Research Article
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Year 2023, , 285 - 294, 31.12.2023


Project Number



  • [1] Ramnath BV, Alagarraja K, Elanchezhian C. Review on Sand-wich Composite and Their Applications. Materials Today Proceed-ings 2019;16:859–864.
  • [2] Birman V, Kardomateas GA. Review of current trends in re-search and applications of sandwich structures. Composites Part B: Engineering. Elsevier Ltd; 2018;142:221–240.
  • [3] Dayyani I, Shaw AD, Saavedra Flores EI, Friswell MI. The mechanics of composite corrugated structures: A review with appli-cations in morphing aircraft. Composite Structures. 2015;133:358–380.
  • [4] Acanfora V, Sellitto A, Russo A, Zarrelli M, Riccio A. Experi-mental investigation on 3D printed lightweight sandwich structures for energy absorption aerospace applications. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2023;137:108276.
  • [5] Xiong J, Du Y, Mousanezhad D, Eydani Asl M, Norato J, Vaziri A. Sandwich Structures with Prismatic and Foam Cores: A Review. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2019;21(1):1–19.
  • [6] Castanie B, Bouvet C, Ginot M. Review of composite sandwich structure in aeronautic applications. Composites Part C: Open Ac-cess. 2020;1:100004.
  • [7] Onyibo EC, Safaei B. Application of finite element analysis to honeycomb sandwich structures: a review. Reports in Mechanical Engineering. 2022;3(1):283–300.
  • [8] Alphonse M, Bupesh Raja VK, Gopala Krishna V, Kiran RSU, Subbaiah BV, Chandra LVR. Mechanical Behavior of Sandwich Structures with Varying Core Material - A Review. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2021;44:3751–3759.
  • [9] Tarlochan F. Sandwich Structures for Energy Absorption Ap-plications: A Review. Materials. 2021;14:4731. [10] Palomba G, Epasto G, Crupi V. Lightweight sandwich struc-tures for marine applications: a review. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2022;29(26):4839-4864.
  • [11] Zhao Y, Yang Z, Yu T, Xin D. Mechanical Properties and Energy Absorption Capabilities of Aluminium Foam Sandwich Structure Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact. Construction and Building Materials. 2021;273:121996.
  • [12] Wang Y, Yu Y, Wang C, Zhou G, Karamoozian A, Zhao W. On the out-of-plane ballistic performances of hexagonal, reentrant, square, triangular and circular honeycomb panels. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020;173:105402.
  • [13] Jin X, Wang Z, Ning J, Xiao G, Liu E, Shu X. Dynamic Response of Sandwich Structures with Graded Auxetic Honeycomb Cores under Blast Loading. Composites Part B. 2016;106:206–217.
  • [14] Wang Y, Zhao W, Zhou G, Wang C. Analysis and Paramet-ric Optimization of a Novel Sandwich Panel with Double-V Auxe-tic Structure Core under Air Blast Loading. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2018;142:245–254.
  • [15] Taghipoor H, Eyvazian A, Ghiaskar A, Kumar AP, Hamouda AM, Gobbi M. Experimental and numerical study of lattice-core sandwich panels under low-speed impact. Materials Today: Pro-ceedings. 2020;27:1487–1492. [16] Siddique SH, Hazell PJ, Wang H, Escobedo JP, Ameri AAH. Lessons from nature: 3D printed bio-inspired porous structures for impact energy absorption – A review. Additive Manufacturing. 2022;58:103051.
  • [17] Pirouzfar S, Zeinedini A. Effect of geometrical parameters on the flexural properties of sandwich structures with 3D-printed honeycomb core and E-glass/epoxy Face-sheets. Structures. 2021;2724–2738.
  • [18] Najafi M, Ahmadi H, Liaghat GH. Evaluation of the mechan-ical properties of fully integrated 3D printed polymeric sandwich structures with auxetic cores: experimental and numerical assess-ment. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technolo-gy. 2022;4079–4098.
  • [19] Photiou D, Avraam S, Sillani F, Verga F, Jay O, Papadakis L. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of 3D Printed Polymer Tetra-Petal Auxetic Structures under Compression. Applied Scienc-es. 2021;11:10362.
  • [20] Subramaniyan M, Karuppan S, Radhakrishnan K, Rajesh Kumar R, Saravana Kumar K. Investigation of Wear Properties of 3D-Printed PLA Components using Sandwich Structure – A Review. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2022;66:1112–1119.
  • [21] Vyavahare S, Kumar S. Numerical and experimental investi-gation of FDM fabricated re-entrant auxetic structures of ABS and PLA materials under compressive loading. Rapid Prototyping Jour-nal. 2021;27(2):223–244.
  • [22] Zoumaki M, Mansour MT, Tsongas K, Tzetzis D, Mansour G. Mechanical Characterization and Finite Element Analysis of Hierarchical Sandwich Structures with PLA 3D-Printed Core and Composite Maize Starch Biodegradable Skins. Journal of Compo-sites Science. 2022;6(4):118.
  • [23] Choudhry NK, Bankar SR, Panda B, Singh H. Experimental and numerical analysis of the bending behavior of 3D printed mod-ified auxetic sandwich structures. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2022;56:1356-1363.
  • [24] Zeng C, Liu L, Bian W, Leng J, Liu Y. Bending perfor-mance and failure behavior of 3D printed continuous fiber rein-forced composite corrugated sandwich structures with shape memory capability. Composite Structures. 2021;262:113626.
  • [25] An X, Gao Y, Fang J, Sun G, Li Q. Crashworthiness design for foam-filled thin-walled structures with functionally lateral grad-ed thickness sheets. Thin-Walled Structures.2015;91:63–71.
  • [26] Cetin E, Baykasoglu C. Bending Response of Lattice Struc-ture Filled Tubes under Transverse Loading. Hittite Journal of Sci-ence and Engineering. 2022;9(2):151–158.
  • [27] Kocabaş G, Çetin E, Yalççınkaya Senai, Şahin Yusuf. Exper-imental comparison of the energy absorption performance of tradi-tional lattice and novel lattice filled tubes. International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology. 2023;7(3):207-212.
  • [28] Baykasoğlu C, Baykasoğlu A, Cetin E. Multi-objective crash-worthiness optimization of square aluminum tubes with func-tionally graded BCC lattice structure filler. International Journal of Crashwor-thiness. 2023;1–15.
  • [29] Baykasoglu C, Cetin MT. Energy absorption of circular alu-minium tubes with functionally graded thickness under axial impact loading. International Journal of Crashworthiness. 2015;20(1):95–106.
  • [30] Li G, Zhang Z, Sun G, Xu F, Huang X. Crushing analysis and multiobjective optimization for functionally graded foam-filled tubes under multiple load cases. International Journal of Mechani-cal Sciences. 2014;89:439–452.
  • [31] Öztürk İ. Design of multi-cell tailored property columns un-der oblique loading. International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology.2021;5(3);266-270.
  • [32] Gong C, Bai Z, Wang Y, Zhang L. On the crashworthiness performance of novel hierarchical multi-cell tubes under axial load-ing. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2021;206:106599.
  • [33] Acar E, Altin M, Güler MA. Evaluation of various multi-cell design concepts for crashworthiness design of thin-walled alumi-num tubes. Thin-Walled Structures. 2019;142:227–35.
  • [34] Çelik S, Gür Y. 3 boyutlu yazıcı ile üretilen ABS ve karbon fiber takviyeli ABS kompozitlerde üretim parametrelerinin mekanik özel-liklere etkisi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2021;23(1):200–209.

Bending Behavior of 3D Printed Polymeric Sandwich Structures with Various Types of Core Topologies

Year 2023, , 285 - 294, 31.12.2023


In this study, bending performance and energy absorption capabilities of sandwich structures with different types of core topologies. Specifically, four types of core geome-tries including cylindrical, hexagonal, square, and triangular were investigated. Sandwich structures were fabricated using Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printing method using polylactic acid (PLA) and carbon fiber reinforced polylactic acid (CF-PLA). The ma-terial properties of PLA and CF-PLA were determined via tensile test. Three-point bending tests were performed to achieve the energy absorption performance of sandwich struc-tures. The findings of the bending test show that the core topology has a substantial im-pact on sandwich constructions' capacity to absorb energy. Additionally, it has been ob-served that the use of different materials affects the energy absorption capacity of sand-wich structures.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • [1] Ramnath BV, Alagarraja K, Elanchezhian C. Review on Sand-wich Composite and Their Applications. Materials Today Proceed-ings 2019;16:859–864.
  • [2] Birman V, Kardomateas GA. Review of current trends in re-search and applications of sandwich structures. Composites Part B: Engineering. Elsevier Ltd; 2018;142:221–240.
  • [3] Dayyani I, Shaw AD, Saavedra Flores EI, Friswell MI. The mechanics of composite corrugated structures: A review with appli-cations in morphing aircraft. Composite Structures. 2015;133:358–380.
  • [4] Acanfora V, Sellitto A, Russo A, Zarrelli M, Riccio A. Experi-mental investigation on 3D printed lightweight sandwich structures for energy absorption aerospace applications. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2023;137:108276.
  • [5] Xiong J, Du Y, Mousanezhad D, Eydani Asl M, Norato J, Vaziri A. Sandwich Structures with Prismatic and Foam Cores: A Review. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2019;21(1):1–19.
  • [6] Castanie B, Bouvet C, Ginot M. Review of composite sandwich structure in aeronautic applications. Composites Part C: Open Ac-cess. 2020;1:100004.
  • [7] Onyibo EC, Safaei B. Application of finite element analysis to honeycomb sandwich structures: a review. Reports in Mechanical Engineering. 2022;3(1):283–300.
  • [8] Alphonse M, Bupesh Raja VK, Gopala Krishna V, Kiran RSU, Subbaiah BV, Chandra LVR. Mechanical Behavior of Sandwich Structures with Varying Core Material - A Review. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2021;44:3751–3759.
  • [9] Tarlochan F. Sandwich Structures for Energy Absorption Ap-plications: A Review. Materials. 2021;14:4731. [10] Palomba G, Epasto G, Crupi V. Lightweight sandwich struc-tures for marine applications: a review. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2022;29(26):4839-4864.
  • [11] Zhao Y, Yang Z, Yu T, Xin D. Mechanical Properties and Energy Absorption Capabilities of Aluminium Foam Sandwich Structure Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact. Construction and Building Materials. 2021;273:121996.
  • [12] Wang Y, Yu Y, Wang C, Zhou G, Karamoozian A, Zhao W. On the out-of-plane ballistic performances of hexagonal, reentrant, square, triangular and circular honeycomb panels. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020;173:105402.
  • [13] Jin X, Wang Z, Ning J, Xiao G, Liu E, Shu X. Dynamic Response of Sandwich Structures with Graded Auxetic Honeycomb Cores under Blast Loading. Composites Part B. 2016;106:206–217.
  • [14] Wang Y, Zhao W, Zhou G, Wang C. Analysis and Paramet-ric Optimization of a Novel Sandwich Panel with Double-V Auxe-tic Structure Core under Air Blast Loading. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2018;142:245–254.
  • [15] Taghipoor H, Eyvazian A, Ghiaskar A, Kumar AP, Hamouda AM, Gobbi M. Experimental and numerical study of lattice-core sandwich panels under low-speed impact. Materials Today: Pro-ceedings. 2020;27:1487–1492. [16] Siddique SH, Hazell PJ, Wang H, Escobedo JP, Ameri AAH. Lessons from nature: 3D printed bio-inspired porous structures for impact energy absorption – A review. Additive Manufacturing. 2022;58:103051.
  • [17] Pirouzfar S, Zeinedini A. Effect of geometrical parameters on the flexural properties of sandwich structures with 3D-printed honeycomb core and E-glass/epoxy Face-sheets. Structures. 2021;2724–2738.
  • [18] Najafi M, Ahmadi H, Liaghat GH. Evaluation of the mechan-ical properties of fully integrated 3D printed polymeric sandwich structures with auxetic cores: experimental and numerical assess-ment. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technolo-gy. 2022;4079–4098.
  • [19] Photiou D, Avraam S, Sillani F, Verga F, Jay O, Papadakis L. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of 3D Printed Polymer Tetra-Petal Auxetic Structures under Compression. Applied Scienc-es. 2021;11:10362.
  • [20] Subramaniyan M, Karuppan S, Radhakrishnan K, Rajesh Kumar R, Saravana Kumar K. Investigation of Wear Properties of 3D-Printed PLA Components using Sandwich Structure – A Review. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2022;66:1112–1119.
  • [21] Vyavahare S, Kumar S. Numerical and experimental investi-gation of FDM fabricated re-entrant auxetic structures of ABS and PLA materials under compressive loading. Rapid Prototyping Jour-nal. 2021;27(2):223–244.
  • [22] Zoumaki M, Mansour MT, Tsongas K, Tzetzis D, Mansour G. Mechanical Characterization and Finite Element Analysis of Hierarchical Sandwich Structures with PLA 3D-Printed Core and Composite Maize Starch Biodegradable Skins. Journal of Compo-sites Science. 2022;6(4):118.
  • [23] Choudhry NK, Bankar SR, Panda B, Singh H. Experimental and numerical analysis of the bending behavior of 3D printed mod-ified auxetic sandwich structures. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2022;56:1356-1363.
  • [24] Zeng C, Liu L, Bian W, Leng J, Liu Y. Bending perfor-mance and failure behavior of 3D printed continuous fiber rein-forced composite corrugated sandwich structures with shape memory capability. Composite Structures. 2021;262:113626.
  • [25] An X, Gao Y, Fang J, Sun G, Li Q. Crashworthiness design for foam-filled thin-walled structures with functionally lateral grad-ed thickness sheets. Thin-Walled Structures.2015;91:63–71.
  • [26] Cetin E, Baykasoglu C. Bending Response of Lattice Struc-ture Filled Tubes under Transverse Loading. Hittite Journal of Sci-ence and Engineering. 2022;9(2):151–158.
  • [27] Kocabaş G, Çetin E, Yalççınkaya Senai, Şahin Yusuf. Exper-imental comparison of the energy absorption performance of tradi-tional lattice and novel lattice filled tubes. International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology. 2023;7(3):207-212.
  • [28] Baykasoğlu C, Baykasoğlu A, Cetin E. Multi-objective crash-worthiness optimization of square aluminum tubes with func-tionally graded BCC lattice structure filler. International Journal of Crashwor-thiness. 2023;1–15.
  • [29] Baykasoglu C, Cetin MT. Energy absorption of circular alu-minium tubes with functionally graded thickness under axial impact loading. International Journal of Crashworthiness. 2015;20(1):95–106.
  • [30] Li G, Zhang Z, Sun G, Xu F, Huang X. Crushing analysis and multiobjective optimization for functionally graded foam-filled tubes under multiple load cases. International Journal of Mechani-cal Sciences. 2014;89:439–452.
  • [31] Öztürk İ. Design of multi-cell tailored property columns un-der oblique loading. International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology.2021;5(3);266-270.
  • [32] Gong C, Bai Z, Wang Y, Zhang L. On the crashworthiness performance of novel hierarchical multi-cell tubes under axial load-ing. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2021;206:106599.
  • [33] Acar E, Altin M, Güler MA. Evaluation of various multi-cell design concepts for crashworthiness design of thin-walled alumi-num tubes. Thin-Walled Structures. 2019;142:227–35.
  • [34] Çelik S, Gür Y. 3 boyutlu yazıcı ile üretilen ABS ve karbon fiber takviyeli ABS kompozitlerde üretim parametrelerinin mekanik özel-liklere etkisi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2021;23(1):200–209.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Material Production Technologies, Automotive Engineering Materials, Automotive Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Merve Tunay 0009-0007-0900-5720

Mehmet Fatih Bodur 0009-0007-0900-5720

Project Number 1919B012108008
Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date September 14, 2023
Acceptance Date October 26, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Tunay, M., & Bodur, M. F. (2023). Bending Behavior of 3D Printed Polymeric Sandwich Structures with Various Types of Core Topologies. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 7(4), 285-294.
AMA Tunay M, Bodur MF. Bending Behavior of 3D Printed Polymeric Sandwich Structures with Various Types of Core Topologies. IJASTECH. December 2023;7(4):285-294. doi:10.30939/ijastech.1360280
Chicago Tunay, Merve, and Mehmet Fatih Bodur. “Bending Behavior of 3D Printed Polymeric Sandwich Structures With Various Types of Core Topologies”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7, no. 4 (December 2023): 285-94. 1360280.
EndNote Tunay M, Bodur MF (December 1, 2023) Bending Behavior of 3D Printed Polymeric Sandwich Structures with Various Types of Core Topologies. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7 4 285–294.
IEEE M. Tunay and M. F. Bodur, “Bending Behavior of 3D Printed Polymeric Sandwich Structures with Various Types of Core Topologies”, IJASTECH, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 285–294, 2023, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..1360280.
ISNAD Tunay, Merve - Bodur, Mehmet Fatih. “Bending Behavior of 3D Printed Polymeric Sandwich Structures With Various Types of Core Topologies”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7/4 (December 2023), 285-294. 1360280.
JAMA Tunay M, Bodur MF. Bending Behavior of 3D Printed Polymeric Sandwich Structures with Various Types of Core Topologies. IJASTECH. 2023;7:285–294.
MLA Tunay, Merve and Mehmet Fatih Bodur. “Bending Behavior of 3D Printed Polymeric Sandwich Structures With Various Types of Core Topologies”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 7, no. 4, 2023, pp. 285-94, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 1360280.
Vancouver Tunay M, Bodur MF. Bending Behavior of 3D Printed Polymeric Sandwich Structures with Various Types of Core Topologies. IJASTECH. 2023;7(4):285-94.

International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (IJASTECH) is published by Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey
