Year 2022,
, 206 - 219, 31.05.2022
Ali Bilgili
Onur Alaçık
Bu çalışma, veteriner hekimler tarafından yaygın şekilde kullanılan, farklı koşullarda saklanan A ve E vitaminlerinin benzer kombinasyonlarına sahip olan preparatlarda vitamin A ve E düzeylerinin değişikliklerini araştırmayı amaçladı. Kapağı açılan ve açılmayan preparatlar 25 °C’de karanlık ve aydınlıkta ve 4 °C’de karanlıkta tutuldu. Vitamin A ve E düzeyleri 0, 7, 14, 28 ve 56. günlerde analiz edildi. Mevcut US Farmakope’si tarafından modifiye ve doğrulanmış bir metot vitaminlerin analizleri için kullanıldı. Kapağı açılan ve açılmayan şişelerde A ve E vitaminlerinin zamana göre değişme oranları üzerine 25 °C’de karanlık ve aydınlığın ve 4 °C’de karanlığın etkisinin vitamin E için yüksek olduğu ve vitamin A için düşük olduğu bulundu. Ayrıca kapağı açılan preparatlarda vitamin A ve E’nin zamana göre değişme oranları 25 °C’de tutmaya göre 4 °C’de daha yüksekti. Kapağı açılmayan preparatlarda vitamin A ve E düzeyleri büyük ölçüde korundu. Farklı firmalardan temin edilen preparatların ilk kullanımını takiben ışık maruziyeti olmadan ve oda sıcaklığında şişeleri kutularda tutmanın uygun depolama koşulları olacağı sonucuna varıldı.
Supporting Institution
Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi
Project Number
The authors would like to thank Vilsan Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Ankara, Turkey, and Laboratory Personnel.
- Referans 1 Acartürk, F. (2009). Reaksiyon kinetiği ve stabilite. TEB Eczacılık Akademisi Yayını-Modern Farmasötik Teknoloji Kitabı, 2. Baskı, 01.01.2009, pp. 141-182.
- Referans 2 Anderson, J. S., Sunderland, R. (2002). Effect of extruder moisture and dryer processing temperature on vitamin C and E and astaxanthin stability. Aquaculture, 207, 137-149.
- Referans 3 Arshad, A., Riasat, M., Mahmood, K. (2011). Drug storage conditions in different hospitals in Lahore. JPST, 3, 543-547.
- Referans 4 Berry Ottaway, P. (2008). The stability of vitamins in fortified foods and supplement. In: Peter Berry, Ottaway (Ed), Food Fortification and Supplementation. CRC Press, USA, pp. 88-107.
- Referans 5 Blumberg, J. B., Cena, H., Barr, S. I., Biesalski, H. K., Dagach, R. U., Delaney, B., Frei, B., Gonzalez, M. I., Hwalla, N., Lategan-Potgieter, R., McNulty, H., van der Pols, J. C., Winichagoon, P., Li, D. (2018). The use of multivitamin/multimineral supplements: A modified Delphi consensus panel report. Clin Ther, 40, 640-657.
- Referans 6 Borges, C. C., Salles, A. F., Bringhenti, I., Mandarim-DE-Lacerda, C. A., Aguila, M. B. (2018). Vitamin D deficiency increases lipogenesis and reduces beta-oxidation in the liver of diet-induced obese mice. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 64, 106-115.
- Referans 7 Crichton, B. (2004). Keep in a cool place: Exposure of medicines to high temperatures in general practice during a British heatwave. J Rn Soc Med, 3, 328-329.
- Referans 8 Combs, G. F. (1992). The vitamins fundamental aspects in nutrition and health. Fourth Edition, Elsevier, Boston, pp. 57-59.
- Referans 9 Divers, T. J., Cummings, J. E., de Lahunta, A., Hintz, H. F., Mohammed, H. O. (2006). Evaluation of the risk of motor neuron disease in horses fed a diet low in vitamin E and high in copper and iron. Am J Vet Res, 67, 120-126.
- Referans 10 Dove, C. R., Ewan, R. C. (1991). Effect of trace minerals on the stability of vitamin E in swine grower diets. J Anim Sci, 69, 1994–2000.
- Referans 11 Gadient, M., Fenster, R. (1994). Stability of ascorbic acid and other vitamins in extruded fish feeds. Aquaculture, 124, 207-211.
- Referans 12 He, W., Xu, Y., Ren, X., Xiang, D., Lei, K., Zhang, C., Liu, D. (2019). Vitamin E ameliorates lipid metabolism in mice with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease via Nrf2/CES1 signaling pathway. Dig Dis Sci, 64, 3182-3191.
- Referans 13 Hurley, W. L., Doane, R. M. (1989). Recent developments in the roles of vitamins and minerals in reproduction. J Dairy Sci, 72, 784-804.
- Referans 14 IADSA (2013). The International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplement Associations-Final Draft Shelf-life Recommendations for Supplements Guidelines for Manufacturer. Nutritional risk analysis approaches for establishing maximum levels of vitamins and minerals in food (dietary) supplements, pp.32. Available at http://www.iadsa.org/publications/1474972849_Stability_Testing_for_Shelf_L. (Accessed June 07, 2016).
- Rerefans 15 Jiang, Q. (2014). Natural forms of vitamin E: metabolism, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities and their role in disease prevention and therapy. Free Radic Biol Med, 72, 76-90.
- Referans 16 Kondepudi, N. (2016). Stability of vitamins in pharmaceutical preparations – A review. IJRASET, 4, 499-503.
- Referans 17 Kuong, K., Laillou, A., Chea, C., Chamnan, C., Berger, J., Wieringa, F. T. (2016). Stability of vitamin A, iron and zinc in fortified rice during storage and its impact on future national standards and programs – case study in Cambodia. Nutrients, 8, 51.
- Referans 18 Li, B., Chang, S., Liu, C. (2019). Low maternal dietary folate alters retrotranspose by methylation regulation in intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) fetuses in a mouse model. Med Sci Monit, 25, 3354-3365.
- Referans 19 McGill, J. L., Kelly, S. M., Guerra-Maupome, M., Winkley, E., Henningson, J., Narasimhan, B., Sacco, R. E. (2019). Vitamin A deficiency impairs the immune response to intranasal vaccination and RSV infection in neonatal calves. Sci Rep 9, 15157.
- Referans 20 Nakaoka, K., Yamada, A., Noda, S., Goseki-Sone, M. (2018). Vitamin D-restricted high-fat diet down-regulates expression of intestinal alkaline phosphatase isozymes in ovariectomized rats. Nutr Res, 53, 23-31.
- Referans 21 Santos, E. T., Sgavioli, S., Castiblanco, D. M. C., Borges, L. L., de Quadros, T. C. O., de Laurentiz, A. C., Shimano, A. C., Amoroso, L., Baraldi-Artoni, S. M. (2019). Glycosaminoglycans and vitamin C affect broiler bone parameters. Poult Sci, 98, 4694-4704.
- Referans 22 Tavcar-Kalcher, G., Vengust, A. (2007). Stability of vitamins in premixes. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 132, 148-154.
- Referans 23 USP 32-NF 27 (2009). In United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary, The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc: Rockville, MD, pp. 152.
- Referans 24 Wade, A., Weller, P. J. (1994). Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients. American Pharmaceutical Association, Second Edition, Pharmaceutical Press, Washington, pp. 13-14.
- Referans 25 Wang, C., Liu, Q., Li, H. Q., Wu, X. X., Guo, G., Huo, W. J., Pei, C. X., Zhang, Y. L., Zhang, S. L. (2018). Effects of rumen-protected pantothenate supplementation on lactation performance, ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestion and blood metabolites in dairy cows. J Sci Food Agric, 98, 2098-2104.
- Referans 26 Zhuge, Q., Klopfenstein, C. F. (1986). Factors affecting storage stability of vitamin A, riboflavin, and niacin in a broiler diet premix. Poult Sci, 65, 987-994.
- Referans 27 Zinder, R., Cooley, R., Vlad, L. G., Molnar, J. A. (2019). Vitamin A and wound healing. Nutr Clin Pract, 34, 839-849.
Farklı depolama koşullarında tutulan bazı veteriner hekimliği preparatlarında A ve E vitaminlerinin düzeyleri
Year 2022,
, 206 - 219, 31.05.2022
Ali Bilgili
Onur Alaçık
Bu çalışma, veteriner hekimler tarafından yaygın şekilde kullanılan, farklı koşullarda saklanan A ve E vitaminlerinin benzer kombinasyonlarına sahip olan preparatlarda vitamin A ve E düzeylerinin değişikliklerini araştırmayı amaçladı. Kapağı açılan ve açılmayan preparatlar 25 °C’de karanlık ve aydınlıkta ve 4 °C’de karanlıkta tutuldu. Vitamin A ve E düzeyleri 0, 7, 14, 28 ve 56. günlerde analiz edildi. Mevcut US Farmakope’si tarafından modifiye ve doğrulanmış bir metot vitaminlerin analizleri için kullanıldı. Kapağı açılan ve açılmayan şişelerde A ve E vitaminlerinin zamana göre değişme oranları üzerine 25 °C’de karanlık ve aydınlığın ve 4 °C’de karanlığın etkisinin vitamin E için yüksek olduğu ve vitamin A için düşük olduğu bulundu. Ayrıca kapağı açılan preparatlarda vitamin A ve E’nin zamana göre değişme oranları 25 °C’de tutmaya göre 4 °C’de daha yüksekti. Kapağı açılmayan preparatlarda vitamin A ve E düzeyleri büyük ölçüde korundu. Farklı firmalardan temin edilen preparatların ilk kullanımını takiben ışık maruziyeti olmadan ve oda sıcaklığında şişeleri kutularda tutmanın uygun depolama koşulları olacağı sonucuna varıldı.
Project Number
- Referans 1 Acartürk, F. (2009). Reaksiyon kinetiği ve stabilite. TEB Eczacılık Akademisi Yayını-Modern Farmasötik Teknoloji Kitabı, 2. Baskı, 01.01.2009, pp. 141-182.
- Referans 2 Anderson, J. S., Sunderland, R. (2002). Effect of extruder moisture and dryer processing temperature on vitamin C and E and astaxanthin stability. Aquaculture, 207, 137-149.
- Referans 3 Arshad, A., Riasat, M., Mahmood, K. (2011). Drug storage conditions in different hospitals in Lahore. JPST, 3, 543-547.
- Referans 4 Berry Ottaway, P. (2008). The stability of vitamins in fortified foods and supplement. In: Peter Berry, Ottaway (Ed), Food Fortification and Supplementation. CRC Press, USA, pp. 88-107.
- Referans 5 Blumberg, J. B., Cena, H., Barr, S. I., Biesalski, H. K., Dagach, R. U., Delaney, B., Frei, B., Gonzalez, M. I., Hwalla, N., Lategan-Potgieter, R., McNulty, H., van der Pols, J. C., Winichagoon, P., Li, D. (2018). The use of multivitamin/multimineral supplements: A modified Delphi consensus panel report. Clin Ther, 40, 640-657.
- Referans 6 Borges, C. C., Salles, A. F., Bringhenti, I., Mandarim-DE-Lacerda, C. A., Aguila, M. B. (2018). Vitamin D deficiency increases lipogenesis and reduces beta-oxidation in the liver of diet-induced obese mice. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 64, 106-115.
- Referans 7 Crichton, B. (2004). Keep in a cool place: Exposure of medicines to high temperatures in general practice during a British heatwave. J Rn Soc Med, 3, 328-329.
- Referans 8 Combs, G. F. (1992). The vitamins fundamental aspects in nutrition and health. Fourth Edition, Elsevier, Boston, pp. 57-59.
- Referans 9 Divers, T. J., Cummings, J. E., de Lahunta, A., Hintz, H. F., Mohammed, H. O. (2006). Evaluation of the risk of motor neuron disease in horses fed a diet low in vitamin E and high in copper and iron. Am J Vet Res, 67, 120-126.
- Referans 10 Dove, C. R., Ewan, R. C. (1991). Effect of trace minerals on the stability of vitamin E in swine grower diets. J Anim Sci, 69, 1994–2000.
- Referans 11 Gadient, M., Fenster, R. (1994). Stability of ascorbic acid and other vitamins in extruded fish feeds. Aquaculture, 124, 207-211.
- Referans 12 He, W., Xu, Y., Ren, X., Xiang, D., Lei, K., Zhang, C., Liu, D. (2019). Vitamin E ameliorates lipid metabolism in mice with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease via Nrf2/CES1 signaling pathway. Dig Dis Sci, 64, 3182-3191.
- Referans 13 Hurley, W. L., Doane, R. M. (1989). Recent developments in the roles of vitamins and minerals in reproduction. J Dairy Sci, 72, 784-804.
- Referans 14 IADSA (2013). The International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplement Associations-Final Draft Shelf-life Recommendations for Supplements Guidelines for Manufacturer. Nutritional risk analysis approaches for establishing maximum levels of vitamins and minerals in food (dietary) supplements, pp.32. Available at http://www.iadsa.org/publications/1474972849_Stability_Testing_for_Shelf_L. (Accessed June 07, 2016).
- Rerefans 15 Jiang, Q. (2014). Natural forms of vitamin E: metabolism, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities and their role in disease prevention and therapy. Free Radic Biol Med, 72, 76-90.
- Referans 16 Kondepudi, N. (2016). Stability of vitamins in pharmaceutical preparations – A review. IJRASET, 4, 499-503.
- Referans 17 Kuong, K., Laillou, A., Chea, C., Chamnan, C., Berger, J., Wieringa, F. T. (2016). Stability of vitamin A, iron and zinc in fortified rice during storage and its impact on future national standards and programs – case study in Cambodia. Nutrients, 8, 51.
- Referans 18 Li, B., Chang, S., Liu, C. (2019). Low maternal dietary folate alters retrotranspose by methylation regulation in intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) fetuses in a mouse model. Med Sci Monit, 25, 3354-3365.
- Referans 19 McGill, J. L., Kelly, S. M., Guerra-Maupome, M., Winkley, E., Henningson, J., Narasimhan, B., Sacco, R. E. (2019). Vitamin A deficiency impairs the immune response to intranasal vaccination and RSV infection in neonatal calves. Sci Rep 9, 15157.
- Referans 20 Nakaoka, K., Yamada, A., Noda, S., Goseki-Sone, M. (2018). Vitamin D-restricted high-fat diet down-regulates expression of intestinal alkaline phosphatase isozymes in ovariectomized rats. Nutr Res, 53, 23-31.
- Referans 21 Santos, E. T., Sgavioli, S., Castiblanco, D. M. C., Borges, L. L., de Quadros, T. C. O., de Laurentiz, A. C., Shimano, A. C., Amoroso, L., Baraldi-Artoni, S. M. (2019). Glycosaminoglycans and vitamin C affect broiler bone parameters. Poult Sci, 98, 4694-4704.
- Referans 22 Tavcar-Kalcher, G., Vengust, A. (2007). Stability of vitamins in premixes. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 132, 148-154.
- Referans 23 USP 32-NF 27 (2009). In United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary, The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc: Rockville, MD, pp. 152.
- Referans 24 Wade, A., Weller, P. J. (1994). Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients. American Pharmaceutical Association, Second Edition, Pharmaceutical Press, Washington, pp. 13-14.
- Referans 25 Wang, C., Liu, Q., Li, H. Q., Wu, X. X., Guo, G., Huo, W. J., Pei, C. X., Zhang, Y. L., Zhang, S. L. (2018). Effects of rumen-protected pantothenate supplementation on lactation performance, ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestion and blood metabolites in dairy cows. J Sci Food Agric, 98, 2098-2104.
- Referans 26 Zhuge, Q., Klopfenstein, C. F. (1986). Factors affecting storage stability of vitamin A, riboflavin, and niacin in a broiler diet premix. Poult Sci, 65, 987-994.
- Referans 27 Zinder, R., Cooley, R., Vlad, L. G., Molnar, J. A. (2019). Vitamin A and wound healing. Nutr Clin Pract, 34, 839-849.