Year 2022,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 286 - 291, 31.08.2022
Nazım Babacan
Hübannur Şeremet
Additively manufactured Co-Cr lattice structures are promising choices especially in medical applications. This study involves the designing and fabrication of a novel lattice structures with FCCZZ (face-centered cubic with exterior and interior vertical struts) unit cell topology. The manufacturability by selective laser melting (SLM) and the load-bearing capacity of this structure were examined by utilizing scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations and uniaxial compression tests. The samples with FCCZ (face-centered cubic with vertical struts) structures were also produced and analyzed for comparison. The designed lattice structures were successfully manufactured by SLM even though an approximately 1.5-2% increase in the theoretical relative density values was observed. The novel FCCZZ samples exhibited superior performance in terms of the load-bearing capacity compared to FCCZ samples by possessing 17% higher specific strength value.
The authors would like to thank Aşur Yiğiter for his technical supports.
- 1. Geng, X., Ma, L., Liu, C., Zhao, C. and Yue, Z. F., “A FEM study on mechanical behavior of cellular lattice materials based on combined elements”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Volume 712, Pages 188–198, 2018.
2. Balci, A., Aycan, M. F., Usta, Y. and Demir, T. “Seçimli lazer ergitme ile Ti6Al4V ELI alaşımından üretilen trabeküler metal yapıların basma ve basma-kayma dyanımlarının incelenmesi”, Journal of Polytechnic, Volume 24, Issue 3, Pages 903–914, 2021.
- 3. Saraç, M., Mert, M., Bülbül, İ., Aktitiz, İ., Saygı Yalçın, B. and Varol, R., “Mechanical characterization of 3D printable nanoclay reinforced polymer structures by stereolithography”, Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 1584–1593, 2019.
- 4. Saremian, R., Badrossamay, M., Foroozmehr, E., Kadkhodaei, M. and Forooghi, F., “Experimental and numerical investigation on lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting process under quasi-static and dynamic loadings”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 112, Issue 9–10, Pages 2815–2836, 2021.
- 5. Jin, N., Wang, F., Wang, Y., Zhang, B., Cheng, H. and Zhang, H., “Effect of structural parameters on mechanical properties of Pyramidal Kagome lattice material under impact loading”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 132, Issue 5, 2019.
- 6. Gürkan D., Sağbaş B. “Additively manufactured Ti6Al4V lattice Structures for biomedical applications”, International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Pages 155-163, 2021.
- 7. Xiang, D. D., Wang, P., Tan, X. P., Chandra, S., Wang, C., Nai, M. L. S., Tor, S. B., Liu, W. Q. and Liu, E., “Anisotropic microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured Co–Cr–Mo alloy using selective electron beam melting for orthopedic implants.” Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 765, Pages 138270, 2019.
- 8. Boniotti, L., Beretta, S. and Patriarca, L., “Strain concentrations in BCC micro lattices obtained by AM”, Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol. 7, Pages 166–173, 2017.
- 9. Vrána, R., Cervinek, O., Manas, P., Koutný, D. and Paloušek, D., “Dynamic loading of lattice structure made by selective laser melting-numerical model with substitution of geometrical imperfections” Materials, Vol. 11, Issue 11, 2018.
- 10. Okazaki, Y., Ishino, A. and Higuchi, S., “Chemical, physical, and mechanical properties and microstructures of laser-sintered Co-25Cr-5Mo-5W (SP2) and W-Free Co-28Cr-6Mo alloys for dental applications”, Materials, Vol. 12, Issue 24, Pages 4039, 2019.
- 11. Amanov, A., “A promising post-additive manufacturing surface modification for tailoring gradient nanostructure and harmonic structure in Co–Cr–Mo alloy”, Vacuum, Vol. 182, Issue 3, Pages 109702, 2020.
- 12. Bandyopadhyay, A., Ciliveri, S. and Bose, S., “Metal additive manufacturing for load-bearing implants”, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Vol. 102, Issue 1, Pages 561–584, 2022.
- 13. Mazur, M., Leary, M., Sun, S., Vcelka, M., Shidid, D. and Brandt, M., “Deformation and failure behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V lattice structures manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM)”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 84, Issue 5–8, Pages 1391–1411, 2016.
- 14. Han, C., Yan, C., Wen, S., Xu, T., Li, S., Liu, J., Wei, Q. and Shi, Y., “Effects of the unit cell topology on the compression properties of porous Co-Cr scaffolds fabricated via selective laser melting”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 23, Issue 1, Pages 16–27, 2017.
- 15. Traxel, K. D., Groden, C., Valladares, J. and Bandyopadhyay, A., “Mechanical properties of additively manufactured variable lattice structures of Ti6Al4V”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 809, Pages 140925, 2021.
- 16. Li, Z. Hua, Nie, Y. Fei, Liu, B., Kuai, Z. Zhou, Zhao, M. and Liu, F., “Mechanical properties of AlSi10Mg lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting”, Materials and Design, Vol. 192, Pages 108709, 2020.
- 17. Tüzemen, M. Ç., Salamcı, E. and Ünal, R., “Investigation of the relationship between flexural modulus of elasticity and functionally graded porous structures manufactured by AM”, Materials Today Communications, Vol. 31, Pages 103592, 2022.
- 18. Shruti, M., Hemanth, N. S., Badgayan, N. D. and Sahu, S. K., “Compressive behavior of auxetic structural metamaterial for lightweight construction using ANSYS static structural analysis”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 38, Pages 12–17, 2020.
- 19. Ozdemir, Z., Hernandez-Nava, E., Tyas, A., Warren, J. A., Fay, S. D., Goodall, R., Todd, I. and Askes, H., “Energy absorption in lattice structures in dynamics: Experiments”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 89, Pages 49–61, 2016.
- 20. Maconachie, T., Leary, M., Tran, P., Harris, J., Liu, Q., Lu, G., Ruan, D., Faruque, O. and Brandt, M.,“The effect of topology on the quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of SLM AlSi10Mg lattice structures”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 118, Issue 11–12, Pages 4085–4104, 2022.
- 21. Leary, M., Mazur, M., Elambasseril, J., McMillan, M., Chirent, T., Sun, Y., Qian, M., Easton, M. and Brandt, M., “Selective laser melting (SLM) of AlSi12Mg lattice structures”, Materials and Design, Vol. 98, Pages 344–357, 2016.
- 22. Hacisalihoğlu, İ., Yildiz, F. and Çelik, A., “Experimental and numerical investigation of mechanical properties of different lattice structures manufactured from medical titanium alloy by using laser beam-powder bed fusion”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 30, Issue 7, Pages 5466–5476, 2021.
- 23. Seremet, H., Babacan, N., “Investigating the Dynamic compression response of a novel lattice topology via finite element analyses”, 2nd International Symposium on Light Alloys and Composite Materials, Karabuk, Turkey, Pages 44-47, 2022.
- 24. Leary, M., Mazur, M., Williams, H., Yang, E., Alghamdi, A., Lozanovski, B., Zhang, X., Shidid, D., Farahbod-Sternahl, L., Witt, G., Kelbassa, I., Choong, P., Qian, M. and Brandt, M., “Inconel 625 lattice structures manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM): Mechanical properties, deformation and failure modes” Materials and Design, Vol. 157, Pages 179–199, 2018.
- 25. Al-Saedi, D. S. J., Masood, S. H., Faizan-Ur-Rab, M., Alomarah, A. and Ponnusamy, P., “Mechanical properties and energy absorption capability of functionally graded F2BCC lattice fabricated by SLM”, Materials and Design, Vol. 144, Pages 32–44, 2018.
- 26. Qiu, C., Yue, S., Adkins, N. J. E., Ward, M., Hassanin, H., Lee, P. D., Withers, P. J. and Attallah, M. M., “Influence of processing conditions on strut structure and compressive properties of cellular lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 628, Pages 188–197, 2015.
- 27. Riva, L., Ginestra, P. S. and Ceretti, E., “Mechanical characterization and properties of laser-based powder bed–fused lattice structures: a review”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 113, Issue 3–4, Pages 649–671, 2021.
- 28. Dursun, A. M., Tüzemen, M. Ç., Salamci, E., Yılmaz, O. and Ünal, R., “Investigation of compatibility between design and additively manufactured parts of functionally graded porous structures”, Journal of Polytechnic, 2021.
- 29. Alomar, Z. and Concli, F., “A Review of the Celective laser melting lattice structures and their numerical models”, Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. 22, Issue 12, Pages 1–17, 2020.
- 30. Jin, N., Wang, Y., Cheng, H., Cheng, X. and Zhang, H., “Strain rate and structure dependent behavior of lattice structures of a titanium alloy fabricated by selective laser melting”, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Vol. 8, Issue 1, Pages 57-72, 2022.
- 31. Deshpande, V. S., Ashby, M. F. and Fleck, N. A., “Foam topology: Bending versus stretching dominated architectures”, Acta Materialia", Vol. 49, Issue 6, Pages 1035–1040, 2001.
- 32. Kadkhodapour, J., Montazerian, H., Darabi, A. C., Anaraki, A. P., Ahmadi, S. M., Zadpoor, A. A. and Schmauder, S., “Failure mechanisms of additively manufactured porous biomaterials: Effects of porosity and type of unit cell”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 50, Pages 180–191, 2015.
Year 2022,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 286 - 291, 31.08.2022
Nazım Babacan
Hübannur Şeremet
- 1. Geng, X., Ma, L., Liu, C., Zhao, C. and Yue, Z. F., “A FEM study on mechanical behavior of cellular lattice materials based on combined elements”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Volume 712, Pages 188–198, 2018.
2. Balci, A., Aycan, M. F., Usta, Y. and Demir, T. “Seçimli lazer ergitme ile Ti6Al4V ELI alaşımından üretilen trabeküler metal yapıların basma ve basma-kayma dyanımlarının incelenmesi”, Journal of Polytechnic, Volume 24, Issue 3, Pages 903–914, 2021.
- 3. Saraç, M., Mert, M., Bülbül, İ., Aktitiz, İ., Saygı Yalçın, B. and Varol, R., “Mechanical characterization of 3D printable nanoclay reinforced polymer structures by stereolithography”, Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 1584–1593, 2019.
- 4. Saremian, R., Badrossamay, M., Foroozmehr, E., Kadkhodaei, M. and Forooghi, F., “Experimental and numerical investigation on lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting process under quasi-static and dynamic loadings”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 112, Issue 9–10, Pages 2815–2836, 2021.
- 5. Jin, N., Wang, F., Wang, Y., Zhang, B., Cheng, H. and Zhang, H., “Effect of structural parameters on mechanical properties of Pyramidal Kagome lattice material under impact loading”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 132, Issue 5, 2019.
- 6. Gürkan D., Sağbaş B. “Additively manufactured Ti6Al4V lattice Structures for biomedical applications”, International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Pages 155-163, 2021.
- 7. Xiang, D. D., Wang, P., Tan, X. P., Chandra, S., Wang, C., Nai, M. L. S., Tor, S. B., Liu, W. Q. and Liu, E., “Anisotropic microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured Co–Cr–Mo alloy using selective electron beam melting for orthopedic implants.” Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 765, Pages 138270, 2019.
- 8. Boniotti, L., Beretta, S. and Patriarca, L., “Strain concentrations in BCC micro lattices obtained by AM”, Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol. 7, Pages 166–173, 2017.
- 9. Vrána, R., Cervinek, O., Manas, P., Koutný, D. and Paloušek, D., “Dynamic loading of lattice structure made by selective laser melting-numerical model with substitution of geometrical imperfections” Materials, Vol. 11, Issue 11, 2018.
- 10. Okazaki, Y., Ishino, A. and Higuchi, S., “Chemical, physical, and mechanical properties and microstructures of laser-sintered Co-25Cr-5Mo-5W (SP2) and W-Free Co-28Cr-6Mo alloys for dental applications”, Materials, Vol. 12, Issue 24, Pages 4039, 2019.
- 11. Amanov, A., “A promising post-additive manufacturing surface modification for tailoring gradient nanostructure and harmonic structure in Co–Cr–Mo alloy”, Vacuum, Vol. 182, Issue 3, Pages 109702, 2020.
- 12. Bandyopadhyay, A., Ciliveri, S. and Bose, S., “Metal additive manufacturing for load-bearing implants”, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Vol. 102, Issue 1, Pages 561–584, 2022.
- 13. Mazur, M., Leary, M., Sun, S., Vcelka, M., Shidid, D. and Brandt, M., “Deformation and failure behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V lattice structures manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM)”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 84, Issue 5–8, Pages 1391–1411, 2016.
- 14. Han, C., Yan, C., Wen, S., Xu, T., Li, S., Liu, J., Wei, Q. and Shi, Y., “Effects of the unit cell topology on the compression properties of porous Co-Cr scaffolds fabricated via selective laser melting”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 23, Issue 1, Pages 16–27, 2017.
- 15. Traxel, K. D., Groden, C., Valladares, J. and Bandyopadhyay, A., “Mechanical properties of additively manufactured variable lattice structures of Ti6Al4V”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 809, Pages 140925, 2021.
- 16. Li, Z. Hua, Nie, Y. Fei, Liu, B., Kuai, Z. Zhou, Zhao, M. and Liu, F., “Mechanical properties of AlSi10Mg lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting”, Materials and Design, Vol. 192, Pages 108709, 2020.
- 17. Tüzemen, M. Ç., Salamcı, E. and Ünal, R., “Investigation of the relationship between flexural modulus of elasticity and functionally graded porous structures manufactured by AM”, Materials Today Communications, Vol. 31, Pages 103592, 2022.
- 18. Shruti, M., Hemanth, N. S., Badgayan, N. D. and Sahu, S. K., “Compressive behavior of auxetic structural metamaterial for lightweight construction using ANSYS static structural analysis”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 38, Pages 12–17, 2020.
- 19. Ozdemir, Z., Hernandez-Nava, E., Tyas, A., Warren, J. A., Fay, S. D., Goodall, R., Todd, I. and Askes, H., “Energy absorption in lattice structures in dynamics: Experiments”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 89, Pages 49–61, 2016.
- 20. Maconachie, T., Leary, M., Tran, P., Harris, J., Liu, Q., Lu, G., Ruan, D., Faruque, O. and Brandt, M.,“The effect of topology on the quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of SLM AlSi10Mg lattice structures”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 118, Issue 11–12, Pages 4085–4104, 2022.
- 21. Leary, M., Mazur, M., Elambasseril, J., McMillan, M., Chirent, T., Sun, Y., Qian, M., Easton, M. and Brandt, M., “Selective laser melting (SLM) of AlSi12Mg lattice structures”, Materials and Design, Vol. 98, Pages 344–357, 2016.
- 22. Hacisalihoğlu, İ., Yildiz, F. and Çelik, A., “Experimental and numerical investigation of mechanical properties of different lattice structures manufactured from medical titanium alloy by using laser beam-powder bed fusion”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 30, Issue 7, Pages 5466–5476, 2021.
- 23. Seremet, H., Babacan, N., “Investigating the Dynamic compression response of a novel lattice topology via finite element analyses”, 2nd International Symposium on Light Alloys and Composite Materials, Karabuk, Turkey, Pages 44-47, 2022.
- 24. Leary, M., Mazur, M., Williams, H., Yang, E., Alghamdi, A., Lozanovski, B., Zhang, X., Shidid, D., Farahbod-Sternahl, L., Witt, G., Kelbassa, I., Choong, P., Qian, M. and Brandt, M., “Inconel 625 lattice structures manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM): Mechanical properties, deformation and failure modes” Materials and Design, Vol. 157, Pages 179–199, 2018.
- 25. Al-Saedi, D. S. J., Masood, S. H., Faizan-Ur-Rab, M., Alomarah, A. and Ponnusamy, P., “Mechanical properties and energy absorption capability of functionally graded F2BCC lattice fabricated by SLM”, Materials and Design, Vol. 144, Pages 32–44, 2018.
- 26. Qiu, C., Yue, S., Adkins, N. J. E., Ward, M., Hassanin, H., Lee, P. D., Withers, P. J. and Attallah, M. M., “Influence of processing conditions on strut structure and compressive properties of cellular lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 628, Pages 188–197, 2015.
- 27. Riva, L., Ginestra, P. S. and Ceretti, E., “Mechanical characterization and properties of laser-based powder bed–fused lattice structures: a review”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 113, Issue 3–4, Pages 649–671, 2021.
- 28. Dursun, A. M., Tüzemen, M. Ç., Salamci, E., Yılmaz, O. and Ünal, R., “Investigation of compatibility between design and additively manufactured parts of functionally graded porous structures”, Journal of Polytechnic, 2021.
- 29. Alomar, Z. and Concli, F., “A Review of the Celective laser melting lattice structures and their numerical models”, Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. 22, Issue 12, Pages 1–17, 2020.
- 30. Jin, N., Wang, Y., Cheng, H., Cheng, X. and Zhang, H., “Strain rate and structure dependent behavior of lattice structures of a titanium alloy fabricated by selective laser melting”, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Vol. 8, Issue 1, Pages 57-72, 2022.
- 31. Deshpande, V. S., Ashby, M. F. and Fleck, N. A., “Foam topology: Bending versus stretching dominated architectures”, Acta Materialia", Vol. 49, Issue 6, Pages 1035–1040, 2001.
- 32. Kadkhodapour, J., Montazerian, H., Darabi, A. C., Anaraki, A. P., Ahmadi, S. M., Zadpoor, A. A. and Schmauder, S., “Failure mechanisms of additively manufactured porous biomaterials: Effects of porosity and type of unit cell”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 50, Pages 180–191, 2015.