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Year 2016, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 137 - 169, 30.01.2016


Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, etnik ve ırksal çeşitliliğiyle bilinen ülkelerin başında yer almaktadır. Yaşlı nüfus ve göçlerin artmasıyla beraber bu çeşitliliğin günümüzde daha renkli bir hale geldiği görülmektedir. Dominant kültür yerini farklılıklardan gelen bireylerin hâkim olduğu bir ortama bırakmıştır. Özellikle yaşlı kesimin toplumda ve işgücünde hem oranının hem de öneminin artacağına inanılmaktadır. Farklılıkların takdir edilmesinin gerekli bir durum olduğunun altı çizilmektedir. Belirtilen gerçekliğin diğer ülkelerce de dikkate alındığı bilinmektedir. Ülkemiz gibi toplumlarda da benzer bir tablo söz konusu olduğundan makalenin ilgili çevrelere yol gösterici olabileceği düşünülmüştür. Çevirisi yapılan makale, Robert H. Binstock ve Linda K. George adlı yazarların 2006 yılında editörlüğünü yaptıkları “Yaşlılık ve Sosyal Bilimler El Kitabı” (Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences) adlı kitapta yer almaktadır.


  • Aizcorbe, A. M., Kennickell, A. B., & Moore, K. B. (2003). Recent changes in U.S. family finances: Evidence from the 1998 and 2001 Survey of Consumer Finances. Federal Reserve Bulletin, January, 1-32. Alba, R. D. (1990). Ethnic identity: The transformation of white America. New Heaven: Yale University Press. Americans Immıgrants Law Foundation. (2002). Mexican immıgrant workers and the U.S. economy. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from Anderson, R. N. (2002). Deaths: Leading causes for 2000. National Vital Statistics Reports, 50 (16), Table 1. Washington DC: National Center for Health Statistics. Angel, J. L., (2003). Devolution and the social welfare of elderly immigrants: who will bear the burden? Public Administration Review, 63, 79-89. Angel, J. L., & Angel, R. J. (1992). Age at migration, social connections, and well-being among elderly Hispanics, Journal of Aging and Health, 4, 480-499. Angel, J. L., Angel R. J., McLelland, J. L. & Markides, K. S. (1996). Nativity, declining health, and preferences in living arrangements among elderly Mexican Americans: Implications for long-term care. The Gerontologist, 36, 464-473. Angel, J. L., Buckley, C. J., & Sakamoto, A. (2001). Duration or disadvantage? Exploring nativity, ethnicity, and health in midlife. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 56, 275-284. Angel, J. L., & Hogan, D. P. (2004). Population aging and diversity in a new era. IN K.E. Whitfiel (Ed.), Closing the gap: Improving the health of minority elders in the new millennium (pp. 1-12). Washington, DC: The Gerontological Society of America. Angel, R. J., & Angel, J. L. (1997). Who will care for us? Aging and long-term care in multicultural America. New York. New York University Press. Angel, R. J., Angel J. L., Lee, G, Y., & Markides, K. S. (1999). Age at migration and family dependecy among older Mexican immigrants: Recent evidence from the Mexican American EPESE. The Gerontologist, 39, 59-65. Angel, R. J., Angel J. L., Lee, G, Y., & Markides, K. S. (2002). Stability and change in health insurance among older Mexican Americans: Longitudinal evidence from the Hispanic Established population for older adults. American Journal of Public Health, 92, 1264-1271. Bagley, S. P., Angel, R. J., Dilworth, Anderson, P., Liu, W., & Schinke, W. (1995). Adaptive health behaviors among ethnic minorities, Health Psychology, 14, 632-640. Bastida E., Cuellar, I., & Villas, P. (2001). Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and related conditions in a South Texas Mesican American sample. Journal of Community Health and Nursing, 18, 75-84. Bean, F. D., Berg, R. R., & Van Hook, J. V. (1996). Socioeconomic and cultural incorporation and marital disruption among Mexican Americans. Social Forces, 75, 593- 617. Binstock, R. H., & Jean-Baptiste, R. (1999). Elderly immigrants and the sega of welfare reform. Journal of Immigrants Health, 1, 31-40. Black, S. A. (1999). Increased health burden associated with co-morbid depression in older diabetic Mexican Americans: Results of the Hispanic EPESE. Diabetes Care, 22, 56-64. Black, S. A., Ray, L. A. & Markides, K. S. (1999). The prevalence and health burden of self-reported diabetes in the Mexican American elderly: Findings from the Hispanic EPESE. American Journal of Public Health, 89, 546-552. Bongaarts, J. (2004). Population aging and the rising cost of public pensions (Working Paper No. 185, Policy Research Division). New York: Population Council. Borjas, G. J. (1994). The economics of immigration. Journal of Economic Literature, 32, 1667-1717. Burr, J. A. (1990). Race/sex comparisons of elderly living arrangements: Factors influencing institutionalization of the unmarried. Research on Ageing, 12, 507-530. Chan, S. (1991). Asian Americans: An interpretive history. Boston, MA: Twayne Publishers. Crystal, S., & Shea, D. G. (1990). Cumulative advantage cumulative disadvantage, and inequality among elderly people. The Gerontologist, 30, 437-443. Crystal, S., & Shea, D. G. (2003). Prospects for retirement resources in an aging socirty. In S. Crystal & D. G. Shea (Eds.) Focus on economic outcımes in later life: Publiic policy, health, and cumulative advantage (pp. 271-281). New York: Springer. Day, J. C. (1996). Life expectancy at age 65 by race, Hispanic origin, and sex: 1995 to 2050. Population projections of the United States by age, sex, race, and Hispanic oroigin, 1995 to 2050. Current Population Reports, P25-1130, Appendix B-2. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau. DeFreitas, G. (1991). Inequality at work: Hispanics in the U.S. labor force. New York: Oxford University Press. Diehl, A. K., & Stern, M. P. (1989). Special health problems of Mexican-Americans: Obesity, gallbladder disease, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diease. Advances in Internal Medicine, 34, 79-96. Elo, I. T., & Preston, S. H. (1997). Racial and ethnic differences in morality at older ages. In L. G. Martin & B. J. Soldo (Eds.), Racial and ethnic differences in the health of older Americans (pp. 10-43). Washington DC: National Academy Press. Franklin, J. H., & Moss, Jr., A. (1999). From Slavery to freedom: A history of African Americans 8th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Publishing Company. Friedland, R. B., & Pankaj, V. (1997). Welfare reform and elderly legal immigrants. Washington, DC: National Academy on Aging. Grenier, G. L., & Cattan, P. (2000). Latino immigrants in the labor force: Trends and labor market issues. In S. M. Prez (Ed.), Moving up the economic ladder: Latino workers and the nation’s future prosperity (pp. 88-123). Washington, DC: National Council of La Raza. Guzman, B. (2001). The Hispanic Populations: Census 2000 brief C2KBR/01-3 (Table 3). Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau. Harris, M. I., Flegal, K. M. Cowie, C. C., Eberhardt, M. S, Goldstein, D. E., Little, R. R., Wiedmeyer, H. M. & Byrd-Holt D. D.(1998). Prevalence of diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, and imaired glucose tolerance in U.S. adults: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1988-1994. Diabetes Care, 21, 518-524. Hayes-Bautista, D. E. (2004). La nueva California: Latinos and California society, 1940-2040, Berkeley, CA: The University of California Press. Hayward. M. D., Warner, D. F., Crimmins, E. M., Miles, T., & Yang, Y. (2000). The significance of socioeconomic status in explaining the racial gap in chronic health conditions. American Sociological Review, 65, 910-930. Hayward. M. D., & Heron, M. (1999). Racial inequality in active life among adult Americans. Demography, 36, 77-91. Hayward. M. D., Warner, D. F., Crimmins, E. M. (2003). Toward a better understanding of racial/ethnic differences in active life expectancy. (Paper presented at the International Network on Health Expectancy and the Disability Proces, Guadalajara, Mexico, May 5-7). He, W. (2002). The older born foreign-born population in the United States: 2000. Current Population Reports, P23-211. Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of the Census. Hendley, A. A., & Bilimoria, N. F. (1999). Minorities and social security: An analysis of racial and ethnic differences in the current program. Social Security Bulletin, 62(2), 59-64. Henkin, N., & Kingston, E. (1998-99). Advancing an intergenerational agenda for the twenty-first century, Generations, 22, 99-105. Herd, P. (2005). Reforming a breadwinner welfare state: Gender, race, class, and Social Security Reform. Social Forces, 83, 1365-1394. Himes, C. L., Hogan, D. P., & Eggbeen, D. J. (1996). Living arrangements among minority elders. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 51B, S42-48. Hoffman, B. (2001). The wages of sickness: The politics of health insurance in progressive America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Honing, M. (2000). Minorities face retirement: Worklife disparities repeated? In B. Hammond, O. S. Mitchell, & A. Rappaport (Eds.), Forecasting retirement needs and retirement welath (pp. 235-252). Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. Kelly-Moore J. A., & Ferraro, K. F. (2004). The black/white disability gap: Persistent inequality in later life? Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 59, 34-43. Kijikazi, K. (2001). Women’s retirement income: The case for improving Supplemental Security Income (paper presented at the Instıtute for Women’s Policy Research Annual Conference). Retrieved December 15, 2004, from http://www. Lamphere, J., & Rosenbach, M. L. (2000). Promises unfulfilled: Implementation of expanded coverage for the elderly poor. Health Services Research, 35, 207-217. Lee, R. (1997). Public costs of long life and low fertility: Will the baby boomers break the budget? Center for Economics and Demography of Aging, Berkeley, CA: University of California. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from University of California at Berkely Resource Center on Aging Web site: http:// /Lee.html. Li, C. I., Malone, K. E., & Daling, J. R. (2003). Differences in breast cancer stage, treatment, and survival by race and ethnicity. Archives of Internal Medicine, 163, 49-56. Manton, K. G., & Stallard, E. (1997). Health and disability differences among racial and ethnic groups. In L. G. Martin & B. J. Soldo (Eds.), Racial and ethnic differences in the health of older Americans (pp. 43-105). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Mor, V., Zinn, J., Angelelli, J., Teno, J. M., & Miller, S. C. (2004). Driven to tiers: Socioeconomic and racial disparities in the quality of nursing home care. The Milbank Quarterly, 82, 227-256. Mui, A. C., Choi, N. G., & Monk, A. (1998). Long-term care and ethnicity. Westport, CT: Auburn House. Murdock, S. H. (2004). Population change in Texas: Implications for human and socioeconomic resources in the 21st century. Slide 30. San Antonio, TX: Texas State Data Center, The University of Texas at San Antonio. Natioanl Center for Health Statistics. (2004). Health, United States: 2003. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from the National Center for Health Statistics Web site: http://cdc. Gov/nchs/data/hus/tabels/2003/03hus130.pdf. Palloni, A., & Arias, E. (2004). Paradox lost: Explaining the Hispanic adult mortality advantage. Demography, 41, 385-415. Palloni, A., Soldo, B. J., & Wong, R. (2002). Health status and functional limitations in anatioanl sample of elderly Mexicans (paper presented at the Population Association of America Conference, Atlanta, May). Portes, A., & Rumbaut, R. G. (1990). Immigrant America: A portrait. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Reed, J., & Ramirez, R. R. (1998). The Hispanic population in the United States: March 1997 (Update). Current Population Reports. (P20-511), Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of the Census. Rumbaut, R. G. (1997). Paradoxes and orthodoxies of assimilation. Sociological Perspectives, 40, 483-511. Salgado de Snyder, V. N., & Diaz-Guerrero, R. (2003). Enduring separation: The psychological consequences of Mexican migration to the United States. In. L. L. Adler & U. P. Gielen (Eds.), Migration: immigration and emigration in international perspective (pp. 143-157). Westport, CT: Praeger. Shea, D. G., Miles, T., & Hawvard, M. (1996). The health-wealth connection: Racial diffferences. The Gerontologist, 36, 342-349. Social Security Administration (2004a). The 2004 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Fund, Table IV.B2. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from the Social Security Administration Acturial Resources Web site: Social Security Administration (2004b). Social security basic facts. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from the Social Security Administration Press Office Web site: pressoffice /basicfact.htm. Social Security Administration (2004c). Monthly statistical snapshot: Social security benefits. November 2004, Table 2. Retrieved January 27, 2005, from the Social Security Administration Press Office Web site: policy/ docs/ quickfacts/ stat_snapshot/#table2. South, S. J. (1991). Age structure and public expenditures on chidren. Social Sciences Quarterly, 72, 661-675. Suro, R., & Singer, A. (2002). Latino in growth in metropolitan America: Changing patterns, new locations. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution. Takaki, R. (1998). Strangers from a different shore: A history of Asian Americans. New York: Penguin. Torres-Gil, F., & Villa, V. (1993). Health and long-term care: Family policy for Hispanic aging. In M. Sotomayor & A. Garcia (Eds.), Elderly Latinos: Issues and solutions for the 21st century (pp. 45-58). Washington DC: NAtional Hispanic Council on Aging. U.S. Census Bureau. (2000). Projected life expectancy at birth by race and Hispanic origin, 1999 to 2100. Table C. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from U.S. Census Bureau Web site: www. census. gov/ population/ documentation/twps0038/tabC. Txt. U.S. Census Bureau. (2001). Income and poverty: 2000. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration Web site: Release/www/2001/PressBri.pdf. U.S. Census Bureau. (2003a). Statistical abstract of the United States, 2002 (122nd edition). Washington, DC. TAble No. 17, Resident Population by Race, Hispanic Origin Status, and Age-Projections: 2005 and 2010. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from U.S. Census Bureau Web site: http:// www. census. gov/ prod/ 2003pubs/O2statab/ pop.pdf. U.S. Census Bureau. (2003b). Cities with 250,000 or more inhabitants in 2000: Hispanics and non-Hispanic groups: 2000. Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2003, Table no. 33. Retrieved December 20, 2004, from U.S. Census Bureau Web site: http:// www. census. gov/ prod/ 2004pubs/O3statab/ pop.pdf. U.S. Census Bureau. (2003c). Social and economic characteristics of the Hispanic population: 2002. Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2003, Table 46. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from U.S. Census Bureau Web site: http:// www. census. gov/ prod/ 2004pubs/O3statab/ pop.pdf. U.S. Census Bureau. (2003d). Selected life table values: 1979 to 2001 (No. 106. Vital Statistics). Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2003, Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. U.S. Census Bureau. (2003e). Persons 65 years old and over with limitations of activity caused by chronic conditions. No. 196. Statistical Abstract of the United States. Washington, DC. Government Printing Office. U.S. Census Bureau. (2004a). Projected population of the United States, by race and Hispanic origin: 2000 to 2050. Retrieved December 22, 2004, from U.S. Census Bureau Web site: http:// www. ipc/ www/ usingterimproj/ natprojtab01a.pdf. U.S. Census Bureau. (2004b). Age and sex of all people, family members and unrelated individuals iterated by income-to-poverty ratio and race. Annual Demographic Survey: MArch supplement, POV01. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from U.S. Census Bureau Web site: http:// macro/ 032003/health/h01_125.htm. U.S. Census Bureau. (2004c). Health insurance coverage status and type of coverage by selected characteristics: 2003. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from U.S. Census Bureau Web site: http:// macro/ 032004/health/h01_001.htm. Verbrugge, L. M. (1989). The twain meet: Empirical explanations of sex differences in health and mortality. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 30, 282-304. Villa, V. M., & Aranda, M. P. (2000). The demographic, economic, and health profile of older LATİNOS: Implications for health and long-term care policy and the Latino family. Health and Human Services Administration, 23, 1611-1680. Wallace, S. P., & Gutierrez, V. F. (2004). Mexican immigrants lack health services in the Unites States. 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Year 2016, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 137 - 169, 30.01.2016



  • Aizcorbe, A. M., Kennickell, A. B., & Moore, K. B. (2003). Recent changes in U.S. family finances: Evidence from the 1998 and 2001 Survey of Consumer Finances. Federal Reserve Bulletin, January, 1-32. Alba, R. D. (1990). Ethnic identity: The transformation of white America. New Heaven: Yale University Press. Americans Immıgrants Law Foundation. (2002). Mexican immıgrant workers and the U.S. economy. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from Anderson, R. N. (2002). Deaths: Leading causes for 2000. National Vital Statistics Reports, 50 (16), Table 1. Washington DC: National Center for Health Statistics. Angel, J. L., (2003). Devolution and the social welfare of elderly immigrants: who will bear the burden? Public Administration Review, 63, 79-89. Angel, J. L., & Angel, R. J. (1992). Age at migration, social connections, and well-being among elderly Hispanics, Journal of Aging and Health, 4, 480-499. Angel, J. L., Angel R. J., McLelland, J. L. & Markides, K. S. (1996). Nativity, declining health, and preferences in living arrangements among elderly Mexican Americans: Implications for long-term care. The Gerontologist, 36, 464-473. Angel, J. L., Buckley, C. J., & Sakamoto, A. (2001). Duration or disadvantage? Exploring nativity, ethnicity, and health in midlife. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 56, 275-284. Angel, J. L., & Hogan, D. P. (2004). Population aging and diversity in a new era. IN K.E. Whitfiel (Ed.), Closing the gap: Improving the health of minority elders in the new millennium (pp. 1-12). Washington, DC: The Gerontological Society of America. Angel, R. J., & Angel, J. L. (1997). Who will care for us? Aging and long-term care in multicultural America. New York. New York University Press. Angel, R. J., Angel J. L., Lee, G, Y., & Markides, K. S. (1999). Age at migration and family dependecy among older Mexican immigrants: Recent evidence from the Mexican American EPESE. The Gerontologist, 39, 59-65. Angel, R. J., Angel J. L., Lee, G, Y., & Markides, K. S. (2002). Stability and change in health insurance among older Mexican Americans: Longitudinal evidence from the Hispanic Established population for older adults. American Journal of Public Health, 92, 1264-1271. Bagley, S. P., Angel, R. J., Dilworth, Anderson, P., Liu, W., & Schinke, W. (1995). Adaptive health behaviors among ethnic minorities, Health Psychology, 14, 632-640. Bastida E., Cuellar, I., & Villas, P. (2001). Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and related conditions in a South Texas Mesican American sample. Journal of Community Health and Nursing, 18, 75-84. Bean, F. D., Berg, R. R., & Van Hook, J. V. (1996). Socioeconomic and cultural incorporation and marital disruption among Mexican Americans. Social Forces, 75, 593- 617. Binstock, R. H., & Jean-Baptiste, R. (1999). Elderly immigrants and the sega of welfare reform. Journal of Immigrants Health, 1, 31-40. Black, S. A. (1999). Increased health burden associated with co-morbid depression in older diabetic Mexican Americans: Results of the Hispanic EPESE. Diabetes Care, 22, 56-64. Black, S. A., Ray, L. A. & Markides, K. S. (1999). The prevalence and health burden of self-reported diabetes in the Mexican American elderly: Findings from the Hispanic EPESE. American Journal of Public Health, 89, 546-552. Bongaarts, J. (2004). Population aging and the rising cost of public pensions (Working Paper No. 185, Policy Research Division). New York: Population Council. Borjas, G. J. (1994). The economics of immigration. Journal of Economic Literature, 32, 1667-1717. Burr, J. A. (1990). Race/sex comparisons of elderly living arrangements: Factors influencing institutionalization of the unmarried. Research on Ageing, 12, 507-530. Chan, S. (1991). Asian Americans: An interpretive history. Boston, MA: Twayne Publishers. Crystal, S., & Shea, D. G. (1990). Cumulative advantage cumulative disadvantage, and inequality among elderly people. The Gerontologist, 30, 437-443. Crystal, S., & Shea, D. G. (2003). Prospects for retirement resources in an aging socirty. In S. Crystal & D. G. Shea (Eds.) Focus on economic outcımes in later life: Publiic policy, health, and cumulative advantage (pp. 271-281). New York: Springer. Day, J. C. (1996). Life expectancy at age 65 by race, Hispanic origin, and sex: 1995 to 2050. Population projections of the United States by age, sex, race, and Hispanic oroigin, 1995 to 2050. Current Population Reports, P25-1130, Appendix B-2. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau. DeFreitas, G. (1991). Inequality at work: Hispanics in the U.S. labor force. New York: Oxford University Press. Diehl, A. K., & Stern, M. P. (1989). Special health problems of Mexican-Americans: Obesity, gallbladder disease, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diease. Advances in Internal Medicine, 34, 79-96. Elo, I. T., & Preston, S. H. (1997). Racial and ethnic differences in morality at older ages. In L. G. Martin & B. J. Soldo (Eds.), Racial and ethnic differences in the health of older Americans (pp. 10-43). Washington DC: National Academy Press. Franklin, J. H., & Moss, Jr., A. (1999). From Slavery to freedom: A history of African Americans 8th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Publishing Company. Friedland, R. B., & Pankaj, V. (1997). Welfare reform and elderly legal immigrants. Washington, DC: National Academy on Aging. Grenier, G. L., & Cattan, P. (2000). Latino immigrants in the labor force: Trends and labor market issues. In S. M. Prez (Ed.), Moving up the economic ladder: Latino workers and the nation’s future prosperity (pp. 88-123). Washington, DC: National Council of La Raza. Guzman, B. (2001). The Hispanic Populations: Census 2000 brief C2KBR/01-3 (Table 3). Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau. Harris, M. I., Flegal, K. M. Cowie, C. C., Eberhardt, M. S, Goldstein, D. E., Little, R. R., Wiedmeyer, H. M. & Byrd-Holt D. D.(1998). Prevalence of diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, and imaired glucose tolerance in U.S. adults: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1988-1994. Diabetes Care, 21, 518-524. Hayes-Bautista, D. E. (2004). La nueva California: Latinos and California society, 1940-2040, Berkeley, CA: The University of California Press. Hayward. M. D., Warner, D. F., Crimmins, E. M., Miles, T., & Yang, Y. (2000). The significance of socioeconomic status in explaining the racial gap in chronic health conditions. American Sociological Review, 65, 910-930. Hayward. M. D., & Heron, M. (1999). Racial inequality in active life among adult Americans. Demography, 36, 77-91. Hayward. M. D., Warner, D. F., Crimmins, E. M. (2003). Toward a better understanding of racial/ethnic differences in active life expectancy. (Paper presented at the International Network on Health Expectancy and the Disability Proces, Guadalajara, Mexico, May 5-7). He, W. (2002). The older born foreign-born population in the United States: 2000. Current Population Reports, P23-211. Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of the Census. Hendley, A. A., & Bilimoria, N. F. (1999). Minorities and social security: An analysis of racial and ethnic differences in the current program. Social Security Bulletin, 62(2), 59-64. Henkin, N., & Kingston, E. (1998-99). Advancing an intergenerational agenda for the twenty-first century, Generations, 22, 99-105. Herd, P. (2005). Reforming a breadwinner welfare state: Gender, race, class, and Social Security Reform. Social Forces, 83, 1365-1394. Himes, C. L., Hogan, D. P., & Eggbeen, D. J. (1996). Living arrangements among minority elders. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 51B, S42-48. Hoffman, B. (2001). The wages of sickness: The politics of health insurance in progressive America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Honing, M. (2000). Minorities face retirement: Worklife disparities repeated? In B. Hammond, O. S. Mitchell, & A. Rappaport (Eds.), Forecasting retirement needs and retirement welath (pp. 235-252). Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. Kelly-Moore J. A., & Ferraro, K. F. (2004). The black/white disability gap: Persistent inequality in later life? Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 59, 34-43. Kijikazi, K. (2001). Women’s retirement income: The case for improving Supplemental Security Income (paper presented at the Instıtute for Women’s Policy Research Annual Conference). Retrieved December 15, 2004, from http://www. Lamphere, J., & Rosenbach, M. L. (2000). Promises unfulfilled: Implementation of expanded coverage for the elderly poor. Health Services Research, 35, 207-217. Lee, R. (1997). Public costs of long life and low fertility: Will the baby boomers break the budget? Center for Economics and Demography of Aging, Berkeley, CA: University of California. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from University of California at Berkely Resource Center on Aging Web site: http:// /Lee.html. Li, C. I., Malone, K. E., & Daling, J. R. (2003). Differences in breast cancer stage, treatment, and survival by race and ethnicity. Archives of Internal Medicine, 163, 49-56. Manton, K. G., & Stallard, E. (1997). Health and disability differences among racial and ethnic groups. In L. G. Martin & B. J. Soldo (Eds.), Racial and ethnic differences in the health of older Americans (pp. 43-105). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Mor, V., Zinn, J., Angelelli, J., Teno, J. M., & Miller, S. C. (2004). Driven to tiers: Socioeconomic and racial disparities in the quality of nursing home care. The Milbank Quarterly, 82, 227-256. Mui, A. C., Choi, N. G., & Monk, A. (1998). Long-term care and ethnicity. Westport, CT: Auburn House. Murdock, S. H. (2004). Population change in Texas: Implications for human and socioeconomic resources in the 21st century. Slide 30. San Antonio, TX: Texas State Data Center, The University of Texas at San Antonio. Natioanl Center for Health Statistics. (2004). Health, United States: 2003. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from the National Center for Health Statistics Web site: http://cdc. Gov/nchs/data/hus/tabels/2003/03hus130.pdf. Palloni, A., & Arias, E. (2004). Paradox lost: Explaining the Hispanic adult mortality advantage. Demography, 41, 385-415. Palloni, A., Soldo, B. J., & Wong, R. (2002). Health status and functional limitations in anatioanl sample of elderly Mexicans (paper presented at the Population Association of America Conference, Atlanta, May). Portes, A., & Rumbaut, R. G. (1990). Immigrant America: A portrait. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Reed, J., & Ramirez, R. R. (1998). The Hispanic population in the United States: March 1997 (Update). Current Population Reports. (P20-511), Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of the Census. Rumbaut, R. G. (1997). Paradoxes and orthodoxies of assimilation. Sociological Perspectives, 40, 483-511. Salgado de Snyder, V. N., & Diaz-Guerrero, R. (2003). Enduring separation: The psychological consequences of Mexican migration to the United States. In. L. L. Adler & U. P. Gielen (Eds.), Migration: immigration and emigration in international perspective (pp. 143-157). Westport, CT: Praeger. Shea, D. G., Miles, T., & Hawvard, M. (1996). The health-wealth connection: Racial diffferences. The Gerontologist, 36, 342-349. Social Security Administration (2004a). The 2004 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Fund, Table IV.B2. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from the Social Security Administration Acturial Resources Web site: Social Security Administration (2004b). Social security basic facts. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from the Social Security Administration Press Office Web site: pressoffice /basicfact.htm. Social Security Administration (2004c). 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There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Ronald J. Angel This is me

Jacqueline L. Angel This is me


Fevzi Kaya

Publication Date January 30, 2016
Submission Date November 9, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Angel, R. J., & Angel, J. L. (2016). AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ’NDE ÇEŞİTLİLİK VE YAŞLILIK (F. Kaya, Trans.). Igdir University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 1(1), 137-169.

Title of the Journal in Turkish: Iğdır Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi

Title of the Journal in English: Iğdır University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Abbreviated Title of the Journal: Iğdır iibf dergisi