Research Article
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The 2008-2009 Gambia Inquisition: Old Wine in a New Bottle

Year 2024, Issue: 4, 51 - 82, 16.01.2025


This article examines an inquisition order issued by a former president of The Gambia, who hired witch-finders to eradicate alleged wizardry within the country. It presents a legal analysis, drawing comparisons with historical experiences from Europe, Africa, and Colonial America. The Age of Reason influenced the development of the English Law of Evidence, ultimately leading to the cessation of witchcraft inquisitions in England. However, this legal and ideological shift did not extend to colonial and postcolonial African states, largely because of distinct sociological factors. Consequently, the repugnancy clause in English law is inappropriate for addressing witchcraft-related cases in African contexts. The Gambian President’s actions, similar to the European and Colonial American witch-hunts in the past, were driven by ulterior motives that prioritized personal authority over the rule of law. This dynamic, coupled with the complicity of state agencies, has undermined the constitutional framework. The analysis shows that practices conflicting with constitutional principles render any legislative or judicial endorsement of such practices unconstitutional. By bypassing existing legal frameworks, the President’s approach mirrored the European inquisitions of the Mediaeval Era. This study underscores the importance of reevaluating African history through indigenous perspectives to develop alternative approaches to contemporary challenges, such as witchcraft accusations, while addressing the broader implications of historical legacies.


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  • Bongmba, E. K. (2007). Witchcraft and the Christian Church: Ethical Implications. In G. T. Haar (Ed.), Imagining Evil: Witchcraft Beliefs and Accusations in Contemporary Africa, , (pp:113-142). Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press. google scholar
  • Bonhomme, J. (2013). Anti-Witchcraft Movements in Africa. In D.A. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans. D. McAdam (eds.), Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, Wiley-Blackwell. google scholar
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  • Danfulani, U.H.D. (2007). Anger as a Metaphor of Witchcraft: the relation between Magic, Witchcraft and Divination among the Mupun of Nigeria. In G. T. Haar (Ed.), Imagining Evil: Witchcraft Beliefs and Accusations in Contemporary Africa, , (pp:141-184). Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press. google scholar
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  • Hallowell, A. I. (1960). Ojibway ontology, behaviour, and world view. In S. Diamond (Ed.), Culture in history: essays in honour of Paul Radin. New York; Columbia University Press. google scholar
  • Heagney, M. (2014). Worth a Volume of Logic: The Study of Legal History at the Law School. https:// google scholar
  • Hiebert, P. G., Daniel S. and Tite Tienou (1999). Understanding Folk Religion: A Christian Response to Popular Beliefs and Practices. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. https://digitalcommons.andrews. edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?params=/context/dmin/article/1304/andpath_info=Gumbo_Festus_Felix.pdf google scholar
  • Hughes and Perfect (2006). A PoliticalHistory of the Gambia. 1816-1994. University of Rochester Press. google scholar
  • Imwinkelried, E. J. (1992.) The Worst Evidence Principle: The Best Hypothesis as to the Logical Structure of Evidence Law, 46 University of Miami Law Review. google scholar
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  • Jobe, M. (2011). Fear Grip Suspected Gambian Witches! (Gambia). Freedom Newspaper. google scholar
  • Kamen, H. (1966). The Spanish Inquisition, New York: New American Library. google scholar
  • Kintscher, M. C. (1991). The Culpability of James VI of Scotland, later James I of England, in the North Berwick witchcraft trials of 1590-9. (Master’s Theses, San Jose State University) DOI: https://doi. org/10.31979/etd.t27u-s5f google scholar
  • Langbein, J.H., (1996). Historical Foundations of The Law Of Evidence: A View From The Ryder. Columbia Law Review. (96) 1168. Langbein_Historical_Foundations_of_Law_of_Evidence.pdf google scholar
  • Laura, L. (2016). Spanish Persecution of the 15th-17th Centuries: A Study of Discrimination Against Witches at the Local and State Levels. Departmental Honors Projects. 51. https://digitalcommons. google scholar
  • Lauren, De A. (2019). Witch Hunting in 16th and 17th Century England, The Histories: 8 (1) 3. https:// google scholar
  • Luna A. A. (2023). Devil in the Details: Witchcraft in Reformation England (Master of Arts dissertation, Hunter College The City University of New York. Retrieved from cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2090andcontext=hc_sas_etds google scholar
  • Macfarlane, I. and J. A. Sharpe J. A. (1999). Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England: A Regional and Comparative Study. New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Magoola, R., (2013). Engaging Witchcraft Accusations among Christians as a Vehicle of African Traditional Religious Self-Advocacy in African Context. The Asbury Journal 68 (1), 97-107 Asbury Theological Seminary. google scholar
  • Manala, M. J. (2004). Witchcraft and its impact on black African Christians: A lacuna in the ministry of the Hervormde Kerk in Suidelike Afrika HTS 60(4). google scholar
  • Marwick, M.G. (1950). Another Modern Anti-Witchcraft Movement in East Central Africa. Africa 20 (2), 100-112. google scholar
  • Mbiti, J. S. (2002). African Religions and Philosophy. Kampala: East African Educational Publishers google scholar
  • Mgbako, C. A, and Glenn, K. (2011). Witchcraft Accusations and Human Rights: Case Studies from Malawi, 43, 389. The George Washington International Law review google scholar
  • Monter, W. (1990). Frontiers of Heresy: The Spanish Inquisition from the Basque Lands to Sicily, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Mutungi, O. K. (1971). Witchcraft and the Criminal Law in East Africa, 5 Valparaiso University Law Review. 524. google scholar
  • News 24 (2011). Jammeh: Only God can remove me from power. jammeh-only-god-can-remove-me-from-power-20111121 google scholar
  • News 24 (2009). ‘Police took part in witch hunt’. google scholar
  • Okon, E. E., (2012). African World-View and the Challenge of Witchcraft. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (10) 68-76. google scholar
  • Onongha. K. (2017). African Pentecostalism and Its Relationship to Witchcraft Beliefs and Accusations: Biblical Responses to a Pernicious Problem Confronting the Adventist Church. Africa Journal of Adventist Mission Studies,13 (1), 6. google scholar
  • Penny, D. (2022). Gambia under Yahya Jammeh: Witch hunts, PTSD and veiled faces. com/news/world-africa-61650362 google scholar
  • Perrone, L. J. (2008). The Fundamental and Natural Law ‘Repugnant Review’ Origins of Judicial Review: A Synergy of early English Corporate Law with Notions of Fundamental and Natural Law, 23 Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law. 61. vol23/iss1/ google scholar
  • Park, M. (1858). Travels into the Interior of Africa. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black. google scholar
  • Parker, J, (2004). Witchcraft, anti-witchcraft and trans-regional ritual innovation in early colonial Ghana: Sakrabundi and Aberewa, 1889 -1910 Journal of African History, 45 (2004), pp. 393-420. DOI:10.1017/S002185370400951X google scholar
  • Peel, E. and Southern, P. (1969) The trials of the Lancaster Witches: A story of the seventeenth Century Witchcraft. New York: Taplinger Publishing Company. google scholar
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  • Richards, A.I. (1935). A modern movement of witch-finders. Africa 8(4), 448-461. google scholar
  • Sangende, G., (2020). Abedinego Kapeshi and Another v The People SCZ Selected Judgment No. 35 Of 2017,” SAIPAR Case Review: 3 (1), 10. google scholar
  • Shearer, K. S. (2016). King James’ Daemonologie and Scottish Witchcraft Trials” (2016). All Master’s Theses. (Central Washington University) 378. google scholar
  • South Africa Law Review Commission (2022). The review of the witchcraft suppression act 3 of 1957 google scholar
  • Stabell, T., (2010). The Modernity of Witchcraft’ and the Gospel in Africa. Missiology 38(4), 460. google scholar
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  • The New York Times (2009). Witch Hunts and Foul Potions Heighten Fear of Leader in Gambia. https:// google scholar
  • The Sunday Morning Hearld (2009). Hundreds ‘seized in Gambian witch-hunts’ au/world/hundreds-seized-in-gambian-witchhunts-20090318-91vv.html google scholar
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  • U.S. Department of State (2023). 2023 Report on International Religious Freedom: The Gambia. https:// google scholar
  • Vaughan, L. Marie (2003). Convivencia: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Medieval Spain. Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. google scholar
  • Willis, R. (1970) Instant millennium: the sociology of African witch-cleansing cults. In: Douglas, M. (ed.) Witchcraft Confessions and Accusations. Londen: Tavistock. google scholar
  • Wigington, P. (2024). Is Witchcraft a Religion? google scholar
Year 2024, Issue: 4, 51 - 82, 16.01.2025



  • Akrong, A. (2007). A Phenomenology of Witchcraft in Ghana. In G. T. Haar (Ed.), Imagining Evil: Witchcraft Beliefs and Accusations in Contemporary Africa, (pp: 53-66). Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press. google scholar
  • Amnesty International. (2009). Fear of torture or other ill-treatment/ possible unfair trial (2009). https:// google scholar
  • Amnesty International. (2009b). The Gambia: Hundreds accused of “witchcraft” and poisoned in government campaign. google scholar
  • Balandier, G. (1953). Messianismes et Nationalismes en Afrique Noire. Cahiers internationaux de sociologie 14, 41-65. google scholar
  • Bauer, B. L. (2017). Cultural Foundations for Fear of Witchcraft in Africa. Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, 13(1), 2. cgi?article=1353andcontext=jams google scholar
  • Beatty, K. J. (1915). Human Leopards An Account Of The Trials Of Human Leopards Before The Special Commission Court; With A Note On Sierra Leone, Past And Present. London: H. Rees. google scholar
  • Bernard, G. N., and Dickson N. K., (2014). The Impact of Magic and Witchcraft in the Social, Economic, Political and Spiritual Life of African Communities. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 1(5), 9-18. google scholar
  • Black, C. (1968). Black’s Law Dictionary. 4th Edition. St. Paul, Minn: West Publishing Co. google scholar
  • Bongmba, E. K. (2007). Witchcraft and the Christian Church: Ethical Implications. In G. T. Haar (Ed.), Imagining Evil: Witchcraft Beliefs and Accusations in Contemporary Africa, , (pp:113-142). Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press. google scholar
  • Bonhomme, J. (2013). Anti-Witchcraft Movements in Africa. In D.A. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans. D. McAdam (eds.), Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, Wiley-Blackwell. google scholar
  • Bruce, L. B. (2017). Cultural Foundations for Fear of Witchcraft in Africa. Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, 13 (1), 2. google scholar
  • Clarke, D. (1982). Descartes’ Philosophy of Science, Manchester: Manchester University Press. google scholar
  • Danfulani, U.H.D. (2007). Anger as a Metaphor of Witchcraft: the relation between Magic, Witchcraft and Divination among the Mupun of Nigeria. In G. T. Haar (Ed.), Imagining Evil: Witchcraft Beliefs and Accusations in Contemporary Africa, , (pp:141-184). Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press. google scholar
  • David, A. (1959). Belief in ‘Witches’ among the Rural Wolof of The Gambia. Journal of the International African Institute, 29 (3), 263-273. google scholar
  • Diwan M. A. (2004). Witchcraft: Conflict with Legal Norms. AFRICA Duke Journal of Comparative And International Law, 14 (351) 354-355. google scholar
  • Durkheim, E. (1995). The Elementary Forms of ReligiousLlife. New York, The Free Press google scholar
  • Edward, P. (1988). Inquisition, New York: Free Press. google scholar
  • Fei, H-T., and Chih-I (1945). Earthbound China: a study of rural economy in Yunnan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Friends of the ESP Society (2021). Rationalism vs Empiricism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy google scholar
  • Foster, G. M. (1965). Peasant Society and the Image of Limited Good. American Anthropologist, 67. google scholar
  • Geertz, C. (1993). Religion as a cultural system. In C. Geertz (Ed.) The interpretation of cultures: selected essays, , Fontana Press. google scholar
  • Gumbo, F. F. (2008). An Adventist Missiological Response to Traditional Beliefs in Kenya (Professional Dissertation). Andrews University. google scholar
  • Hall, D. (2007). 1. The Early Cases (1638-1651). Witch-Hunting in Seventeenth-Century New England: A Documentary History 1638-1693, Second Edition (pp: 19-28). New York: Duke University Press. google scholar
  • Hallowell, A. I. (1960). Ojibway ontology, behaviour, and world view. In S. Diamond (Ed.), Culture in history: essays in honour of Paul Radin. New York; Columbia University Press. google scholar
  • Heagney, M. (2014). Worth a Volume of Logic: The Study of Legal History at the Law School. https:// google scholar
  • Hiebert, P. G., Daniel S. and Tite Tienou (1999). Understanding Folk Religion: A Christian Response to Popular Beliefs and Practices. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. https://digitalcommons.andrews. edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?params=/context/dmin/article/1304/andpath_info=Gumbo_Festus_Felix.pdf google scholar
  • Hughes and Perfect (2006). A PoliticalHistory of the Gambia. 1816-1994. University of Rochester Press. google scholar
  • Imwinkelried, E. J. (1992.) The Worst Evidence Principle: The Best Hypothesis as to the Logical Structure of Evidence Law, 46 University of Miami Law Review. google scholar
  • James, W. (1984). William James, The Essential Writings. Bruce Wilshire, ed. Albany: SUNY. google scholar
  • Jobe, M. (2011). Fear Grip Suspected Gambian Witches! (Gambia). Freedom Newspaper. google scholar
  • Kamen, H. (1966). The Spanish Inquisition, New York: New American Library. google scholar
  • Kintscher, M. C. (1991). The Culpability of James VI of Scotland, later James I of England, in the North Berwick witchcraft trials of 1590-9. (Master’s Theses, San Jose State University) DOI: https://doi. org/10.31979/etd.t27u-s5f google scholar
  • Langbein, J.H., (1996). Historical Foundations of The Law Of Evidence: A View From The Ryder. Columbia Law Review. (96) 1168. Langbein_Historical_Foundations_of_Law_of_Evidence.pdf google scholar
  • Laura, L. (2016). Spanish Persecution of the 15th-17th Centuries: A Study of Discrimination Against Witches at the Local and State Levels. Departmental Honors Projects. 51. https://digitalcommons. google scholar
  • Lauren, De A. (2019). Witch Hunting in 16th and 17th Century England, The Histories: 8 (1) 3. https:// google scholar
  • Luna A. A. (2023). Devil in the Details: Witchcraft in Reformation England (Master of Arts dissertation, Hunter College The City University of New York. Retrieved from cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2090andcontext=hc_sas_etds google scholar
  • Macfarlane, I. and J. A. Sharpe J. A. (1999). Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England: A Regional and Comparative Study. New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Magoola, R., (2013). Engaging Witchcraft Accusations among Christians as a Vehicle of African Traditional Religious Self-Advocacy in African Context. The Asbury Journal 68 (1), 97-107 Asbury Theological Seminary. google scholar
  • Manala, M. J. (2004). Witchcraft and its impact on black African Christians: A lacuna in the ministry of the Hervormde Kerk in Suidelike Afrika HTS 60(4). google scholar
  • Marwick, M.G. (1950). Another Modern Anti-Witchcraft Movement in East Central Africa. Africa 20 (2), 100-112. google scholar
  • Mbiti, J. S. (2002). African Religions and Philosophy. Kampala: East African Educational Publishers google scholar
  • Mgbako, C. A, and Glenn, K. (2011). Witchcraft Accusations and Human Rights: Case Studies from Malawi, 43, 389. The George Washington International Law review google scholar
  • Monter, W. (1990). Frontiers of Heresy: The Spanish Inquisition from the Basque Lands to Sicily, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Mutungi, O. K. (1971). Witchcraft and the Criminal Law in East Africa, 5 Valparaiso University Law Review. 524. google scholar
  • News 24 (2011). Jammeh: Only God can remove me from power. jammeh-only-god-can-remove-me-from-power-20111121 google scholar
  • News 24 (2009). ‘Police took part in witch hunt’. google scholar
  • Okon, E. E., (2012). African World-View and the Challenge of Witchcraft. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (10) 68-76. google scholar
  • Onongha. K. (2017). African Pentecostalism and Its Relationship to Witchcraft Beliefs and Accusations: Biblical Responses to a Pernicious Problem Confronting the Adventist Church. Africa Journal of Adventist Mission Studies,13 (1), 6. google scholar
  • Penny, D. (2022). Gambia under Yahya Jammeh: Witch hunts, PTSD and veiled faces. com/news/world-africa-61650362 google scholar
  • Perrone, L. J. (2008). The Fundamental and Natural Law ‘Repugnant Review’ Origins of Judicial Review: A Synergy of early English Corporate Law with Notions of Fundamental and Natural Law, 23 Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law. 61. vol23/iss1/ google scholar
  • Park, M. (1858). Travels into the Interior of Africa. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black. google scholar
  • Parker, J, (2004). Witchcraft, anti-witchcraft and trans-regional ritual innovation in early colonial Ghana: Sakrabundi and Aberewa, 1889 -1910 Journal of African History, 45 (2004), pp. 393-420. DOI:10.1017/S002185370400951X google scholar
  • Peel, E. and Southern, P. (1969) The trials of the Lancaster Witches: A story of the seventeenth Century Witchcraft. New York: Taplinger Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Podvia, M. W. (Undated). Witchcraft Laws and Trials: A brief timeline. google scholar
  • Reuters (2009). Up to 1,000 detained in Gambia witch hunt: Amnesty. lifestyle/up-to-1-000-detained-in-gambia-witch-hunt-amnesty-idUSTRE52H6G1/ google scholar
  • Richards, A.I. (1935). A modern movement of witch-finders. Africa 8(4), 448-461. google scholar
  • Sangende, G., (2020). Abedinego Kapeshi and Another v The People SCZ Selected Judgment No. 35 Of 2017,” SAIPAR Case Review: 3 (1), 10. google scholar
  • Shearer, K. S. (2016). King James’ Daemonologie and Scottish Witchcraft Trials” (2016). All Master’s Theses. (Central Washington University) 378. google scholar
  • South Africa Law Review Commission (2022). The review of the witchcraft suppression act 3 of 1957 google scholar
  • Stabell, T., (2010). The Modernity of Witchcraft’ and the Gospel in Africa. Missiology 38(4), 460. google scholar
  • Taylor, E. B. (1920). Primitive Culture Researches into The Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Language, Art, and Custom. London: John Murray. google scholar
  • The Guardian (2009). Gambian state kidnaps 1,000 villagers in mass purge of ‘witchcraft’. com/h?q=Gambian+state+kidnaps+1%2C000+villagers+in+mass+purge+of+%27witchcraft%27an doq=Gambian+state+kidnaps+1%2C000+villagers+in+mass+purge+of+%27witchcraft%27andgs_ ARBFGD3SAQo1MTU2MDdqMGo0qAIAsAIAandsourceid=chromeandie=UTF-8 google scholar
  • The Nation Newspaper (2009). Hundreds kidnapped in Gambian witch-hunts. pk/19-Mar-2009/hundreds-kidnapped-in-gambian-witchhunts google scholar
  • The New York Times (2009). Witch Hunts and Foul Potions Heighten Fear of Leader in Gambia. https:// google scholar
  • The Sunday Morning Hearld (2009). Hundreds ‘seized in Gambian witch-hunts’ au/world/hundreds-seized-in-gambian-witchhunts-20090318-91vv.html google scholar
  • United Democratic party (2009). Press Release. asp?ARCHIVE=trueandTOPIC_ID=7278 google scholar
  • U. K. Parliament (undated) (Witch-hunting) transformingsociety/private lives/religion/overview/witchcraft/ google scholar
  • U.S. Department of State (2023). 2023 Report on International Religious Freedom: The Gambia. https:// google scholar
  • Vaughan, L. Marie (2003). Convivencia: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Medieval Spain. Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. google scholar
  • Willis, R. (1970) Instant millennium: the sociology of African witch-cleansing cults. In: Douglas, M. (ed.) Witchcraft Confessions and Accusations. Londen: Tavistock. google scholar
  • Wigington, P. (2024). Is Witchcraft a Religion? google scholar
There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cultural Anthropology
Journal Section Research Articles

Akpojevbe Omasanjuwa 0000-0002-8005-3924

Publication Date January 16, 2025
Submission Date September 14, 2024
Acceptance Date December 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 4


APA Omasanjuwa, A. (2025). The 2008-2009 Gambia Inquisition: Old Wine in a New Bottle. Istanbul Anthropological Review(4), 51-82.