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Year 2002, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 1 - 10, 01.10.2002


Akciğer kanserleri dünyada en sık görülen kanser türüdür. Kanser konusunda antioksidan aktivite gösteren vitaminler dikkat çekicidir. Bazı prospektif epidemiyolojik çalışmalar, diyette bulunan C vitamini ile akciğer kanseri arasında ters bir ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada serum askorbik asit düzeyleri ve çeşitli kanser tipleri arasındaki olası ilişki araştırıldı. Serum askorbik asit düzeyleri akciğer kanserli hastalarda (n= 53) ve sigara içmeyen sağlıklı kontrollerde (n= 25) ölçüldü. Histopatolojik tiplerine göre olguların dağılımı şöyleydi: Küçük hücreli olmayan akciğer kanseri (n=6), küçük hücreli akciğer kanseri (n=11), adenokarsinom (n=14), skuamöz hücreli karsinom (n=15) ve diğerleri (n=7). 45-60 yaş grubundaki hastalar Grup I (n=16), ve 60-80 yaş grubundaki hastalar Grup II (n=37) olarak ayrıldı. Kontrol grubunun yaş ortalaması 57.7±7 idi. Vitamin desteği alan hastalar çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Serum askorbik asit düzeyleri dinitrofenilhidrazin yöntemi ile ölçüldü. Serum askorbik asit düzeyleri hasta grubunda kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında anlamlı olarak düşük bulundu (p<0.05). Yine askorbik asit düzeyleri Grup I’de, Grup II’ye göre numerik olarak düşük, fakat istatistik olarak anlamlı değildi. Sonuç olarak:
1) Serum askorbik asit düzeyleri akciğer kanserli hastalarda sağlıklı kontrol grubuna göre
anlamlı olarak düşük bulundu.
2) Serum askorbik asit düzeyleri hastanın yaşına ve akciğer kanserinin patolojisine bağımlı
3) Akciğer kanserli olgularda serum askorbik asit düzeyini yükseltecek vitamin C
destekleri antioksidan savunma mekanizmalarını güçlendirerek tedaviye katkıda


  • 1. Piyathilake CJ, Bell WC,Johanning GL. The accumulation of ascorbic acid by skuamöz cell carcinomas of the lung and larynx is associated with global methlation of DNA. Cancer 2000 Jul 1; 89 (1):171-6
  • 2. Yun TK. Update from Asia. Asian studies on cancer chemoprevention. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1999; 889: 157-92
  • 3. Virtamo J. Vitamins and lung cancer . Proc Nutr Soc 1999 May; 58 (2): 329-33
  • 4. Bozkır A, Şimşek B, Gungort A. Ascorbic acid and uric acid levels in lung cancer patients. J Clin Pharm Ther 1999 Feb ; 24 (1): 43-7
  • 5. Greco AM, Gentile M, Di Filippo O, Coppola A. Study of blood vitamin C in lung and bladder cancer patients before and after treatment with ascorbic acid. A preliminary report. Acta Vitaminol Enzymol 1982:4(1-2):155-62
  • 6. Chiang CD, Song EJ, Yang VC. Ascorbic acid increases drug accumulation and reverses vincristine resistance of human non- small- cell lung-cancer cells. Biochem J 1994 Aug 1; 301 (Pt 3):759-64
  • 7. Le Gardeur BY, Lopez A, Johnson WD. A case-control study of serum vitamins A, E, and C in lung cancer patients. Nutr Cancer 1990; 14 (2): 133-40
  • 8. Farchi S, Forastiere F, Pistelli R, Baldacci S, Simoni M, Perucci CA, Viegi G; Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is associated with lower plasma beta- carotene levels among nonsmoking women married to a smoker,Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2001 Aug; 10 (8): 907-9
  • 9. Meira LB, Devaraj S, Kisby GE, Burns DK, Daniel RL, Hammer RE, Grundy S. Heterozygosity for the mouse Apex gene results in phenotypes associated with oxidative stress. Cancer Res 2001 Jul 15; 61 (14):5552-7
  • 10. Schneider M, Diemer K, Engelhart K, Zankl H, Trommer WE, Biesalski HK. Protective effects of vitamins C and E on the number of micronuclei in lymphocytes in smokers and


Year 2002, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 1 - 10, 01.10.2002


Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world. Vitamins with antioxidant activity have received much attention in the subject of lung cancer. Some prospective epidemiological studies suggest an inverse relationship between dietary vitamin C and the risk of lung cancer. In this study, the possible relationship between serum ascorbic acid levels and various types of lung cancer were investigated. Serum ascorbic acid levels were measured in lung cancer patients (n=53) and non-smoker healthy controls (n=25). The patients according to their pathologies are as follow: Nonsmall cell carcinoma (n=6), small-cell carcinoma (n=11), adenocarcinoma (n=14), skuamöz-cell carcinoma (n=15) and others (n=7). The patients whose ages 45-60 years old are named as Group I (n=16), and 60-80 years old as Group II (n=37). The mean age of control group was 57.7±7. The patients who have taken the any kind of vitamin supplements are excluded from the study. Serum ascorbic acid levels are detected with the dinitrophenil-hydrazine method. The levels of serum ascorbic acid was significantly lower in patients with lung cancer compare to the control group The ascorbic acid levels were also lower in Group I patients compare to Group II, but this was not statistically significant. As results:
1) Serum ascorbic acid levels are found very low in patients with lung cancer compare to
healthy controls.
2) The decrease in the serum ascorbic acid levels is not depended to the patient age or the
pathology of the lung cancer.
3) Increasing the serum ascorbic acid levels with using vitamin supplements may help the
antioxidant defense mechanism of the patients with lung can


  • 1. Piyathilake CJ, Bell WC,Johanning GL. The accumulation of ascorbic acid by skuamöz cell carcinomas of the lung and larynx is associated with global methlation of DNA. Cancer 2000 Jul 1; 89 (1):171-6
  • 2. Yun TK. Update from Asia. Asian studies on cancer chemoprevention. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1999; 889: 157-92
  • 3. Virtamo J. Vitamins and lung cancer . Proc Nutr Soc 1999 May; 58 (2): 329-33
  • 4. Bozkır A, Şimşek B, Gungort A. Ascorbic acid and uric acid levels in lung cancer patients. J Clin Pharm Ther 1999 Feb ; 24 (1): 43-7
  • 5. Greco AM, Gentile M, Di Filippo O, Coppola A. Study of blood vitamin C in lung and bladder cancer patients before and after treatment with ascorbic acid. A preliminary report. Acta Vitaminol Enzymol 1982:4(1-2):155-62
  • 6. Chiang CD, Song EJ, Yang VC. Ascorbic acid increases drug accumulation and reverses vincristine resistance of human non- small- cell lung-cancer cells. Biochem J 1994 Aug 1; 301 (Pt 3):759-64
  • 7. Le Gardeur BY, Lopez A, Johnson WD. A case-control study of serum vitamins A, E, and C in lung cancer patients. Nutr Cancer 1990; 14 (2): 133-40
  • 8. Farchi S, Forastiere F, Pistelli R, Baldacci S, Simoni M, Perucci CA, Viegi G; Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is associated with lower plasma beta- carotene levels among nonsmoking women married to a smoker,Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2001 Aug; 10 (8): 907-9
  • 9. Meira LB, Devaraj S, Kisby GE, Burns DK, Daniel RL, Hammer RE, Grundy S. Heterozygosity for the mouse Apex gene results in phenotypes associated with oxidative stress. Cancer Res 2001 Jul 15; 61 (14):5552-7
  • 10. Schneider M, Diemer K, Engelhart K, Zankl H, Trommer WE, Biesalski HK. Protective effects of vitamins C and E on the number of micronuclei in lymphocytes in smokers and
There are 10 citations in total.


Other ID JA33JT57NK
Journal Section Research Article

Ayşenur Atay This is me

Gülhan Barsal This is me

Semra Kılıç This is me

Füsun Erciyas This is me

Gürkan Ertuğrul This is me

Hüseyin Halilçolar This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2002
Published in Issue Year 2002 Volume: 16 Issue: 2


APA Atay, A., Barsal, G., Kılıç, S., Erciyas, F., et al. (2002). AKCİĞER KANSERLİ HASTALARDA SERUM ASKORBİK ASİT DÜZEYİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI. İzmir Göğüs Hastanesi Dergisi, 16(2), 1-10.