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Antiinflamatuvar Tedavide Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Siklooksijenaz ve 5-Lipooksijenazın Dual İnhibitörleri

Year 2010, Issue: 1, 81 - 117, 01.01.2010


Dual Siklooksijenaz-2/5-Lipooksijenaz COX-2/5-LOX inhibitörleri, araşidonik asitin iki major yolağı olan COX-2 ve 5-LOX yolaklarını inhibe eder. Bu iki yolağın blokajı ile inflamasyona neden olan prostanoit ve lökotrienlerin biyosentezi inhibe edilir. Klasik NSAİ ilaçların neden olduğu gastrointestinal Gİ sistemdeki yan etkiler bu bileşiklerde ya bulunmamakta ya da minimuma indirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucu COX ve 5-LOX enzimlerini aynı anda inhibe edebilecek çeşitli yapısal özelliklere sahip dual inhibitörler tasarlanmış ve bazıları preklinik klinik öncesi ya da klinik çalışmalara alınmıştır. Bunlar hem LT hem de prostanoitlerin biyosentezini inhibe ederek kuvvetli antiinflamatuvar etki göstermişlerdir. COX ve 5-LOX inhibitörlerinin kombinasyonu hem iki sınıf ilacın tek başına kullanılışlarından daha etkili olacak, aynı zamanda her iki enzimin tek bir ilaçla inhibisyonu ile güçlü dozlamadan ve ilaç etkileşimlerinden kaçınılmış olunacaktır. Bu nedenle dual COX-2/5-LOX inhibitörleri, inflamatuvar hastalıkların tedavisinde klasik NSAİ ilaçlara ve selektif COX-2 inhibitörlerine önemli bir alternatif sağlar.


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A New Avenue in Anti-Inflammatory Therapy: Dual Inhibitors of Cyclooxygenase and 5-Lipoxygenase

Year 2010, Issue: 1, 81 - 117, 01.01.2010


Dual inhibitors are drugs able to block both the COX Cyclooxygenase and the 5-LOX 5-Lipoxygenase metabolic pathways. The biosynthesis of prostanoits and leukotriens giving rise to inflammation is inhibited by the blockage of the these two pathways. Dual inhibitors appear to be almost exempt from gastric toxicity, which is the most troublesome side effect of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs NSAIDs . Various chemical families of dual COX/5-LOX inhibitors have been designed and some of them are currently undergoing preclinical or clinical development. The antiinflammatory effect of the combined COX/5-LOX inhibitors is higher than their individual antiinflammatory effects. Also it is forbeared from drug interactions and potent dosing by dual inhibition. Dual COX/5-LOX inhibitors constitute a valuable alternative to classical NSAIDs and selective COX-2 inhibitors for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.


  • Bertolini, A., Ottani, A., Sandrini, M. : Dual Acting Antiinflammatory Drugs: A Reap- praisal, Pharmacological Research, 44 (6), 437 (2001).
  • Marnett, L.J., Rowlinson, S.W., Goodwin, D.C., Kalgutkar, A.S., Lanzo, C.A. : Arachi- donic Acid Oxygenation by COX-1 and COX-2: Mechanisms of Catalysis and Inhibition, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274 (33), 22903 (1999).
  • Smith, W.L., Marnett, L.J.: Prostaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase: Structure and Ca- talysis, Biochimica Biophysica Acta, 1083 (1), 1 (1991).
  • Griswold, D.E., Adams, J.L.: Constitutive Cyclooxygenase (COX-1) and Inducible Cy- clooxygenase (COX-2): Rationale for Selective Inhibition and Progress to Date, Medici- nal Research Reviews, 16 (2), 181 (1996).
  • Kayaalp, S.O., Rasyonel Tedavi Yönünden Tıbbi Farmakoloji, Ankara, Hacettepe-Taş Yayınları (2005), 11.
  • Vane, J.R., Bakhle, Y.S., Botting, R.M.: Cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 38, 97 (1998).
  • Samad, T.A., Sapirstein, A., Woolf, C.J.: Prostanoids and Pain: Unraveling Mechanisms and Rovealing Therapeutic Targets, Trends in Molecular Medicine, 8 (8), 390 (2002).
  • Fu, J.Y., Masferrer, J.L., Seibert, K., Raz, A., Needleman, P.: The Induction and Sup- pression of Prostaglandin H-2 Synthase (Cyclooxygenase) in Human Monocytes, Jour- nal of Biological Chemistry, 265 (28), 16737 (1990).
  • Smith, W.L., Garavito, R.M., DeWitt, D.L. : Prostaglandin Endoperoxide H Synthases (Cyclooxygenases) -1 and -2, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271 (52), 33157 (1996).
  • Hoffmann, C.: COX-2 in Brain and Spinal Cord-Implications for Therepeutic Use, Cur- rent Medicinal Chemistry, 7 (11), 1113 (2000).
  • Morita, I., Schindler, M., Regier, M.K., Otto, J.C., Hori, T., DeWitt, D.L., Smith, W.L. : Different Intracellular Locations for Prostaglandin Endoperoxide H Synthase-1 and -2, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 270 (18), 10902 (1995).
  • Picot, D., Loll P.J., Garavito, R.M.: The X-ray Crystal Structure of the Membrane Pro- tein Prostaglandin H2 Synthase-1, Nature, 367, 243 (1994).
  • Luong, C., Miller, A., Barnett, J., Chow, J., Ramesha, C., Browner, M.F.: Flexibility of the NSAID Binding Site in the Structure of Human Cyclooxygenase-2, Nature Struc- tural & Molecular Biology, 3, 927 (1996).
  • Kurumbail, R.G., Stevens, A.M., Gierse, J.G., McDonald, J.J., Stegeman, R.A., Pak J.Y. ve Diğerleri.: Structural Basis for Selective Inhibition of Cyclooxygenase-2 by Antiin- flammatory Agents, Nature, 384 (6610), 644 (1996).
  • Grosser, T., Fries, S., FitzGerald, G.A.: Biological Basis for the Cardiovascular Conse- quences of COX-2 Inhibition: Therapeutic Challengesand Opportunities, The Journal of Clinical İnvestigation, 116 (1), 4 (2006).
  • Dannhardt, G., Kiefer, W.: Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors Current Status and Future Pros- pects, Europan Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 36 (2), 109 (2001).
  • Goldenberg, M.M.: Celecoxib, a Selective Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitor for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis, Clinical Therapeutics, 21 (9), 1497 (1999).
  • Bayly, C.I., Black, W.C., Leger, S., Ouimet, N., Ouellet, M., Percival, M.D.: Structure- Based Design of COX-2 Selectivity into Flurbiprofen, Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 9 (3), 307 (1999).
  • Dannhardt, G., Laufer, S.: Structural Approaches to Explain the Selectivity of COX-2 Inhibitors: Is There a Common Pharmacophore?, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 7 (11), 1101 (2000).
  • Marnett, L.J.: Recent Developments in Cyclooxygenase Inhibition, Prostaglandins Oth- er Lipid Mediators, 68-69, 153 (2002).
  • Gambaro, G.: Strategies to Safely Interfere with Prostanoid Activity while Avoiding Ad- verse Renal Effects: Could COX-2 and COX-LOX Dual Inhibition be the Answer?, Ne- phrology Dialysis Transplantation, 17 (7), 1159 (2002).
  • Prigge, S.T., Boyington, J.C., Faig, M., Doctor, K.S., Gaffney, B.J., Amzel, L.M. : Struc- ture and Mechanism of Lipoxygenases, Biochimie, 79 (11), 629 (1997).
  • Kuhn, H.: Structural Basis for the Positional Specificity of Lipoxygenase, Prostaglan- dins & Other Lipid Mediators, 62 (3), 255 (2000).
  • Samuelsson, B.: Leukotriene: Mediators of Immediate Hypersensitivity Reactions and Inflammation, Science, 220 (4597), 568 (1983).
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There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Umut Salgın Gökşen This is me

Nesrin Gökhan Kelekçi

Publication Date January 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 1


Vancouver Gökşen US, Kelekçi NG. Antiinflamatuvar Tedavide Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Siklooksijenaz ve 5-Lipooksijenazın Dual İnhibitörleri. HUJPHARM. 2010(1):81-117.