Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 06 Issue: 01, 5 - 12



  • Aggarwal, S., & Kumar, N., 2020. Path planning techniques for unmanned aerial vehicles: A review, solutions, and challenges. Computer Communications, 149, pp. 270-299.
  • Anderson, K., & Gaston, K. J., 2013. Lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles will revolutionize spatial ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11(3), pp. 138-146.
  • Auld, J., & Mohammadian, A., 2009. Framework for the development of the agent-based dynamic activity planning and travel scheduling (ADAPTS) model. Transportation Letters, 1(3), pp. 245-255.
  • Bröckling, U., 1997. Disziplin: Soziologie und Geschichte militärischer Gehorsamsproduktion. In Disziplin. Brill Fink.
  • Cai, G., Dias, J., & Seneviratne, L., 2014. A survey of small-scale unmanned aerial vehicles: Recent advances and future development trends. Unmanned Systems, 2(02), pp. 175-199.
  • Chao, H., Cao, Y., & Chen, Y., 2010. Autopilots for small unmanned aerial vehicles: a survey. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 8, pp. 36-44.
  • Clegg, S., 2019. Governmentality. Project Management Journal, 50(3), pp. 266-270.
  • Coifman, B., McCord, M., Mishalani, R. G., & Redmill, K. (2004, January). Surface transportation surveillance from unmanned aerial vehicles. In Proc. of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (Vol. 28).
  • Coifman, B., McCord, M., Mishalani, R. G., Iswalt, M., & Ji, Y. (2006, March). Roadway traffic monitoring from an unmanned aerial vehicle. In IEE Proceedings-Intelligent Transport Systems (Vol. 153, No. 1, pp. 11-20). IET Digital Library.
  • Collier, S. J., 2009. Topologies of power: Foucault’s analysis of political government beyond ‘governmentality’. Theory, Culture & Society, 26(6), pp. 78-108.
  • Cook, W. W., 1927. Scientific method and the law. American Bar Association Journal, 13(6), pp. 303-309.
  • Cracknell, A. P., 2017. UAVs: regulations and law enforcement. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(8-10), pp. 3054-3067.
  • Coutinho, W. P., Battarra, M., & Fliege, J., 2018. The unmanned aerial vehicle routing and trajectory optimisation problem, a taxonomic review. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 120, pp. 116-128.
  • DeGarmo, M. T., 2004. Issues concerning the integration of unmanned aerial vehicles in civil airspace. Center for Advanced Aviation System Development, 4.
  • Doherty, P., Granlund, G., Kuchcinski, K., Sandewall, E., Nordberg, K., Skarman, E., & Wiklund, J., 2000. The WITAS unmanned aerial vehicle project. In ECAI (pp. 747-755).
  • Eisenbeiss, H., 2004. A mini unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV): system overview and image acquisition. International Archives of Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 36(5/W1), pp. 1-7.
  • Elden, S., 2007. Governmentality, calculation, territory. Environment And Planning D: Society And Space, 25(3), pp. 562-580.
  • Elmeseiry, N., Alshaer, N., & Ismail, T., 2021. A detailed survey and future directions of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with potential applications. Aerospace, 8(12), 363.
  • Faigman, D. L., 1989. To have and have not: Assessing the value of social science to the law as science and policy. Emory lJ, 38, 1005.
  • Feeley, M. M., 1976. The concept of laws in social science: a critique and notes on an expanded view. Law and Society Review, 10(4), 497.
  • Ferguson, J., & Gupta, A., 2002. Spatializing states: toward an ethnography of neoliberal governmentality. American Ethnologist, 29(4), pp. 981-1002.
  • Foucault, M., 1977. Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison. London: Penguin.
  • Foucault, M., 1981. The will to knowledge: The history of sexuality, Vol. 1. London: Penguin.
  • Foucault, M., 1985. The use of pleasure: The history of sexuality, Vol. 1. New York: Vintage books.
  • Foucault, M., 1988. Politics, philosophy, culture: Interviews and other writings, 1977– 1984. London: Routledge.
  • Foucault, M., 1997. The politics of truth. New York: Semiotext(e).
  • Foucault, M., 2000. The subject and power. In J. D. Faubion (Ed.), Power: The essential works of foucault, Vol.3 (pp. 326–348). New York: The Free Press.
  • Fuhrmann, M., & Horowitz, M. C., 2017. Droning on: Explaining the proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles. International Organization, 71(2), 397-418.
  • Gaffey, C., & Bhardwaj, A., 2020. Applications of unmanned aerial vehicles in cryosphere: Latest advances and prospects. Remote Sensing, 12(6), 948.
  • García-Villegas, M., 2006. Comparative sociology of law: Legal fields, legal scholarships, and social sciences in Europe and the United States. Law & Social Inquiry, 31(2), pp. 343-382.
  • Garth, B., & Sterling, J. From Legal Realism to Law and Society: Reshaping Law for the Last Stages of the Social Activist State., 1998. Law & Society Review, 32, 409.
  • Hardin, P. J., & Jensen, R. R., 2011. Small-scale unmanned aerial vehicles in environmental remote sensing: Challenges and opportunities. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 48(1), pp. 99-111.
  • He, D., Chan, S., & Guizani, M., 2016. Communication security of unmanned aerial vehicles. IEEE Wireless Communications, 24(4), pp. 134-139.
  • Herwitz, S. R., Johnson, L. F., Dunagan, S. E., Higgins, R. G., Sullivan, D. V., Zheng, J., ... & Brass, J. A., 2004. Imaging from an unmanned aerial vehicle: agricultural surveillance and decision support. Computers And Electronics In Agriculture, 44(1), pp. 49-61.
  • Hill, J., 1989. Comparative law, law reform and legal theory. Oxford J. Legal Stud., 9, 101.
  • IV, G. P. J., Pearlstine, L. G., & Percival, H. F., 2006. An assessment of small unmanned aerial vehicles for wildlife research. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 34(3), pp. 750-758.
  • Kamba, W. J., 1974. Comparative law: A theoretical framework. International & Comparative Law Quarterly, 23(3), pp. 485-519.
  • Khoufi, I., Laouiti, A., & Adjih, C., 2019. A survey of recent extended variants of the traveling salesman and vehicle routing problems for unmanned aerial vehicles. Drones, 3(3), 66.
  • Kim, J., Kim, S., Ju, C., & Son, H. I., 2019. Unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture: A review of perspective of platform, control, and applications. IEEE Access, 7, pp. 105100-105115.
  • Klemas, V. V., 2015. Coastal and environmental remote sensing from unmanned aerial vehicles: An overview. Journal of Coastal Research, 31(5), pp. 1260-1267.
  • Kreps, S., 2014. Flying under the radar: A study of public attitudes towards unmanned aerial vehicles. Research & Politics, 1(1), 2053168014536533.
  • Kreps, S., & Kaag, J., 2012. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in contemporary conflict: A legal and ethical analysis. Polity, 44(2), 260-285.
  • Kubas, S., 2023. Consequences of Unlawful Use of Airspace by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Roczniki Administracji i Prawa, 2, pp. 65-73.
  • Larner, W., & Walters, W., 2004. Globalization as governmentality. Alternatives, 29(5), pp. 495-514. Li, T. M., 2007. Governmentality. Anthropologica, 49(2), pp. 275-281.
  • Lin, X., Yajnanarayana, V., Muruganathan, S. D., Gao, S., Asplund, H., Maattanen, H. L., ... & Wang, Y. P. E., 2018. The sky is not the limit: LTE for unmanned aerial vehicles. IEEE Communications Magazine, 56(4), pp. 204-210.
  • Meares, T. L., 2014. The law and social science of stop and frisk. Annual Review Of Law And Social Science, 10, pp. 335-352.
  • Mokhtarian, P., 2009. If telecommunication is such a good substitute for travel, why does congestion continue to get worse?. Transportation Letters, 1(1), 13 ;
  • Motlagh, N. H., Taleb, T., & Arouk, O., 2016. Low-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles-based internet of things services: Comprehensive survey and future perspectives. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 3(6), pp. 899-922.
  • Neu, D., & Heincke, M., 2004. The subaltern speaks: financial relations and the limits of governmentality. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 15(1), pp. 179-206.
  • Ojo, T. K., 2019. Quality of public transport service: An integrative review and research agenda. Transportation Letters, 11(2), pp. 104-116. ;
  • Otto, A., Agatz, N., Campbell, J., Golden, B., & Pesch, E., 2018. Optimization approaches for civil applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or aerial drones: A survey. Networks, 72(4), pp. 411-458.
  • Pajares, G., 2015. Overview and current status of remote sensing applications based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 81(4), pp. 281-329.
  • Puri, A., 2005. A survey of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for traffic surveillance. Department of computer science and engineering, University of South Florida, 1-29.
  • Ratner, S. R., & Slaughter, A. M., 1999. Appraising the methods of international law: A prospectus for readers. American Journal of International Law, 93(2), pp. 291-302.
  • Reitz, J. C., 1998. How to do comparative law. Am. j. Comp. L., 46, 617.
  • Samuel, G., 2008. Is law really a social science? A view from comparative law. The Cambridge Law Journal, 67(2), pp. 288-321.
  • Samuel, G., 2009. Interdisciplinarity and the Authority Paradigm: Should law be taken seriously by scientists and social scientists?. Journal of Law and Society, 36(4), pp. 431-459.
  • Schlesinger, R. B., 1995. The past and future of comparative law. The American journal of Comparative law, 43(3), pp. 477-481.
  • Schmitthoff, M., 1939. The science of comparative law. The Cambridge Law Journal, 7(1), pp. 94-110.
  • Shakhatreh, H., Sawalmeh, A. H., Al-Fuqaha, A., Dou, Z., Almaita, E., Khalil, I., ... & Guizani, M., 2019. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): A survey on civil applications and key research challenges. IEEE Access, 7, pp. 48572-48634.
  • Shrestha, R., Bajracharya, R., & Kim, S., 2021. 6G enabled unmanned aerial vehicle traffic management: A perspective. IEEE Access, 9, pp. 91119-91136.
  • Skålén, P., Fellesson, M., & Fougère, M., 2006. The governmentality of marketing discourse. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 22(4), pp. 275-291.
  • Srivastava, S., Gupta, S., Dikshit, O., & Nair, S., 2020. A review of UAV regulations and policies in India. Proceedings of UASG 2019: Unmanned Aerial System in Geomatics 1, pp. 315-325.
  • Stöcker, C., Bennett, R., Nex, F., Gerke, M., & Zevenbergen, J., 2017. Review Of The Current State Of UAV Regulations. Remote Sensing, 9(5), 459.
  • Tahir, A., Böling, J., Haghbayan, M. H., Toivonen, H. T., & Plosila, J., 2019. Swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles—a survey. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 16, 100106.
  • Twining, W., 2005. Social science and diffusion of law. Journal of Law and Society, 32(2), pp. 203-240. Urbahs, A., & Jonaite, I., 2013. Features of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for agriculture applications. Aviation, 17(4), pp. 170-175.
  • Wang, L., Chen, F., & Yin, H., 2016. Detecting and tracking vehicles in traffic by unmanned aerial vehicles. Automation in Construction, 72, pp. 294-308.
  • Weidner, J. R., 2009. Governmentality, capitalism, and subjectivity. Global Society, 23(4), pp. 387-411.
  • Zeng, Y., Zhang, R., & Lim, T. J., 2016. Wireless communications with unmanned aerial vehicles: Opportunities and challenges. IEEE Communications Magazine, 54(5), pp. 36-42.
  • Zuo, Z., Liu, C., Han, Q. L., & Song, J., 2022. Unmanned aerial vehicles: Control methods and future challenges. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, (99), pp. 1-14.

A Solution Package for Rules and Regulations of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Year 2025, Volume: 06 Issue: 01, 5 - 12


Since the Paris Agreement of 1919, the world witnessed a lot of changes in terms of airspace utilization. In this paper, It is aimed in essence the development of airspace utilization one more step forward in parallel with the technological pace. To reach this purpose, the most controversial vehicles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, are examined depending on their utilization in civil aviation and airspace. The concept of governmentality and its roots also developed. Comparative law methodology is selected as a research model. At the end of the article, it is reached to a frank conclusion that civil aviation needs rules and regulations in a wide and international sense for these vehicles. New policy offers and titles are organized for these vehicles like the Annex of ICAO.


  • Aggarwal, S., & Kumar, N., 2020. Path planning techniques for unmanned aerial vehicles: A review, solutions, and challenges. Computer Communications, 149, pp. 270-299.
  • Anderson, K., & Gaston, K. J., 2013. Lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles will revolutionize spatial ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11(3), pp. 138-146.
  • Auld, J., & Mohammadian, A., 2009. Framework for the development of the agent-based dynamic activity planning and travel scheduling (ADAPTS) model. Transportation Letters, 1(3), pp. 245-255.
  • Bröckling, U., 1997. Disziplin: Soziologie und Geschichte militärischer Gehorsamsproduktion. In Disziplin. Brill Fink.
  • Cai, G., Dias, J., & Seneviratne, L., 2014. A survey of small-scale unmanned aerial vehicles: Recent advances and future development trends. Unmanned Systems, 2(02), pp. 175-199.
  • Chao, H., Cao, Y., & Chen, Y., 2010. Autopilots for small unmanned aerial vehicles: a survey. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 8, pp. 36-44.
  • Clegg, S., 2019. Governmentality. Project Management Journal, 50(3), pp. 266-270.
  • Coifman, B., McCord, M., Mishalani, R. G., & Redmill, K. (2004, January). Surface transportation surveillance from unmanned aerial vehicles. In Proc. of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (Vol. 28).
  • Coifman, B., McCord, M., Mishalani, R. G., Iswalt, M., & Ji, Y. (2006, March). Roadway traffic monitoring from an unmanned aerial vehicle. In IEE Proceedings-Intelligent Transport Systems (Vol. 153, No. 1, pp. 11-20). IET Digital Library.
  • Collier, S. J., 2009. Topologies of power: Foucault’s analysis of political government beyond ‘governmentality’. Theory, Culture & Society, 26(6), pp. 78-108.
  • Cook, W. W., 1927. Scientific method and the law. American Bar Association Journal, 13(6), pp. 303-309.
  • Cracknell, A. P., 2017. UAVs: regulations and law enforcement. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(8-10), pp. 3054-3067.
  • Coutinho, W. P., Battarra, M., & Fliege, J., 2018. The unmanned aerial vehicle routing and trajectory optimisation problem, a taxonomic review. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 120, pp. 116-128.
  • DeGarmo, M. T., 2004. Issues concerning the integration of unmanned aerial vehicles in civil airspace. Center for Advanced Aviation System Development, 4.
  • Doherty, P., Granlund, G., Kuchcinski, K., Sandewall, E., Nordberg, K., Skarman, E., & Wiklund, J., 2000. The WITAS unmanned aerial vehicle project. In ECAI (pp. 747-755).
  • Eisenbeiss, H., 2004. A mini unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV): system overview and image acquisition. International Archives of Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 36(5/W1), pp. 1-7.
  • Elden, S., 2007. Governmentality, calculation, territory. Environment And Planning D: Society And Space, 25(3), pp. 562-580.
  • Elmeseiry, N., Alshaer, N., & Ismail, T., 2021. A detailed survey and future directions of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with potential applications. Aerospace, 8(12), 363.
  • Faigman, D. L., 1989. To have and have not: Assessing the value of social science to the law as science and policy. Emory lJ, 38, 1005.
  • Feeley, M. M., 1976. The concept of laws in social science: a critique and notes on an expanded view. Law and Society Review, 10(4), 497.
  • Ferguson, J., & Gupta, A., 2002. Spatializing states: toward an ethnography of neoliberal governmentality. American Ethnologist, 29(4), pp. 981-1002.
  • Foucault, M., 1977. Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison. London: Penguin.
  • Foucault, M., 1981. The will to knowledge: The history of sexuality, Vol. 1. London: Penguin.
  • Foucault, M., 1985. The use of pleasure: The history of sexuality, Vol. 1. New York: Vintage books.
  • Foucault, M., 1988. Politics, philosophy, culture: Interviews and other writings, 1977– 1984. London: Routledge.
  • Foucault, M., 1997. The politics of truth. New York: Semiotext(e).
  • Foucault, M., 2000. The subject and power. In J. D. Faubion (Ed.), Power: The essential works of foucault, Vol.3 (pp. 326–348). New York: The Free Press.
  • Fuhrmann, M., & Horowitz, M. C., 2017. Droning on: Explaining the proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles. International Organization, 71(2), 397-418.
  • Gaffey, C., & Bhardwaj, A., 2020. Applications of unmanned aerial vehicles in cryosphere: Latest advances and prospects. Remote Sensing, 12(6), 948.
  • García-Villegas, M., 2006. Comparative sociology of law: Legal fields, legal scholarships, and social sciences in Europe and the United States. Law & Social Inquiry, 31(2), pp. 343-382.
  • Garth, B., & Sterling, J. From Legal Realism to Law and Society: Reshaping Law for the Last Stages of the Social Activist State., 1998. Law & Society Review, 32, 409.
  • Hardin, P. J., & Jensen, R. R., 2011. Small-scale unmanned aerial vehicles in environmental remote sensing: Challenges and opportunities. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 48(1), pp. 99-111.
  • He, D., Chan, S., & Guizani, M., 2016. Communication security of unmanned aerial vehicles. IEEE Wireless Communications, 24(4), pp. 134-139.
  • Herwitz, S. R., Johnson, L. F., Dunagan, S. E., Higgins, R. G., Sullivan, D. V., Zheng, J., ... & Brass, J. A., 2004. Imaging from an unmanned aerial vehicle: agricultural surveillance and decision support. Computers And Electronics In Agriculture, 44(1), pp. 49-61.
  • Hill, J., 1989. Comparative law, law reform and legal theory. Oxford J. Legal Stud., 9, 101.
  • IV, G. P. J., Pearlstine, L. G., & Percival, H. F., 2006. An assessment of small unmanned aerial vehicles for wildlife research. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 34(3), pp. 750-758.
  • Kamba, W. J., 1974. Comparative law: A theoretical framework. International & Comparative Law Quarterly, 23(3), pp. 485-519.
  • Khoufi, I., Laouiti, A., & Adjih, C., 2019. A survey of recent extended variants of the traveling salesman and vehicle routing problems for unmanned aerial vehicles. Drones, 3(3), 66.
  • Kim, J., Kim, S., Ju, C., & Son, H. I., 2019. Unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture: A review of perspective of platform, control, and applications. IEEE Access, 7, pp. 105100-105115.
  • Klemas, V. V., 2015. Coastal and environmental remote sensing from unmanned aerial vehicles: An overview. Journal of Coastal Research, 31(5), pp. 1260-1267.
  • Kreps, S., 2014. Flying under the radar: A study of public attitudes towards unmanned aerial vehicles. Research & Politics, 1(1), 2053168014536533.
  • Kreps, S., & Kaag, J., 2012. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in contemporary conflict: A legal and ethical analysis. Polity, 44(2), 260-285.
  • Kubas, S., 2023. Consequences of Unlawful Use of Airspace by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Roczniki Administracji i Prawa, 2, pp. 65-73.
  • Larner, W., & Walters, W., 2004. Globalization as governmentality. Alternatives, 29(5), pp. 495-514. Li, T. M., 2007. Governmentality. Anthropologica, 49(2), pp. 275-281.
  • Lin, X., Yajnanarayana, V., Muruganathan, S. D., Gao, S., Asplund, H., Maattanen, H. L., ... & Wang, Y. P. E., 2018. The sky is not the limit: LTE for unmanned aerial vehicles. IEEE Communications Magazine, 56(4), pp. 204-210.
  • Meares, T. L., 2014. The law and social science of stop and frisk. Annual Review Of Law And Social Science, 10, pp. 335-352.
  • Mokhtarian, P., 2009. If telecommunication is such a good substitute for travel, why does congestion continue to get worse?. Transportation Letters, 1(1), 13 ;
  • Motlagh, N. H., Taleb, T., & Arouk, O., 2016. Low-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles-based internet of things services: Comprehensive survey and future perspectives. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 3(6), pp. 899-922.
  • Neu, D., & Heincke, M., 2004. The subaltern speaks: financial relations and the limits of governmentality. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 15(1), pp. 179-206.
  • Ojo, T. K., 2019. Quality of public transport service: An integrative review and research agenda. Transportation Letters, 11(2), pp. 104-116. ;
  • Otto, A., Agatz, N., Campbell, J., Golden, B., & Pesch, E., 2018. Optimization approaches for civil applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or aerial drones: A survey. Networks, 72(4), pp. 411-458.
  • Pajares, G., 2015. Overview and current status of remote sensing applications based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 81(4), pp. 281-329.
  • Puri, A., 2005. A survey of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for traffic surveillance. Department of computer science and engineering, University of South Florida, 1-29.
  • Ratner, S. R., & Slaughter, A. M., 1999. Appraising the methods of international law: A prospectus for readers. American Journal of International Law, 93(2), pp. 291-302.
  • Reitz, J. C., 1998. How to do comparative law. Am. j. Comp. L., 46, 617.
  • Samuel, G., 2008. Is law really a social science? A view from comparative law. The Cambridge Law Journal, 67(2), pp. 288-321.
  • Samuel, G., 2009. Interdisciplinarity and the Authority Paradigm: Should law be taken seriously by scientists and social scientists?. Journal of Law and Society, 36(4), pp. 431-459.
  • Schlesinger, R. B., 1995. The past and future of comparative law. The American journal of Comparative law, 43(3), pp. 477-481.
  • Schmitthoff, M., 1939. The science of comparative law. The Cambridge Law Journal, 7(1), pp. 94-110.
  • Shakhatreh, H., Sawalmeh, A. H., Al-Fuqaha, A., Dou, Z., Almaita, E., Khalil, I., ... & Guizani, M., 2019. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): A survey on civil applications and key research challenges. IEEE Access, 7, pp. 48572-48634.
  • Shrestha, R., Bajracharya, R., & Kim, S., 2021. 6G enabled unmanned aerial vehicle traffic management: A perspective. IEEE Access, 9, pp. 91119-91136.
  • Skålén, P., Fellesson, M., & Fougère, M., 2006. The governmentality of marketing discourse. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 22(4), pp. 275-291.
  • Srivastava, S., Gupta, S., Dikshit, O., & Nair, S., 2020. A review of UAV regulations and policies in India. Proceedings of UASG 2019: Unmanned Aerial System in Geomatics 1, pp. 315-325.
  • Stöcker, C., Bennett, R., Nex, F., Gerke, M., & Zevenbergen, J., 2017. Review Of The Current State Of UAV Regulations. Remote Sensing, 9(5), 459.
  • Tahir, A., Böling, J., Haghbayan, M. H., Toivonen, H. T., & Plosila, J., 2019. Swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles—a survey. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 16, 100106.
  • Twining, W., 2005. Social science and diffusion of law. Journal of Law and Society, 32(2), pp. 203-240. Urbahs, A., & Jonaite, I., 2013. Features of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for agriculture applications. Aviation, 17(4), pp. 170-175.
  • Wang, L., Chen, F., & Yin, H., 2016. Detecting and tracking vehicles in traffic by unmanned aerial vehicles. Automation in Construction, 72, pp. 294-308.
  • Weidner, J. R., 2009. Governmentality, capitalism, and subjectivity. Global Society, 23(4), pp. 387-411.
  • Zeng, Y., Zhang, R., & Lim, T. J., 2016. Wireless communications with unmanned aerial vehicles: Opportunities and challenges. IEEE Communications Magazine, 54(5), pp. 36-42.
  • Zuo, Z., Liu, C., Han, Q. L., & Song, J., 2022. Unmanned aerial vehicles: Control methods and future challenges. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, (99), pp. 1-14.
There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Air-Space Transportation
Journal Section Research Articles

Olcay Ölçen 0000-0002-4835-1171

Early Pub Date February 25, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date June 3, 2024
Acceptance Date November 7, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 06 Issue: 01


APA Ölçen, O. (2025). A Solution Package for Rules and Regulations of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. International Journal of Aviation Science and Technology, 06(01), 5-12.

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