[8] Bayrakceken H., Tasgetiren S., Yavuz İ. (2007). Two cases of failure in the power transmission system on vehicles: A universal joint yoke and a drive shaft. Eng Fail Anal, 14, 716-724
[9] Yavuz İ., Bayrakçeken H. (2011). Failure Analysis of A Rear Axle Shaft of An Automobile. Electronic Journal of Vehicle Technologies, 3, 11-19
[11] Barker V. M., Johnson W. S., Adair B. S., Antolovich S. D., Staroselsky A. (2013). Load and temperature interaction modeling of fatigue crack growth in a Ni-base superalloy. International Journal of Fatigue, 52, 95–105.
[12] Liu H., Bao R., Zhang J., Fei B. (2014). A creep–fatigue crack growth model containing temperature and interactive effects. International Journal of Fatigue, 59, 34–42.
[13] Mahobia G.S., Paulose N., Mannan S.L., Sudhakar R.G., Chattopadhyay K., Srinivas N. C. S., Singh V. (2014). Ef-fect of hot corrosion on low cycle fatigue behavior of sup-eralloy IN718. Int. Journal of Fatigue, 59, 272–281.
[14] Li Y.D., Liu C.B., Xu N., Wu X.F., Guo W.M., Shi J.B., (2013). A failure study of the railway rail serviced for heavy cargo trains. Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis, 1, 243–248.
[15] Hormaza W., Mateus L., Maranon A. (2009). Failure anal-ysis of a cylinder sleeve from a turbocharged diesel engine, Engineering Failure Analysis, 16, 1355–1365
[16] Bayrakceken H., Tasgetiren S., Aksoy F. (2007). Failures of single cylinder diesel engines crank shafts, Engineering Failure Analysis, 14, 725–730.
[17] Pantazopoulos G., Vazdirvanidis A., Rikos A., Toulfatzis A. (2014). Analysis of abnormal fatigue failure of forklift forks. Case Studies in Engineering Fail. Analysis, 2, 9–14.
[18] Failure Analysis and Prevention, ASM Hand Book – 4, Volume:11, Chapter 5
[19] Chen B. S., Zhao Y. X., Yang B. (2012). Scale-induced effects on fatigue properties of a cast steel for bogie frames of China railway rolling wagons. Int. Jour. of Fat., 35, 45–55.
[20] Zambrano O. A., Coronado J. J., Rodrı´guez S. A., (2014). Failure analysis of a bridge crane shaft. Case Studies in En-gineering Failure Analysis, 2, 25–32
This study experimentally and theoretically investigated the fracture damage on the distributor gear of a front-wheel drive automobile. The experimental stud-ies initially analyzed the fracture surfaces of the gear in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Subsequently, microstructure analysis and mechanical tests were performed. In the theoretical study, on the other hand, static analyses were performed using the finite element method on the ANSYS software program. Static analyses revealed equivalent stresses on the piece and determined its criti-cal regions. Finally, the theoretical and experimental studies were compared with literature data. As a result, the occurrence of a ductile fracture was observed and it was determined to be the area where the most critical fracture occurred.
[8] Bayrakceken H., Tasgetiren S., Yavuz İ. (2007). Two cases of failure in the power transmission system on vehicles: A universal joint yoke and a drive shaft. Eng Fail Anal, 14, 716-724
[9] Yavuz İ., Bayrakçeken H. (2011). Failure Analysis of A Rear Axle Shaft of An Automobile. Electronic Journal of Vehicle Technologies, 3, 11-19
[11] Barker V. M., Johnson W. S., Adair B. S., Antolovich S. D., Staroselsky A. (2013). Load and temperature interaction modeling of fatigue crack growth in a Ni-base superalloy. International Journal of Fatigue, 52, 95–105.
[12] Liu H., Bao R., Zhang J., Fei B. (2014). A creep–fatigue crack growth model containing temperature and interactive effects. International Journal of Fatigue, 59, 34–42.
[13] Mahobia G.S., Paulose N., Mannan S.L., Sudhakar R.G., Chattopadhyay K., Srinivas N. C. S., Singh V. (2014). Ef-fect of hot corrosion on low cycle fatigue behavior of sup-eralloy IN718. Int. Journal of Fatigue, 59, 272–281.
[14] Li Y.D., Liu C.B., Xu N., Wu X.F., Guo W.M., Shi J.B., (2013). A failure study of the railway rail serviced for heavy cargo trains. Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis, 1, 243–248.
[15] Hormaza W., Mateus L., Maranon A. (2009). Failure anal-ysis of a cylinder sleeve from a turbocharged diesel engine, Engineering Failure Analysis, 16, 1355–1365
[16] Bayrakceken H., Tasgetiren S., Aksoy F. (2007). Failures of single cylinder diesel engines crank shafts, Engineering Failure Analysis, 14, 725–730.
[17] Pantazopoulos G., Vazdirvanidis A., Rikos A., Toulfatzis A. (2014). Analysis of abnormal fatigue failure of forklift forks. Case Studies in Engineering Fail. Analysis, 2, 9–14.
[18] Failure Analysis and Prevention, ASM Hand Book – 4, Volume:11, Chapter 5
[19] Chen B. S., Zhao Y. X., Yang B. (2012). Scale-induced effects on fatigue properties of a cast steel for bogie frames of China railway rolling wagons. Int. Jour. of Fat., 35, 45–55.
[20] Zambrano O. A., Coronado J. J., Rodrı´guez S. A., (2014). Failure analysis of a bridge crane shaft. Case Studies in En-gineering Failure Analysis, 2, 25–32
Yavuz, İ. (2021). Failure Analysis of Distributor Gear. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 5(1), 63-66. https://doi.org/10.30939/ijastech..823415
Yavuz İ. Failure Analysis of Distributor Gear. IJASTECH. March 2021;5(1):63-66. doi:10.30939/ijastech.823415
Yavuz, İbrahim. “Failure Analysis of Distributor Gear”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 5, no. 1 (March 2021): 63-66. https://doi.org/10.30939/ijastech. 823415.
Yavuz İ (March 1, 2021) Failure Analysis of Distributor Gear. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 5 1 63–66.
İ. Yavuz, “Failure Analysis of Distributor Gear”, IJASTECH, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 63–66, 2021, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..823415.
Yavuz, İbrahim. “Failure Analysis of Distributor Gear”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 5/1 (March 2021), 63-66. https://doi.org/10.30939/ijastech. 823415.
Yavuz İ. Failure Analysis of Distributor Gear. IJASTECH. 2021;5:63–66.
Yavuz, İbrahim. “Failure Analysis of Distributor Gear”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, 2021, pp. 63-66, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 823415.
Yavuz İ. Failure Analysis of Distributor Gear. IJASTECH. 2021;5(1):63-6.