Research Article
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Effectiveness of Edamame (Glycine max L. Merril) Membrane in Accelerating The Wound Healing Process of Deep-Partial Thickness Burn

Year 2023, , 120 - 127, 01.06.2023


The gold standard for deep-partial thickness burns is early excision and skin graft; however, many hospitals in Indonesia still use conventional treatment due to the high cost of surgery and the requirement of qualified medical professionals. This research aimed to study the effectiveness of edamame (Glycine max. L Merill) membrane as therapeutic innovation in deep-partial thickness burns. Forty-eight male Wistar rats with deep-partial thickness burns were assigned randomly to four groups, including control and treatment (silver sulfadiazine, the membrane with 40% and 60% edamame extract). Measuring wound healing parameters such as macroscopic evaluation, histopathologic, and hydroxyproline was examined on days 4, 10, and 16. Treatment groups of membrane edamame significantly improved wound healing than the control group. Macroscopically, histopathological findings and hydroxyproline assay confirmed the efficacy of the edamame membrane at 60%, which provided the best healing results. This study showed that edamame membrane is effective as deep-partial thickness burns wound dressing.


  • Burns [Internet]. Geneva (Switzerland): World Health Organization International; 2018. [Cited 2019 August 9th]. Available from:
  • American Burn Association. Burns are acute injuries. Surgical Management of The Burn Wound and Use of Skin Substitutes White Paper; 2009.
  • Wardhana A, A Basuki, A D H Prameswara, D N Rizkita, A A Andarie, and A F Cantika. The epidemiology of burns in Indonesia’s national referral burn center from 2013 to 2015. Burns Open; 2017. 1:67-73. Indonesia. DOI:
  • Poranki D, C Goodwin, and M Van Dyke. Assessment of deep partial thickness burn treatment with keratin biomaterial hydrogels in a swine model. BioMed Research International; 2016. 2016: 1-10. USA. DOI:
  • ISBI Practice Guidelines Committee. ISBI practice guidelines for burn care. Burns; 2016. 42(5): 953-1021. DOI:
  • Rowan M P, L C Cancio, E A Elster, D M Burmeister, L F Rose, S Natesan, R K Chan, R J Christy, and K K Chung. Burn wound healing and treatment: review and advancements. Critical Care; 2015. 19(243): 1-12. USA. DOI:
  • Giovany L, K A Pamungkas, and Inayah. Profil pasien luka bakar berat yang meninggal di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau periode Januari 2011-Desember 2013. Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau; 2015. 2(2): 1-10. Indonesia.
  • Widati F and I M Hidayat. Kedelai Sayur (Glycine max L. Merril) sebagai Tanaman Pekarangan. Bandung, Indonesia. 2012.
  • Missouri Botanical Garden. 29 Jun 2022
  • Raffa D, B Manggio, M V Raimondi, F Plescia, and G Daidone. Recent discoveries of anticancer flavonoids. Eur J Med Chem; 2017. 1-49. Italy. DOI:
  • Stoilov I, B C Starcher, R P Mecham, and T J Broekelmann. Measurement of elastin, collagen, and total protein levels in tissue. Methods in Cell Biology; 2017. 143(7): 133-146. USA. DOI:
  • Sujono T A, U N W Hidayah, and T N S Sulaiman. Efek gel ekstrak herba pegagan (Centella asiatica L. Urban) dengan gelling agent hidroksipropil methylcellulose terhadap penyembuhan luka bakar pada kulit punggung kelinci. Biomedika; 2014. 6(2): 9-17. Indonesia. DOI:
  • Venter N G, A M A Costa, and R G Marques. A new model for the standardization of experimental burn wounds. Burns; 2015. 41: 542-547. Brazil. DOI:
  • Rismana E, I Rosidah, P Y., O Bunga, and Y Erma. Efektivitas khasiat pengobatan luka bakar sediaan gel mengandung fraksi ekstrak pegagan berdasarkan analisis hidroksiprolin dan histopatologi pada kulit kelinci. Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan; 2013. 41(1): 45-60. Indonesia.
  • Sutejo I R, A N Hasanah, and F R Sudarko. The Ethanolic Extract of Edamame (Glycine max L. merril) Enhance Second Degree Burn Wound Healing trough Modulating of Hydroxiproline Levels and Increasing Epithelial Thickness. Acta Marisiensis - Seria Medica, 68(aop). 2022. DOI:
  • Liu T, N Li, Y Yan, Y Liu, K Xiong, Q Xia, H Zhang, and Z Liu. Recent advances in the anti-aging effects of phytoestrogens on collagen, water content, and oxidative stress. Phytotherapy Research; 2019. 2020(34): 435-447. China. DOI:
  • Yulia R and I S Wijaya. Senyawa antioksidan ekstrak methanol Glycine max (L.) Merr varietas detam 1hasil ekstraksi ultrasonic. Jurnal Sains Farmasi dan Klinis; 2015. 2(1): 66-71. Indonesia.
  • Thornton M J. Estrogens and aging skin. Dermato-endocrinology; 2013. 5: 264-270. UK. DOI:
  • Primadina, N., A. Basori, dan D. S. Perdanakusuma. 2019. Proses Penyembuhan Luka Ditinjau dari Aspek Mekanisme Seluler dan Molekuler. Qanun Medika. 3(1): 31-43. DOI:
  • Marini, H., Polito, F., Altavilla, D., Irrera, N., Minutoli, L. Calo, M., Adamo, E.B., Vaccaro, M., Squadrito, F., Bitto, A. Genistein Aglycone Improves Skin Repair in an Incisional Model of Wound Healing: a Comparison with Raloxife and Oestradiol in Ovariectomized Rats. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2010. 160(5):1185-1194. DOI:
  • Nemitz M C, R C Moraes, L S Koester, V L Bassani, G L von Poser, and H F Teixeira. Bioactive soy isoflavones: Extraction and purification procedures, potential dermal use and nanotechnology-based delivery systems. Phytochemistry Reviews; 2015. 14: 849-869. Brazil. DOI:
  • Irrera N, G Pizzino, R D’Anna, M Vaccaro, V Arcoraci, F Squadrito, D Altavilla and A Bitto. Dietary management of skin health: the role of genistein. Nutrients; 2017. 9(622): 1-10. Italy. DOI:
  • Li P and G Wu. Roles of dietary glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline in collagen synthesis and animal growth. Amino Acids; 2017. 50(1): 29-38. USA. DOI:
  • Savoia P, G Raina, L Camillo, S Farruggio, D Mary, F Veronese, F Graziola, E Zavattaro, R Tiberio, E Grossini. Anti-oxidative Effects of 17 β-Estradiol and Genistein in Human Skin Fibroblasts and Keratinocytes. Journal of Dermatological Science: 2016. 1-33. DOI:
  • Prahastuti S, M Hidayat, S T Hasianna, W Widowati, A Amalia, D T Yusepany, R Rizai, W Kusuma. Antioxidant Potential Ethanolic Extract of Glycine max (l.) Merr. Var. Detam and Daidzein. Journal of Physics; 2020. 1-13.
  • Yu J X, B Yu, and D Chen. Isoflavones: anti-inflammatory benefit and possible caveats. Nutrients; 2016. 8(361): 1-16. China. DOI:
  • Wang Q, H Wang, M Xie. Antibacterial Mechanism of Soybean Isoflavone on Staphylococcus Aureus. Springer; 2010. 192: 893-898. DOI:
  • Hooshmand S, Soung do Y, E A Lucas, S V Madihally, C W Levenson, and B H Arjmandi. Genistein reduces the production of proinflammatory molecules in human chondrocytes. J Nutr. Biochem; 2007. 18: 609-614. USA. DOI:
  • Christine T and J Schumacher. Physiology of Wound Healing. Equine Surgery Journal; 2017. 3(1): 44-62. DOI:
  • Meilang X and C J Jackson. Extracellular Matrix Reorganization During Wound Healing and Its Impact on Abnormal Scarring. Advances in Wound Care; 2013. 4(3): 120-136. Australia. DOI:

Effectiveness of Edamame (Glycine max L. Merril) Membrane in Accelerating The Wound Healing Process of Deep-Partial Thickness Burn

Year 2023, , 120 - 127, 01.06.2023


The gold standard for deep-partial thickness burns is early excision and skin graft; however, many hospitals in Indonesia still use conventional treatment due to the high cost of surgery and the requirement of qualified medical professionals. This research aimed to study the effectiveness of edamame (Glycine max. L Merill) membrane as therapeutic innovation in deep-partial thickness burns. Forty-eight male Wistar rats with deep-partial thickness burns were assigned randomly to four groups, including control and treatment (silver sulfadiazine, the membrane with 40% and 60% edamame extract). Measuring wound healing parameters such as macroscopic evaluation, histopathologic, and hydroxyproline was examined on days 4, 10, and 16. Treatment groups of membrane edamame significantly improved wound healing than the control group. Macroscopically, histopathological findings and hydroxyproline assay confirmed the efficacy of the edamame membrane at 60%, which provided the best healing results. This study showed that edamame membrane is effective as deep-partial thickness burns wound dressing.


  • Burns [Internet]. Geneva (Switzerland): World Health Organization International; 2018. [Cited 2019 August 9th]. Available from:
  • American Burn Association. Burns are acute injuries. Surgical Management of The Burn Wound and Use of Skin Substitutes White Paper; 2009.
  • Wardhana A, A Basuki, A D H Prameswara, D N Rizkita, A A Andarie, and A F Cantika. The epidemiology of burns in Indonesia’s national referral burn center from 2013 to 2015. Burns Open; 2017. 1:67-73. Indonesia. DOI:
  • Poranki D, C Goodwin, and M Van Dyke. Assessment of deep partial thickness burn treatment with keratin biomaterial hydrogels in a swine model. BioMed Research International; 2016. 2016: 1-10. USA. DOI:
  • ISBI Practice Guidelines Committee. ISBI practice guidelines for burn care. Burns; 2016. 42(5): 953-1021. DOI:
  • Rowan M P, L C Cancio, E A Elster, D M Burmeister, L F Rose, S Natesan, R K Chan, R J Christy, and K K Chung. Burn wound healing and treatment: review and advancements. Critical Care; 2015. 19(243): 1-12. USA. DOI:
  • Giovany L, K A Pamungkas, and Inayah. Profil pasien luka bakar berat yang meninggal di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau periode Januari 2011-Desember 2013. Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau; 2015. 2(2): 1-10. Indonesia.
  • Widati F and I M Hidayat. Kedelai Sayur (Glycine max L. Merril) sebagai Tanaman Pekarangan. Bandung, Indonesia. 2012.
  • Missouri Botanical Garden. 29 Jun 2022
  • Raffa D, B Manggio, M V Raimondi, F Plescia, and G Daidone. Recent discoveries of anticancer flavonoids. Eur J Med Chem; 2017. 1-49. Italy. DOI:
  • Stoilov I, B C Starcher, R P Mecham, and T J Broekelmann. Measurement of elastin, collagen, and total protein levels in tissue. Methods in Cell Biology; 2017. 143(7): 133-146. USA. DOI:
  • Sujono T A, U N W Hidayah, and T N S Sulaiman. Efek gel ekstrak herba pegagan (Centella asiatica L. Urban) dengan gelling agent hidroksipropil methylcellulose terhadap penyembuhan luka bakar pada kulit punggung kelinci. Biomedika; 2014. 6(2): 9-17. Indonesia. DOI:
  • Venter N G, A M A Costa, and R G Marques. A new model for the standardization of experimental burn wounds. Burns; 2015. 41: 542-547. Brazil. DOI:
  • Rismana E, I Rosidah, P Y., O Bunga, and Y Erma. Efektivitas khasiat pengobatan luka bakar sediaan gel mengandung fraksi ekstrak pegagan berdasarkan analisis hidroksiprolin dan histopatologi pada kulit kelinci. Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan; 2013. 41(1): 45-60. Indonesia.
  • Sutejo I R, A N Hasanah, and F R Sudarko. The Ethanolic Extract of Edamame (Glycine max L. merril) Enhance Second Degree Burn Wound Healing trough Modulating of Hydroxiproline Levels and Increasing Epithelial Thickness. Acta Marisiensis - Seria Medica, 68(aop). 2022. DOI:
  • Liu T, N Li, Y Yan, Y Liu, K Xiong, Q Xia, H Zhang, and Z Liu. Recent advances in the anti-aging effects of phytoestrogens on collagen, water content, and oxidative stress. Phytotherapy Research; 2019. 2020(34): 435-447. China. DOI:
  • Yulia R and I S Wijaya. Senyawa antioksidan ekstrak methanol Glycine max (L.) Merr varietas detam 1hasil ekstraksi ultrasonic. Jurnal Sains Farmasi dan Klinis; 2015. 2(1): 66-71. Indonesia.
  • Thornton M J. Estrogens and aging skin. Dermato-endocrinology; 2013. 5: 264-270. UK. DOI:
  • Primadina, N., A. Basori, dan D. S. Perdanakusuma. 2019. Proses Penyembuhan Luka Ditinjau dari Aspek Mekanisme Seluler dan Molekuler. Qanun Medika. 3(1): 31-43. DOI:
  • Marini, H., Polito, F., Altavilla, D., Irrera, N., Minutoli, L. Calo, M., Adamo, E.B., Vaccaro, M., Squadrito, F., Bitto, A. Genistein Aglycone Improves Skin Repair in an Incisional Model of Wound Healing: a Comparison with Raloxife and Oestradiol in Ovariectomized Rats. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2010. 160(5):1185-1194. DOI:
  • Nemitz M C, R C Moraes, L S Koester, V L Bassani, G L von Poser, and H F Teixeira. Bioactive soy isoflavones: Extraction and purification procedures, potential dermal use and nanotechnology-based delivery systems. Phytochemistry Reviews; 2015. 14: 849-869. Brazil. DOI:
  • Irrera N, G Pizzino, R D’Anna, M Vaccaro, V Arcoraci, F Squadrito, D Altavilla and A Bitto. Dietary management of skin health: the role of genistein. Nutrients; 2017. 9(622): 1-10. Italy. DOI:
  • Li P and G Wu. Roles of dietary glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline in collagen synthesis and animal growth. Amino Acids; 2017. 50(1): 29-38. USA. DOI:
  • Savoia P, G Raina, L Camillo, S Farruggio, D Mary, F Veronese, F Graziola, E Zavattaro, R Tiberio, E Grossini. Anti-oxidative Effects of 17 β-Estradiol and Genistein in Human Skin Fibroblasts and Keratinocytes. Journal of Dermatological Science: 2016. 1-33. DOI:
  • Prahastuti S, M Hidayat, S T Hasianna, W Widowati, A Amalia, D T Yusepany, R Rizai, W Kusuma. Antioxidant Potential Ethanolic Extract of Glycine max (l.) Merr. Var. Detam and Daidzein. Journal of Physics; 2020. 1-13.
  • Yu J X, B Yu, and D Chen. Isoflavones: anti-inflammatory benefit and possible caveats. Nutrients; 2016. 8(361): 1-16. China. DOI:
  • Wang Q, H Wang, M Xie. Antibacterial Mechanism of Soybean Isoflavone on Staphylococcus Aureus. Springer; 2010. 192: 893-898. DOI:
  • Hooshmand S, Soung do Y, E A Lucas, S V Madihally, C W Levenson, and B H Arjmandi. Genistein reduces the production of proinflammatory molecules in human chondrocytes. J Nutr. Biochem; 2007. 18: 609-614. USA. DOI:
  • Christine T and J Schumacher. Physiology of Wound Healing. Equine Surgery Journal; 2017. 3(1): 44-62. DOI:
  • Meilang X and C J Jackson. Extracellular Matrix Reorganization During Wound Healing and Its Impact on Abnormal Scarring. Advances in Wound Care; 2013. 4(3): 120-136. Australia. DOI:
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Ika Sutejo

Publication Date June 1, 2023
Acceptance Date August 3, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


Vancouver Sutejo I. Effectiveness of Edamame (Glycine max L. Merril) Membrane in Accelerating The Wound Healing Process of Deep-Partial Thickness Burn. HUJPHARM. 2023;43(2):120-7.