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Impact of climate change on paddy-wheat production and the local adaptation practices by farmers of Bardiya, Nepal

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 137 - 146, 23.06.2020


Adaptation to climate change relies on farmers: their perception of climate change, willingness and ability to adopt technologies. To assess the climate change perceptions of farmers, climate impact and documentation of adaptation practices of major cereal crops, paddy and wheat production was carried out at 120 households of Motipur and Kalika villages of Bardiya district in 2018. Majority of farmers perceived rise in temperature, decrease in monsoon rainfall, prolonged drought length and severity. They were growing long duration and more water requiring paddy varieties. Unable to transplant paddy seedling on time is a major problem in paddy cultivation where unavailability of irrigation facility on time is a major problem in wheat cultivation. Difference regression model was used to analyze the relationship between crop yield and climate data of the crop-growing period and regression analysis revealed that minimum temperature had positive significant relation with paddy yield and maximum temperature had negative significant relation with wheat yield. Farmers are autonomously adapting various activities include; changing sowing/planting date of crop, use of improved varieties, using more chemical fertilizer and using pest management practices coping with adverse climatic conditions. This study concludes that it is crucial to sensitization, explore, develop and introduce climate smart practices to minimize negative impact of climate change in agriculture.


Caritas Nepal, SAFBIN project is highly acknowledged for providing financial support for this study.


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Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 137 - 146, 23.06.2020



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  • Pokhrel, D. M., & Pandey, B. (2011). Climate Change Adaptation: Strategic Vision In Agriculture. Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 12, 104–112. [DOI Link] [Google Scholar Link]
  • Poudel, S., & Shaw, R. (2016). The relationships between climate variability and crop yield in a mountainous environment: A case study in Lamjung District, Nepal. Climate, 4(1). [DOI Link] [Google Scholar Link]
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  • Sharma, C. S., Panda, S. N., Pradhan, R. P., Singh, A., & Kawamura, A. (2016). Precipitation and temperature changes in eastern India by multiple trend detection methods. Atmospheric Research, 180, 211–225. [DOI Link] [Google Scholar Link]
  • Thapa-Parajuli, R., & Devkota, N. (2016). Impact of Climate Change on Wheat Production in Nepal. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 9(2), 1–14. [DOI Link] [Google Scholar Link]
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Original Papers

Hridesh Sharma 0000-0002-9140-7513

Sandeep Chapagain This is me 0000-0002-2668-8697

Sudeep Marasini This is me 0000-0001-7955-3502

Publication Date June 23, 2020
Submission Date April 29, 2020
Acceptance Date June 20, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Sharma, H., Chapagain, S., & Marasini, S. (2020). Impact of climate change on paddy-wheat production and the local adaptation practices by farmers of Bardiya, Nepal. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 4(1), 137-146.
AMA Sharma H, Chapagain S, Marasini S. Impact of climate change on paddy-wheat production and the local adaptation practices by farmers of Bardiya, Nepal. Int J Agric For Life Sci. June 2020;4(1):137-146.
Chicago Sharma, Hridesh, Sandeep Chapagain, and Sudeep Marasini. “Impact of Climate Change on Paddy-Wheat Production and the Local Adaptation Practices by Farmers of Bardiya, Nepal”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4, no. 1 (June 2020): 137-46.
EndNote Sharma H, Chapagain S, Marasini S (June 1, 2020) Impact of climate change on paddy-wheat production and the local adaptation practices by farmers of Bardiya, Nepal. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4 1 137–146.
IEEE H. Sharma, S. Chapagain, and S. Marasini, “Impact of climate change on paddy-wheat production and the local adaptation practices by farmers of Bardiya, Nepal”, Int J Agric For Life Sci, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 137–146, 2020.
ISNAD Sharma, Hridesh et al. “Impact of Climate Change on Paddy-Wheat Production and the Local Adaptation Practices by Farmers of Bardiya, Nepal”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4/1 (June 2020), 137-146.
JAMA Sharma H, Chapagain S, Marasini S. Impact of climate change on paddy-wheat production and the local adaptation practices by farmers of Bardiya, Nepal. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2020;4:137–146.
MLA Sharma, Hridesh et al. “Impact of Climate Change on Paddy-Wheat Production and the Local Adaptation Practices by Farmers of Bardiya, Nepal”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, 2020, pp. 137-46.
Vancouver Sharma H, Chapagain S, Marasini S. Impact of climate change on paddy-wheat production and the local adaptation practices by farmers of Bardiya, Nepal. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2020;4(1):137-46.

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