging Neurosci. 2018, 10: 16.
  • 41. Imran M, Ullah F, Ayaz M, Sadiq A, Shah MR, Jan MS, Ullah F: Anticholinesterase and antioxidant potentials of Nonea micrantha Bioss. & Reut along with GC-MS analysis. BMC Complement. Altern. Med. 2017, 17(1): 1-12.
  • 42. Howes MJR, Fang R, Houghton PJ: Effect of Chinese herbal medicine on Alzheimer's disease. Int. Rev. Neurobiol. 2017, 135: 29-56.
  • 43. Zhang X, Wang X, Hu X, Chu X, Li X, Han F: Neuroprotective effects of a Rhodiola crenulata extract on amyloid-β peptides (Aβ1-42)-induced cognitive deficits in rat models of Alzheimer's disease. Phytomed. 2019, 57: 331-338.
  • 44. Choi BW, Ryu G, Park SH, Kim ES, Shin J, Roh SS, Lee BH: Anticholinesterase activity of plastoquinones from Sargassum sagamianum: lead compounds for Alzheimer's disease therapy. Phytother. Res. 2007, 21(5): 423-426.
  • 45. Kim BW, Koppula S, Park SY, Hwang JW, Park PJ, Lim JH, Choi DK: Attenuation of inflammatory-mediated neurotoxicity by Saururus chinensis extract in LPS-induced BV-2 microglia cells via regulation of NF-κB signaling and anti-oxidant properties. BMC Complement. Altern. Med. 2014, 14(1): 1-10.
  • 46. Sobhani R, Pal AK, Bhattacharjee A, Mitra S, Aguan K: Screening indigenous medicinal plants of Northeast India for Their anti-alzheimer’s properties. Pharmacogn. Mag. 2017, 9(1).
  • 47. El-Hawary SS, Fathy FI, Sleem AA, Morsy FA, Khadar MS, Mansour MK: Anticholinesterase activity and metabolite profiling of Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman leaves and fruits via UPLC–QTOF–PDA–MS. Nat. Prod. Res. 2021, 35(10): 1671-1675.
  • 48. Uddin MJ, Alam MN, Biswas K, Rahman MA: In vitro antioxidative and cholinesterase inhibitory properties of Thunbergia grandiflora leaf extract. Cogent Food Agric. 2016, 2(1): 1256929.
  • 49. Sehgal N, Gupta A, Valli RK, Joshi SD, Mills JT, Hamel E, Ravindranath V: Withania somnifera reverses Alzheimer's disease pathology by enhancing low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein in liver. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2012, 109(9): 3510-3515.

Medicinal Plants and Phytochemicals of Potential Importance in the Developmental Process and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

Year 2022, , 121 - 133, 01.06.2022


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes dementia, characterized by decline in memory and cognitive impairment. The severity and onset of dementia observed in AD vary between individuals and populations, depending on genetic and environmental factors. Despite the application of versatile therapeutic strategies to overcome AD and other neurodegenerative diseases, success is only limited to symptomatic treatment. Therapeutic interventions that can delay the onset or progression of AD will significantly contribute to reduce the prevalence of the disease. In this respect, medicinal plants have been used for memory enhancement and other complications related to dementia since ancient times. Researches reveal that medicinal plants and phytochemicals obtained from them have potential importance in the treatment of AD. Although the mechanisms of action have not been completely elucidated; different parts of plants, containing many valuable phytochemical compounds such as lignans, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, triterpenes, sterols and alkaloids with a wide range of pharmacological activities, including anti-inflammatory, anti-amyloidogenic, anticholinesterase, hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects, are a potent resource for drug development studies. In the presented article, a variety of plants and phytochemicals, which shows promising effects in the pharmacological field for decreasing the progression of the disease and the development of effective treatment strategies for AD have been summarized with their mechanism of action.


  • 1. Breijyeh Z, Karaman R: Comprehensive review on Alzheimer’s disease: Causes and treatment. Molecules. 2020, 25(24): 5789.
  • 2. Penney J, Ralvenius WT, Tsai LH: Modeling Alzheimer’s disease with iPSC-derived brain cells. Mol. Psychiatry. 2020, 25(1): 148-167.
  • 3. Akram M, Nawaz A: Effects of medicinal plants on Alzheimer's disease and memory deficits. Neural. Regen. Res. 2017, 12(4): 660.
  • 4. Khanam S, Vayaravel CA: Medicinal plants effective against Alzheimer’s disease: An update. Int. J. Comp. Adv. Pharmacol. 2021, 6(1): 22-27.
  • 5. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TUİK). Cinsiyete göre Alzheimer hastalığından ölen yaşlıların sayısı ve oranı. 2020.
  • 6. Rao RV, Descamps O, John V, Bredesen DE: Ayurvedic medicinal plants for Alzheimer's disease: a review. Alzheimer's Res. Ther. 2012, 4(3): 1-9.
  • 7. Kamran M, Kousar R, Ullah S, Khan S, Umer MF, Rashid HU, Rehman MU: Taxonomic distribution of medicinal plants for Alzheimer’s Disease: a cue to novel drugs. Int. J. Alzheimer’s Dis. 2020, 1-15.
  • 8. Calderón AI, Simithy-Williams J, Sanchez R, Espinosa A, Valdespino I, Gupta MP: Lycopodiaceae from Panama: a new source of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Nat. Prod. Res. 2013, 27(4-5): 500-505.
  • 9. Velmurugan BK, Rathinasamy B, Lohanathan BP, Thiyagarajan V, Weng CF: Neuroprotective role of phytochemicals. Molecules. 2018, 23(10): 2485.
  • 10. Santos-Neto LLD, De Vilhena Toledo MA, Medeiros-Souza P, De Souza GA: The use of herbal medicine in Alzheimer's disease—a systematic review. Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med. 2006, 3(4): 441-445.
  • 11. Gezici S, Sekeroglu N: Neuroprotective potential and phytochemical composition of acorn fruits. Ind. Crops Prod. 2019, 128: 13-17.
  • 12. Hussain G, Huang J, Rasul A, Anwar H, Imran A, Maqbool J, Sun T: Putative roles of plant-derived tannins in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatry disorders: An updated review. Molecules. 2019, 24(12): 2213.
  • 13. Gregory J, Vengalasetti YV, Bredesen DE, Rao RV: Neuroprotective herbs for the management of Alzheimer’s disease. Biomolecules. 2021, 11(4): 543.
  • 14. Williamson J, Goldman J, Marder KS: Genetic aspects of Alzheimer disease. The Neurologist. 2009, 15(2): 80.
  • 15. Konrath EL, Passos CDS, Klein-Júnior LC, Henriques AT: Alkaloids as a source of potential anticholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 2013, 65(12): 1701-1725.
  • 16. Cooper EL, Ma MJ: Alzheimer Disease: Clues from traditional and complementary medicine. J Tradit Complement. Med. 2017, 7(4): 380-385.
  • 17. Calfio C, Gonzalez A, Singh SK, Rojo LE, Maccioni RB: The emerging role of nutraceuticals and phytochemicals in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. J. Alzheimer's Dis. 2020, 77: 33-51
  • 18. Dall'Acqua S: Plant-derived acetylcholinesterase inhibitory alkaloids for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Botanics: Target. Ther. 2013, 3: 19-28.
  • 19. Gezici S: Cancer preventive and neuroprotective potentials of red hulls, kernels and oleo-gum resins from Pistachio. Int. J. Agric. Envir. Food. Sci. 2019, 3(3): 137-143.
  • 20. Khan A, Jahan S, Imtiyaz Z, Alshahrani S, Antar Makeen H, Mohammed Alshehri B, Rehman MU: Neuroprotection: Targeting multiple pathways by naturally occurring phytochemicals. Biomed. 2020a, 8(8): 284.
  • 21. Amat-ur-Rasool H, Ahmed M, Hasnain S, Carter WG: Anti-Cholinesterase Combination Drug Therapy as a Potential Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease. Brain Sci. 2021, 11(2): 184.
  • 22. Alves DR, Maia de Morais S, Tomiotto-Pellissier F, Miranda-Sapla MM, Vasconcelos FR, Silva INGD, Freire FDOC: Flavonoid composition and biological activities of ethanol extracts of Caryocar coriaceum Wittm., a native plant from Caatinga biome. Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med. 2017.
  • 23. Khan H, Ullah H, Aschner M, Cheang WS, Akkol EK: Neuroprotective effects of quercetin in Alzheimer’s disease. Biomolecules. 2020b, 10(1): 59.
  • 24. Ullah A, Munir S, Badshah SL, Khan N, Ghani L, Poulson BG, Jaremko M: Important flavonoids and their role as a therapeutic agent. Molecules. 2020, 25(22): 5243.
  • 25. Dey P, Kundu A, Kumar A, Gupta M, Lee BM, Bhakta T, Kim, HS: Analysis of alkaloids (indole alkaloids, isoquinoline alkaloids, tropane alkaloids). In Recent advances in natural products analysis. Elsevier. 2020, 505-567.
  • 26. Giacoppo S, Soundara Rajan T, Bramanti P, Mazzon E: Natural phytochemicals in the treatment and prevention of dementia: An overview. Molecules. 2016, 21(4): 518.
  • 27. Yoo KY, Park SY: Terpenoids as potential anti-Alzheimer’s disease therapeutics. Molecules. 2012, 17(3): 3524-3538.
  • 28. Rajabian A, Rameshrad M, Hosseinzadeh H: Therapeutic potential of Panax ginseng and its constituents, ginsenosides and gintonin, in neurological and neurodegenerative disorders: a patent review. Expert Opin. Ther. Pat. 2019, 29(1): 55-72.
  • 29. Perry EK, Pickering AT, Wang WW, Houghton PJ, Perry NS: Medicinal plants and Alzheimer's disease: from ethnobotany to phytotherapy. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 1999, 51(5): 527-534.
  • 30. Castellani RJ, Rolston RK, Smith MA: Alzheimer disease. Disease-a-month: DM. 2010, 56(9), 484.
  • 31. Panche AN, Chandra S, Diwan AD: Multi-target β-protease inhibitors from Andrographis paniculata: in silico and in vitro studies. Plants. 2019, 8(7): 231.
  • 32. De Falco A, Cukierman DS, Hauser-Davis RA, Rey NA: Alzheimer's disease: etiological hypotheses and treatment perspectives. Quimica Nova. 2016, 39(1): 63-80.
  • 33. Cioanca O, Hritcu L, Mihasan M, Trifan A, Hancianu M: Inhalation of coriander volatile oil increased anxiolytic–antidepressant-like behaviors and decreased oxidative status in beta-amyloid (1–42) rat model of Alzheimer's disease. Physiol. Behav. 2014, 131, 68-74.
  • 34. Choi BW, Lee HS, Shin HC, Lee B.H: Multifunctional activity of polyphenolic compounds associated with a potential for Alzheimer's disease therapy from Ecklonia cava. Phytother. Res. 2015, 29(4): 549-553.
  • 35. Załuski D, Kuźniewski R: In vitro anti-AChE, anti-BuChE, and antioxidant activity of 12 extracts of Eleutherococcus species. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2016, 1-7.
  • 36. Khojah H, Edrada-Ebel R: P43 the isolation and purification of bioactive metabolites from Ficus carica and their neuroprotective effects in Alzheimer’s disease. Biochem. Pharmacol. 2017, 139: 140.
  • 37. Oskouie AA, Yekta RF, Tavirani MR, Kashani MS, Goshadrou F: Lavandula angustifolia effects on rat models of Alzheimer’s disease through the investigation of serum metabolic features using NMR metabolomics. Avicenna J. Med. Biotech. 2018, 10(2): 83.
  • 38. Mir NT, Saleem U, Anwar F, Ahmad B, Ullah I, Hira S, Ayaz M: Lawsonia inermis markedly improves cognitive functions in animal models and modulate oxidative stress markers in the brain. Medicina. 2019, 55(5): 192.
  • 39. Vladimir-Knežević S, Blažeković B, Kindl M, Vladić J, Lower-Nedza AD, Brantner AH: Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory, antioxidant and phytochemical properties of selected medicinal plants of the Lamiaceae family. Molecules. 2014, 19(1): 767-782.
  • 40. Cascella M, Bimonte S, Barbieri A, Del Vecchio V, Muzio MR, Vitale A, Cuomo A: Dissecting the Potential Roles of Nigella sativa and its Constituent Thymoquinone on the Prevention and on the Progression of Alzheimer's Disease. Front. Aging Neurosci. 2018, 10: 16.
  • 41. Imran M, Ullah F, Ayaz M, Sadiq A, Shah MR, Jan MS, Ullah F: Anticholinesterase and antioxidant potentials of Nonea micrantha Bioss. & Reut along with GC-MS analysis. BMC Complement. Altern. Med. 2017, 17(1): 1-12.
  • 42. Howes MJR, Fang R, Houghton PJ: Effect of Chinese herbal medicine on Alzheimer's disease. Int. Rev. Neurobiol. 2017, 135: 29-56.
  • 43. Zhang X, Wang X, Hu X, Chu X, Li X, Han F: Neuroprotective effects of a Rhodiola crenulata extract on amyloid-β peptides (Aβ1-42)-induced cognitive deficits in rat models of Alzheimer's disease. Phytomed. 2019, 57: 331-338.
  • 44. Choi BW, Ryu G, Park SH, Kim ES, Shin J, Roh SS, Lee BH: Anticholinesterase activity of plastoquinones from Sargassum sagamianum: lead compounds for Alzheimer's disease therapy. Phytother. Res. 2007, 21(5): 423-426.
  • 45. Kim BW, Koppula S, Park SY, Hwang JW, Park PJ, Lim JH, Choi DK: Attenuation of inflammatory-mediated neurotoxicity by Saururus chinensis extract in LPS-induced BV-2 microglia cells via regulation of NF-κB signaling and anti-oxidant properties. BMC Complement. Altern. Med. 2014, 14(1): 1-10.
  • 46. Sobhani R, Pal AK, Bhattacharjee A, Mitra S, Aguan K: Screening indigenous medicinal plants of Northeast India for Their anti-alzheimer’s properties. Pharmacogn. Mag. 2017, 9(1).
  • 47. El-Hawary SS, Fathy FI, Sleem AA, Morsy FA, Khadar MS, Mansour MK: Anticholinesterase activity and metabolite profiling of Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman leaves and fruits via UPLC–QTOF–PDA–MS. Nat. Prod. Res. 2021, 35(10): 1671-1675.
  • 48. Uddin MJ, Alam MN, Biswas K, Rahman MA: In vitro antioxidative and cholinesterase inhibitory properties of Thunbergia grandiflora leaf extract. Cogent Food Agric. 2016, 2(1): 1256929.
  • 49. Sehgal N, Gupta A, Valli RK, Joshi SD, Mills JT, Hamel E, Ravindranath V: Withania somnifera reverses Alzheimer's disease pathology by enhancing low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein in liver. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2012, 109(9): 3510-3515.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journal Section Review Articles

Sevgi Gezici 0000-0002-4856-0221

Nazım Şekeroğlu 0000-0002-0630-0106

Publication Date June 1, 2022
Acceptance Date May 9, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


Vancouver Gezici S, Şekeroğlu N. Alzheimer Hastalığının Gelişimsel Sürecinde ve Tedavisinde Potansiyel Öneme Sahip Tıbbi Bitkiler ve Fitokimyasallar. HUJPHARM. 2022;42(2):121-33.