Research Article
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Investigating the Use of Methane as an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Numerical Approach

Year 2023, , 349 - 359, 31.12.2023


The search for alternative fuels for diesel engines is being explored due to rising oil prices and increasing vehicle emissions. Due to its low cost and properties, natural gas is considered a suitable option for diesel engines. However, the costs required for research and misleading experimental setups can lead to time loss for researchers. Therefore, conducting computer simulations before experiments can reduce costs and provide faster access to desired data. Nonetheless, these simulations need to be compared with real experimental data. Hence, the study consists of two phases. In the first phase of the study, experiments were conducted with diesel fuel. Subsequently, a one-dimensional combustion model was developed in the AVL BOOST program. The established model was validated by comparing it with experimental data. Once the validated model was obtained, performance, emissions, and combustion analyses were carried out by adding different proportions of CH4 (20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%) to diesel fuel using the model in AVL BOOST. As a result of the study, improvements in effective power and effective efficiency were achieved with the addition of varying proportions of CH4 to the engine. Upon examining emitted exhaust emission values, it was observed that NOx emissions increased while CO emissions decreased.


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  • [12] Cubas ALV, Moecke EHS, Ferreira FM, Osório FGS. THC and CO Emissions from Diesel Engines Using Biodiesel Produced from Residual Frying Oil by Non-Thermal Plasma Technology. Processes. 2022;10(8):1663.
  • [13] Wojs MK, Orliński P, Kruczyński SW. Combustion process in dual fuel engine powered by methane and dose of diesel fuel. Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Pojazdów/Politechnika Warszawska. 2016;1/105:61–68.
  • [14] Stravinskas S, Rimkus A, Kriaučiūnas D. Analysis of the Combustion Process of a Compression Ignition Engine Running on Diesel and Natural Gas. Transportation Science and Technology. Springer International Publishing; 2020. pp. 591–600.
  • [15] Papagiannakis RG, Hountalas DT. Combustion and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of a Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine Operated with Pilot Diesel Fuel and Natural Gas. Energy Conversion and Management. 2004;45:2971–2987.
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  • [18] Shi Y, Ge HW, Reitz RD. Computational Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines. London: Springer London; 2011. doi: 10.1007/978-0-85729-619-1.
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  • [20]Badra JA, Khaled F, Tang M, Pei Y, Kodaseval J, Pal P, Mattia B, Aamir F. Engine Combustion System Optimization Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Machine Learning: A Methodological Approach. J Energy Resour Technol. 2021;143(2).
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  • [22] Cerdoun M, Carcasci C, Ghenaiet A. Analysis of unsteady heat transfer of internal combustion engines’ exhaust valves. International Journal of Engine Research. 2019;19(6):613–630.
  • [23]Zapf H. Beitrag zur Untersuchung des Wärmeübergangs während des Ladungswechsels im Viertakt-Dieselmotor. MTZ. 2017;30(12):461–465.
  • [24]Chmela FG, Orthaber GC. Rate of heat release prediction for direct injection diesel engines based on purely mixing controlled combustion. SAE Technical Papers. 1999;108:152–160.
  • [25]Pattas K, Häfner G. Stickoxidbildung bei der ottomotorischen Verbrennung. MOTORMemo. 1973;34(12).
  • [26]Onorati A, Ferrari G, D’Errico G. 1D Unsteady Flows with Chemical Reactions in the Exhaust Duct-System of S.I. Engines: Predictions and Experiments. 2001. doi: 10.4271/2001-01-0939.
  • [27] Sürmen A, Karamangil MA, Arslan R. Motor termodinamiği. Aktüel Yayınları; 2004.
  • [28]Hardenberg HO, Hase FW. An empirical formula for computing the pressure rise delay of a fuel from its cetane number and from the relevant parameters of direct-injection diesel engines. SAE Technical Papers. 1979;1823–1834.
  • [29]Wiebe J. Progress in engine cycle analysis: Combustion rate and cycle processes. Mashgiz, Ural-Siberia Branch; 1962. 271.
  • [30]Ghojel JI. Review of the development and applications of the Wiebe function: A tribute to the contribution of Ivan Wiebe to engine research. International Journal of Engine Research. 2010;11(4):297–312.
  • [31] Henein NA, Bolt A. Ignition Delay in Diesel Engines. SAE Transactions. 1968;76(1):27-49.
  • [32]Boerlage GD, Van Dyck WCD. Causes of Detonation in Petrol and Diesel Engines. Proceedings of the Institution of Automobile Engineers. 1974;28(2):366–409.
  • [33]Ergeneman M, Mutlu M, Kutlar OA, Arslan H. Exhaust Pollutants from Vehicles. Birsen Publishing House; Istanbul; 1998. 1–14.
  • [34]Mansor MRA, Abbood MM, Mohamad TI. The influence of varying hydrogen-methane-diesel mixture ratio on the combustion characteristics and emissions of a direct injection diesel engine. Fuel. 2017;190:281–291.
  • [35] Vávra J, Bortel I, Takáts M, Diviš M. Emissions and performance of diesel natural gas dual-fuel engine operated with stoichiometric mixture. Fuel. 2017;208:722–733.
  • [36] Ergen G. The Effects of Biofuel and Additive Usage on Partial Load Performance and Emission Characteristics in a Dual Fuel Diesel Engine Using Natural Gas. PhD Thesis, Sakarya University; 2011.
  • [37] Carlucci P, Risi AD, Laforgia D, Naccarato F. Experimental investigation and combustion analysis of a direct injection dual-fuel diesel–natural gas engine. Energy. 2008;33(2):256–263
Year 2023, , 349 - 359, 31.12.2023



  • [1] Heywood JB. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals. McGraw-Hill, New York; 1988. p. 46-48, 417-424, 508-512, 547-552.
  • [2] Rodriguez F, Bernard Y, Dornoff J, Mock P. Recommendations for post-Euro 6 standards for light-duty vehicles in the European Union. Communications. 2019;49(30):847102–847129.
  • [3] Guerreiro C. Air quality in Europe - 2018 report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union; 2018.
  • [4] World Health Organization. Ambient air pollution: A global assessment of exposure and burden of disease; 2016.
  • [5] Richards P. Automotive Fuels Reference Book. Warrendale, PA: SAE International; 2014.
  • [6] Papagiannakis RG, Hountalas DT, Rakopoulos CD, Rakopoulos DC. Combustion and Performance Characteristics of a DI Diesel Engine Operating from Low to High Natural Gas Supplement Ratios at Various Operating Conditions. SAE Technical Paper Series. International; 2008. doi: 10.4271/2008-01-1392.
  • [7] Liu J, Yang F, Wang H, Ouyang M, Hao S. Effects of pilot fuel quantity on the emissions characteristics of a CNG/diesel dual fuel engine with optimized pilot injection timing. Appl Energy. 2013;110:201–206. [8] Imran S, Emberson DR, Diez A, Wen DS, Crookes RJ, Korakianitis T. Natural gas fueled compression ignition engine performance and emissions maps with diesel and {RME} pilot fuels. Appl Energy. 2014;124:354–365.
  • [9] Tripathi G, Nag S, Sharma P, Dhar A. Effect of methane supplementation on the performance, vibration, and emissions characteristics of methane-diesel dual fuel engine. Front. Therm. Eng., Sec. Heat Engines. 2023;3.
  • [10] Pesyridis A. Effects of Mechanical Turbo Compounding on a Turbocharged Diesel Engine. March 2013 SAE Technical Papers.
  • [11] Tripathi G, Dhar A. Performance, emissions, and combustion characteristics of methane-diesel dual-fuel engines: A review. Frontiers in Thermal Engineering. 2022;2.
  • [12] Cubas ALV, Moecke EHS, Ferreira FM, Osório FGS. THC and CO Emissions from Diesel Engines Using Biodiesel Produced from Residual Frying Oil by Non-Thermal Plasma Technology. Processes. 2022;10(8):1663.
  • [13] Wojs MK, Orliński P, Kruczyński SW. Combustion process in dual fuel engine powered by methane and dose of diesel fuel. Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Pojazdów/Politechnika Warszawska. 2016;1/105:61–68.
  • [14] Stravinskas S, Rimkus A, Kriaučiūnas D. Analysis of the Combustion Process of a Compression Ignition Engine Running on Diesel and Natural Gas. Transportation Science and Technology. Springer International Publishing; 2020. pp. 591–600.
  • [15] Papagiannakis RG, Hountalas DT. Combustion and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of a Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine Operated with Pilot Diesel Fuel and Natural Gas. Energy Conversion and Management. 2004;45:2971–2987.
  • [16] Nwafor OMI. Effect of Choice of Pilot Fuel on The Performance of Natural Gas in Diesel Engines. Renewable Energy. 2000;21:495–504.
  • [17] Abd-Alla GH, Soliman HA, Badr OA, Abd-Rabbo MF. Effect of Injection Timing on The Performance of a Dual Fuel Engine. Energy Conversion and Management. 2002;43:269-277.
  • [18] Shi Y, Ge HW, Reitz RD. Computational Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines. London: Springer London; 2011. doi: 10.1007/978-0-85729-619-1.
  • [19] Çaylar G. The Effect of Ethanol Addition to Fuel on Engine Emission and Performance in Internal Combustion Engines. Master Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul Technical University; Istanbul, Turkey; 2018.
  • [20]Badra JA, Khaled F, Tang M, Pei Y, Kodaseval J, Pal P, Mattia B, Aamir F. Engine Combustion System Optimization Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Machine Learning: A Methodological Approach. J Energy Resour Technol. 2021;143(2).
  • [21] Woschni G. A Universally Applicable Equation for the Instantaneous Heat Transfer Coefficient in the Internal Combustion Engine. SAE Technical Paper Series. 1967;1.
  • [22] Cerdoun M, Carcasci C, Ghenaiet A. Analysis of unsteady heat transfer of internal combustion engines’ exhaust valves. International Journal of Engine Research. 2019;19(6):613–630.
  • [23]Zapf H. Beitrag zur Untersuchung des Wärmeübergangs während des Ladungswechsels im Viertakt-Dieselmotor. MTZ. 2017;30(12):461–465.
  • [24]Chmela FG, Orthaber GC. Rate of heat release prediction for direct injection diesel engines based on purely mixing controlled combustion. SAE Technical Papers. 1999;108:152–160.
  • [25]Pattas K, Häfner G. Stickoxidbildung bei der ottomotorischen Verbrennung. MOTORMemo. 1973;34(12).
  • [26]Onorati A, Ferrari G, D’Errico G. 1D Unsteady Flows with Chemical Reactions in the Exhaust Duct-System of S.I. Engines: Predictions and Experiments. 2001. doi: 10.4271/2001-01-0939.
  • [27] Sürmen A, Karamangil MA, Arslan R. Motor termodinamiği. Aktüel Yayınları; 2004.
  • [28]Hardenberg HO, Hase FW. An empirical formula for computing the pressure rise delay of a fuel from its cetane number and from the relevant parameters of direct-injection diesel engines. SAE Technical Papers. 1979;1823–1834.
  • [29]Wiebe J. Progress in engine cycle analysis: Combustion rate and cycle processes. Mashgiz, Ural-Siberia Branch; 1962. 271.
  • [30]Ghojel JI. Review of the development and applications of the Wiebe function: A tribute to the contribution of Ivan Wiebe to engine research. International Journal of Engine Research. 2010;11(4):297–312.
  • [31] Henein NA, Bolt A. Ignition Delay in Diesel Engines. SAE Transactions. 1968;76(1):27-49.
  • [32]Boerlage GD, Van Dyck WCD. Causes of Detonation in Petrol and Diesel Engines. Proceedings of the Institution of Automobile Engineers. 1974;28(2):366–409.
  • [33]Ergeneman M, Mutlu M, Kutlar OA, Arslan H. Exhaust Pollutants from Vehicles. Birsen Publishing House; Istanbul; 1998. 1–14.
  • [34]Mansor MRA, Abbood MM, Mohamad TI. The influence of varying hydrogen-methane-diesel mixture ratio on the combustion characteristics and emissions of a direct injection diesel engine. Fuel. 2017;190:281–291.
  • [35] Vávra J, Bortel I, Takáts M, Diviš M. Emissions and performance of diesel natural gas dual-fuel engine operated with stoichiometric mixture. Fuel. 2017;208:722–733.
  • [36] Ergen G. The Effects of Biofuel and Additive Usage on Partial Load Performance and Emission Characteristics in a Dual Fuel Diesel Engine Using Natural Gas. PhD Thesis, Sakarya University; 2011.
  • [37] Carlucci P, Risi AD, Laforgia D, Naccarato F. Experimental investigation and combustion analysis of a direct injection dual-fuel diesel–natural gas engine. Energy. 2008;33(2):256–263
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Internal Combustion Engines, Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Fatih Yaşar 0000-0001-7945-0239

Gökhan Ergen 0000-0003-4243-8409

İdris Cesur 0000-0001-7487-5676

Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date July 27, 2023
Acceptance Date September 8, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yaşar, M. F., Ergen, G., & Cesur, İ. (2023). Investigating the Use of Methane as an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Numerical Approach. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 7(4), 349-359.
AMA Yaşar MF, Ergen G, Cesur İ. Investigating the Use of Methane as an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Numerical Approach. IJASTECH. December 2023;7(4):349-359. doi:10.30939/ijastech.1333612
Chicago Yaşar, Mehmet Fatih, Gökhan Ergen, and İdris Cesur. “Investigating the Use of Methane As an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Numerical Approach”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7, no. 4 (December 2023): 349-59. 1333612.
EndNote Yaşar MF, Ergen G, Cesur İ (December 1, 2023) Investigating the Use of Methane as an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Numerical Approach. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7 4 349–359.
IEEE M. F. Yaşar, G. Ergen, and İ. Cesur, “Investigating the Use of Methane as an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Numerical Approach”, IJASTECH, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 349–359, 2023, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..1333612.
ISNAD Yaşar, Mehmet Fatih et al. “Investigating the Use of Methane As an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Numerical Approach”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7/4 (December 2023), 349-359. 1333612.
JAMA Yaşar MF, Ergen G, Cesur İ. Investigating the Use of Methane as an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Numerical Approach. IJASTECH. 2023;7:349–359.
MLA Yaşar, Mehmet Fatih et al. “Investigating the Use of Methane As an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Numerical Approach”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 7, no. 4, 2023, pp. 349-5, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 1333612.
Vancouver Yaşar MF, Ergen G, Cesur İ. Investigating the Use of Methane as an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Numerical Approach. IJASTECH. 2023;7(4):349-5.

International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (IJASTECH) is published by Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey
