Malign hastalıkların seyri sırasında yaklaşık olarak % 30 oranında pulmoner metastazlar gelişmektedir. Pulmoner metastatik lezyonlar daha çok parankimde görülmekte olup, endobronşiyal metastazlar nadir görülmektedir. 37 yaşında erkek olgunun akciğer radyogramında solda total atelektazi mevcuttu. Olgu 2 yıl önce sol asetabulumda osteosarkom nedeniyle opere edilmişti. Olgudan alınan bronkoskopik biyopsi materyalinin patolojisi osteosarkom metastazı olarak rapor edildi. Nadir görülmesi sebebiyle endobronşiyal metastaz yapan bir opere osteosarkom olgusu sunulmuştur.
1- Fishman‘ s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorder , Third Edition, Volume Two,1857.
2- The Merck Manual Teşhis ve Tedavi El Kitabı 1. Cilt, 944.
3- Putnam Joe B, Roth Jack A, Wesley Marg N. Survival Following Agressive Resection
of Pulmonary Metastases from Osteogenic Sarcoma: Analysis of Prognostic Factors. The
Annals of Thoracic Surgery. Vol 36 No:5 November 1983, 516-23.
4- Morton DL, Joseph WL, Ketcham AS, et al: Surgical resection and adjunctive
immunotherapy for selected patients with multiple pulmonary metastases. Ann. Surg 178:
5- Spencer H: Pathology of the lung. Third Edition. New York, Pergamon, 1977, Vol 2.
6- Willis RA. The spread of tumors in the human body. Third Edition. London,
Butterworth, 1952,p172.
21- Skinner K.A, Eilber F.R. Surgical treatment and chemotherapy for pulmonary
metastases from osteosarcoma. Arch Surg. 1992; 127: 1065- 71.
22- Taulelle M, Chavvet B, Vincent P. Endobronchial brachytherapy. Rev Mal Respir
1999 ; 16(4 Ptz): 609-18.
23- Mogulkoc N, Goker E, Atasever A. Endobronchial metastasis from osteosarcoma of
bone:treatment with intraluminal radiotherapy. Chest 1999; 116(6): 1811-4.
24- Çelikoglu SI, Karayel T,Demirci S. Direct injection of anti-cancer drugs into
endobronchial tumors for palliation of major airway obstruction. Postgrad Med J 1997; 73:
Pulmonary metastases occur approximately in 30 percent of patient with malignant diseases. Pulmonary metastatic lesions are often located in the lung parenchyma, but rarely they can be in endobronchial location. A 37 year old male patient's the chest radiograph showed total atelectasis in the left lung. The patient was operated from an osteosarcoma on his left acetabulum two years ago.The pathology of the bronchoscopic material was reported as metastasis of an osteosarcoma. The patient who had been operated from an osteosarcoma with an endobronchial metastasis is presented because of its rare occurence.
1- Fishman‘ s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorder , Third Edition, Volume Two,1857.
2- The Merck Manual Teşhis ve Tedavi El Kitabı 1. Cilt, 944.
3- Putnam Joe B, Roth Jack A, Wesley Marg N. Survival Following Agressive Resection
of Pulmonary Metastases from Osteogenic Sarcoma: Analysis of Prognostic Factors. The
Annals of Thoracic Surgery. Vol 36 No:5 November 1983, 516-23.
4- Morton DL, Joseph WL, Ketcham AS, et al: Surgical resection and adjunctive
immunotherapy for selected patients with multiple pulmonary metastases. Ann. Surg 178:
5- Spencer H: Pathology of the lung. Third Edition. New York, Pergamon, 1977, Vol 2.
6- Willis RA. The spread of tumors in the human body. Third Edition. London,
Butterworth, 1952,p172.
21- Skinner K.A, Eilber F.R. Surgical treatment and chemotherapy for pulmonary
metastases from osteosarcoma. Arch Surg. 1992; 127: 1065- 71.
22- Taulelle M, Chavvet B, Vincent P. Endobronchial brachytherapy. Rev Mal Respir
1999 ; 16(4 Ptz): 609-18.
23- Mogulkoc N, Goker E, Atasever A. Endobronchial metastasis from osteosarcoma of
bone:treatment with intraluminal radiotherapy. Chest 1999; 116(6): 1811-4.
24- Çelikoglu SI, Karayel T,Demirci S. Direct injection of anti-cancer drugs into
endobronchial tumors for palliation of major airway obstruction. Postgrad Med J 1997; 73: