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Determination of the yield performance and partial seed vernalization response of wheat varieties in late spring sowing

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 99 - 106, 23.06.2020


Increased temperatures due to climate change, vernalization requirements, and photoperiod sensitivity limit wheat yield. The most important cultural treatment in this is the selection of suitable varieties. This study was conducted for the purpose of investigating the growth performances of 17 different wheat varieties in late spring sowing and the effects on the seed of vernalization treatment. The growth of Bezostaja 1, Gerek 79, Dumlupınar, Kunduru 1149, Mv Suba, Kızıltan 91, Esperia, Eminbey, Ç-1252, Akbasak and Sahman wheat varieties stopped at the end of tillering; they did not reach flowering stage for any of the sowing times. The Einkorn and Emmer varieties completed their growth for all of the sowing times. The Tosunbey variety had a very good yield performance in the first sowing and partially in the second sowing. It is possible to say that these varieties have very little vernalization requirement or are able to meet their vernalization requirement at higher temperatures. The varieties mentioned can be easily sown for economic yield until the middle of April in a medium latitude continental climate zone, but yield values decreased noticeably as the sowing was delayed. On the other hand, the positive effect of the vernalization method used was rather limited.


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  • Anderson, W.K. and Smith, W.R. (1990). Yield advantage of twosemi-dwarf compared with two tall wheats depends onsowing time. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 41:811-826.
  • Asseng, S., Martre, P., Maiorano, A., Rötter, R.P., O’Leary, G.J., Fitzgerald, G.J. ... and Reynolds, M.P. (2019). Climate change impact and adaptation for wheat protein. Global Change Biology. 25(1):155-173.
  • Chouard, P. (1960). Vernalization and its relations to dormancy. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 11:191-238.
  • Doorenbos, J. and Kassam, A.H. (1979). Yield response to water. FAO Irrigation and drainage paper, 33:257.
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  • Subedi, K.D., Ma, B.L. and Xue, A.G. (2007). Planting date and nitrogen effects on grain yield and protein content of spring wheat. Crop Science. 47(1):36-44.
  • Sutka, J. (2001). Genes for frost resistance in wheat. Euphytica. 119(1-2):169-177.
  • Tas, B. and Celik, N. (2008). Determination of vernalization responses in some winter wheat varieties grown in temperate regions. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences. 7(6):607-610.
  • Watson, A., Ghosh, S., Williams, M.J., Cuddy, W.S., Simmonds, J., Rey, M.D., ... and Adamski, N.M. (2018). Speed breeding is a powerful tool to accelerate crop research and breeding. Nature Plants. 4:23-29.
  • Weir, A.H., Bragg, P.L., Porter J.R. and Rayner, J.H. (1984). A winter wheat crop simulation model without water or nutrient limitations. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 102(2):371-382.
  • Wort, D.J. (1939). Vernalization of marquis wheat and other spring cereals. Botanical Gazette. 101(2):457-481.
  • Wu, X., Liu, H., Li, X., Tian Y. and Mahecha, M.D. (2017). Responses of winter wheat yields to warming-mediated vernalization variations across temperate Europe. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 5:126.
  • Yasuda, S. and Shimoyama, H.(1965). Analysis of internal factors influencing the heading time of wheat varieties. Ber. Ohara Inst. landw. Biol. Okayama U. 13(1): 23–38
Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 99 - 106, 23.06.2020



  • Altay, F. (2012). Yield stability of some Turkish winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in the western transitional zone of Turkey. Turkish J. of Field Crops. 17(2): 129-134.
  • Anderson, W.K. and Smith, W.R. (1990). Yield advantage of twosemi-dwarf compared with two tall wheats depends onsowing time. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 41:811-826.
  • Asseng, S., Martre, P., Maiorano, A., Rötter, R.P., O’Leary, G.J., Fitzgerald, G.J. ... and Reynolds, M.P. (2019). Climate change impact and adaptation for wheat protein. Global Change Biology. 25(1):155-173.
  • Chouard, P. (1960). Vernalization and its relations to dormancy. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 11:191-238.
  • Doorenbos, J. and Kassam, A.H. (1979). Yield response to water. FAO Irrigation and drainage paper, 33:257.
  • Evans, L.T., Wardlaw, I.F. and Fischer, R.A. (1975). Wheat. In: Crop Physiology: Some Case Histories, ed. Evans, L.T., 101-149.Cambridge University Press, London, UK.
  • Ferrisea, R., Triossi, A., Stratonovitch, P., Bindi M. and Martre, P. (2010). Sowing date and nitrogen fertilisation effects on dry matter and nitrogen dynamics for durum wheat: An experimental and simulation study. Field Crops Research. 117(2-3):245-257.
  • FIood, R.G. and Halloran, G.M. (1984). Basic development rate in spring wheat. Agron. J. 76:260-264.
  • Galiba, G., Quarrie, S.A., Sutka, J., Morgounov, A. and Snape, J.W. (1995). RFLP mapping of the vernalization (Vrn1) and frost resistance (Fr1) genes on chromosome 5A of wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 90(7-8):1174-1179.
  • Li, G., Boontung, R., Powers, C., Belamkar, V., Huang, T., Miao, F., ... and Yan, L. (2017). Genetic basis of the very short life cycle of ‘Apogee’ wheat. BMC genomics, 18(1):838.
  • Li, Q.Y., Jun, Y.I.N., Liu, W.D., Zhou, S.M., Lei, L.I., Niu, J.S., ... and Ying, M.A. (2012). Determination of optimum growing degree-days (GDD) range before winter for wheat cultivars with different growth characteristics in North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 11(3):405-415.
  • MGM, (2019). Turkish State Meteorological Service. (Accessed January 15, 2019)
  • Nyachiro, J.M., Clarke, F.R., DePauw, R.M., Knox, R.E. and Armstrong, K.C. (2002). Temperature effects on seed germination and expression of seed dormancy in wheat. Euphytica. 126(1):123-127.
  • Ortiz Ferrara, G., Mosaad, M.G., Mahalakshmi, V. and Fischer, R.A. (1995). Photoperiod and vernalization response of wheat under controlled environment and field conditions. Plant Breeding. 114(6):505-509.
  • Panozzo, J.F. and Eagles, H.A. (1999). Rate and duration of grain filling and grain nitrogen accumulation of wheat cultivars grown in different environments. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 50:1007-1015.
  • Perry, M., and Belford, R.K. (1991). Environmental control of plant development. In: The Wheat Book. A Technical Manual for Wheat Producers ed. Perry M. and Hillman B. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin 4196,35-36. Australian Wheat Board, Western Australia.
  • Ritchie, J.T. (1991). Wheat phasic development. In: Modeling Plant and Soil Systems, ed. Hanks R.J. and Ritchie, J.T. Agronomy Monograph 31, American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Schmütz, W. (1976). Neuere Ergebnisse zur Beziehung zwischen Vcrnalisations bedarf und wintergestigkeit bei getreide, Verlag und Durck der Bundesversuchsaostalt für alpenladische Landwirtschaft Gupenstein Landessaatzuchtanstalt der Universität Hohenheim Garbenstrasse 9, D-7000 Stutgart 70:77-86.
  • Subedi, K.D., Ma, B.L. and Xue, A.G. (2007). Planting date and nitrogen effects on grain yield and protein content of spring wheat. Crop Science. 47(1):36-44.
  • Sutka, J. (2001). Genes for frost resistance in wheat. Euphytica. 119(1-2):169-177.
  • Tas, B. and Celik, N. (2008). Determination of vernalization responses in some winter wheat varieties grown in temperate regions. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences. 7(6):607-610.
  • Watson, A., Ghosh, S., Williams, M.J., Cuddy, W.S., Simmonds, J., Rey, M.D., ... and Adamski, N.M. (2018). Speed breeding is a powerful tool to accelerate crop research and breeding. Nature Plants. 4:23-29.
  • Weir, A.H., Bragg, P.L., Porter J.R. and Rayner, J.H. (1984). A winter wheat crop simulation model without water or nutrient limitations. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 102(2):371-382.
  • Wort, D.J. (1939). Vernalization of marquis wheat and other spring cereals. Botanical Gazette. 101(2):457-481.
  • Wu, X., Liu, H., Li, X., Tian Y. and Mahecha, M.D. (2017). Responses of winter wheat yields to warming-mediated vernalization variations across temperate Europe. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 5:126.
  • Yasuda, S. and Shimoyama, H.(1965). Analysis of internal factors influencing the heading time of wheat varieties. Ber. Ohara Inst. landw. Biol. Okayama U. 13(1): 23–38
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Original Papers

Bekir Atar 0000-0002-1446-5699

Publication Date June 23, 2020
Submission Date April 19, 2020
Acceptance Date May 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Atar, B. (2020). Determination of the yield performance and partial seed vernalization response of wheat varieties in late spring sowing. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 4(1), 99-106.
AMA Atar B. Determination of the yield performance and partial seed vernalization response of wheat varieties in late spring sowing. Int J Agric For Life Sci. June 2020;4(1):99-106.
Chicago Atar, Bekir. “Determination of the Yield Performance and Partial Seed Vernalization Response of Wheat Varieties in Late Spring Sowing”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4, no. 1 (June 2020): 99-106.
EndNote Atar B (June 1, 2020) Determination of the yield performance and partial seed vernalization response of wheat varieties in late spring sowing. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4 1 99–106.
IEEE B. Atar, “Determination of the yield performance and partial seed vernalization response of wheat varieties in late spring sowing”, Int J Agric For Life Sci, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 99–106, 2020.
ISNAD Atar, Bekir. “Determination of the Yield Performance and Partial Seed Vernalization Response of Wheat Varieties in Late Spring Sowing”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4/1 (June 2020), 99-106.
JAMA Atar B. Determination of the yield performance and partial seed vernalization response of wheat varieties in late spring sowing. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2020;4:99–106.
MLA Atar, Bekir. “Determination of the Yield Performance and Partial Seed Vernalization Response of Wheat Varieties in Late Spring Sowing”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, 2020, pp. 99-106.
Vancouver Atar B. Determination of the yield performance and partial seed vernalization response of wheat varieties in late spring sowing. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2020;4(1):99-106.

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