Research Article
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Year 2022, , 386 - 397, 31.12.2022


Supporting Institution

Selçuk Üniversitesi BAP

Project Number



  • [1] Elfasakhany A. Investigations on the effects of ethanol–methanol–gasoline blends in a spark-ignition engine: performance and emis-sions analysis. Engineering Science and Technology, an Interna-tional Journal. 2015;18(4):713-9.
  • [2] Bata RM, Elrod AC, Rice RW. Emissions from IC engines fueled with alcohol–gasoline blends: a literature review. 1989.
  • [3] Al-Hasan M. Effect of ethanol–unleaded gasoline blends on engine performance and exhaust emission. energy conversion and man-agement. 2003;44(9):1547-61.
  • [4] Alexandrian M, Schwalm M, editors. Comparison of ethanol and gasoline as automotive fuels. Winter Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, 11/08-13/92; 1992.
  • [5] Yücesu HS, Topgül T, Cinar C, Okur M. Effect of ethanol–gasoline blends on engine performance and exhaust emissions in different compression ratios. Applied thermal engineering. 2006;26(17-18):2272-8.
  • [6] Topgul T, Yucesu H, Cýnar C, editors. The experimental investiga-tion of the effect of ethanol–gasoline blends on engine performance in different compression ratios on a spark ignition engine. Eighth international combustion symposium Ankara, Turkey; 2004.
  • [7] Hsieh W-D, Chen R-H, Wu T-L, Lin T-H. Engine performance and pollutant emission of an SI engine using ethanol–gasoline blended fuels. Atmospheric Environment. 2002;36(3):403-10.
  • [8] Wu C-W, Chen R-H, Pu J-Y, Lin T-H. The influence of air–fuel ratio on engine performance and pollutant emission of an SI engine using ethanol–gasoline-blended fuels. Atmospheric Environment. 2004;38(40):7093-100.
  • [9] Rice R, Sanyal A, Elrod A, Bata R. Exhaust gas emissions of buta-nol, ethanol, and methanol-gasoline blends. 1991.
  • [10] Gong C, Li Z, Yi L, Liu F. Comparative study on combustion and emissions between methanol port-injection engine and methanol di-rect-injection engine with H2-enriched port-injection under lean-burn conditions. Energy Conversion and Management. 2019;200:112096.
  • [11] Qian Y, Liu G, Guo J, Zhang Y, Zhu L, Lu X. Engine performance and octane on demand studies of a dual fuel spark ignition engine with ethanol/gasoline surrogates as fuel. Energy Conversion and Management. 2019;183:296-306.
  • [12] Fu J, Liu J, Yang Y, Ren C, Zhu G. A new approach for exhaust energy recovery of internal combustion engine: Steam turbocharg-ing. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2013;52(1):150-9.
  • [13] Wang Z, Zuo H, Liu Z, Li W, Dou H. Impact of N2 dilution on combustion and emissions in a spark ignition CNG engine. Energy conversion and management. 2014;85:354-60.
  • [14] Erkuş B. Otto motorlarının farklı yakıt tiplerinde optimum perfor-manslarının araştırılması: Bursa Uludag University (Turkey); 2011.
  • [15] El-Emam S, Desoky A. A study on the combustion of alternative fuels in spark-ignition engines. International journal of hydrogen energy. 1985;10(7-8):497-504.
  • [16] Çolak A. Buji ateşlemeli bir motorda farklı sıkıştırma oranlarında etanol kullanımının performans ve emisyonlara etkisinin incelen-mesi. Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi, Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi, Karabük. 2006.
  • [17] Zvonov V, editor Technical, economical, and ecological characteris-tics of methanol application as a fuel for internal combustion en-gines. Fuel and Energy Abstracts; 1996.
  • [18] Yüksel F, Yüksel B. The use of ethanol–gasoline blend as a fuel in an SI engine. Renewable energy. 2004;29(7):1181-91.
  • [20] Liu S, Clemente ERC, Hu T, Wei Y. Study of spark ignition engine fueled with methanol/gasoline fuel blends. Applied Thermal Engi-neering. 2007;27(11-12):1904-10.
  • [21] Pulkrabek WW. Engineering fundamentals of the internal combustion engine. 2004.
  • [22] Stan C. Direct injection systems for spark-ignition and compres-sion-ignition engines1999.
  • [23] Kume T, Iwamoto Y, Iida K, Murakami M, Akishino K, Ando H. Combustion control technologies for direct injection SI engine. SAE transactions. 1996:704-17.
  • [24] Soruşbay C. Direkt Püskürtmeli Benzin Motorları. Otomotiv Dergisi, ISOD, Mart-Nisan. 2000(73):16-9.
  • [25] Yelbey S, Ciniviz M. Investigation of the effects of gasoline-bioethanol blends on engine performance and exhaust emissions in a spark ignition engine. European Mechanical Science. 2020;4(2):65-71.
  • [26] Geçgel K. Farklı oranlarda biyoetanol-benzin karışımlarının benzin-li bir motorda kullanımının performans ve ekserji analizi: Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey); 2018.
  • [27] Doğan B, Erol D, Yaman H, Kodanli E. The effect of ethanol-gasoline blends on performance and exhaust emissions of a spark ignition engine through exergy analysis. Applied Thermal Engi-neering. 2017;120:433-43.
  • [28] Keskin A, Reşitoğlu İA, Özcanli M. Butanol, Etanol ve Benzin Karışımlarının Buji ile Ateşlemeli Motorlarda Özgül Yakıt Tüketimi ve Emisyona Olan Etkisi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi. 2009;24(1).
  • [29] Kul BS, Ciniviz M. Assessment of waste bread bioethanol-gasoline blends in respect to combustion analysis, engine performance and exhaust emissions of a SI engine. Fuel. 2020;277:118237.
  • [30] Balki MK, Sayin C, Canakci M. The effect of different alcohol fuels on the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a gasoline engine. Fuel. 2014;115:901-6.
  • [31] Göktaş M. Farklı Alkol Yakıt Kullanılan Buji Ateşlemeli Motor-larda Performans, Emisyon Ve Yanma Karakteristiklerindeki Değişimlerin Incelenmesi: Marmara Universitesi (Turkey); 2019.
  • [32] Kul BS, Ciniviz M. An evaluation based on energy and exergy analyses in SI engine fueled with waste bread bioethanol-gasoline blends. Fuel. 2021;286:119375.
  • [33] Topgül T, Yücesu HS, Cinar C, Koca A. The effects of ethanol–unleaded gasoline blends and ignition timing on engine perfor-mance and exhaust emissions. Renewable energy. 2006;31(15):2534-42.
  • [34] Koç M, Sekmen Y, Topgül T, Yücesu HS. The effects of ethanol–unleaded gasoline blends on engine performance and exhaust emis-sions in a spark-ignition engine. Renewable energy. 2009;34(10):2101-6.
  • [35] Yoon S, Ha S, Roh H, Lee C. Effect of bioethanol as an alternative fuel on the emissions reduction characteristics and combustion sta-bility in a spark ignition engine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2009;223(7):941-51.
  • [36] Wang X, Chen Z, Ni J, Liu S, Zhou H. The effects of hydrous ethanol gasoline on combustion and emission characteristics of a port injection gasoline engine. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2015;6:147-54.
  • [37] Kasmuri NH, Kamarudin S, Abdullah SRS, Hasan H, Som AM. Process system engineering aspect of bio-alcohol fuel production from biomass via pyrolysis: An overview. Renewable and Sustain-able Energy Reviews. 2017;79:914-23.
  • [38] Deng X, Chen Z, Wang X, Zhen H, Xie R. Exhaust noise, perfor-mance and emission characteristics of spark ignition engine fuelled with pure gasoline and hydrous ethanol gasoline blends. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2018;12:55-63.
  • [39] Costa RC, Sodré JR. Hydrous ethanol vs. gasoline-ethanol blend: Engine performance and emissions. Fuel. 2010;89(2):287-93.
  • [40] Iodice P, Langella G, Amoresano A. Ethanol in gasoline fuel blends: Effect on fuel consumption and engine out emissions of SI engines in cold operating conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018;130:1081-9.
  • [41] Turner D, Xu H, Cracknell RF, Natarajan V, Chen X. Combustion performance of bio-ethanol at various blend ratios in a gasoline di-rect injection engine. Fuel. 2011;90(5):1999-2006.
  • [42] de Melo TCC, Machado GB, Belchior CR, Colaço MJ, Barros JE, de Oliveira EJ, et al. Hydrous ethanol–gasoline blends–Combustion and emission investigations on a Flex-Fuel engine. Fuel. 2012;97:796-804.
  • [43] Najafi G, Ghobadian B, Tavakoli T, Buttsworth D, Yusaf T, Faizollahnejad M. Performance and exhaust emissions of a gaso-line engine with ethanol blended gasoline fuels using artificial neu-ral network. Applied energy. 2009;86(5):630-9.
  • [44] Schifter I, Diaz L, Rodriguez R, Gómez J, Gonzalez U. Combus-tion and emissions behavior for ethanol–gasoline blends in a single cylinder engine. Fuel. 2011;90(12):3586-92.
  • [45] Keskin A, Gürü M. The effects of ethanol and propanol additions into unleaded gasoline on exhaust and noise emissions of a spark ignition engine. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 2011;33(23):2194-205.

The Investigation of Bioethanol as a Fuel in an SI Engine with Fuel and Ignition Systems Converted to Electronic Control

Year 2022, , 386 - 397, 31.12.2022


In this study; a four-stroke, air-cooled, spark-ignition engine was used. It’s aimed to improve the performance and emissions by renewing the existing ignition and fuel system of the engine in a way that can be controlled via computer. Classical ignition system was modified with an electronic ignition system and a computer-controlled system was established by using an injector instead of the carburetor. Gasoline and bioethanol fuels were compared with the original and updated version of the engine by conducting various experiments. In these experiments, engine power and torque, specific fuel consumption, thermal efficiency, exhaust emissions and combustion analysis results were examined. When the results obtained are evaluated; with the use of electronically controlled fuel and ignition system in engine torque and power, an increase of 11.58% in maximum torque obtained from gasoline and an increase of 14.4% in average power was observed compared to the standard system. Specific fuel consumption decreased by 18.32% for gasoline and 26.95% for bioethanol at full load. At full load, thermal efficiency was 22.43% for gasoline, 36.9% for bioeth-anol and in-cylinder max. pressure was a 4% increase for gasoline and an 8% in-crease for bioethanol. In the emission values, at full load, the CO value decreased by 6.2% for gasoline, 20% for bioethanol and HC value decreased by 3.8% for gasoline and 7.5% for bioethanol. CO2, NOx and O2 values increased by 4.1%, 14.9%, 0.7% for gasoline and 0.7%, 5.6%, 0.4% for bioethanol.

Project Number



  • [1] Elfasakhany A. Investigations on the effects of ethanol–methanol–gasoline blends in a spark-ignition engine: performance and emis-sions analysis. Engineering Science and Technology, an Interna-tional Journal. 2015;18(4):713-9.
  • [2] Bata RM, Elrod AC, Rice RW. Emissions from IC engines fueled with alcohol–gasoline blends: a literature review. 1989.
  • [3] Al-Hasan M. Effect of ethanol–unleaded gasoline blends on engine performance and exhaust emission. energy conversion and man-agement. 2003;44(9):1547-61.
  • [4] Alexandrian M, Schwalm M, editors. Comparison of ethanol and gasoline as automotive fuels. Winter Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, 11/08-13/92; 1992.
  • [5] Yücesu HS, Topgül T, Cinar C, Okur M. Effect of ethanol–gasoline blends on engine performance and exhaust emissions in different compression ratios. Applied thermal engineering. 2006;26(17-18):2272-8.
  • [6] Topgul T, Yucesu H, Cýnar C, editors. The experimental investiga-tion of the effect of ethanol–gasoline blends on engine performance in different compression ratios on a spark ignition engine. Eighth international combustion symposium Ankara, Turkey; 2004.
  • [7] Hsieh W-D, Chen R-H, Wu T-L, Lin T-H. Engine performance and pollutant emission of an SI engine using ethanol–gasoline blended fuels. Atmospheric Environment. 2002;36(3):403-10.
  • [8] Wu C-W, Chen R-H, Pu J-Y, Lin T-H. The influence of air–fuel ratio on engine performance and pollutant emission of an SI engine using ethanol–gasoline-blended fuels. Atmospheric Environment. 2004;38(40):7093-100.
  • [9] Rice R, Sanyal A, Elrod A, Bata R. Exhaust gas emissions of buta-nol, ethanol, and methanol-gasoline blends. 1991.
  • [10] Gong C, Li Z, Yi L, Liu F. Comparative study on combustion and emissions between methanol port-injection engine and methanol di-rect-injection engine with H2-enriched port-injection under lean-burn conditions. Energy Conversion and Management. 2019;200:112096.
  • [11] Qian Y, Liu G, Guo J, Zhang Y, Zhu L, Lu X. Engine performance and octane on demand studies of a dual fuel spark ignition engine with ethanol/gasoline surrogates as fuel. Energy Conversion and Management. 2019;183:296-306.
  • [12] Fu J, Liu J, Yang Y, Ren C, Zhu G. A new approach for exhaust energy recovery of internal combustion engine: Steam turbocharg-ing. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2013;52(1):150-9.
  • [13] Wang Z, Zuo H, Liu Z, Li W, Dou H. Impact of N2 dilution on combustion and emissions in a spark ignition CNG engine. Energy conversion and management. 2014;85:354-60.
  • [14] Erkuş B. Otto motorlarının farklı yakıt tiplerinde optimum perfor-manslarının araştırılması: Bursa Uludag University (Turkey); 2011.
  • [15] El-Emam S, Desoky A. A study on the combustion of alternative fuels in spark-ignition engines. International journal of hydrogen energy. 1985;10(7-8):497-504.
  • [16] Çolak A. Buji ateşlemeli bir motorda farklı sıkıştırma oranlarında etanol kullanımının performans ve emisyonlara etkisinin incelen-mesi. Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi, Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi, Karabük. 2006.
  • [17] Zvonov V, editor Technical, economical, and ecological characteris-tics of methanol application as a fuel for internal combustion en-gines. Fuel and Energy Abstracts; 1996.
  • [18] Yüksel F, Yüksel B. The use of ethanol–gasoline blend as a fuel in an SI engine. Renewable energy. 2004;29(7):1181-91.
  • [20] Liu S, Clemente ERC, Hu T, Wei Y. Study of spark ignition engine fueled with methanol/gasoline fuel blends. Applied Thermal Engi-neering. 2007;27(11-12):1904-10.
  • [21] Pulkrabek WW. Engineering fundamentals of the internal combustion engine. 2004.
  • [22] Stan C. Direct injection systems for spark-ignition and compres-sion-ignition engines1999.
  • [23] Kume T, Iwamoto Y, Iida K, Murakami M, Akishino K, Ando H. Combustion control technologies for direct injection SI engine. SAE transactions. 1996:704-17.
  • [24] Soruşbay C. Direkt Püskürtmeli Benzin Motorları. Otomotiv Dergisi, ISOD, Mart-Nisan. 2000(73):16-9.
  • [25] Yelbey S, Ciniviz M. Investigation of the effects of gasoline-bioethanol blends on engine performance and exhaust emissions in a spark ignition engine. European Mechanical Science. 2020;4(2):65-71.
  • [26] Geçgel K. Farklı oranlarda biyoetanol-benzin karışımlarının benzin-li bir motorda kullanımının performans ve ekserji analizi: Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey); 2018.
  • [27] Doğan B, Erol D, Yaman H, Kodanli E. The effect of ethanol-gasoline blends on performance and exhaust emissions of a spark ignition engine through exergy analysis. Applied Thermal Engi-neering. 2017;120:433-43.
  • [28] Keskin A, Reşitoğlu İA, Özcanli M. Butanol, Etanol ve Benzin Karışımlarının Buji ile Ateşlemeli Motorlarda Özgül Yakıt Tüketimi ve Emisyona Olan Etkisi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi. 2009;24(1).
  • [29] Kul BS, Ciniviz M. Assessment of waste bread bioethanol-gasoline blends in respect to combustion analysis, engine performance and exhaust emissions of a SI engine. Fuel. 2020;277:118237.
  • [30] Balki MK, Sayin C, Canakci M. The effect of different alcohol fuels on the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a gasoline engine. Fuel. 2014;115:901-6.
  • [31] Göktaş M. Farklı Alkol Yakıt Kullanılan Buji Ateşlemeli Motor-larda Performans, Emisyon Ve Yanma Karakteristiklerindeki Değişimlerin Incelenmesi: Marmara Universitesi (Turkey); 2019.
  • [32] Kul BS, Ciniviz M. An evaluation based on energy and exergy analyses in SI engine fueled with waste bread bioethanol-gasoline blends. Fuel. 2021;286:119375.
  • [33] Topgül T, Yücesu HS, Cinar C, Koca A. The effects of ethanol–unleaded gasoline blends and ignition timing on engine perfor-mance and exhaust emissions. Renewable energy. 2006;31(15):2534-42.
  • [34] Koç M, Sekmen Y, Topgül T, Yücesu HS. The effects of ethanol–unleaded gasoline blends on engine performance and exhaust emis-sions in a spark-ignition engine. Renewable energy. 2009;34(10):2101-6.
  • [35] Yoon S, Ha S, Roh H, Lee C. Effect of bioethanol as an alternative fuel on the emissions reduction characteristics and combustion sta-bility in a spark ignition engine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2009;223(7):941-51.
  • [36] Wang X, Chen Z, Ni J, Liu S, Zhou H. The effects of hydrous ethanol gasoline on combustion and emission characteristics of a port injection gasoline engine. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2015;6:147-54.
  • [37] Kasmuri NH, Kamarudin S, Abdullah SRS, Hasan H, Som AM. Process system engineering aspect of bio-alcohol fuel production from biomass via pyrolysis: An overview. Renewable and Sustain-able Energy Reviews. 2017;79:914-23.
  • [38] Deng X, Chen Z, Wang X, Zhen H, Xie R. Exhaust noise, perfor-mance and emission characteristics of spark ignition engine fuelled with pure gasoline and hydrous ethanol gasoline blends. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2018;12:55-63.
  • [39] Costa RC, Sodré JR. Hydrous ethanol vs. gasoline-ethanol blend: Engine performance and emissions. Fuel. 2010;89(2):287-93.
  • [40] Iodice P, Langella G, Amoresano A. Ethanol in gasoline fuel blends: Effect on fuel consumption and engine out emissions of SI engines in cold operating conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018;130:1081-9.
  • [41] Turner D, Xu H, Cracknell RF, Natarajan V, Chen X. Combustion performance of bio-ethanol at various blend ratios in a gasoline di-rect injection engine. Fuel. 2011;90(5):1999-2006.
  • [42] de Melo TCC, Machado GB, Belchior CR, Colaço MJ, Barros JE, de Oliveira EJ, et al. Hydrous ethanol–gasoline blends–Combustion and emission investigations on a Flex-Fuel engine. Fuel. 2012;97:796-804.
  • [43] Najafi G, Ghobadian B, Tavakoli T, Buttsworth D, Yusaf T, Faizollahnejad M. Performance and exhaust emissions of a gaso-line engine with ethanol blended gasoline fuels using artificial neu-ral network. Applied energy. 2009;86(5):630-9.
  • [44] Schifter I, Diaz L, Rodriguez R, Gómez J, Gonzalez U. Combus-tion and emissions behavior for ethanol–gasoline blends in a single cylinder engine. Fuel. 2011;90(12):3586-92.
  • [45] Keskin A, Gürü M. The effects of ethanol and propanol additions into unleaded gasoline on exhaust and noise emissions of a spark ignition engine. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 2011;33(23):2194-205.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Süleyman Samancı 0000-0002-8343-0035

Murat Ciniviz 0000-0003-3512-6730

Project Number 20201050
Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date June 8, 2022
Acceptance Date November 15, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Samancı, S., & Ciniviz, M. (2022). The Investigation of Bioethanol as a Fuel in an SI Engine with Fuel and Ignition Systems Converted to Electronic Control. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 6(4), 386-397.
AMA Samancı S, Ciniviz M. The Investigation of Bioethanol as a Fuel in an SI Engine with Fuel and Ignition Systems Converted to Electronic Control. IJASTECH. December 2022;6(4):386-397. doi:10.30939/ijastech.1128116
Chicago Samancı, Süleyman, and Murat Ciniviz. “The Investigation of Bioethanol As a Fuel in an SI Engine With Fuel and Ignition Systems Converted to Electronic Control”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 6, no. 4 (December 2022): 386-97. 1128116.
EndNote Samancı S, Ciniviz M (December 1, 2022) The Investigation of Bioethanol as a Fuel in an SI Engine with Fuel and Ignition Systems Converted to Electronic Control. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 6 4 386–397.
IEEE S. Samancı and M. Ciniviz, “The Investigation of Bioethanol as a Fuel in an SI Engine with Fuel and Ignition Systems Converted to Electronic Control”, IJASTECH, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 386–397, 2022, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..1128116.
ISNAD Samancı, Süleyman - Ciniviz, Murat. “The Investigation of Bioethanol As a Fuel in an SI Engine With Fuel and Ignition Systems Converted to Electronic Control”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 6/4 (December 2022), 386-397. 1128116.
JAMA Samancı S, Ciniviz M. The Investigation of Bioethanol as a Fuel in an SI Engine with Fuel and Ignition Systems Converted to Electronic Control. IJASTECH. 2022;6:386–397.
MLA Samancı, Süleyman and Murat Ciniviz. “The Investigation of Bioethanol As a Fuel in an SI Engine With Fuel and Ignition Systems Converted to Electronic Control”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 6, no. 4, 2022, pp. 386-97, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 1128116.
Vancouver Samancı S, Ciniviz M. The Investigation of Bioethanol as a Fuel in an SI Engine with Fuel and Ignition Systems Converted to Electronic Control. IJASTECH. 2022;6(4):386-97.

International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (IJASTECH) is published by Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey
