Publishing Ethics



The article acceptance and publication processes applied in the International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry are the baseline in order to develop and distribute information impartially and respectfully. The quality of the authors' work and the relevant institutions are straightforwardly reflected by the processes imparted toward this direction Compliance of all stakeholders (researchers, authors, reviewers, readers, publisher, and editors) with the standards for ethical principles is crucial. In the acceptance of the articles, the criteria of being original, likely to be cited and complying with academic principles are taken into consideration. No fee is charged from the authors during the article application and publication processes. Scientific, ethical and legal responsibilities of the articles to be published with DOI records belong to their authors.

In the case of tailored/fabricated or falsified data usage identification in the manuscripts, the application is rejected, and relevant information is reported to authors’ institutes.
The management of the International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry (Pre-Inspection Board-Editorial Board and editor) switches to text reviews on plagiarism through ithenticate(R) and after other scientific audits. Articles with an upper limit of similarity rate of 20% (excluding References) and articles with a similarity rate exceeding 20% will not be evaluated.

Considering the publishing ethics, all stakeholders are expected to bear the specified ethical obligations and responsibilities by the editorial group of the International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry. Ethical duties, obligations and responsibilities have been established in accordance with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( as open access considering Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive and Interuniversity Board Scientific

Research and Publication Ethics Directive.
Complaint cases and appeals are handled within the scope of COPE by the Editorial Board of the journal. In the case of such events, the publishing office should be contacted directly so as to relay any objections and complaints. In addition, appointment of an ombudsman may take place to resolve any internally unsolved cases. The final authority is held by the Editor-in-Chef during decision making processes for complaints and appeals.

In scientific studies containing the following issues, documents showing the permission of the ethics committee should be submitted to the journal and necessary information should be given in the article;
● All types of research studies conducted with quantitative or qualitative approaches such as interview techniques, experiment, focus group work, questionnaire, observation and interview, where data is collected from the participants.
● The utility of animals and humans, all relevant data and materials, for any scientific purposes including experimental
● Clinical researches involving humans
● Experiments involving animals
● Retrospective researches pursuant to the personal data protection law.

In addition to these, information regarding the signing of the informed consent/consent document in case reports should be included in the article. For the use of content such as photographs, scales and surveys that do not belong to the authors of the article, the permission of the owners of these contents should be obtained and stated in the article. In case of use of intellectual and artistic works, complying with the copyright regulations is obligatory.

For Authors;
The ethical responsibilities and obligations stated below should be complied with by the author(s) submitting an article to the International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry.
● Originality of the works submitted by the author(s) should be unquestionable and benefitting from outer sources including usage of other works is to be cited and/or quoted appropriately.
● In the case of a conflict of interest arising from relationships or situations, all studies submitted for publication should be disclosed. Potential conflict of interest examples may include stock ownership, employment, honors, consultancies, patent applications/registrations, paid expert testimony, and grants or other funding. Any case relevant to conflicts of interest should be reported as soon as it is identified.
● Raw data of submitted manuscripts can be requested from the author(s) within the framework of the evaluation processes, in such a case the author(s) should be prepared beforehand to present the relevant raw data and information to the editorial board and scientific committee.
● A document must be possessed by the author(s) proving/showing that the data used is their own property and any relevant permission procedures had been performed appropriately for the experimental subjects.
● In the case of inaccuracy or error discovery, it is mandatory that the author(s) cooperate with the editor in relevant informing, correction or withdrawal procedures at any stage (evaluation, early appearance or published) of publishment.
● The author(s)' manuscript can only be submitted to one journal for the application process at the same time. Prior to application to different journals, previous application process should have been completed. The International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry cannot accept any work already published in another journal.
● For manuscripts undergoing evaluation stage, alteration of author responsibilities (addition/removal or rearranging of authors) is out of question.
The Acknowledgement section prior the references should contain all funding sources assisting the research.
Apart from responsibility for their own contributions, certain other partitions of the study should have been identifiable for an author. Besides this, accuracy of other authors' contributions must be relied on by the authors.

If multiple people take part for the preparation of an article, a lead author out of co-authors should be pointed out so as to conduct all necessary correspondence regarding the study. Prior to article submission, the order of the authors must be approved and contact information with current membership information must be provided by the authors. It is the duty of the corresponding author to ensure the accuracy of such information.

The International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry Journal expects a signed and scanned version of the authorship contribution form from the relevant authors ( pub/ij3dptdi/page/9788) in the first submission process so as to act in accordance with authorship rights. The same form also aims to prevent ghost or honorary authorship. If "gift writing" is suspected, the submission is immediately rejected without further investigation by the editorial board. A short statement including the acceptance of responsibility through the application and review stages of the manuscript should be sent by the corresponding author within the scope of article submission.

For Editors and Field Editors;
Responsibility for every publication present in the International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry is held by the editor and field editors. Ethical responsibilities, obligations and duties specified based on the guidelines "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access, should be possessed by the editor and field editors.

The decision of publishment for which of the submitted manuscripts to the journal is the responsibility of the editor-in-chef and filed editors. In this process, authors are not distinguished by their race, ethnicity, gender, religion or citizenship by the editors.

Editors are expected to;
● strive for meeting the informative needs of potential readers and authors,
● ensure the progressive development of the journal,
● perform processes so as to advance the quality of the published content in the journal,
● support freedom of thought,
● enhance academic integrity,
● conduct the processes without concession of ethical standards and intellectual property rights,
● In publication terms, exhibit transparency and clarity in the case of correction and explanation requirements for the issues,
● Act in accordance with international standards and Journal Publication Policies for publishing each article in the journal,
● ensure that the personal data concerning images or subjects is protected appropriately throughout evaluation processes. Editors are also responsible for rejecting any submission if an explicit consent documentation for each author is not present. In addition, the protection of distinguished/individual data of the reviewers, authors and readers is responsibility of the editors.
● prevent non-scientific articles that do not comply with academic etiquette.
● communicate effectively with everyone involved in the broadcasting processes and organizes meetings at regular intervals.
● take precautions against abuses and share their findings by conducting an objective investigation when there are complaints about misconduct.

The duties, responsibilities and obligations of the editor and field editors to the authors are as stated;
● The positive or negative decision of the editors and field editors should be according to originality, clarity, validity, importance, narration and the journal's objectives.
● In order for the studies to be accepted for preliminary evaluation, unless the studies possess crucial shortcomings, their suitability with the scope of the publication should be concerned.
● Reviewers' positive suggestions should not be ignored by the editors and field editors unless crucial shortcomings are present in the submissions.
● Decisions of the previous editor or editors should stand in the case of new editor or field editor assignments, unless an important issue is present.
● "The Blind Reviewing and Evaluation Process" must be published and any problems occurring after completion of the aforementioned processes must be addressed by the editors.
● An "Author's Guide" including detailed information about relevant subjects expected by the authors must be published by the editors and field editors. Updating of such guides should be carried out periodically.
● Authors should be receiving feedback in an informative and explanatory way with sufficient clarity.
● Intellectual property rights of the published articles are to be protected by the editors. In the case of violation of such rights, editors must defend the rights of both the authors and the journal. Violation of the intellectual property rights of other parties and publications by the contents of the published articles in the journal must be prevented by the editors.
● Any criticism of the published articles is evaluated and the right to reply for the authors are ensured by the editors.
● If any, negative results of the studies must be considered and not omitted.

The duties, responsibilities and obligations of the editor and field editors towards the reviewers are as follows;
● Determination of reviewers must be carried out according to the subject of the study.
● All necessary information and guides must be provided to the reviewers through the evaluation stage by the editor and field editors.
● Consideration of any potential conflict of interest between authors and reviewers is editor's and field editors' responsibility.
● Throughout blind reviewing process, it is editor's duty to keep the identity of the reviewers confidential.
● Reviewers should be encouraged to evaluate the submissions in an objective, impartial and scientific language by the editor and field editors.
● Criterion such as performance and timely return should be considered when evaluating reviewers by the editor and field editors.
● Policies and practices should be determined so as to enhance the performance of the reviewers by the editor and field editors.
● In order to dynamically and continuously update the reviewer pool, necessary steps should be taken by the editor and field editors.
● The editor and field editors should prevent rude and unscientific evaluations.
● Relevant measures should be taken to ensure a broad reviewer pool by the editor and field editors.

Ethical Rules Regarding Reviewers
● should avoid both constructive comments (based on courtesy) and derogatory comments in the process of evaluation of the article,
● should perform an objective evaluation and should not go beyond the scope of the study. Although closed review, namely blind arbitration, is carried out, matters such as religion, language, race, political views and the evaluation should not be allowed to be affected by any commercial concerns.
● should complete the process on the basis of impartiality and confidentiality.
● should not review the publication before the article goes to the review stage, in the event of reviewer realizes a possible conflict of interest, and inform the editor.
● after evaluating the article, the document related to the article should be destroyed.
● should refuse evaluation if the study falls outside of the her/his specialty,
● should respond positively or negatively to the evaluation invitation, and conclude the article for which they accepted the evaluation in a timely manner.

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry

The Editorial Board,
● is responsible for all processes of manuscripts sent to the journal. This responsibility requires independent decision-making, taking the public interest into account, not personal interests. The editorial board and the publisher are bound on the basis of policy of independence and any decision made by the editors are independent from any institution, individual or publisher,
● works to continuously improve and raise the quality of the journal,
● determines and implements journal policies as publication, evaluation process, blind reviewing and ethical principles,
● maintains the copyrights of the articles published in the International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry are reserved,
● is responsible for safeguarding of the intellectual property rights of the authors during the publication processes and the protection against unethical behaviors, plagiarism and reference exploits,
● prepares the “Authors Guide” to inform the authors and the “Review Guide” to inform the reviewers about the evaluation processes.
● sets incentive policies for authors.
● preserves an electronic or written record of each article.

Last Update Time: 2/6/22, 4:39:54 PM


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