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Three dimensional comparison of maxillary sinus volume in patients with and without posterior crossbite Maxillary sinus volume

Year 2013, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 1 - 8, 01.06.2013


Background: To compare the maxillary sinus (MS) volumes of the patients’ with and without
posterior crossbite (PCB).
Method: The CBCT scans of 2 groups were studied: (1) 50 patients (mean age: 14.39±1.32
years)without posterior crossbite (NCB); (2) 24 patients (mean age: 14.15±1.53 years) with PCB.
After the volume calculation with using Dolphin 11.0 (Dolphin Imaging, Chatsworth, Calif,
USA) software, paired sample t test was used to compare the differences between the right and left
maxillary sinus volume of each group. Independent sample t test was used to identify the left, right
and mean maxillary sinus volume differences between groups.
There were 372 individuals included in the study, ranging from ages 12-79, who were divided into
seven groups according to age: 12-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79. CPITN values in
each group were included. In addition, the level of education, frequency of brushing, and the oral
appliances used in dental care were recorded.
Results: No significant differences were observed between right and left maxillary sinus volume for
each group (p> .05). Right, left and mean maxillary sinus volume calculated from PCB group was
found significantly lower than those calculated from NCB group (p< .01).
Conclusion: Right, left and mean MS volumes of PCB patients’ were significantly lower than NCB


  • Emirzeoglu M, Sahin B, Bilgic S, Celebi M, Uzun A. (2007). Volumetric evaluation of the paranasal sinuses in normal subjects using computer tomography images: a stereological study. Auris Nasus Larynx. 34:191-5.
  • Anagnostopoulou S, Venieratos D, Spyropoulos N. (1991). Classification of human maxillary sinuses according to their geometric features. Anat Anz. 173:121–30.
  • Jun BC, Song SW, Park CS, Lee DH, Cho KJ, Cho JH. (2005). The analysis of maxillary sinus aeration according to aging process; volume assessment by 3-dimensional reconstruction by high-resolutional CT scanning. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 132:429-34.
  • Sanchez Fernandez JM, Anta Escuredo JA, Sanchez Del Rey A, Montoya FS. Morphometric study of the paranasal sinuses in normal and pathological conditions. (2000) Acta Otolaryngol. 120:273–8.
  • Lund VJ. (1997). Anatomy of the nose and paranasal sinuses. In: Kerr AG, ed. Scott Brown’s Otolaryngology. 6th ed. 1/5/1-29.
  • Graney DO, Rice DH. Anatomy. In: Cummings CW, Fredrickson JM, Harker LA, Krause CJ, Schuller DE. (1993)
  • Otolaryngology: head and neck surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book. 901–6. Egermark-Eriksson I, Carlsson GE, Magnusson T, Thilander B. (1990) A longitudinal study on malocclusion in relation to signs and symptoms of cranio-mandibular disorders in children and adolescents. Eur J Orthod. 12:399–407.
  • Isaacson JD, Ledley RS. Tooth Statics. (1964) J Am Dent Assoc. 69: 805–807.
  • Linder-Aronson S. (1970). Adenoids. Their effects on mode of breathing and nasal airflow and their relationships to characteristics of the facial skeleton and the dentition. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 265:1–132.
  • Peltomaki T. (2007). The effect of mode of breathing on craniofacial growth: revisited. Eur J Orthod. 29: 426–429.
  • Bresolin D, Shapiro GG, Shapiro PA, Dassel SW, Furukawa CT, Pierson WE, Chapko M, Bierman CW. (1984)
  • Facial characteristics of children who breath through the mouth. Pediatrics. 73:622–625. Oktay H. The study of the maxillary sinus areas in different orthodontic malocclusions. (1992) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 102:143-5.
  • Ariji Y, Kuroki T, Moriguchi S, Ariji E, Kanda S. (1994) Age changes in the volume of the human maxillary sinus: a study using computed tomography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 23: 163-68.
  • Schlueter BA. (2007) Cone Beam Computed Tomography Threedimensional Reconstruction for Evaluation of the Mandibular Condyle [thesis]. St Louis, Mo: Saint Louis University.
  • Ludlow JB, Ivanovic M. (2008) Comparative dosimetry of dental CBCT devices and 64-slice CT for oral and maxillofacial radiology. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 106:106-14.
  • Park IH, Song JS, Choi H, Kim TH, Hoon S, Lee SH, Lee HM. (2010) Volumetric study in the development of paranasal sinuses by CT imaging in Asian: a pilot study. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 74:1347-50.
  • Cho SH, Kim TH, Kim KR, Lee JM, Lee DK, Kim JH, Im JJ, Park CJ, Hwang KG. (2010) Factors for maxillary sinus volume and craniofacial anatomical features in adults with chronic rhinosinusitis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 136:610-5.
  • Kutin G, Hawes R. (1969) Posterior crossbites in the deciduous and mixed dentitions. Am J Orthod. 56:491–504.
  • Bargbrouth G, Prior JO, Lepori D, Duvoisin B, Schnyder P, Gudinchet F. (2002) Paranasal sinuses in children: size evaluation of maxillary, sphenoid and frontal sinuses by magnetic resonance imaging and proposal of volume index percentile curves. Eur Radiol. 12:1451–8.
  • Sahlstrand-Johnson P, Jannert M, Strömbeck A, Abul-Kasim K. (2011) Computed tomography measurements of different dimensions of maxillary and frontal sinuses. BMC Med Imaging. 5;1-8.
  • Kim HY, Kim MB, Dhong HJ, Jung YG, Min JY, Chung SK, Lee HJ, Chung SC, Ryu NG. (2008)Changes of maxillary sinus volume and bony thickness of the paranasal sinuses in longstanding pediatric chronic rhinosinusitis. Int
  • J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 72:103-8. Kawarai Y, Fukushima K, Ogawa T, Nishizaki K, Gunduz M, Fujimoto M, Masuda Y. (1999) Volume quantification of healthy paranasal cavity by three-dimensional CT imaging. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 540:45-9.
  • Kirmeier R, Arnetzl C, Robl T, Payer M, Lorenzoni M, Jakse N. (2011) Reproducibility of volumetric measurements on maxillary sinuses. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 40:195-9.
  • Teke HY, Duran S, Canturk N, Canturk G. (2007) Determination of gender by measuring the size of the maxillary sinuses in computerized tomography scans. Surg Radiol Anat. 29:9-13.
  • A Taguchi, Y Suei, M Ohtsuka, K Otani, K Tanimoto,L G Hollender. (1999) Relationship between bone mineral density and tooth loss in elderly Japanese women. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol.28:219-223.
  • Kossowska EC, Gasik C. (1976) Results of surgical treatment of choanal atresia. Rhinology. 17:155-60.
  • Constantine J, George P, Ekonomides J, Dratsa J. (1994) The effect of hypertrophic adenoids and tonsils on the development of posterior cross bite and oral habits. J Clinic Pediat Dent. 18: 197–201.
  • Solow B, Siersbaek-Nielsen S, Greve E. (1984) Airway adequacy, head posture, and craniofacial morphology. Am J Orthod 86:214-23.
  • Moss ML. (1962)The functional matrix: functional cranial components. In: Kraus B, Riedel R, editors. Vistas in orthodontics. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger. 85-90.
  • Kikuchi M. (2005) Orthodontic treatment in children to prevent sleep-disordered breathing in adulthood. Sleep Breath. 9:146-58.
  • Guimarães RE, Dos Anjos GC, Becker CG, Becker HM, Crosara PF, Galvão CP. (2007) Absence of nasal air flow and maxillary sinus development. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 73:161-4.
  • Apuhan T, Yıldırım YS, Özaslan H. (2011) The developmental relation between adenoid tissue and paranasal sinus volumes in 3-dimensional computed tomography assessment. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 144:964-71.
  • Lusk RP, Stankiewicz JA. (1997) Pediatric rhinosinusitis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 117:53-57.
Year 2013, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 1 - 8, 01.06.2013



  • Emirzeoglu M, Sahin B, Bilgic S, Celebi M, Uzun A. (2007). Volumetric evaluation of the paranasal sinuses in normal subjects using computer tomography images: a stereological study. Auris Nasus Larynx. 34:191-5.
  • Anagnostopoulou S, Venieratos D, Spyropoulos N. (1991). Classification of human maxillary sinuses according to their geometric features. Anat Anz. 173:121–30.
  • Jun BC, Song SW, Park CS, Lee DH, Cho KJ, Cho JH. (2005). The analysis of maxillary sinus aeration according to aging process; volume assessment by 3-dimensional reconstruction by high-resolutional CT scanning. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 132:429-34.
  • Sanchez Fernandez JM, Anta Escuredo JA, Sanchez Del Rey A, Montoya FS. Morphometric study of the paranasal sinuses in normal and pathological conditions. (2000) Acta Otolaryngol. 120:273–8.
  • Lund VJ. (1997). Anatomy of the nose and paranasal sinuses. In: Kerr AG, ed. Scott Brown’s Otolaryngology. 6th ed. 1/5/1-29.
  • Graney DO, Rice DH. Anatomy. In: Cummings CW, Fredrickson JM, Harker LA, Krause CJ, Schuller DE. (1993)
  • Otolaryngology: head and neck surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book. 901–6. Egermark-Eriksson I, Carlsson GE, Magnusson T, Thilander B. (1990) A longitudinal study on malocclusion in relation to signs and symptoms of cranio-mandibular disorders in children and adolescents. Eur J Orthod. 12:399–407.
  • Isaacson JD, Ledley RS. Tooth Statics. (1964) J Am Dent Assoc. 69: 805–807.
  • Linder-Aronson S. (1970). Adenoids. Their effects on mode of breathing and nasal airflow and their relationships to characteristics of the facial skeleton and the dentition. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 265:1–132.
  • Peltomaki T. (2007). The effect of mode of breathing on craniofacial growth: revisited. Eur J Orthod. 29: 426–429.
  • Bresolin D, Shapiro GG, Shapiro PA, Dassel SW, Furukawa CT, Pierson WE, Chapko M, Bierman CW. (1984)
  • Facial characteristics of children who breath through the mouth. Pediatrics. 73:622–625. Oktay H. The study of the maxillary sinus areas in different orthodontic malocclusions. (1992) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 102:143-5.
  • Ariji Y, Kuroki T, Moriguchi S, Ariji E, Kanda S. (1994) Age changes in the volume of the human maxillary sinus: a study using computed tomography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 23: 163-68.
  • Schlueter BA. (2007) Cone Beam Computed Tomography Threedimensional Reconstruction for Evaluation of the Mandibular Condyle [thesis]. St Louis, Mo: Saint Louis University.
  • Ludlow JB, Ivanovic M. (2008) Comparative dosimetry of dental CBCT devices and 64-slice CT for oral and maxillofacial radiology. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 106:106-14.
  • Park IH, Song JS, Choi H, Kim TH, Hoon S, Lee SH, Lee HM. (2010) Volumetric study in the development of paranasal sinuses by CT imaging in Asian: a pilot study. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 74:1347-50.
  • Cho SH, Kim TH, Kim KR, Lee JM, Lee DK, Kim JH, Im JJ, Park CJ, Hwang KG. (2010) Factors for maxillary sinus volume and craniofacial anatomical features in adults with chronic rhinosinusitis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 136:610-5.
  • Kutin G, Hawes R. (1969) Posterior crossbites in the deciduous and mixed dentitions. Am J Orthod. 56:491–504.
  • Bargbrouth G, Prior JO, Lepori D, Duvoisin B, Schnyder P, Gudinchet F. (2002) Paranasal sinuses in children: size evaluation of maxillary, sphenoid and frontal sinuses by magnetic resonance imaging and proposal of volume index percentile curves. Eur Radiol. 12:1451–8.
  • Sahlstrand-Johnson P, Jannert M, Strömbeck A, Abul-Kasim K. (2011) Computed tomography measurements of different dimensions of maxillary and frontal sinuses. BMC Med Imaging. 5;1-8.
  • Kim HY, Kim MB, Dhong HJ, Jung YG, Min JY, Chung SK, Lee HJ, Chung SC, Ryu NG. (2008)Changes of maxillary sinus volume and bony thickness of the paranasal sinuses in longstanding pediatric chronic rhinosinusitis. Int
  • J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 72:103-8. Kawarai Y, Fukushima K, Ogawa T, Nishizaki K, Gunduz M, Fujimoto M, Masuda Y. (1999) Volume quantification of healthy paranasal cavity by three-dimensional CT imaging. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 540:45-9.
  • Kirmeier R, Arnetzl C, Robl T, Payer M, Lorenzoni M, Jakse N. (2011) Reproducibility of volumetric measurements on maxillary sinuses. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 40:195-9.
  • Teke HY, Duran S, Canturk N, Canturk G. (2007) Determination of gender by measuring the size of the maxillary sinuses in computerized tomography scans. Surg Radiol Anat. 29:9-13.
  • A Taguchi, Y Suei, M Ohtsuka, K Otani, K Tanimoto,L G Hollender. (1999) Relationship between bone mineral density and tooth loss in elderly Japanese women. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol.28:219-223.
  • Kossowska EC, Gasik C. (1976) Results of surgical treatment of choanal atresia. Rhinology. 17:155-60.
  • Constantine J, George P, Ekonomides J, Dratsa J. (1994) The effect of hypertrophic adenoids and tonsils on the development of posterior cross bite and oral habits. J Clinic Pediat Dent. 18: 197–201.
  • Solow B, Siersbaek-Nielsen S, Greve E. (1984) Airway adequacy, head posture, and craniofacial morphology. Am J Orthod 86:214-23.
  • Moss ML. (1962)The functional matrix: functional cranial components. In: Kraus B, Riedel R, editors. Vistas in orthodontics. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger. 85-90.
  • Kikuchi M. (2005) Orthodontic treatment in children to prevent sleep-disordered breathing in adulthood. Sleep Breath. 9:146-58.
  • Guimarães RE, Dos Anjos GC, Becker CG, Becker HM, Crosara PF, Galvão CP. (2007) Absence of nasal air flow and maxillary sinus development. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 73:161-4.
  • Apuhan T, Yıldırım YS, Özaslan H. (2011) The developmental relation between adenoid tissue and paranasal sinus volumes in 3-dimensional computed tomography assessment. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 144:964-71.
  • Lusk RP, Stankiewicz JA. (1997) Pediatric rhinosinusitis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 117:53-57.
There are 33 citations in total.


Other ID JA34ZF45ZJ
Journal Section Research

Atılım Akkurt This is me

Mehmet Doğru This is me

Seyit Hekimoğlu This is me

İrfan Karadede This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Akkurt, A., Doğru, M., Hekimoğlu, S., Karadede, İ. (2013). Three dimensional comparison of maxillary sinus volume in patients with and without posterior crossbite Maxillary sinus volume. International Archives of Medical Research, 5(1), 1-8.
AMA Akkurt A, Doğru M, Hekimoğlu S, Karadede İ. Three dimensional comparison of maxillary sinus volume in patients with and without posterior crossbite Maxillary sinus volume. IAMR. June 2013;5(1):1-8.
Chicago Akkurt, Atılım, Mehmet Doğru, Seyit Hekimoğlu, and İrfan Karadede. “Three Dimensional Comparison of Maxillary Sinus Volume in Patients With and Without Posterior Crossbite Maxillary Sinus Volume”. International Archives of Medical Research 5, no. 1 (June 2013): 1-8.
EndNote Akkurt A, Doğru M, Hekimoğlu S, Karadede İ (June 1, 2013) Three dimensional comparison of maxillary sinus volume in patients with and without posterior crossbite Maxillary sinus volume. International Archives of Medical Research 5 1 1–8.
IEEE A. Akkurt, M. Doğru, S. Hekimoğlu, and İ. Karadede, “Three dimensional comparison of maxillary sinus volume in patients with and without posterior crossbite Maxillary sinus volume”, IAMR, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–8, 2013.
ISNAD Akkurt, Atılım et al. “Three Dimensional Comparison of Maxillary Sinus Volume in Patients With and Without Posterior Crossbite Maxillary Sinus Volume”. International Archives of Medical Research 5/1 (June 2013), 1-8.
JAMA Akkurt A, Doğru M, Hekimoğlu S, Karadede İ. Three dimensional comparison of maxillary sinus volume in patients with and without posterior crossbite Maxillary sinus volume. IAMR. 2013;5:1–8.
MLA Akkurt, Atılım et al. “Three Dimensional Comparison of Maxillary Sinus Volume in Patients With and Without Posterior Crossbite Maxillary Sinus Volume”. International Archives of Medical Research, vol. 5, no. 1, 2013, pp. 1-8.
Vancouver Akkurt A, Doğru M, Hekimoğlu S, Karadede İ. Three dimensional comparison of maxillary sinus volume in patients with and without posterior crossbite Maxillary sinus volume. IAMR. 2013;5(1):1-8.

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