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Haçlı Seferleri ve Haçlı Ticaretinin Ardından Han ve Kervansaraylar

Year 2020, Issue: 21, 559 - 582, 01.01.2020


Haçlıların Yakın Doğu'ya gelişi bölgeye savaş getirmiş ancak aynı zamanda, Mısır, Suriye ve Haçlı devletlerinde Batılı tüccar varlığının artışını da sağlamıştır. Bu Batılı tüccarların, ticari mallara ve yerel pazarlara erişim sağlamaya yönelik faaliyetleri için kurumsal ve politik desteğe ihtiyacı vardı. Birçok açıdan ihtiyaçları, aynı ticari alandan beslenen o zamanki Müslüman ve Yahudi tüccarların ihtiyaçlarına paraleldi. Öte yandan, Haçlıların ve tüccarların varlığı, 12. ve 13. yüzyıllarda Yakın Doğu'nun ticaret yapısına yeni baskılar ve talepler getirdi. Talep alanlarının en önemlilerinden biri de barınma ve güvenlik ihtiyacıydı. Sadece tüccarların kaldığı hanların bazılarına ait terminoloji ve işlevinin kronolojik bir analizi, Haçlı Seferleri boyunca ve sonrasında Yakın Doğu'daki uluslararası ticaretini şekillendiren ticari altyapıdaki değişimleri ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Amari, M., L’diplomi Arabi del R. Archivio Fiorentino, Floransa, 1863.
  • Constable, Olivie Remie, The Funduq and Fondaco in the Context of Cross- Cultural Relations in the MedievalMediterranean World, ‘’Müslim- Arab Civilization: The Non-Muslim Dimension’’, Royal İnstitute for Interfaith Studies, Amman, 1997.
  • Curtin, P., Cross-Cultural Trade in World History, Cambridge,1984.
  • Elisseeff, N., “Khan,”, Vol. IV, Leiden, 1990.
  • Epictetus, Enchiridion, (ed. H.Schenkl), Leipzig, 1916.
  • Erdmann, K., Das Anatolische Karavansaray des 13. Jahrhunderts, Berlin, 1961.
  • Frescobaldi, L., Visit to the Holy Places of Egypt, Sinai, Palestine, and Syria in 1384, (trans.T .Bellorini, E.Hoade), Publications of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum 6, Kudüs, 1948.
  • Gil, M., Documents of the Jewish Pious Foundations from the Cairo Geniza, Leiden, 1976.
  • Goitein, D., A Mediterrian Society, Los Angeles, 1967.
  • Hanna, N., An Urban History of Bulaq in the Mamluk and Ottoman Peri- ods, Kahire, 1983.
  • Harîrî, Makâmât, Beyrut, 1958.
  • Hillenbrand, R., İslamic Arthitecture: Form, Function and Meaning, New York, 1994.
  • Hillenbrand, “The Caravansarai'' İslamic Architecture, Leiden, 1990.
  • Imperiale, C., Codice diplomatico della Repubblica di Genova, V.III., Roma, 1936.
  • İbn Abdun el-İşbilî, Risale, Kahire, 1955.
  • İbn Batûta, The Travels of İbn Battûta (1325-1354), (Ed. C. Defreêmery and B. R. Sanguinetti), (trans. H. A. R. Gibb), Cambridge, 1958.
  • İbn Cübeyr, Rıhle, (Ed.W.Wright and Goeje), London, 1907.
  • İbn Havkal, Suret’ül-Arz (Ed. M.J. de Goeje, H. Kramers), Leiden, 1967.
  • Jacoby, D., “Crusader Acre in the Thirteenth Century: Urban Layout and Topography”, Studies on the Crusader States and on Venetian Expansion, Northampton, 1989.
  • Jacoby, D., “L’expansion occidentale dans le Levant: Les Vênetiens â Acre dans la seconde moitiê du treiziême siêcle,” Journal of Medieval His- tory 3, 1977.
  • Jacoby, D., “Les Italiens en Egypte aux XIIe et XIIIe siécles: Du comptoir a`la colonie?” and M.T.Mansouri, “Les communautés marchandes oc- cidentales dans l’espace Mamlouk (XIIIe–XVe siécle),” in Coloniser au moyen age, (Ed.M.Balard and A.Ducellier), Paris, 1995.
  • Joos van Ghistele, Le Voyage en Egypte de Joos van Ghistele (1482–1483), (Trans.R. Bauw ens-Prêaux), Kahire, 1976.
  • Lapidus, I., Muslim Cities in the Later Middle Ages, Cambridge, 1967.
  • M. Kiani, W. Kleiss, Karvansarayha-ye Iran (Iranian Caravansarais), Tehran, 1995.
  • MacKenzie, N. D., in his Ayyubid Cairo: A Topographical Study, Kahire, 1992.
  • Makrîzî, El-Hıtatü’l-Makrîziyye, Vol. II., Bulak (Gize), 1853.
  • Makrîzî, Les marche´s du Caire: Traduction annote´e du textede Maqrîzî, Vol. XIV. (Ed. A. Raymond and G. Wiet) in Textes Arabes et e´tudes İslamiques, 1979.
  • Mango, C., “A Late Roman Inn in Eastern Turkey,” Oxford Journal of Archeology 5, 1986.
  • Müller, G., Documenti sulle relazioni delle citta` toscane coll’Oriente cristia- no e coi Turchi fino all’anno, Vol. MDXXXI, Floransa, 1879.
  • Polybius, The Histories, Cambridge, 1922.
  • R. Morozzo della Rocca, A. Lombardo, Documenti del commercio venezi- ano nei secoli XI–XIII, V.I, Roma, 1940.
  • Rêpertoire chronologique d’êpigraphie arabe, (Ed.E.Combe, J.Sauvaget, and G.Wiet), Publications de l’Institut français d’archêologie orientale du Caire, Vol. XVIII, Kahire, 1937
  • Racine, P., “Les de´buts des consulats İtaliens outre-mer,” in Etat et coloni- sation au moyen age et a`la Renaissance, (Ed.M.Balard), Lyon, 1989
  • Raymond, A., The Great Arab Cities in the 16th–18th Centuries, New York, 1984.
  • Sharon, M., “A Waqf Inscription from Ramlah,” (Arabic) Vol. XIII, 1966.
  • Slessarev, V., “Ecclesiae Mercatorum and the Rise of Merchant Colo- nies,” Business History Review 41, 1967.
  • Strabon, Geography, Cambridge, 1988.
  • Taberî, Târîhu’l-Ümem Ve’l-Mülûk, Vol. V., Beyrut, 1995.
  • Taberî, Tarih-i Taberi, (Trans. D.S. Powers The History of Taberî) Vol. IV, Arnavutluk, 1989.
  • Tafel, G.L.F. Thomas, G.M., Urkunden zur a¨lteren Handels- und Staats- geschichte der Republik Venedig mit besonderer Beziehung auf Byzanz und die Levante, Vol.III, Viyana, 1856-1857.

Funduq, Fondaco, and Khan in the Wake of Christian Commerce and Crusade

Year 2020, Issue: 21, 559 - 582, 01.01.2020


The arrival of the Crusaders in the Near East brought warfare to the region, but their coming also encouraged an increased presence of Western merchants in Egypt, Syria, and the Crusader states. To gain access to commercial goods and local markets, these Western traders needed institutional and political support for their activities. In many respects, their needs paralleled those of contemporary Muslim and Jewish traders operating in the same commercial sphere. On the other hand, the presence of Western Crusaders and merchants also put new pressures and demands on the structure of trade in the Near East during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. One of the most critical areas of demand was the need for lodging and security. A chronological analysis of the terminology and function of certain types of merchant hostelry reveals shifts in the commercial infrastructure that shaped long-distance trade in the Near East during and after the era of the Crusades.


  • Amari, M., L’diplomi Arabi del R. Archivio Fiorentino, Floransa, 1863.
  • Constable, Olivie Remie, The Funduq and Fondaco in the Context of Cross- Cultural Relations in the MedievalMediterranean World, ‘’Müslim- Arab Civilization: The Non-Muslim Dimension’’, Royal İnstitute for Interfaith Studies, Amman, 1997.
  • Curtin, P., Cross-Cultural Trade in World History, Cambridge,1984.
  • Elisseeff, N., “Khan,”, Vol. IV, Leiden, 1990.
  • Epictetus, Enchiridion, (ed. H.Schenkl), Leipzig, 1916.
  • Erdmann, K., Das Anatolische Karavansaray des 13. Jahrhunderts, Berlin, 1961.
  • Frescobaldi, L., Visit to the Holy Places of Egypt, Sinai, Palestine, and Syria in 1384, (trans.T .Bellorini, E.Hoade), Publications of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum 6, Kudüs, 1948.
  • Gil, M., Documents of the Jewish Pious Foundations from the Cairo Geniza, Leiden, 1976.
  • Goitein, D., A Mediterrian Society, Los Angeles, 1967.
  • Hanna, N., An Urban History of Bulaq in the Mamluk and Ottoman Peri- ods, Kahire, 1983.
  • Harîrî, Makâmât, Beyrut, 1958.
  • Hillenbrand, R., İslamic Arthitecture: Form, Function and Meaning, New York, 1994.
  • Hillenbrand, “The Caravansarai'' İslamic Architecture, Leiden, 1990.
  • Imperiale, C., Codice diplomatico della Repubblica di Genova, V.III., Roma, 1936.
  • İbn Abdun el-İşbilî, Risale, Kahire, 1955.
  • İbn Batûta, The Travels of İbn Battûta (1325-1354), (Ed. C. Defreêmery and B. R. Sanguinetti), (trans. H. A. R. Gibb), Cambridge, 1958.
  • İbn Cübeyr, Rıhle, (Ed.W.Wright and Goeje), London, 1907.
  • İbn Havkal, Suret’ül-Arz (Ed. M.J. de Goeje, H. Kramers), Leiden, 1967.
  • Jacoby, D., “Crusader Acre in the Thirteenth Century: Urban Layout and Topography”, Studies on the Crusader States and on Venetian Expansion, Northampton, 1989.
  • Jacoby, D., “L’expansion occidentale dans le Levant: Les Vênetiens â Acre dans la seconde moitiê du treiziême siêcle,” Journal of Medieval His- tory 3, 1977.
  • Jacoby, D., “Les Italiens en Egypte aux XIIe et XIIIe siécles: Du comptoir a`la colonie?” and M.T.Mansouri, “Les communautés marchandes oc- cidentales dans l’espace Mamlouk (XIIIe–XVe siécle),” in Coloniser au moyen age, (Ed.M.Balard and A.Ducellier), Paris, 1995.
  • Joos van Ghistele, Le Voyage en Egypte de Joos van Ghistele (1482–1483), (Trans.R. Bauw ens-Prêaux), Kahire, 1976.
  • Lapidus, I., Muslim Cities in the Later Middle Ages, Cambridge, 1967.
  • M. Kiani, W. Kleiss, Karvansarayha-ye Iran (Iranian Caravansarais), Tehran, 1995.
  • MacKenzie, N. D., in his Ayyubid Cairo: A Topographical Study, Kahire, 1992.
  • Makrîzî, El-Hıtatü’l-Makrîziyye, Vol. II., Bulak (Gize), 1853.
  • Makrîzî, Les marche´s du Caire: Traduction annote´e du textede Maqrîzî, Vol. XIV. (Ed. A. Raymond and G. Wiet) in Textes Arabes et e´tudes İslamiques, 1979.
  • Mango, C., “A Late Roman Inn in Eastern Turkey,” Oxford Journal of Archeology 5, 1986.
  • Müller, G., Documenti sulle relazioni delle citta` toscane coll’Oriente cristia- no e coi Turchi fino all’anno, Vol. MDXXXI, Floransa, 1879.
  • Polybius, The Histories, Cambridge, 1922.
  • R. Morozzo della Rocca, A. Lombardo, Documenti del commercio venezi- ano nei secoli XI–XIII, V.I, Roma, 1940.
  • Rêpertoire chronologique d’êpigraphie arabe, (Ed.E.Combe, J.Sauvaget, and G.Wiet), Publications de l’Institut français d’archêologie orientale du Caire, Vol. XVIII, Kahire, 1937
  • Racine, P., “Les de´buts des consulats İtaliens outre-mer,” in Etat et coloni- sation au moyen age et a`la Renaissance, (Ed.M.Balard), Lyon, 1989
  • Raymond, A., The Great Arab Cities in the 16th–18th Centuries, New York, 1984.
  • Sharon, M., “A Waqf Inscription from Ramlah,” (Arabic) Vol. XIII, 1966.
  • Slessarev, V., “Ecclesiae Mercatorum and the Rise of Merchant Colo- nies,” Business History Review 41, 1967.
  • Strabon, Geography, Cambridge, 1988.
  • Taberî, Târîhu’l-Ümem Ve’l-Mülûk, Vol. V., Beyrut, 1995.
  • Taberî, Tarih-i Taberi, (Trans. D.S. Powers The History of Taberî) Vol. IV, Arnavutluk, 1989.
  • Tafel, G.L.F. Thomas, G.M., Urkunden zur a¨lteren Handels- und Staats- geschichte der Republik Venedig mit besonderer Beziehung auf Byzanz und die Levante, Vol.III, Viyana, 1856-1857.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Olivie Remie Constable This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 21


APA Constable, O. R. (2020). Haçlı Seferleri ve Haçlı Ticaretinin Ardından Han ve Kervansaraylar. Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(21), 559-582.