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The Publication Process

Manuscript submitted to the journal are assessed by the editor in suitable of compliance with the content, scope and guidelines rules of the journal. All manuscript submitted for publication are reviewed by the “iThenticate” plagiarism program. As a result of the examination, the plagiarism/similarity rate can be up to 25%. Manuscript with a plagiarism/similarity rate above 25% are directly rejected by the editorial board. The editor's review period for the article is maximum 1 week. The manuscript suitable for evaluation are directed to the relevant section editor of the journal. The section editor manages the peer-review process to evaluate the scientific adequacy of the manuscript. Manuscripts are meticulously reviewed by at least two referees on a double-blind basis. The referee examines and evaluates the manuscript according to the evaluation form. The referees are given 2 weeks to rigorously examine the manuscript scientifically and formally. The section editor sends criticism and suggestions or suggested corrections to the author(s) if deemed necessary according to the referee review reports. According to the review results of the referees, the section editor notifies the editor of the decision about the manuscript together with the referee reports. The editor makes the final decision for the manuscript within 3 days. The final decision to accept or reject the manuscript rests with the editor.

The International Journal of Aeronautics and Astronautics takes care to ensure that the review and final decision period of the articles is 3-6 months. However, please note that the review process may vary depending on reviewer responses in general, review time, and the number of rounds reviews must take place.

Accepted articles are prepared according to the journal publication format by the journal layout team after the language editor's control. The final version of the article ready for publication is sent to the responsible author for control. After the approval of the corresponding author, the article is published as an early acsses. Finally, the DOI number is given by assigning it to the relevant volume and issue number.

Last Update Time: 7/8/23, 8:36:44 AM

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