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Düşük Gelir Grubundaki Çocuklar ve Salgın Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği

Year 2020, Issue: EK SAYI (2020), 169 - 190, 01.10.2020


Koronavirüs şimdiye kadar çocuklar arasında daha az ciddi vakalarla sonuçlanırken, hayatlarına farklı şekillerde zarar verme ihtimali büyüktür. Dünya çapında sosyal mesafe önlemleri nedeniyle ebe-veynler çalışamamakta, düşük gelirle çalışmak zorunda kalmaktadır-lar. Bu arada geleneksel bakım sağlayıcısı olan okul ve kreşlerin ka-panması çocukların eğitimlerinin ve ebeveynlerin iş hayatındaki aksamalara neden olmuştur. Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki ülkelerde savunmasız topluluklarda yaşayan milyonlarca çocuk, pandemiden korunmak için gerekli önemlerin geniş kapsamlı ekonomik ve sosyal etkilerinden mustarip olacaktır. Gelecekteki kalıcı hasarlardan ka-çınmak için ailelerin geliri güvende olmayan çocuklara desteği ar-tırmak ve ihtiyaç duydukları sosyal korumayı sağlamak amacıyla hemen harekete geçilmelidir. Gelir düzeyi yüksek aile çocukları sorunları kısmen kolay atlatabilirken çok az birikimi olan, yiyecek ve ihtiyaçlarını stoklayamayan ailelerde bugün yaşanan sorunlar gelecekte daha fazla soruna neden olacaktır.


  • Andresen, S., & Meiland, S. (2019, February). Being Poor from Children's Point of View. The Potential of Childhood Theory and Qualitative Methods for Child Poverty Research: Findings from Two Qualitative Studies of Poverty in Germany. Children And Youth Review, 94-99.
  • Atkinson, A. B. (1987, July). On the Measurement of Poverty. Econometrica, 55(4), 749-764.
  • Durgun, Ö. (2019). Gelişmiş Ülkelerde Çocuk Yoksulluğu, Teorik ve Güncel Bir Bakış. Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • EUROSTAT. (2020, 03 05). “EU children at risk of poverty or social exclusion”. European Commission: /DDN-20200305-1 adresinden alındı
  • EUROSTAT. (2020, 03 05). “Gelir dağılımı eşitsizliği, P80 / P20, 65 yaşından genç nüfus”,
  • EUROSTAT. (2020, 03 05). “Custom and Poverty”, ustomView_1/table?lang=en
  • EUROSTAT. (2020, 03 05). “Population at risk of poverty or social exclusion by household type”,
  • EUROSTAT. (2020, 03 05). “Population at risk of poverty"
  • Fotso, J. C., Madise, N., Baschieri, A., Cleland, J., Zuzu, E., Mutua, M. K., & Essendi, H. (2012, March). Child growth in urban deprived settings: Does Household Poverty Status Matter? At which Stage of Child Development? Health & Place, 18(2), 375-384.
  • Garcia, A. F. (2015, October 15). 7 facts about child poverty you should know. UNICEF: adresinden alındı.
  • ILO and UNICEF. (2020). Covid-19 And Child Labour: A time of Crisis, A Time To Act. New York: International Labour Organization and United Nations Children's Fund.
  • Mahler, D. G., Lakner, C., Aguilar, R. C., & Wu, H. (2020). Updated Estimates of the Impact of COVID-19 on Global Poverty. World Bank: Updated estimates of the impact of COVID19 on global poverty adresinden alındı
  • Mitlin, D. (2003, Eylül). Addressing Urban Poverty Through Strengthening Assets. Habitat International, 27, 393-406.
  • Nişancı, A., Kahraman, R., & Alçelik, Y. (2020, July 14). AlceWorking with refugees during COVID-19: Social worker voices from Turkey. International Social Works, 1-6. 0032?casa_token=VfFXDmKm8hcAAAAA:O2tdxvG4PrhfpOC7 0sADbXG52UF0BDPHcCnF3tohqeJJbTPq3eVzfytyDG0hjC3q2RH7iaLw7qC_A adresinden alındı
  • UNICEF. (2020, August). COVID-19 and Children. UNICEF DATA: adresinden alındı
  • UNICEF. (2020,03,05) “Children in Monetary Poor Households and Covid 19",
  • World Bank (2020). Understanding Poverty. World Bank: adresinden alındı
  • World Bank. (2020, 03 05). “Popular Slum”, end=2014&most_recent_value_desc=true&start=1990&view=ch art.

The Effects of Pandemic on the Children from the Low Income Group: The Case of Turkey

Year 2020, Issue: EK SAYI (2020), 169 - 190, 01.10.2020


While coronavirus has resulted in less serious cases among children so far, it is likely to harm their lives in different ways. Due to social distance measures worldwide, parents do not work, they have to work with low income. As a result of the closure of traditional nurse-ry schools and kindergartens, it caused problems in the education of children and the business life of the parents. There are millions of children living in vulnerable communities in countries around the world. These children will suffer from the wide-ranging economic and social impacts of the importance taken to protect against Pan-demic. To avoid future permanent damage, urgent action should be taken to provide support and social protection.


  • Andresen, S., & Meiland, S. (2019, February). Being Poor from Children's Point of View. The Potential of Childhood Theory and Qualitative Methods for Child Poverty Research: Findings from Two Qualitative Studies of Poverty in Germany. Children And Youth Review, 94-99.
  • Atkinson, A. B. (1987, July). On the Measurement of Poverty. Econometrica, 55(4), 749-764.
  • Durgun, Ö. (2019). Gelişmiş Ülkelerde Çocuk Yoksulluğu, Teorik ve Güncel Bir Bakış. Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • EUROSTAT. (2020, 03 05). “EU children at risk of poverty or social exclusion”. European Commission: /DDN-20200305-1 adresinden alındı
  • EUROSTAT. (2020, 03 05). “Gelir dağılımı eşitsizliği, P80 / P20, 65 yaşından genç nüfus”,
  • EUROSTAT. (2020, 03 05). “Custom and Poverty”, ustomView_1/table?lang=en
  • EUROSTAT. (2020, 03 05). “Population at risk of poverty or social exclusion by household type”,
  • EUROSTAT. (2020, 03 05). “Population at risk of poverty"
  • Fotso, J. C., Madise, N., Baschieri, A., Cleland, J., Zuzu, E., Mutua, M. K., & Essendi, H. (2012, March). Child growth in urban deprived settings: Does Household Poverty Status Matter? At which Stage of Child Development? Health & Place, 18(2), 375-384.
  • Garcia, A. F. (2015, October 15). 7 facts about child poverty you should know. UNICEF: adresinden alındı.
  • ILO and UNICEF. (2020). Covid-19 And Child Labour: A time of Crisis, A Time To Act. New York: International Labour Organization and United Nations Children's Fund.
  • Mahler, D. G., Lakner, C., Aguilar, R. C., & Wu, H. (2020). Updated Estimates of the Impact of COVID-19 on Global Poverty. World Bank: Updated estimates of the impact of COVID19 on global poverty adresinden alındı
  • Mitlin, D. (2003, Eylül). Addressing Urban Poverty Through Strengthening Assets. Habitat International, 27, 393-406.
  • Nişancı, A., Kahraman, R., & Alçelik, Y. (2020, July 14). AlceWorking with refugees during COVID-19: Social worker voices from Turkey. International Social Works, 1-6. 0032?casa_token=VfFXDmKm8hcAAAAA:O2tdxvG4PrhfpOC7 0sADbXG52UF0BDPHcCnF3tohqeJJbTPq3eVzfytyDG0hjC3q2RH7iaLw7qC_A adresinden alındı
  • UNICEF. (2020, August). COVID-19 and Children. UNICEF DATA: adresinden alındı
  • UNICEF. (2020,03,05) “Children in Monetary Poor Households and Covid 19",
  • World Bank (2020). Understanding Poverty. World Bank: adresinden alındı
  • World Bank. (2020, 03 05). “Popular Slum”, end=2014&most_recent_value_desc=true&start=1990&view=ch art.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Özlem Durgun This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: EK SAYI (2020)


APA Durgun, Ö. (2020). Düşük Gelir Grubundaki Çocuklar ve Salgın Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği. Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(EK SAYI (2020), 169-190.