Elli bir yaşında erkek hasta uçak yolculuğunun hemen ardından başlayan nefes darlığı ve göğüs ağrısı şikayeti ile başvurdu. Acil serviste çekilen posterior anterior akciğer grafide sol hemitoraksta pnömotoraks izlendi. Hastaya sol hemitorakstan tüp torakostomi uygulandı. Postoperatif dördüncü gün taburcu edildi. Taburculuğunun onuncu gününde yaptığı poliklinik başvurusunda çekilen toraks bilgisayarlı tomografisinde sol nüks pnömotoraks saptanması üzerine hastaya sol tüp torakostomi uygulandı. Elektif şartlarda video yardımlı torakoskopik cerrahi (VATS) ile sol alt lob süperior segmente wedge rezeksiyon ve plevral abrazyon operasyonu uygulandı. Hasta postoperatif dördüncü gününde sorunsuz olarak taburcu edildi. Uçak yolculuğu sonrası pnömotoraks gelişmesi nadir rastlanılan bir durum olup literatür eşliğinde sunulmuştur.
1. Sevinç S, Kaya ŞÖ, Ünsal Ş, Koç Ş, Alar T,
Günay Ş ve ark. Primer spontan pnömotoraksta
elektrokardiyografik değişiklikler. Turk Gogus
Kalp Dama 2014;22:601-9.
2. Athanassiadi K, Kalavrouziotis G, Loutsidis A,
Hatzimichalis A, Bellenis I, Exarchos N. Surgical
treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax: tenyear
experience. World J Surg 1998;22:803-6
3. Safa N, Çakan A, Akdağ Ş, Alar T, Buduneli T.
Spontan Pnömotoraks Tedavi Sonuçlarının
Kantitatif Değerlendirilmesi. Solunum Hastalıkları
4. Miller A. Spontaneous pneumothorax. In: Light
RW, Lee YCG, eds. Textbook of pleural diseases.
2nd edn. London: Arnold Press, 2008:
5. MacDuff A, Arnold A, Harvey J. BTS Pleural
Disease Guideline Group (2010) Management
of spontaneous pneumothorax: British
Thoracic Society pleural disease guideline
2010. Thorax 65: 18–31.
6. Smit HJM, Deville WL, Schramel FMNH, Schreurs
AJM, Sutedja TG, postmuş PE. Atmospheric
pressure changes and outdoor temperature
changes in relation to spontaneous
pneumothorax. Chest 1999;116:676-81.
7. British Thoracic Society Standards of Care
Committee. Managing passengers with
respiratory disease planning air travel: British
Thoracic Society recommendations. Thorax
2002; 57:289-304.
8. Szymanski TJ, Jaklitsch MT, Jacobson F, Mullen
GJ, Ferrigno M. Expansion of postoperative
pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum:
determining when it is safe to fly. Aviat Space
Environ Med 2010;81:423–6.
9. Kocatürk Cİ, Cansever L, Günlüoğlu MZ, Turna
A, Özdemir S, Çınar U ve ark. The results of
wedge resection and partial pleurectomy in the
surgical treatment of primary spontaneous
pneumothorax: videothoracoscopy or axillary
thoracotomy? Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cer
Derg 2011;19:213-7.
10. Al-Qudah AS. Thoracoscopic apical pleurectomy
for persisting or recurring pneumothorax. J
Korean Med Sci 1998;13:281-5.
11. Eryiğit H, Ürek Ş, Olgaç G, Kutlu CA. Primer
Spontan Pnömotoraks Tedavisinde Video
Torakoskopik Plörektomi. Toraks Dergisi 2007;
12. Crisci R, Coloni GF. Video-assisted thoracoscopic
surgery versus thoracotomy for recurrent
spontaneous pneumothorax: A comparison of
results and costs. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg
Year 2017,
Volume: 31 Issue: 2, 105 - 107, 01.10.2017
Fifty-one-year-old male patient admitted with dsypnea and chest pain after air travelling. Pneumothorax was observed at the left side of the chest at chest X-ray in the emergency department. Chest tube was performed to the left side of the chest and he was discharged on the fourth postoperative day. He admitted the hospital dsypnea the tenth day after discharge, pneumothorax was detected with thorax computed tomography and tube thoracostomy was performed to again. After than we performed wedge resection to the left lower lobe superior segment and pleural abrasion via videoassisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). He was discharged at the fourth postoperative day. The development of the pneumothorax after air-travelling is a rare condition and we presented this case under the light of the literature.
1. Sevinç S, Kaya ŞÖ, Ünsal Ş, Koç Ş, Alar T,
Günay Ş ve ark. Primer spontan pnömotoraksta
elektrokardiyografik değişiklikler. Turk Gogus
Kalp Dama 2014;22:601-9.
2. Athanassiadi K, Kalavrouziotis G, Loutsidis A,
Hatzimichalis A, Bellenis I, Exarchos N. Surgical
treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax: tenyear
experience. World J Surg 1998;22:803-6
3. Safa N, Çakan A, Akdağ Ş, Alar T, Buduneli T.
Spontan Pnömotoraks Tedavi Sonuçlarının
Kantitatif Değerlendirilmesi. Solunum Hastalıkları
4. Miller A. Spontaneous pneumothorax. In: Light
RW, Lee YCG, eds. Textbook of pleural diseases.
2nd edn. London: Arnold Press, 2008:
5. MacDuff A, Arnold A, Harvey J. BTS Pleural
Disease Guideline Group (2010) Management
of spontaneous pneumothorax: British
Thoracic Society pleural disease guideline
2010. Thorax 65: 18–31.
6. Smit HJM, Deville WL, Schramel FMNH, Schreurs
AJM, Sutedja TG, postmuş PE. Atmospheric
pressure changes and outdoor temperature
changes in relation to spontaneous
pneumothorax. Chest 1999;116:676-81.
7. British Thoracic Society Standards of Care
Committee. Managing passengers with
respiratory disease planning air travel: British
Thoracic Society recommendations. Thorax
2002; 57:289-304.
8. Szymanski TJ, Jaklitsch MT, Jacobson F, Mullen
GJ, Ferrigno M. Expansion of postoperative
pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum:
determining when it is safe to fly. Aviat Space
Environ Med 2010;81:423–6.
9. Kocatürk Cİ, Cansever L, Günlüoğlu MZ, Turna
A, Özdemir S, Çınar U ve ark. The results of
wedge resection and partial pleurectomy in the
surgical treatment of primary spontaneous
pneumothorax: videothoracoscopy or axillary
thoracotomy? Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cer
Derg 2011;19:213-7.
10. Al-Qudah AS. Thoracoscopic apical pleurectomy
for persisting or recurring pneumothorax. J
Korean Med Sci 1998;13:281-5.
11. Eryiğit H, Ürek Ş, Olgaç G, Kutlu CA. Primer
Spontan Pnömotoraks Tedavisinde Video
Torakoskopik Plörektomi. Toraks Dergisi 2007;
12. Crisci R, Coloni GF. Video-assisted thoracoscopic
surgery versus thoracotomy for recurrent
spontaneous pneumothorax: A comparison of
results and costs. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg