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Year 2003, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 7 - 10, 01.05.2003


Obstrüktif akci¤er hastal›klar›n›n seyrinde elektrolit
dengesizli¤i meydana gelebilmektedir. Bu dengesizlikler
havayolu disfonksiyonuna veya solunum
kas zay›fl›¤›na neden olabilmektedir. Çal›flmam›zda
ast›m ve kronik obstrüktif akci¤er hastal›¤›
(KOAH) akut ataklar›nda elektrolit profillerini
araflt›rd›k. KOAH akut ata¤› ve solunum yetmezli¤i
olan 35 olgu, ast›m ata¤› olan 27 olgu ve
pulmoner semptom tan›mlamayan enfeksiyon
bulgusu olmayan 15 kontrol olgusu çal›flmaya dahil
edildi. Hastaneye yatt›ktan sonraki 24 saat içinde
sodyum, potasyum, klor, fosfor, magnezyum, arter
kan› pH, total ve iyonize kalsiyum, total protein ve
albümin düzeyleri ölçüldü. Ast›m atak olgular›n›n
kontrol olgular›ndan daha düflük albümin ve total
protein düzeyleri vard› (p<0.01). KOAH’l› olgular
ast›ml›lardan daha düflük pH ve magnezyum
ancak daha yüksek iyonize kalsiyum düzeylerine
sahiptiler (p<0.01). Tüm grupta pH ile serum
magnezyum düzeyleri aras›nda pozitif korelasyon
vard› (p<0.01). Ast›ml› olgulardaki azalm›fl albumin
düzeyi ileri yafla, akut faz yan›t›na veya bronfllardaki
artm›fl vasküler permeabiliteye; KOAH‘l› olgulardaki
düflük magnezyum, yüksek iyonize kalsiyum
düzeyleri ise solunumsal asidoza bağlı olabilir.


  • 1. Fiaccadori E, Coffrini E, Ronda N, et al. Hypophosphatemia in course of obstructive pulmonary disease. Chest 1990; 97: 857-68.
  • 2. Gustafson T, Boman K, Rosenhall L, et al. Skeletal muscle magnesium and potassium in asthmatics treated with oral beta 2-agonists. Eur Respir J 1996; 9: 237-40.
  • 3. Meehan RT. Renin, aldosterone, and vasopressin responses to hypoxia during 6 hours of mild exercise. Aviat Space Environ Med 1986; 57: 960-5.
  • 4. Burtis CA, Ashwood ER. Tietz textbook of clinical chemistry, W.B. Saunders Company, 1986.
  • 5. Fahy JV, Wong H, Liu J, Boushey HA. Comparison of samples collected by sputum induction and bronchoscopy from asthmatic and healthy subjects. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995; 152: 53-8.
  • 6. Kushner I, Rzewnicki DL. The acute phase response: General aspects. Bailliere’s Clin Rheumatol 1994; 8: 513-30.
  • 7. Gonlugur U. Eozinofil lökositler, Dilek Ofset Matbaac›l›k, Sivas, 2001, sayfa:212.
  • 8. Kalenci S, Kömürcüo¤lu A, Erer OF ve ark. Kronik obstrüktif akci¤er hastal›¤›nda plazma ve eritrosit magnezyum düzeyleri. ‹zmir Gö¤üs Hastanesi Dergisi 1998; 12: 15-8.
  • 9. Ryan MF. The role of magnesium in clinical biochemistry: an overview. Ann Clin Biochem 1991; 28: 19-26.
  • 10. Milionis HJ, Alexandrides GE, Liberopoulos EN, et al. Hypomagnesemia and concurrent acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities in patients with congestive heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail 2002; 4: 167-73.
  • 11. Dai LJ, Friedman PA, Quamme GA. Acid-base changes alter Mg2+ uptake in mouse distal convolutes tubule cells. Am J Physiol 1997; 272: F759-F766.
  • 12. Bos WJW, Postma DS, van Doormaal JJ. Magnesiuric and calciuric effects of terbutaline in man. Clin Sci 1988; 74: 595-7.
  • 13. Cohen L, Laor A, Shnaider H, Kitzes R. Bone magnesium in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with hypercapnia. Magnesium 1985; 4: 34-9.
  • 14. Fiaccadori E, Del Canale S, Arduini U, et al. Intracellular acid-base and electrolyte metabolism in skeletal muscle of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease and acute respiratory failure. Clin Sci 1986; 71: 703-12.
  • 15. Knochel JP. Pathophysiology and clinical characteristics of severe hypophosphatemia. Arch Intern Med 1977; 137: 203-20.
  • 16. Haffner CA, Kendall MJ. Metabolic effects of b2- agonists. J Clin Pharm Ther 1992; 17: 155-64.


Year 2003, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 7 - 10, 01.05.2003


Electrolyte disturbances can occur in the course
of obstructive lung diseases. These anomalies
can cause airway dysfunction or respiratory muscle
weakness. We investigated electrolyte profiles in
asthma attacks and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) exacerbations in our study. 35
patients with COPD exacerbations with respiratory
failure, 27 patients with asthma attack, and 15
control patients with no infectious findings and
pulmonary symptoms included the study. Sodium,
potassium, chloride, phosphorus, magnesium, total
and ionized calcium, arterial blood pH, total protein,
albumin levels were measured within the 24 hours
after hospitalization. The patients with asthma
attack had lower total protein and albumin levels
than controls (p<0.01). The patients with COPD
had lower pH and magnesium levels but higher
ionized calcium levels than asthmatics (p<0.01).
There was positive correlation between pH and
serum magnesium levels in the entire group
(p<0.01). Lower levels of albumin in patients with
asthma may be due to higher age, acute phase
response or increase of vascular permeability in
bronchi and lower levels of magnesium and
higher levels of ionized calcium to respiratory
acidosis in COPD patients.


  • 1. Fiaccadori E, Coffrini E, Ronda N, et al. Hypophosphatemia in course of obstructive pulmonary disease. Chest 1990; 97: 857-68.
  • 2. Gustafson T, Boman K, Rosenhall L, et al. Skeletal muscle magnesium and potassium in asthmatics treated with oral beta 2-agonists. Eur Respir J 1996; 9: 237-40.
  • 3. Meehan RT. Renin, aldosterone, and vasopressin responses to hypoxia during 6 hours of mild exercise. Aviat Space Environ Med 1986; 57: 960-5.
  • 4. Burtis CA, Ashwood ER. Tietz textbook of clinical chemistry, W.B. Saunders Company, 1986.
  • 5. Fahy JV, Wong H, Liu J, Boushey HA. Comparison of samples collected by sputum induction and bronchoscopy from asthmatic and healthy subjects. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995; 152: 53-8.
  • 6. Kushner I, Rzewnicki DL. The acute phase response: General aspects. Bailliere’s Clin Rheumatol 1994; 8: 513-30.
  • 7. Gonlugur U. Eozinofil lökositler, Dilek Ofset Matbaac›l›k, Sivas, 2001, sayfa:212.
  • 8. Kalenci S, Kömürcüo¤lu A, Erer OF ve ark. Kronik obstrüktif akci¤er hastal›¤›nda plazma ve eritrosit magnezyum düzeyleri. ‹zmir Gö¤üs Hastanesi Dergisi 1998; 12: 15-8.
  • 9. Ryan MF. The role of magnesium in clinical biochemistry: an overview. Ann Clin Biochem 1991; 28: 19-26.
  • 10. Milionis HJ, Alexandrides GE, Liberopoulos EN, et al. Hypomagnesemia and concurrent acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities in patients with congestive heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail 2002; 4: 167-73.
  • 11. Dai LJ, Friedman PA, Quamme GA. Acid-base changes alter Mg2+ uptake in mouse distal convolutes tubule cells. Am J Physiol 1997; 272: F759-F766.
  • 12. Bos WJW, Postma DS, van Doormaal JJ. Magnesiuric and calciuric effects of terbutaline in man. Clin Sci 1988; 74: 595-7.
  • 13. Cohen L, Laor A, Shnaider H, Kitzes R. Bone magnesium in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with hypercapnia. Magnesium 1985; 4: 34-9.
  • 14. Fiaccadori E, Del Canale S, Arduini U, et al. Intracellular acid-base and electrolyte metabolism in skeletal muscle of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease and acute respiratory failure. Clin Sci 1986; 71: 703-12.
  • 15. Knochel JP. Pathophysiology and clinical characteristics of severe hypophosphatemia. Arch Intern Med 1977; 137: 203-20.
  • 16. Haffner CA, Kendall MJ. Metabolic effects of b2- agonists. J Clin Pharm Ther 1992; 17: 155-64.
There are 16 citations in total.


Other ID JA72GR33YY
Journal Section Research Article

Uğur Gönlügür This is me

İnan Erdoğan This is me

Levent Özdemir This is me

İbrahim Akkurt This is me

Ahmet Aker This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Gönlügür, U., Erdoğan, İ., Özdemir, L., Akkurt, İ., et al. (2003). ASTIM VE KOAH AKUT ATAKLARINDA ELEKTROLİT DENGESİZLİKLERİ. İzmir Göğüs Hastanesi Dergisi, 17(1), 7-10.