Year 2024,
, 919 - 934, 31.12.2024
Hazel Zeynep Kurada
Aydan Dumbak
Kübra Yenice Bostancı
Özgür Aydın
- Aglioti, S., & Fabbro, F. (1993). Paradoxical selective recovery in a bilingual aphasic following subcortical lesions. Neuroreport, 1359-1362.
- Ansaldo, A. I., Marcotte, K., & Schere, L. (2008). Language therapy and bilingual aphasia: Clinical implications of psycholinguistic and neuroimaging research. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 21(6), 539-557.
- Arslan, S., Devers, C., & Ferreiro, S. (2021). M. Pronoun processing in post-stroke aphasia: A meta-analytic review of individual data. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 59, 101005.
- Arslan, S., Selvi Balo, S., Aydın, Ö., & Maviş, İ. (2023). Quantifier spreading errors during pronoun processing in aphasia. Istanbul University Press.
- Baauw, S., & Cuetos, F. (2003). The interpretation of pronouns in Spanish language acquisition and breakdown: Evidence for the" Principle B Delay" as a non-unitary phenomenon. Language Acquisition, 11(4), 219-275.
- Blumstein, S. E., Goodglass, H., Statlender, S., et al. (1983). Comprehension strategies determining reference in aphasia: A study of reflexivization. Brain and Language, 18(1), 115-127.
- Bos, L. S., Dragoy, O., Avrutin, S., et al. (2014). Understanding discourse-linked elements in aphasia: A threefold study in Russian. Neuropsychologia, 57, 20-28.
- Boye, K., & Harder, P. A. (2012). Usage-based theory of grammatical status and grammaticalization. Language, 1-44.
- Burkhardt, P., Avrutin, S., Piñango, M. M., et al. (2008). Slower-than-normal syntactic processing in agrammatic Broca's aphasia: Evidence from Dutch. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 21(2), 120-137.
- Burkhardt, P., Piñango, M. M., & Wong, K. (2003). The role of the anterior left hemisphere in real-time sentence comprehension: Evidence from split intransitivity. Brain and Language, 86(1), 9-22.
- Caplan, D., Michaud, J., & Hufford, R. (2013). Dissociations and associations of performance in syntactic comprehension in aphasia and their implications for the nature of aphasic deficits. Brain and Language, 127(1), 21-33.
- Caplan, D., Michaud, J., & Hufford, R. (2013). Short-term memory, working memory, and syntactic comprehension in aphasia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 30(2), 77-109.
- Caplan, D., Michaud, J., & Hufford, R. (2015). Mechanisms underlying syntactic comprehension deficits in vascular aphasia: New evidence from self-paced listening. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 32(5), 283-313.
- Chien, Y. C., & Wexler, K. (1990). Children's knowledge of locality conditions in binding as evidence for the modularity of syntax and pragmatics. Language Acquisition, 1(3), 225-295.
- Chomsky, N. (1993). Lectures on government and binding: The Pisa lectures. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
- Choy, J. J., & Thompson, C. K. (2010). Binding in agrammatic aphasia: Processing to comprehension. Aphasiology, 24(5), 551-579.
- Çiyiltepe, M., & Aydın, Ö. (2007). Bağlama ilkelerinin edinimi: sözdizim ve kullanımbilim etkileşimi [Acquisition of binding principles: syntax and pragmatic interactions]. XXI. National Linguistics Congress. Mersin, Turkiye.
- De Bleser, R., Cholewa, J., & Tabatabaie, N. S. S. (1997). LeMo, an Expert System for Single Case Assessment of Word Processing Impairments in Aphasic Patients. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 7(4), 339-366.
- Dickey, M. W., & Thompson, C. K. (2009). Automatic processing of wh-and NP-movement in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from eyetracking. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 22(6), 563-583.
- Dickey, M. W., Choy, J. J., & Thompson, C. K. (2007). Real-time comprehension of wh-movement in aphasia: Evidence from eyetracking while listening. Brain and Language, 100(1), 1-22.
- Edwards, S., & Varlokosta, S. (2007). Pronominal and anaphoric reference in agrammatism. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 20(6), 423-444.
- Elbourne, P. (2005). On the Acquisition of Principle B. Linguistic Inquiry, 36(3), 333-365.
- Fabbro, F. (2001). The bilingual brain: Bilingual aphasia. Brain and Language, 79(2), 201-210.
- Fabbro, F. (2001). The bilingual brain: Cerebral representation of languages. Brain and Language, 79(2), 211-222.
- Gavarró, A. (2008). Binding and co-reference in Catalan agrammatism. in The Academy of Aphasia Meeting.
- Glindemann, R. (2002). Bogenhausener Semantik-Untersuchung: BOSU. Germany: Urban&FischerVerlag.
- Grodzinsky, Y., Wexler, K., Chien, Y. C., et al. (1993). The breakdown of binding relations. Brain and Language, 45(3), 396–422.
- Grosjean, F. (1992). Another view of bilingualism. Advances in psychology, 51-62.
- Grosjean, F., & Miller, J. L. (1994). Going in and out of languages: An example of bilingual flexibility. Psychological Science, 5(4), 201-206.
- Hanne, S., Sekerina, I. A., Vasishth, S., et al. (2011). Chance in agrammatic sentence comprehension: What does it really mean? Evidence from eye movements of German agrammatic aphasic patients. Aphasiology, 25(2), 221-244.
- Hickok, G., & Avrutin, S. (1995). Representation, referentiality, and processing in agrammatic comprehension: Two case studies. Brain and Language, 50(1), 10-26.
- Ishkhanyan, B., Sahraoui, H., Harder, P., et al. (2017). Grammatical and lexical pronoun dissociation in French speakers with agrammatic aphasia: A usage-based account and REF-based hypothesis. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 44, 1-16.
- Lekoubou, A., Gleichgerrcht, E., McGrattan, K., et al. (2015). Aphasia in multilingual individuals: The importance of bedside premorbid language proficiency assessment. eNeurologicalSci, (1), 1.
- Levy, E. S., Goral, M., & Obler, L. K. (1999). Neurolinguistic perspectives on mother tongue: Evidence from aphasia and brain imaging. Cahiers Charles V, 27(1), 141-157.
- Love, T., Nichol, J., Swinney, D., et al. (1998). The nature of aberrant understanding and processing of pro-forms by brain-damaged populations. Brain and Language, 65(1), 59-62.
- Martinez-Ferreiro, S., Bastiaanse, R., & Boye, K. (2020). Functional and usage-based approaches to aphasia: The grammatical-lexical distinction and the role of frequency. Aphasiology, 34(8), 927-942.
- Martinez-Ferreiro, S., Reyes, A. F., & Bastiaanse, R. (2017). Overcoming discourse-linking difficulties in aphasia: The case of clitic pronouns. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 31(6), 459-477.
- Muñoz, M. L., & Marquardt, T. P. (2004). The influence of language context on lexical retrieval in the discourse of bilingual speakers with aphasia. Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders, 2(1), 1-17.
- Paradis, M. (1977). Studies in neurolinguistics: Bilingualism and aphasia. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Paradis, M. (1983). Readings on aphasia in bilinguals and polyglots. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 1, 209-222.
- Paradis, M. (1995). Aspects of bilingual aphasia: Introduction: The need for distinctions. Oxford UK: Pergamon Press.
- Paradis, M. (2001). The need for awareness of aphasia symptoms in different languages. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 14(2-4), 85-91.
- Paradis, M. (2004). A neurolinguistic theory of bilingualism. John Benjamins Publishing.
- Pearce, J. M. (2005). A note on aphasia in bilingual patients: Pitres’ and Ribot’s laws. European Journal of Neurology, 54(3), 127-131.
- Rigalleau, F., & Caplan, D. (2004). A deficit of automatic pronominal coindexation in aphasic patients. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 17(2-3), 181-213.
- Ruigendijk, E., Vasić, N., & Avrutin, S. (year). Reference assignment: Using language breakdown to choose between theoretical approaches. Brain and Language, 96(3), 302-317.
- Sebastian, R., Kiran, S., & Sandberg, C. (2012). Semantic processing in Spanish–English bilinguals with aphasia. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 25(4), 240-262.
- Thompson, C. K., & Choy, J. J. (2009). Pronominal resolution and gap filling in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from eye movements. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 38(3), 255-283.
- Toğram, B., & Maviş, İ. (2012). Validity, reliability and standardization study of the Language Assessment Test for Aphasia. Türk Nöroloji Dergisi, 18(3), 96–103.
- Tschirren, M., Laganaro, M., Michel, P., et al. (2011). Language and syntactic impairment following stroke in late bilingual aphasics. Brain and Language, 119(3), 238-242.
- Weekes, B. S. (2010). Issues in bilingual aphasia: An introduction. Aphasiology, 24(2), 123-125.
Binding Processing in Turkish-German Bilingual Aphasia: a Multiple Case Study
Year 2024,
, 919 - 934, 31.12.2024
Hazel Zeynep Kurada
Aydan Dumbak
Kübra Yenice Bostancı
Özgür Aydın
Aim: The current multiple case study investigates whether Turkish-German bilinguals with aphasia extend to binding constructions and whether pronoun variables show selectivity in bilingual people with aphasia (PWA). These constructions involve referential dependencies, which are difficult for PWAs to compute.
Methods: Three Turkish-German bilingual people with aphasia participated in this study and received an offline Picture Verification Task. It is predicted that bilingual PWA would perform worse with pronouns than reflexives or show similar levels of impairment in both pronoun and reflexive conditions in the conditions that involved anaphoric elements with referential antecedents for both languages. On the other hand, it is predicted that they would perform much better in pronouns than in reflexives if the antecedent is quantificational, as they would tend to reject the bound interpretation of pronouns according to the quantificational asymmetry phenomenon.
Results: Each subject's performance was analyzed individually to see if there were any differences between the PWAs' bilingual profiles. The results align with the literature findings that there is a selectivity in PWAs regarding the binding of referential elements to their antecedents.
Conclusion: The onset of bilingualism and premorbid language imbalance influences the different impairment patterns observed in Turkish-speaking bilingual PWA.
Ethical Statement
Ethical approval for this study was obtained from Ankara Medipol University.
The authors sincerely thank Tülay Yaşar for her help and guidance during the data collection phase in Germany. The line drawings in the Picture Verification Task were made by Elif Varol Ergen. We would like to acknowledge Elif Varol Ergen from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Graphic Department at Hacettepe University for her collaboration.
- Aglioti, S., & Fabbro, F. (1993). Paradoxical selective recovery in a bilingual aphasic following subcortical lesions. Neuroreport, 1359-1362.
- Ansaldo, A. I., Marcotte, K., & Schere, L. (2008). Language therapy and bilingual aphasia: Clinical implications of psycholinguistic and neuroimaging research. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 21(6), 539-557.
- Arslan, S., Devers, C., & Ferreiro, S. (2021). M. Pronoun processing in post-stroke aphasia: A meta-analytic review of individual data. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 59, 101005.
- Arslan, S., Selvi Balo, S., Aydın, Ö., & Maviş, İ. (2023). Quantifier spreading errors during pronoun processing in aphasia. Istanbul University Press.
- Baauw, S., & Cuetos, F. (2003). The interpretation of pronouns in Spanish language acquisition and breakdown: Evidence for the" Principle B Delay" as a non-unitary phenomenon. Language Acquisition, 11(4), 219-275.
- Blumstein, S. E., Goodglass, H., Statlender, S., et al. (1983). Comprehension strategies determining reference in aphasia: A study of reflexivization. Brain and Language, 18(1), 115-127.
- Bos, L. S., Dragoy, O., Avrutin, S., et al. (2014). Understanding discourse-linked elements in aphasia: A threefold study in Russian. Neuropsychologia, 57, 20-28.
- Boye, K., & Harder, P. A. (2012). Usage-based theory of grammatical status and grammaticalization. Language, 1-44.
- Burkhardt, P., Avrutin, S., Piñango, M. M., et al. (2008). Slower-than-normal syntactic processing in agrammatic Broca's aphasia: Evidence from Dutch. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 21(2), 120-137.
- Burkhardt, P., Piñango, M. M., & Wong, K. (2003). The role of the anterior left hemisphere in real-time sentence comprehension: Evidence from split intransitivity. Brain and Language, 86(1), 9-22.
- Caplan, D., Michaud, J., & Hufford, R. (2013). Dissociations and associations of performance in syntactic comprehension in aphasia and their implications for the nature of aphasic deficits. Brain and Language, 127(1), 21-33.
- Caplan, D., Michaud, J., & Hufford, R. (2013). Short-term memory, working memory, and syntactic comprehension in aphasia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 30(2), 77-109.
- Caplan, D., Michaud, J., & Hufford, R. (2015). Mechanisms underlying syntactic comprehension deficits in vascular aphasia: New evidence from self-paced listening. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 32(5), 283-313.
- Chien, Y. C., & Wexler, K. (1990). Children's knowledge of locality conditions in binding as evidence for the modularity of syntax and pragmatics. Language Acquisition, 1(3), 225-295.
- Chomsky, N. (1993). Lectures on government and binding: The Pisa lectures. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
- Choy, J. J., & Thompson, C. K. (2010). Binding in agrammatic aphasia: Processing to comprehension. Aphasiology, 24(5), 551-579.
- Çiyiltepe, M., & Aydın, Ö. (2007). Bağlama ilkelerinin edinimi: sözdizim ve kullanımbilim etkileşimi [Acquisition of binding principles: syntax and pragmatic interactions]. XXI. National Linguistics Congress. Mersin, Turkiye.
- De Bleser, R., Cholewa, J., & Tabatabaie, N. S. S. (1997). LeMo, an Expert System for Single Case Assessment of Word Processing Impairments in Aphasic Patients. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 7(4), 339-366.
- Dickey, M. W., & Thompson, C. K. (2009). Automatic processing of wh-and NP-movement in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from eyetracking. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 22(6), 563-583.
- Dickey, M. W., Choy, J. J., & Thompson, C. K. (2007). Real-time comprehension of wh-movement in aphasia: Evidence from eyetracking while listening. Brain and Language, 100(1), 1-22.
- Edwards, S., & Varlokosta, S. (2007). Pronominal and anaphoric reference in agrammatism. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 20(6), 423-444.
- Elbourne, P. (2005). On the Acquisition of Principle B. Linguistic Inquiry, 36(3), 333-365.
- Fabbro, F. (2001). The bilingual brain: Bilingual aphasia. Brain and Language, 79(2), 201-210.
- Fabbro, F. (2001). The bilingual brain: Cerebral representation of languages. Brain and Language, 79(2), 211-222.
- Gavarró, A. (2008). Binding and co-reference in Catalan agrammatism. in The Academy of Aphasia Meeting.
- Glindemann, R. (2002). Bogenhausener Semantik-Untersuchung: BOSU. Germany: Urban&FischerVerlag.
- Grodzinsky, Y., Wexler, K., Chien, Y. C., et al. (1993). The breakdown of binding relations. Brain and Language, 45(3), 396–422.
- Grosjean, F. (1992). Another view of bilingualism. Advances in psychology, 51-62.
- Grosjean, F., & Miller, J. L. (1994). Going in and out of languages: An example of bilingual flexibility. Psychological Science, 5(4), 201-206.
- Hanne, S., Sekerina, I. A., Vasishth, S., et al. (2011). Chance in agrammatic sentence comprehension: What does it really mean? Evidence from eye movements of German agrammatic aphasic patients. Aphasiology, 25(2), 221-244.
- Hickok, G., & Avrutin, S. (1995). Representation, referentiality, and processing in agrammatic comprehension: Two case studies. Brain and Language, 50(1), 10-26.
- Ishkhanyan, B., Sahraoui, H., Harder, P., et al. (2017). Grammatical and lexical pronoun dissociation in French speakers with agrammatic aphasia: A usage-based account and REF-based hypothesis. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 44, 1-16.
- Lekoubou, A., Gleichgerrcht, E., McGrattan, K., et al. (2015). Aphasia in multilingual individuals: The importance of bedside premorbid language proficiency assessment. eNeurologicalSci, (1), 1.
- Levy, E. S., Goral, M., & Obler, L. K. (1999). Neurolinguistic perspectives on mother tongue: Evidence from aphasia and brain imaging. Cahiers Charles V, 27(1), 141-157.
- Love, T., Nichol, J., Swinney, D., et al. (1998). The nature of aberrant understanding and processing of pro-forms by brain-damaged populations. Brain and Language, 65(1), 59-62.
- Martinez-Ferreiro, S., Bastiaanse, R., & Boye, K. (2020). Functional and usage-based approaches to aphasia: The grammatical-lexical distinction and the role of frequency. Aphasiology, 34(8), 927-942.
- Martinez-Ferreiro, S., Reyes, A. F., & Bastiaanse, R. (2017). Overcoming discourse-linking difficulties in aphasia: The case of clitic pronouns. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 31(6), 459-477.
- Muñoz, M. L., & Marquardt, T. P. (2004). The influence of language context on lexical retrieval in the discourse of bilingual speakers with aphasia. Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders, 2(1), 1-17.
- Paradis, M. (1977). Studies in neurolinguistics: Bilingualism and aphasia. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Paradis, M. (1983). Readings on aphasia in bilinguals and polyglots. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 1, 209-222.
- Paradis, M. (1995). Aspects of bilingual aphasia: Introduction: The need for distinctions. Oxford UK: Pergamon Press.
- Paradis, M. (2001). The need for awareness of aphasia symptoms in different languages. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 14(2-4), 85-91.
- Paradis, M. (2004). A neurolinguistic theory of bilingualism. John Benjamins Publishing.
- Pearce, J. M. (2005). A note on aphasia in bilingual patients: Pitres’ and Ribot’s laws. European Journal of Neurology, 54(3), 127-131.
- Rigalleau, F., & Caplan, D. (2004). A deficit of automatic pronominal coindexation in aphasic patients. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 17(2-3), 181-213.
- Ruigendijk, E., Vasić, N., & Avrutin, S. (year). Reference assignment: Using language breakdown to choose between theoretical approaches. Brain and Language, 96(3), 302-317.
- Sebastian, R., Kiran, S., & Sandberg, C. (2012). Semantic processing in Spanish–English bilinguals with aphasia. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 25(4), 240-262.
- Thompson, C. K., & Choy, J. J. (2009). Pronominal resolution and gap filling in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from eye movements. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 38(3), 255-283.
- Toğram, B., & Maviş, İ. (2012). Validity, reliability and standardization study of the Language Assessment Test for Aphasia. Türk Nöroloji Dergisi, 18(3), 96–103.
- Tschirren, M., Laganaro, M., Michel, P., et al. (2011). Language and syntactic impairment following stroke in late bilingual aphasics. Brain and Language, 119(3), 238-242.
- Weekes, B. S. (2010). Issues in bilingual aphasia: An introduction. Aphasiology, 24(2), 123-125.