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Bangladeş'teki Özel Bankaların Kârlılıklarının Belirleyicileri: Ampirik Bir Analiz

Year 2017, Issue: 11, 141 - 172, 01.04.2017


Kârın incelenmesi, yalnızca herhangi bir yılda ekonominin sağlığı konusunda sağladığı bilgi birikimi değil, aynı zamanda kazançların orta vadede büyümenin ve istihdamın önemli bir belirleyicisi olması nedeniyle önemlidir. Bir finansal sistemin ana rolü, ekonomik operasyonları kolaylaştıran vitesleri yağlamaktır; bu tez, Spread oranı, Çalışan başına kâr ve Faizsiz gelir gibi 2009-10 ve 2011-12 dönemleri için birçok belirleyiciyi temsil etmektedir Kârlılık ile ROA açısından ölçülen olumlu bir ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. YSK ile ölçülen kârlılık ile Sermaye yeterliliği oranı ve İşletme giderleri oranı gibi önemli bir negatif ilişki vardır. Ancak, Kredi mevduat oranı ve İş Başına Şirket oranı, ROA ile olumsuz bir ilişki içindedir; bu, her zamanki durum değil, ancak kredi yaratma yerine kötü kredi, borç ödeme ve yüksek mevduat tahsilatı nedeniyle bankanın kârlılığını önemli ölçüde etkilemiş olabilir.


  • Abeer Khandker (2011), 'Commercial Banking in Developing Econo- my: A Case Study of Ten Private Commercial Banks of Bangla- desh',* ASA University Review, Vol. 5 No. 1, January–June, 2011
  • Abreu M and Mendes V (2000), Commercial Bank Interest Margins and Profitability: Evidence for Some EU Countries, presented on the 50th International Atlantic Economic Conference.
  • Afanasieff T, Lhacer P and Nakane M (2002), “The Determinants of Bank Interest Spreads in Brazil”, Banco Central di Brazil Working Papers.
  • Andreas and Wanzenriedb (2009), 'What Determines the Profitability of Commercial Banks? ', Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Angbazo L (1997), “Commercial Bank Net Interest Margins, Default Risk, Interest-rate Risk, and Off-balance Sheet Banking”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 21: pp 55-87.
  • Aremu, Ekpo, & Mustapha(2013), Determinants Of Banks’ Profitability In A Developing Economy: Evidence From Nigerian Banking In- dustry, Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business, Vol 4, No 9
  • Badola B S and Verma R (2006), “Determinants of Profitability of Banks in Indian: A Multivariate Analysis”, Delhi Business Re- view X, 7 (2): pp 79-88.
  • Bangladesh Bank. 2013, Annual report from 2007-2012. Dhaka, Bang- ladesh: Bangladesh Bank. Ferdasue Sharif (2006), ' An Empirical Study On Commercial Bank’s Profitability In Context of Bangla- desh', School of Business Independent University, Bangladesh August 29, 2006
  • Bangladesh Bank. 2013, Major Economic Indicators. November, 2013. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank.
  • Bangladesh Bank. 2013, Monthly Economic Trend, November 2013. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank.
  • Barajas A, Steiner R, &Salazar N(1999), “Interest Spreads in Banking in Colombia 1974-96", IMF Staff Papers, 46: pp 196-224.
  • Bashir A (2000), “Determinants of Profitability and Rates of Return Margins in Islamic Banks: Some Evidence from the Middle East,” Grambling State University, Mimeo.
  • Berger A (1995),'The Relationship Between Capital and Earnings in Banking,' Journal of Money, Credit Banking, 27(2): pp 432-456.
  • Bhatia, Mahajan & Chander (2012), Determinants of Profitability of Private Sector Banks In India, Indian Journal of Accounting Vol. XLII (2), pp. 39-51
  • Dermiguc Kunt, A.; Huizinga, H. (1999). Determinants of Commercial Bank Interest Margins and Profitability: Some International Evi- dence, World Bank Economic Review 13(2): 379- 408
  • Flamini, Calvin, and Liliana (2009), ' The Determinants of Commercial Bank Profitability in Sub-Saharan Africa ‘, IMF Working Paper, African Department
  • Gujarati D N (2006), Basic Econometrics, Tata McGraw Hill Edu- cation Private Ltd, New Delhi.
  • Gujarati, D. (2003). Basic Econometrics (4th edn). New York: McGraw- Hill.
  • Gul, Faiza & Zaman (2011), ‘Factors Affecting Bank Profitability in Pakistan', The Romanian Economic Journal, Year XIV, no. 39
  • Guru B J S and Balashanmugam B (2002), “Determinants of Commer- cial Bank Profitability in Malaysia”, University Multimedia Work- ing Papers.
  • Haron March (2014),'Determinants of Islamic Bank Profitability, Global Journal of Finance and Economics. USA, Vol 1, No 1.
  • Hoffmann (2011), 'Determinants of the Profitability of the US Banking Industry* International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2 No. 22.
  • deposit-ratio-remaining-high-for-long-328212.
  • Manoj P K (2010), “Determinants of Profitability and Efficiency of Old Private Sector Banks in India with Focus on Banks in Kerala State: An Econometric Study”, International Research Journal of Fi- nance and Economics, 47: pp 7-20. (Also available at
  • Md. Jahid Iqbal(2012), Banking Sector's Performance In Bangladesh- An Application Of Selected Camels Ratio , Asian Institute of Technology School of Management Thailand
  • Ministry of Finance (MoF). 2013, Bangladesh Economic Review, 2013. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Gov- ernment of Bangladesh.
  • Molyneux P. and J. Thornton (1992): Determinants of European Bank Profitability: A Note, Journal of Banking and Finance 16, 1173- 1178.
  • Naceur S B (2003), “The Determinants of the Tunisian Banking Indus- try Profitability: Panel Evidence,” Universite Libre de Tunis Working Papers.
  • Naceur, S. B. and M. Goaied (2008), 'The Determinants of Bank Interest Margin and Profitability: Evidence from Tunisia', Frontiers in Fi- nance and Economics, 5, 106-30.
  • Nadim, Shill and Jahid (2007), 'Examination Of Profitability In The Context Of Bangladesh Banking Industry', ABAC Journal Vol. 27, No. 2 (May- August, 2007, pp.36)
  • NAKANE, M. I. (2001): “The Determinants of Bank Interest Spread in Brazil'”. Banco Central do Brasil. Working Paper Series 12 (avail- able on
  • Neely M C and Wheelock D C (1997),” Why Does Bank Perfor- mance Vary Across States?” Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0: pp 27-38.
  • Ross Levine (1996). Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda. Policy Research Paper 1678, The World Bank.
  • Siddique &Islam (2001), Banking Sector in Bangladesh: Its Contribu- tion and Performance,
  • Singh R K and Chaudhary S (2009), “Profitability Determinants of Banks in India”, International Journal of Global Business, 2 (1): pp 163-180.
  • Unnayan O (2013). Abdicating Accountability: Bangladesh Economic Update, %20MPS.pdf, 05/30/banks-are-not-lending-like-they-should-and-with-good- reason. December2013,
  • Vong & Chan (2008), 'Determinants of Bank Profitability in Macao', University of Macau, 222-24.

The Determinants of Profitability of Private Banks in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis

Year 2017, Issue: 11, 141 - 172, 01.04.2017


Bank efficiency has come out as a multi-dimensional concept, which has been discussed widely in the literature. Despite recent trends of financial disintermediation and growth in market-based finance, the role of banks is essential to the performance and operation of modern economies. With the change in the social and economic objectives of Commercial banks, it becomes extremely essential to access their profitability performance. An analysis of profitability and its determinants would help the policy makers to formulate policies for improving performance of these institutions. It is generally agreed that a strong and healthy banking system is a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth and maintain financial stability. The study of profits is important not only because of the information it provides about the health of the economy in any given year, but also because profits are a key determinant of growth and employment in the medium-term. As the main role of a financial system is to lubricate the gears facilitating the economic operations, this dissertation represents several determinants , for the entire period 2009-10 to 2011-12 , such as Spread ratio, Profit per employee, and Non interest income that show a positive association with profitability measured in terms of ROA. As well as Capital adequacy ratio and Operating expenses ratio bears a significant negative association with profitability measured in terms of ROA. But Credit deposit ratio, and Business Per Employee have a negative association with ROA which are not the usual case but could cause due to the bad credit, loan defaulter and high deposit collection rather than credit creation but significantly affected the bank's profitability.


  • Abeer Khandker (2011), 'Commercial Banking in Developing Econo- my: A Case Study of Ten Private Commercial Banks of Bangla- desh',* ASA University Review, Vol. 5 No. 1, January–June, 2011
  • Abreu M and Mendes V (2000), Commercial Bank Interest Margins and Profitability: Evidence for Some EU Countries, presented on the 50th International Atlantic Economic Conference.
  • Afanasieff T, Lhacer P and Nakane M (2002), “The Determinants of Bank Interest Spreads in Brazil”, Banco Central di Brazil Working Papers.
  • Andreas and Wanzenriedb (2009), 'What Determines the Profitability of Commercial Banks? ', Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Angbazo L (1997), “Commercial Bank Net Interest Margins, Default Risk, Interest-rate Risk, and Off-balance Sheet Banking”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 21: pp 55-87.
  • Aremu, Ekpo, & Mustapha(2013), Determinants Of Banks’ Profitability In A Developing Economy: Evidence From Nigerian Banking In- dustry, Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business, Vol 4, No 9
  • Badola B S and Verma R (2006), “Determinants of Profitability of Banks in Indian: A Multivariate Analysis”, Delhi Business Re- view X, 7 (2): pp 79-88.
  • Bangladesh Bank. 2013, Annual report from 2007-2012. Dhaka, Bang- ladesh: Bangladesh Bank. Ferdasue Sharif (2006), ' An Empirical Study On Commercial Bank’s Profitability In Context of Bangla- desh', School of Business Independent University, Bangladesh August 29, 2006
  • Bangladesh Bank. 2013, Major Economic Indicators. November, 2013. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank.
  • Bangladesh Bank. 2013, Monthly Economic Trend, November 2013. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank.
  • Barajas A, Steiner R, &Salazar N(1999), “Interest Spreads in Banking in Colombia 1974-96", IMF Staff Papers, 46: pp 196-224.
  • Bashir A (2000), “Determinants of Profitability and Rates of Return Margins in Islamic Banks: Some Evidence from the Middle East,” Grambling State University, Mimeo.
  • Berger A (1995),'The Relationship Between Capital and Earnings in Banking,' Journal of Money, Credit Banking, 27(2): pp 432-456.
  • Bhatia, Mahajan & Chander (2012), Determinants of Profitability of Private Sector Banks In India, Indian Journal of Accounting Vol. XLII (2), pp. 39-51
  • Dermiguc Kunt, A.; Huizinga, H. (1999). Determinants of Commercial Bank Interest Margins and Profitability: Some International Evi- dence, World Bank Economic Review 13(2): 379- 408
  • Flamini, Calvin, and Liliana (2009), ' The Determinants of Commercial Bank Profitability in Sub-Saharan Africa ‘, IMF Working Paper, African Department
  • Gujarati D N (2006), Basic Econometrics, Tata McGraw Hill Edu- cation Private Ltd, New Delhi.
  • Gujarati, D. (2003). Basic Econometrics (4th edn). New York: McGraw- Hill.
  • Gul, Faiza & Zaman (2011), ‘Factors Affecting Bank Profitability in Pakistan', The Romanian Economic Journal, Year XIV, no. 39
  • Guru B J S and Balashanmugam B (2002), “Determinants of Commer- cial Bank Profitability in Malaysia”, University Multimedia Work- ing Papers.
  • Haron March (2014),'Determinants of Islamic Bank Profitability, Global Journal of Finance and Economics. USA, Vol 1, No 1.
  • Hoffmann (2011), 'Determinants of the Profitability of the US Banking Industry* International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2 No. 22.
  • deposit-ratio-remaining-high-for-long-328212.
  • Manoj P K (2010), “Determinants of Profitability and Efficiency of Old Private Sector Banks in India with Focus on Banks in Kerala State: An Econometric Study”, International Research Journal of Fi- nance and Economics, 47: pp 7-20. (Also available at
  • Md. Jahid Iqbal(2012), Banking Sector's Performance In Bangladesh- An Application Of Selected Camels Ratio , Asian Institute of Technology School of Management Thailand
  • Ministry of Finance (MoF). 2013, Bangladesh Economic Review, 2013. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Gov- ernment of Bangladesh.
  • Molyneux P. and J. Thornton (1992): Determinants of European Bank Profitability: A Note, Journal of Banking and Finance 16, 1173- 1178.
  • Naceur S B (2003), “The Determinants of the Tunisian Banking Indus- try Profitability: Panel Evidence,” Universite Libre de Tunis Working Papers.
  • Naceur, S. B. and M. Goaied (2008), 'The Determinants of Bank Interest Margin and Profitability: Evidence from Tunisia', Frontiers in Fi- nance and Economics, 5, 106-30.
  • Nadim, Shill and Jahid (2007), 'Examination Of Profitability In The Context Of Bangladesh Banking Industry', ABAC Journal Vol. 27, No. 2 (May- August, 2007, pp.36)
  • NAKANE, M. I. (2001): “The Determinants of Bank Interest Spread in Brazil'”. Banco Central do Brasil. Working Paper Series 12 (avail- able on
  • Neely M C and Wheelock D C (1997),” Why Does Bank Perfor- mance Vary Across States?” Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0: pp 27-38.
  • Ross Levine (1996). Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda. Policy Research Paper 1678, The World Bank.
  • Siddique &Islam (2001), Banking Sector in Bangladesh: Its Contribu- tion and Performance,
  • Singh R K and Chaudhary S (2009), “Profitability Determinants of Banks in India”, International Journal of Global Business, 2 (1): pp 163-180.
  • Unnayan O (2013). Abdicating Accountability: Bangladesh Economic Update, %20MPS.pdf, 05/30/banks-are-not-lending-like-they-should-and-with-good- reason. December2013,
  • Vong & Chan (2008), 'Determinants of Bank Profitability in Macao', University of Macau, 222-24.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Mohammad Mohiuddin This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 11


APA Mohiuddin, M. (2017). The Determinants of Profitability of Private Banks in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis. Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(11), 141-172.