[1] Bayrakçeken, H., (2002). Motorlu taşıtlarda fren perfor-mans analizi ve geliştirilen test cihazında uygulanması. Gazi University, PhD Thesis, Ankara, Turkey
[2] Reiter, M. And Wagner, J., (2010). Automated automo-tive tire inflation system - effect of tire pressure on vehi-cle handling. 6th IFAC Symposium Advances in Automo-tive Control. 12-14.
[3] Koca, A., (2007). Lastik hava basıncı ve taşıt hızının dinamik yarıçap değişimine etkilerinin deneysel olarak incelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi. Mühendislik ve. Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 22, 305-311
[4] Sina, N., Nasiri, S., Karkhaneh, V., (2015). Effects of resistive loads and tire inflation pressure on tire power losses and CO2 emissions in real-world conditions. Ap-plied Energy, 157, 974-983.
[5] Cuong, D.M., Zhu, S., Zhu, Y., (2013). Effects of tire inflation pressure and forward speed on vibration of an unsuspended tractor. Journal of Terramechanics, 50, 185-198.
[6] Karakuş, M., Çolakoğlu, M. (2008). Araba lastiğinin farklı basınçlar altında 2 ve 3 boyutlu gerilme analizi. Teknoloji, 11, 145-151.
[7] Bayrakçeken H., Girgin Z., Aysal F. E., Babagiray M., (2019) Nonlineer İteratif Regresyon Analizi Kullanılarak Düşük Lastik Şişirme Basıncının Yunuslama Kuvvetine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering, 19, 490-495.
[8] Bayrakçeken, H., Aysal, F.E., Mutlu, İ., (2016). Fren Süspansiyon Test Cihazı Tasarımı ve İmalatı. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering, 16, 454-460
[9] Legendre, A. M., (1805). Nouvelles méthodes pour la détermination des orbites des comètes. F. Didot, 68.
[10] Gauss, C. F., (1809). Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientium, 7, Cambridge University Press, 125-151.
[11] Galton, F., (1877). Typical laws of heredity. Pro-ceedings of the Royal Institution, 8, 282-301.
[12] Pearson, K., (1903). The law of ancestral heredity. Biometrika, 2, 211-228.
[13] Yule, G. U., (1897). On the theory of correlation. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 60, 812-854.
[14] Fisher, R. A., 1922. The goodness of fit of regres-sion formulae, and the distribution of regression coeffi-cients. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 85, 597-612.
[15] Anscombe F. J., 1973, Graphs in Statistical Analy-sis, The American Statistician, 27, 17-21.
The Experimental Investigation and Nonlinear Regression Analysis of the Effect of Tire Inflation Pressure on Pitch Force
In this study, the effect of tire inflation pressure on the vehicle during braking was investigated experimentally. The experimental study was carried out in the Brake-Suspension Test Device designed as a half-vehicle model, which enables vehicle brake tests to be performed in the laboratory. During the tests, a total of nine different tire inflation pressures from 26 psi to 40 psi standard value were taken into consideration. As a result of the experiments carried out separately for each tire inflation pressure, a curve characterizing the effect of different pressure values on the pitching force was obtained. Based on the experimental results, dif-ferent mathematical models suitable for the curve obtained are derived by non-linear curve fitting. For the nonlinear curve fitting process, a hybrid iterative re-gression algorithm obtained by combining classical curve fitting algorithm with Newton-Raphson iteration method was used. It was observed that the correlation coefficients (R2) of the mathematical models obtained provided sufficient sensi-tivity to express the problem under consideration.
[1] Bayrakçeken, H., (2002). Motorlu taşıtlarda fren perfor-mans analizi ve geliştirilen test cihazında uygulanması. Gazi University, PhD Thesis, Ankara, Turkey
[2] Reiter, M. And Wagner, J., (2010). Automated automo-tive tire inflation system - effect of tire pressure on vehi-cle handling. 6th IFAC Symposium Advances in Automo-tive Control. 12-14.
[3] Koca, A., (2007). Lastik hava basıncı ve taşıt hızının dinamik yarıçap değişimine etkilerinin deneysel olarak incelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi. Mühendislik ve. Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 22, 305-311
[4] Sina, N., Nasiri, S., Karkhaneh, V., (2015). Effects of resistive loads and tire inflation pressure on tire power losses and CO2 emissions in real-world conditions. Ap-plied Energy, 157, 974-983.
[5] Cuong, D.M., Zhu, S., Zhu, Y., (2013). Effects of tire inflation pressure and forward speed on vibration of an unsuspended tractor. Journal of Terramechanics, 50, 185-198.
[6] Karakuş, M., Çolakoğlu, M. (2008). Araba lastiğinin farklı basınçlar altında 2 ve 3 boyutlu gerilme analizi. Teknoloji, 11, 145-151.
[7] Bayrakçeken H., Girgin Z., Aysal F. E., Babagiray M., (2019) Nonlineer İteratif Regresyon Analizi Kullanılarak Düşük Lastik Şişirme Basıncının Yunuslama Kuvvetine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering, 19, 490-495.
[8] Bayrakçeken, H., Aysal, F.E., Mutlu, İ., (2016). Fren Süspansiyon Test Cihazı Tasarımı ve İmalatı. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering, 16, 454-460
[9] Legendre, A. M., (1805). Nouvelles méthodes pour la détermination des orbites des comètes. F. Didot, 68.
[10] Gauss, C. F., (1809). Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientium, 7, Cambridge University Press, 125-151.
[11] Galton, F., (1877). Typical laws of heredity. Pro-ceedings of the Royal Institution, 8, 282-301.
[12] Pearson, K., (1903). The law of ancestral heredity. Biometrika, 2, 211-228.
[13] Yule, G. U., (1897). On the theory of correlation. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 60, 812-854.
[14] Fisher, R. A., 1922. The goodness of fit of regres-sion formulae, and the distribution of regression coeffi-cients. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 85, 597-612.
[15] Anscombe F. J., 1973, Graphs in Statistical Analy-sis, The American Statistician, 27, 17-21.
Bayrakçeken, H., Girgin, Z., Aysal, F. E., Babagiray, M. (2021). The Experimental Investigation and Nonlinear Regression Analysis of the Effect of Tire Inflation Pressure on Pitch Force. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 5(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.30939/ijastech..794873
Bayrakçeken H, Girgin Z, Aysal FE, Babagiray M. The Experimental Investigation and Nonlinear Regression Analysis of the Effect of Tire Inflation Pressure on Pitch Force. IJASTECH. March 2021;5(1):1-7. doi:10.30939/ijastech.794873
Bayrakçeken, Hüseyin, Zekeriya Girgin, Faruk Emre Aysal, and Mustafa Babagiray. “The Experimental Investigation and Nonlinear Regression Analysis of the Effect of Tire Inflation Pressure on Pitch Force”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 5, no. 1 (March 2021): 1-7. https://doi.org/10.30939/ijastech. 794873.
Bayrakçeken H, Girgin Z, Aysal FE, Babagiray M (March 1, 2021) The Experimental Investigation and Nonlinear Regression Analysis of the Effect of Tire Inflation Pressure on Pitch Force. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 5 1 1–7.
H. Bayrakçeken, Z. Girgin, F. E. Aysal, and M. Babagiray, “The Experimental Investigation and Nonlinear Regression Analysis of the Effect of Tire Inflation Pressure on Pitch Force”, IJASTECH, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2021, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..794873.
Bayrakçeken, Hüseyin et al. “The Experimental Investigation and Nonlinear Regression Analysis of the Effect of Tire Inflation Pressure on Pitch Force”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 5/1 (March 2021), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.30939/ijastech. 794873.
Bayrakçeken H, Girgin Z, Aysal FE, Babagiray M. The Experimental Investigation and Nonlinear Regression Analysis of the Effect of Tire Inflation Pressure on Pitch Force. IJASTECH. 2021;5:1–7.
Bayrakçeken, Hüseyin et al. “The Experimental Investigation and Nonlinear Regression Analysis of the Effect of Tire Inflation Pressure on Pitch Force”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1-7, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 794873.
Bayrakçeken H, Girgin Z, Aysal FE, Babagiray M. The Experimental Investigation and Nonlinear Regression Analysis of the Effect of Tire Inflation Pressure on Pitch Force. IJASTECH. 2021;5(1):1-7.