Life Satisfaction in Aging in Place
Year 2024,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 364 - 376, 15.12.2024
Ahmed Hamza Alpay
İhsan Çapcıoğlu
To understand the ambiguous conditions of participation that underpin ageing in place, the concept is a stronger argument in advocacy gerontology. The claim that different principles are embedded in the social dynamics of ageing in place lends itself to unilateral entrepreneurial efforts focused on action. The impact of the content of life satisfaction on establishing an alternative of an absolute nature and generating new ideas stems from the desire to show the culture of a group in detail. Resources to enable accessible language in reference to the full spectrum of the inherently fallible nature of social consciousness are nuanced by an emphasis on social transition. A number of hypotheses are formulated that focus on one level of proposition as the correct one to delimit cognitive categories in aging in place. As life satisfaction development is tracked, the ability to choose provides justifications for the standards themselves. This ability to choose, which guides life satisfaction behaviors, should be able to offer possible solutions to link cognitive categories and social dynamics at certain ages. Participants in existing processes of this linkage may occupy a strong position at opposite ends of the spectrum of aging in place views. In this article, a more aspirational framework of ageing in place questions how similar issues should be revised in important respects related to the production of life satisfaction.
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- Bailey, Cara L. Understanding the Meaning of Community Engagement for Aging in Place within a Social Capital Framework. Virginia: Virginia State University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Doktora Tezi, 2007.
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- Bowling, Ann. Ageing Well : Quality of Life in Old Age. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education, 2005.
- Bužgová, Radka vd. “Predictors of Life Satisfaction in Elders Living at Home in the Czech Republic”. Plos One 18/3 (2023), 1-12. 10.1371/journal.pone.0283772
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- Chaulagain, Suja vd. “What Matters, and What Matters Most? Exploring Resident Satisfaction in Continuing Care Retirement Communities”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34/7 (2022), 2472-2495.
- Chicoine, Jean L. The Essence of Aging in Place for Unmarried Elderly Women of Diverse Backgrounds: A Phenomenological Study. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska, Faculty of the Graduate College, Doktora Tezi, 2003.
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- Choi, Byoung Kwon-Nae, Eun Young. “When Career Success Enhances Employees' Life Satisfaction: Different Effects of Two Types of Goal Orientations”. Personnel Review 51/1 (2022), 335-352.
- Chummar, Sheryl vd. “Exploring the Differential Impact of Work Passion on Life Satisfaction and Job Performance Via the Work–Family Interface”. Personnel Review 48/5 (2019), 1100-1119.
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- Jeon, Ki Seok-Choi, Byoung Kwon. “Workplace Spirituality, Organizational Commitment and Life Satisfaction: the Moderating Role of Religious Affiliation”. Journal of Organizational Change Management 34/5 (2021), 1125-1143.
- Kang, Weixi. “Personality Traits Predict Life Satisfaction in Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Patients”. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11/21 (2022), 1-8. 10.3390/jcm11216312
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- Lavery, Angela L. Aging in Place: Perceptions of Older Adults on Low Income Housing Waitlists. Denver: University of Denver, Faculty of the Graduate School of Social Work, Doktora Tezi, 2015.
- Lazarus, Richard S.-Lazarus, Bernice N. Coping with Aging. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
- McFadden, Erica S. Aging in Place or Aging and Displaced? A Multi-Site Comparative Case Study of Power, Subjectivity, and Community Resiliency in Public Housing Governance. Arizona: Arizona State University, Doktora Tezi, 2014.
- Morgan, Leslie A.-Kunkel, Suzanne R. Aging, Society, and the Life Course. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, Fifth Edition, 2016.
- Powell, Jason L. Rethinking Aging : Foucault, Victims and Death. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2017.
- Rathi, Neerpal-Lee, Kidong. “Understanding the Role of Supervisor Support in Retaining Employees and Enhancing their Satisfaction with Life”. Personnel Review 46/8 (2017), 1605-1619.
- Rojas, Mariano-Watkins-Fassler, Karen. “Religious Practice and Life Satisfaction: A Domains of Life Approach”. Journal of Happiness Studies 23/5 (2022), 2349-2369.
- Sharma, Ritu vd. “Life Satisfaction of Youth Residing in Rural and Urban Areas: A Comparative Study”. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology 14/1 (2023), 35-38.
- Stuart-Hamilton, Ian. The Psychology of Ageing : An Introduction. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, (Vol. 5th ed), 2012.
- Timonen, Virpi. Ageing Societies : A Comparative Introduction. Maidenhead, England: McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.
- Ward, Russell A. vd. The Environment for Aging : Interpersonal, Social, and Spatial Contexts. Tuscaloosa:
University Alabama Press, 1988.
- Whitbourne, Susan Krauss. The Aging Individual : Physical and Psychological Perspectives. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2nd Edition, 2002.
- Yang Zhong, Jing-Mitchell, Vincent-Wayne. “When Having is Not Enough: Implications of Being Satisfied”.
European Journal of Marketing 47/(11/12) (2013), 1975-2001.
- Youdin, Robert. Psychology of Aging 101. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2016.
Yerinde Yaşlanmada Yaşam Doyumu
Year 2024,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 364 - 376, 15.12.2024
Ahmed Hamza Alpay
İhsan Çapcıoğlu
Yerinde yaşlanmanın temelini oluşturan muğlak katılım koşullarını anlamak için kavram savunma gerontolojide daha güçlü bir tezdir. Yerinde yaşlanmanın sosyal dinamiklerinde farklı ilkelerin gömülü olduğu iddiası eyleme odaklanan tek taraflı girişimcilik çabalarına elverişlidir. Yaşam doyumu içeriklerinin mutlak nitelikte bir alternatif kurma ve yeni fikirler üretme üzerindeki etkisi; bir grubun kültürünü ayrıntılı olarak gösterme arzusundan kaynaklanır. Sosyal bilincin doğası gereği yanılabilir tüm yelpazesine atıfta erişilebilir bir dile olanak sağlayacak kaynaklar sosyal geçişin vurgulanmasıyla nüanslandırılmıştır. Yerinde yaşlanmada bilişsel kategorileri sınırlandırmaya yönelik bir önermeye doğru olarak odaklanan bir dizi hipotez formüle edilmektedir. Yaşam doyumu gelişimi takip edilirken seçme yeteneği standartların kendisi için gerekçeler ileri sürmektedir. Yaşam doyumu davranışlarına yön veren bu seçme yeteneği belirli yaşlardaki bilişsel kategoriler ile sosyal dinamikleri birbirine bağlayacak olası çözümleri sunabilmelidir. Bu bağlantıya ilişkin mevcut süreçlerin katılımcıları yerinde yaşlanma görüşlerinde karşıt uçlarda güçlü bir konumda yer alabilir. Bu makale, yerinde yaşlanmanın daha istekli çerçevesi, yaşam doyumunun üretilmesine ilişkin benzer konuların nasıl revize edilmesi gerektiğini sorgulamaktadır.
- Alpay, Ahmed Hamza. Yerinde Yaşlanma Olgusunu Etkileyen Faktörler: Ankara Mülkiyeliler Birliği Örneği. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 2021.
- Bailey, Cara L. Understanding the Meaning of Community Engagement for Aging in Place within a Social Capital Framework. Virginia: Virginia State University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Doktora Tezi, 2007.
- Bergeman, Cindy S. Aging : Genetic and Environmental Influences. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc., 1997.
- Boekhorst, Janet A. vd. “Work Intensity, Emotional Exhaustion and Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Psychological Detachment”. Personnel Review 46/5 (2017), 891-907.
- Bowling, Ann. Ageing Well : Quality of Life in Old Age. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education, 2005.
- Bužgová, Radka vd. “Predictors of Life Satisfaction in Elders Living at Home in the Czech Republic”. Plos One 18/3 (2023), 1-12. 10.1371/journal.pone.0283772
- Cain, Lisa vd. “Executive Chefs’ Calling: Effect on Engagement, Work-Life Balance and Life Satisfaction”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 30/5 (2018), 2287-2307.
- Chaulagain, Suja vd. “What Matters, and What Matters Most? Exploring Resident Satisfaction in Continuing Care Retirement Communities”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34/7 (2022), 2472-2495.
- Chicoine, Jean L. The Essence of Aging in Place for Unmarried Elderly Women of Diverse Backgrounds: A Phenomenological Study. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska, Faculty of the Graduate College, Doktora Tezi, 2003.
- Cho, Dongwook-Cheon, Wookwang. “Older Adults’ Advance Aging and Life Satisfaction Levels: Effects of Lifestyles and Health Capabilities”. Behavioral Sciences 13/4 (2023), 1-9. https://
- Choi, Byoung Kwon-Nae, Eun Young. “When Career Success Enhances Employees' Life Satisfaction: Different Effects of Two Types of Goal Orientations”. Personnel Review 51/1 (2022), 335-352.
- Chummar, Sheryl vd. “Exploring the Differential Impact of Work Passion on Life Satisfaction and Job Performance Via the Work–Family Interface”. Personnel Review 48/5 (2019), 1100-1119.
- Dang, Van Thac. “Social Networking Site Involvement and Social Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Information Sharing”. Internet Research 31/1 (2021), 80-99.
- Fields, Noelle LeCrone. Aging in Place in Assisted Living: Exploring the Personal and Environmental Factors Related to Length of Stay. Ohio: Ohio State University, Graduate Program in Social Work, Doktora Tezi, 2013.
- Gallagher, Stephen vd. “Life Satisfaction, Social Participation and Symptoms of Depression in Young Adult Carers: Evidence from 21 European Countries”. International Journal of Adolescence & Youth 27/1 (2022), 60-71.
- Haider, Sonia Ijaz vd. “Life Satisfaction, Resilience and Coping Mechanisms Among Medical Students During COVID-19”. Plos One 17/10 (2022), 1-12. pone.0275319
- Jamal, Gulgoona. “Sleep Quality, Life Satisfaction, and Psychological Well-Being in Indian College Students”. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing 13/3 (2022), 307-316.
- Jeon, Ki Seok-Choi, Byoung Kwon. “Workplace Spirituality, Organizational Commitment and Life Satisfaction: the Moderating Role of Religious Affiliation”. Journal of Organizational Change Management 34/5 (2021), 1125-1143.
- Kang, Weixi. “Personality Traits Predict Life Satisfaction in Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Patients”. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11/21 (2022), 1-8. 10.3390/jcm11216312
- Khoshghadam, Leila vd. “Experiencing Nostalgia Through the Lens of Life Satisfaction”. European Journal of Marketing 53/3 (2019), 524-544.
- Kraus, Nicole G. The Benefits of Aging in Place. California: University of Southern California, Faculty of the Leonard Davis School of Gerontology & Faculty of the School of Policy, Planning & Development, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2004.
- Lavery, Angela L. Aging in Place: Perceptions of Older Adults on Low Income Housing Waitlists. Denver: University of Denver, Faculty of the Graduate School of Social Work, Doktora Tezi, 2015.
- Lazarus, Richard S.-Lazarus, Bernice N. Coping with Aging. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
- McFadden, Erica S. Aging in Place or Aging and Displaced? A Multi-Site Comparative Case Study of Power, Subjectivity, and Community Resiliency in Public Housing Governance. Arizona: Arizona State University, Doktora Tezi, 2014.
- Morgan, Leslie A.-Kunkel, Suzanne R. Aging, Society, and the Life Course. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, Fifth Edition, 2016.
- Powell, Jason L. Rethinking Aging : Foucault, Victims and Death. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2017.
- Rathi, Neerpal-Lee, Kidong. “Understanding the Role of Supervisor Support in Retaining Employees and Enhancing their Satisfaction with Life”. Personnel Review 46/8 (2017), 1605-1619.
- Rojas, Mariano-Watkins-Fassler, Karen. “Religious Practice and Life Satisfaction: A Domains of Life Approach”. Journal of Happiness Studies 23/5 (2022), 2349-2369.
- Sharma, Ritu vd. “Life Satisfaction of Youth Residing in Rural and Urban Areas: A Comparative Study”. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology 14/1 (2023), 35-38.
- Stuart-Hamilton, Ian. The Psychology of Ageing : An Introduction. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, (Vol. 5th ed), 2012.
- Timonen, Virpi. Ageing Societies : A Comparative Introduction. Maidenhead, England: McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.
- Ward, Russell A. vd. The Environment for Aging : Interpersonal, Social, and Spatial Contexts. Tuscaloosa:
University Alabama Press, 1988.
- Whitbourne, Susan Krauss. The Aging Individual : Physical and Psychological Perspectives. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2nd Edition, 2002.
- Yang Zhong, Jing-Mitchell, Vincent-Wayne. “When Having is Not Enough: Implications of Being Satisfied”.
European Journal of Marketing 47/(11/12) (2013), 1975-2001.
- Youdin, Robert. Psychology of Aging 101. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2016.